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#53458 -Read First- AE questions and answers -FAQ-

Posted by Kontio on 08 January 2008 - 11:54 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

a few more questions and i think i might fully understnad this...

what is the difference between AE and SIM2?

when do the aircraft get added? im guessing when they appeared in real world, but dont know, and how long does the game last?

and how long is a "day"?

Please read the manual/wiki, you can find the link in this thread.

There are currently 2 versions of AE running simultaneously, referred to as sim1 and sim2. You can log in by choosing "management sim" -> login from the menu above. Scroll down for sim2 login.

In sim1, one month in a game equals one day in real time (game month has only 24 days). Sim2 is a test game for new features and it is currently running at 4 times normal so that testing would be faster.

Aircraft gets added (in sim2) when they appeared in real life. There was a list showing the aircraft that will be available, maybe a search could locate it for you.

In the past, a game has usually lasted for about 10 game years.

#52229 Announcing Airline Empires 1946!

Posted by Kontio on 03 December 2007 - 05:55 PM in Announcements

I meant, game year 2008, because in the aircraft section Miller put earlier in this thread, all production ceases in 2008, but I'm wondering what happens after that.

I was talking about game year 2008 as well. It's now game year 1946, so if the game would run until game year 2008 at the present rate it would take about 2 years in real time. But anyway, Miller answered your question about the planes already.

#52226 Announcing Airline Empires 1946!

Posted by Kontio on 03 December 2007 - 04:33 PM in Announcements

So what happens at the end of 2008?

That would be in about 2 years in real time. I hope there will be a reset before the game reaches 2008.

#55576 Sim 1 and 2 Reset this Weekend

Posted by Kontio on 14 May 2008 - 07:39 AM in Announcements

The update will come when it comes, if you want your money back just send a copy of your receipt to miller and he will maybe refund you :sdrool:

This excuse kind of stopped working when Miller asked for donations and got them (at least from me). Obviously work and babies and real life in general are more important than running free of charge online games, and I am certain that Miller is not making money off this game even with donations. However, when you ask for money, even in the form of donations, I think that there is some kind of a moral obligation to at least keep the game running. I don't want my money back, I think that this is a great game, I am grateful to Miller for making this and spending a lot of his time and money. I am just tired of reading the same excuse every time someone dares to ask for something or ask why something did'nt happen when it was supposed to.

#52575 Displaced cities in sim2

Posted by Kontio on 17 December 2007 - 08:40 AM in Bugs

MDW in sim2 is located at 41° 46" North 874° 54" West

I think the longitude should be 87°, not 874°.

#52185 List of Airports Complete!

Posted by Kontio on 02 December 2007 - 04:47 PM in Announcements

Not to ruin this thread, but check out the sim announcements for some major AE changes. Should be exciting.

What, where, when? :sdrool: I notice that login has been closed.

#52898 1$ tickets Are BACK!!

Posted by Kontio on 27 December 2007 - 07:00 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Was the auto price suppose to prevent this?

No. Auto-price helps you if you want to find the price that gives you the best profit. Flying 3 X A380 on ATL-TPA for $1 is not about making money, quite the opposite I believe.

#53102 Marsh Harbor - busiest airport in the game?

Posted by Kontio on 02 January 2008 - 07:41 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

on the longer routes over the larger domestic would be a a300 the smallest would be a319s? should i change that? Flyworld i have played several rounds already and i would like to be assured that my flights are proper and not considered cheating as in alot of cases the fine line of cheating and legit is hard for me to understand in this game. I am greatful for you advice in this matter and i dont want to stray into the cheating zone

I don't think it's cheating. However, if you find an airport that is small in real life but large in the game, you should not build a hub there but report it on the forum, because it is most likely an error in the database. Errors should be fixed, not exploited. This is, after all, a game in development and we are basically playtesting it. Just my 2 cents...

#53107 Marsh Harbor - busiest airport in the game?

Posted by Kontio on 02 January 2008 - 07:54 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

this is actually a tough one because most Carribean airports not matter how small are large tourists hubs.

Some quick googling tells me that MHH is not a huge airport in terms of passenger numbers.


Did you know?
Over 3,788 passengers can travel out of Marsh Harbour Airport every week.
There are 6 airlines operating out of Marsh Harbour Airport.
There are over 75 international flights per week from Marsh Harbour Airport.
The smallest commercial aircraft flying out of Marsh Harbour Airport is a PAG with 8 seats.

In the case of this airport what should i do about my routes?

I'm not the one who makes the rules, but in my opinion you can just keep them unless someone with authority tells you to close them.

#56955 DC-9 performance

Posted by Kontio on 16 August 2008 - 08:23 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Not a case of cares for the rest, I am investing $$$$$ of it into AE, I will in one last ditch try to get the game up and going.

We talk about a lot of things and all for the goodness of the game, if you want more MSN me its there open a lot, but even you have been a little offhanded of late so sorry, but one of us MUST take a lead role and get this game advancing.

If you dont like my to the point reply, sorry, but I am advanced in my last attempt to salvage AE

Taking a lead role and investing money in the game is just great, but while doing this please bear in mind that the big problem with this game has been lack of communication from the developers to the players. "To the point" replies just do not help with keeping the game alive. I do not need to be "in the loop" as I am just a regular player, but I would very much like to hear more about your plans for the future of this game on this forum.

#53079 Ok here's how you fix it....

Posted by Kontio on 01 January 2008 - 08:33 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Damn it. A reset would be really good.

The game (sim1) is usually reset after 10 game years. Sim2 runs faster and I haven't been paying attention how often that is reset.

#53077 Ok here's how you fix it....

Posted by Kontio on 01 January 2008 - 08:29 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)


I think the reaosn is for somethign brought up over the last few threads. AKA airlines not leting new airlines in to routes. AKA putting the A380 on a short haul for $1.

In the real world we have a name for this unfair market strategy and we even have legislation and a court to report it to if they are attempting to create total market control. Maybe we need that.

Check the year...

#58154 Game reset / Bugs, Features, New rule

Posted by Kontio on 02 November 2008 - 01:09 PM in Announcements

In the new rule, what does "build a hub" mean? Does this refer only to using the "Open a New Hub" option in the Gates menu? Can we still have focus cities with any number of gates and flights anywhere in the world at any time in the game as long as we don't "Open a New Hub"? Are the rules enforced by the game, or do we have to remember ourselves not to break the rules?

Is the used aircraft market still useless and are there any plans to fix it?

#52590 Autopricing not giving me best profit

Posted by Kontio on 17 December 2007 - 03:03 PM in Bugs

I'm flying DTW-PIT 5X with a Q400.

Autoprice gives me:
Ticket Price Automatically Set at: $560
Load Factor - %42.65
Projected Revenue - $88,365
Projected Profit - $74,677

Looking for the best profit manually:
Ticket Price: $460
Load Factor - %82.48
Projected Revenue - $140,381
Projected Profit - $126,692

And when I try to "Update route" I get an error message.

#52610 Autopricing not giving me best profit

Posted by Kontio on 17 December 2007 - 09:53 PM in Bugs

Were these auto-updates made when opening the route, or after changing the route?

Mine was when I swapped the route from a Beech to a Q400. I get the feeling that the autopricing does not work when you have "too much" capacity on the route. It leaves the price too high and the load factor too low. If you then lower the frequency, for example, it does a much better job.

EDIT: I used to be the only airline on DTW-ORD, but now there are several competitors. The autoprice function did not work properly in this situation, it left me with a less than 50% loadfactor and I was able to double my profit by setting the price manually.

#53339 Airport Space Limitations

Posted by Kontio on 05 January 2008 - 11:39 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

So you see, there is no minimum runway length per aircraft, but rather a spectrum of limits.


Answer #3, and we're in business, but I've been looking for a long time, and I'm not sure it can be done without shelling out huge amounts of $$$.

That sounds great, the game really needs some kind of limits as to what planes you can fly to what airports. Have you considered a simpler model, in case the realistic model you outlined proves not to be doable? I am thinking something along the lines of restricting the aircraft size and/or possible route length based on the runway length of the airport. That would be relatively simple to program (?) and runway length data is relatively easy to obtain, if not already in the database. Of course it would only be a crude approximation of the real-life situation, but better than the current situation where you can operate long-distance flights with huge aircraft from any airport in the database.

#55740 How do you guys keep track of your air routes..

Posted by Kontio on 29 May 2008 - 06:53 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

How do you continue making sure they make around the same profits everyday.. i only have 3 planes... and it changes all the time!

I don't, really. I sometimes sort the routes by load factor to see if any have dropped significantly for some reason or sort them by profit to look for any anomalies. But I don't have time to track for the small changes that occur all the time due to changes in my routes and my competitors' routes. And why would I want to do that?

#54276 Hacker Alert?

Posted by Kontio on 19 February 2008 - 06:08 PM in Bugs

I saved up to buy an A330-300 and when tried to buy it, but when I clicked on 'Confirm Purchase' it went to a screen that said hacker alert. I don't know what happened or why it did that. Any help?

I wonder what you might find if you searched the forum...

#54286 Hacker Alert?

Posted by Kontio on 19 February 2008 - 07:43 PM in Bugs

Ooooh, ooooh, is it the Karma Sutra?

Well, obviously the Kama Sutra, but one might also find something about the hacker alert.

#53227 AE 1946 Help..

Posted by Kontio on 04 January 2008 - 09:26 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

You have 4 DC-3s and the game is already well underway. You are flying between major airports, but the problem is that so is everybody else! Bigger airlines probably have bigger planes on these routes which means that the prices have gone so low that your DC-3s just are not competetive.

As for short routes making most money, if you think about the DC-3, it is really slow and only has 28 seats. A plane like this is most suitable for short flights with higher frequencies. MDW-IND seems like a good route, the airports have decent passenger numbers and are close together.

#56498 Aircraft missing

Posted by Kontio on 15 July 2008 - 05:27 AM in Bugs

The exact same thing just happened to me. When I received the airplane it was already placed on routes but I was able to close them. Now I've lost the money, the plane, and am stuck with gates I can not return. PLEASE bring back the old used market, even with all the cheating it worked!

#56501 Aircraft missing

Posted by Kontio on 15 July 2008 - 05:54 AM in Bugs

If you bothered to read all the posts about the used market you would realise that it is riddled with bugs.

Don't use it until it's fixed!

I have "bothered" to read the forum, I am not saying that I am exactly surprised that this happened. However, this is a beta game and we are testing it as much as we are playing it, and what gets tested if we just don't try all features after a reset and a possible fix?

What I am saying is PLEASE revert back to the old system, it enabled us to buy and sell used aircraft without (usually) getting screwed.

#52657 Multiple Airlines

Posted by Kontio on 18 December 2007 - 05:22 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I really don't see the point here. So what if my props and regional jets were operated from one account and big jets from another account? I would have to manage them all anyway and it would be inconvenient to switch between accounts. Also, for this to make any sense, the two accounts would have to share the connecting passengers. That sounds like a major change in the game, which would introduce lots of new bugs and take a lot of time until it worked properly. That time would be better spent on developing other aspects of the game.

#55647 Im a hacker?

Posted by Kontio on 18 May 2008 - 03:04 PM in Bugs

When you order multiple aircraft you get a discount. However, when the system checks if you have enough cash for the downpayment, it does not take the discount into account. If you have just enough money to pay the discounted price, but not enough money to pay the full price, you get that message.

You could also try searching the forums...

#56583 Time Suggestion

Posted by Kontio on 18 July 2008 - 07:39 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

What is everyones opinions on this? I would like to see the game play bumped back up to 2:1.

In my opinion 1:1 is fine. I found the faster pace difficult as I was not able to log in every game day. The market will always become saturated, not really a question of how fast the game advances. I don't think bug fixes are delayed by waiting for resets, were there any fixes when Sim2 was just reset? As for progress taking "forever", it may feel like that in the very beginning, but I really did not find that a problem in the past sometimes spending hours every day adjusting routes.