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There have been 74 items by Dohi (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#131719 Air Indonesia - Livery and Logo Request

Posted by Dohi on 04 December 2012 - 07:52 AM in Logo / Livery Requests

Why ?

#131485 Air Indonesia - Livery and Logo Request

Posted by Dohi on 02 December 2012 - 03:51 PM in Logo / Livery Requests

Hi all talented designers,

Is it possible for you to create livery and logo for my fictional Air Indonesia?

Basic colors: Red and White - based on Indonesian national flag.
Template: Maybe Boeing 787 if possible, if not 777 or 767 are ok. If no others, 737 is the last option.
Additional wording on the fuselage such as Indonesian Finest or Air Indonesia.com or some stuff like that is also nice.

I like a contemporary logo. Maybe a font logo with designed handwriting style?
Well you all know best and better.

Hope someone can help me. I wish i have a talent so i can do it myself.

Thanks !

#129764 Big problems with R1 world airline

Posted by Dohi on 07 November 2012 - 01:13 PM in New Players and Questions

1. You do not utilise your aircraft hours fully. Basically you need to fly them more rather than have sit around. You need to fly them close to max 140 hours per aircraft. By doing that, you will get more money - bigger DOP

2. You have more than 1 family aircraft, which by every month you'll be charge multiple maintenance costs, and they are eating away your cash. Try to maintain 1 family in the beginning of the game. So you'll be only charge one time. If you have 3 families like the one you have in R1, you are charged by three different basic maintenance costs

3. Try to avoid Russian aircrafts, they uses much more fuel consumption. Hence your fuel expenses are big.

#128362 A request on increase of passenger demand in Indonesia

Posted by Dohi on 18 October 2012 - 01:58 AM in O1-3 Archive

I completely agree. The pax demand for Indonesia market is wayyyyyyyy too low. CGK is one of the busiest airport in Asia, if not the world, with annual 55-60 million passengers flown both domestic and international. I would say the demand o domestic routes could take up to 70% of total traffic. CGK - DPS, CGK - JOG, CGK - MES, CGK - MKS, these are killers.

Also for international, AE need to sort CGK - SIN, this is one the busiest route in the world. The demand is for this in AE is too low.

#124711 More Realistic Flight Allowances

Posted by Dohi on 31 August 2012 - 07:26 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

This is what Delta Air Lines have, hubs in Tokyo Narita and Amsterdam.

#122583 ASEAN Open Skies 2015

Posted by Dohi on 10 August 2012 - 09:48 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Will this be included in the new world?

#122487 Last years trip all the way from Sweden to Indonesia

Posted by Dohi on 09 August 2012 - 04:28 AM in Trip Reports

Kura-Kura Resort ?? Waaaaa sooooo richhhhhh

#121163 Airline Masing-masing pemain

Posted by Dohi on 26 July 2012 - 04:05 PM in AE Indonesia

Rdelta = China Southern
S3C = Air China

#121139 Bring this forum to life!

Posted by Dohi on 26 July 2012 - 10:36 AM in S3C-1 Archive

This is Air China ... We're gonna rule this world very soon :mafia: ... Join my alliance to enjoy massive boosts ....

#120158 [NEW WORLD OPENING 7/19] Small World Trial

Posted by Dohi on 18 July 2012 - 11:06 AM in New World Requests

Definetely not, Dohi. Dohi, in all due respect, you wouldn't be able to go in there then.

Yuxi, since 50+ years is winning, should we eliminate 2000 from polling?

You're on, Kitty ! Challenge's accepted !

#120046 [NEW WORLD OPENING 7/19] Small World Trial

Posted by Dohi on 17 July 2012 - 02:26 PM in New World Requests

Small world. realistic, and by invitation. Only top players may join :D


Posted by Dohi on 08 July 2012 - 04:46 PM in S1-1 Archive

This game is .... very easy.

I sense that you overthink the whole situation, while in fact, as i have mentioned just now .. this game is super simple and very easy.

Start over your airline, and follow this step-by-step:

1. Choose your base correctly. Do not choose a base that is in the middle of nowhere. Make sure you can afford to fly short-medium aircraft to your destinations and have many options of destinations.

2. Do not jump into overcrowded route (popular routes). Find routes that have no or little competition. This is very important in the beginning of the game, as you need to pile up cash to expand.

3. Start the game with short-medium aircraft range (1800-2500 miles). First year, you may want to keep your fleet in one to four family max. Remember, your aircraft maintenance will be charged by family first, then by the quantity of the aircraft you have. In other words, it doesnt matter that you only have 1 aircraft in each family when you have 4 families. Your charges will be X 4.

4. Utilise your aircraft to the max. 20 hours a day.

5. Do not change the configuration of your aircraft seat. Forget legroom. If you have an A320 with 180 seats .. Hell just cramp it. I have 50 units of 747 flying with 500 seats.

6. Forget IFE ... In the beginning, this will kill your profit

7. But, use profitable IFS (meals, snack, etc). Charge your poor passengers to the max. My IFS is $142 per pax. And it contributes additional 10% of my monthly revenue.

8. Take Bonds. I always take 3-4 bonds each $ 5 million. And use them to LEASE the planes. Do not buy any planes in the beginning. For 5 years, you will only be charged small amount of interests. Hence, after 5 years when your bonds are due, no problem to repay them.
Remember DO NOT let your rating drops to CCC+, then you will be stopped to lease any new planes, until you pay the interests on the following month. Even so, it's ok, the following month after you pay the interests, your credit rating will get better, and you can lease new planes again.

9. Drop your staffs salary to the minimum. The easiest way is pay them 50-60% lower than the market rate. Yes, they'll be pissed, but hey this game is so easy, it wont do any harm to your airline. You can increase the salary slowly after you have gazillions dollar in order to increase your airline reputation.

10. After you have tons of money, start to buy off your lease planes. It will increase the valuation of your airline. And also decrease the monthly lease payment. If you own 100% of your aircraft, your profit will increase further. You also need to buy terminal for your hub, it will save you lots of money. Both measures will increase the valuation and the profit of your airline.

Again, this game is soooooooooo easy. My airlines are always in top 10, one is rank 1 in Rdelta, one is rank 3 in R3.
If you need help on how to overdrive this game. Just let pm me, I'll gladly to help.

#116513 Am I missing a 'trick'?

Posted by Dohi on 22 June 2012 - 04:08 AM in S2-1 Archive

SUD SUD SUD is a monster. I got the strategy already but it's too late to apply for fast expansion. Now stranded at 18th. Apparently this world is not as hard as it's thought. Bonds are very important in the beginning. Just make sure you can pay on the due dates. The rest is quite normal.

#115359 Anybody wanna take KLM in R6 ?

Posted by Dohi on 12 June 2012 - 01:26 PM in R6-2 Archive

ok i will let you know soon.

#115243 Anybody wanna take KLM in R6 ?

Posted by Dohi on 11 June 2012 - 08:02 AM in R6-2 Archive

It's open. KLM at R6 ... rank 9 in the world. I am giving away. Anybody interested please let me know.

#115242 New World: S2 - No Aircraft Leasing Challenge

Posted by Dohi on 11 June 2012 - 08:00 AM in Announcements

i have mentioned it ... there are airlines valued more than 80 million already .... even bonds are taken , but how's that possible to accumulate such wealth in such short time?

#115241 Am I missing a 'trick'?

Posted by Dohi on 11 June 2012 - 07:57 AM in S2-1 Archive

holdd onn ... the rank 1 in S2 is valued around 90 million with only 1 starting plane flying only one route. Ok, this dude might have taken bonds, the max should not be more than 30 million in total ... and now it's only Feb .... thoughts ????

#115002 Siapa mau take over Airlines di R4 dan R6?

Posted by Dohi on 09 June 2012 - 01:39 PM in AE Indonesia

Ada yang mau take over?

R4: Air Deutschland
Terminal: All over Germany
Fleet: 410 aircrafts (mix Boeing, Airbus, MD)
DOP: 56 mill
World Ranking: 13
Cash: 34 Billion
* current year 1997; sebentar lagi masuk era European Open Skies

R6: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Terminals: AMS, LHR, LGW, DUB, CDG, ORY, MAD, BCN, ZRH, FCO, MXP, MAN, MUC, FRA and many more
DOP: 87 mill
World Ranking: 9
Cash: 92 Billion

Kalau ada yang mau, (salah satu atau dua-duanya), pls inform me.

#114523 Lion Air Eye About it fleet

Posted by Dohi on 02 June 2012 - 09:11 AM in AE Indonesia

nah bener kan indonesia mulai dilirik ama new zaeland, masih baru 1 maskapai lho..

Yap isinya pasti Kiwis semua yang mau holiday ke Bali. Kalau dilihat dari sisi NZ, Bali mungkin attractive.
Kalau dilihat dari sisi Indo, NZ is not attractive. NZ bukan pasar populer orang Indonesia. Tapi kalau pun mau buka rute, harusnya ke Christchurch, bukan Auckland atau Wellington. Christchurch sekarang isinya singaporean, chinese, japan and korean yang pada mau camping ke situs Lord of The Rings :)

#114055 Lion Air Eye About it fleet

Posted by Dohi on 28 May 2012 - 05:00 PM in AE Indonesia

New Zealand? saya tdk pegang data tapi saya pastikan NZ bukan target market konsumen Indonesia. Australia yes, SYD and MEL, banyak mahasiswa Indonesia disana. Target yg paling sensible adalah Far East Asia. Flight ke PVG, HKG, ICN, TPE selalu penuh. Demand masih besar. Saya sering pp Shanghai, selalu diatas 85% load factor. Yang agak lega itu SQ, kalau pulang saya biasa minta seat di belakang di deretan tengah 3-4-3, malam2 bisa tidur selonjoran.

Kalau saya jadi JT, pasti rute2 ini yg akan diincar.

#114040 Lion Air Eye About it fleet

Posted by Dohi on 28 May 2012 - 03:15 PM in AE Indonesia

Pengadaan jenis pesawat tertentu pasti ada alasan di baliknya. Kalau saya tebak, 787 dipilih JT karena ada deal special antara mereka dengan Boeing selama ini. Mungkin dari financing nya lebih attractive atau ada discount, ini sangat make sense dan logical kalau dilihat dari segi business.

Kenapa bukan A330 saja yang seat nya lebih banyak? Bukan berarti seat lebih banyak maka lebih baik, musti dilihat lagi load factor nya bisa nutup gak?
Deal value investment nya nutup gak? atau base cost maintenance per hour nya nutup gak? dsb...

Terlepas dari business logic, dan dilihat dari segi kasat mata, airline adalah front terdepan suatu negara di luar negeri. Citra sebuah negara bisa dikategorikan berdasarkan dari jenis pesawatnya (dan juga dari airportnya). Makin kaya negaranya, otomatis makin keren dan canggih pesawatmya. Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Etihad, Cathay itu contohnya. Negara super makmur tidak mungkin kalau pakai pesawat "biasa-biasa". Nah, kalau negara kantong "pas-pasan" kayak Indonesia ini yang nanggung-nanggung. Mau pakai pesawat besar, demand nya ada gak? Kalaupun demand nya ada, duitnya ada gak?

Indonesia dulu pernah jaya tahun 80an. GA dulu hebat, Amsterdam, Munich, Zurich Kloten, Paris itu mah biasa tiap hari ada, terbang dari Halim.
Saya masih ingat waktu masih kecil jaman dulu di TVRI tahun 80an tiap malam sehabis Dunia Dalam Berita pasti ada tayangan jadwal Garuda untuk besok, berderet itu destination worldwide. Yang paling keren ya itu Halim - Biak - Honolulu - Los Angeles. Setelah krismon, habis semua, tinggal kenangan.

Sekarang sudah mulai bangkit, tapi sudah ketinggalan jauh. Mudah2an dengan mulai bangkitnya GA pelan-pelan bisa kembali lagi kayak dulu. Terobosan JT kalau jadi nihh ini 787, akan jadi breakthrough yang sangat bagus buat angkat nama Indonesia.

#114035 Why can't i fly this?

Posted by Dohi on 28 May 2012 - 02:27 PM in R1-1 Archive

very well explained, Brit ! as usual your wisdom commands obedience.

#113991 Lion Air Eye About it fleet

Posted by Dohi on 28 May 2012 - 07:34 AM in AE Indonesia

787 harusnya sih untuk rute cross continent atau minimal untuk medium haul Asia spt HKG, NRT, PEK, PVG atau ke Australia SYD, MEL.
Demand nya besar dari Jakarta, pax nya 787 juga pas, sekitar 230-250 untuk economy. Business bisa sekitar 20-30 pax. Dan juga karena paling ringan bobotnya dibanding 767 atau A330-200, ini akan hemat bahan bakar. Not mentioning software dan hardware nya yg diclaim paling canggih up to date.

Harusnya memang 787 akan jadi terdepan di kelas 200-250 pax untuk penerbangan diatas 3 jam. Jadi saya setuju banget kalau ada 787 wira-wiri di Indonesian airspace and out.

Sudah terlalu lama airline Indonesia memakai aircraft kecil dan nongkrong di airport2 luar negeri. Terakhir ke Bangkok naik Garuda cuma kebagian 737-800. Mendarat di Suvarnabhumi parkir di sebelah SQ 777, MH A330, dan wide body lainnya dari airline luar negeri.
Malu juga lah.

#113793 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by Dohi on 26 May 2012 - 04:37 PM in Real World Aviation

Domestic Indonesia:
Garuda B737-400, B737-800NG
Lion Air B737-900ER
Batavia Air B737-400
Sriwijaya Air B737-400
Air Asia Indonesia A320-200, B737-400


Singapore: Singapore Airlines B777-300, Valu Air A320-200, Jet Star A320-200, Tiger Airways A320-200, Emirates B777-200ER, KLM 747-400, Air France B777-300ER

Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Airlines B737-800NG, Air Asia A320-200

Bangkok: Garuda Indonesia B737-800NG, Singapore Airlines B777-200

Shanghai & Beijing: Singapore Airlines B777-200ER

Sydney: Qantas B767-300ER, Egypt Air A330-300

Melbourne: Singapore Airlines B747-400

#113787 AE Asia

Posted by Dohi on 26 May 2012 - 03:42 PM in AE Worldwide Hangout

Maybe on why and how do Asian carriers are the best in the world compared to Europeans and Americans?

Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Emirates hands down the beat top 3.