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There have been 122 items by oubobcat (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#53568 New Twist, Global Warming

Posted by oubobcat on 12 January 2008 - 05:06 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

considering that this game is supposed to be realistic global warming shouldnt be added. al gore didnt invent the internet....but he did make up global warming. so adding in that type of myth to the game would not be realistic im afraid :)

#53493 Miller & FWA will probably kill me for suggesting this..

Posted by oubobcat on 09 January 2008 - 09:57 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

brilliant. that would definitely help. that way people cant crash routes like ATL-BHM with a380s all the time. that would be a great addition. would that be hard to implement?

#53485 Miller & FWA will probably kill me for suggesting this..

Posted by oubobcat on 09 January 2008 - 07:13 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

id love a system like that. i think there needs to be a bonus for flying regionally. if all you do is long hauls to europe from the us then it takes away from the reality of the game. how many airlines rely solely on their trans atlantic routes? not many. most airlines are regional with a few flights out of the country. i think a regional bonus would go a long way....that said as miller said before there are many other things on the priority list. but thats just my 2 cents...if i could fly regionally and compete with the guys who fly continent to continent id be very very happy though.

#53447 Question to Miller on Sim2 Reset

Posted by oubobcat on 08 January 2008 - 08:33 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

oh and i forgot about the order line. it needs to be no more than 5 aircraft per manufacturer per day but i like only 2 the best. if that would be something you can implement soon please do so miller...the game just moves soooo quickly with airlines able to order 100 airbii, 100 boeings, 100 bombardiers etc.

#53446 Question to Miller on Sim2 Reset

Posted by oubobcat on 08 January 2008 - 08:32 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

i would actually like to have a 30 hour month. that way the date change would move 6 hours each day and be good for some people on certain days, bad on others. but i think it would be more fair. and i think the speed of the game cant be 4X and i even oppose 2X because its just too fast. slowing it down to 30 hours per month would give people more of an opportunity to do stuff with their airlines because so many of us have such busy lives. i quit playing sim2 because i just couldnt sit around all day and wait for every date change 4 times a day. even with 2 id be struggling. i think that moving the date change every day by having a 30 hour month would solve quite a few problems. then i would play sim2 again...but at this point its not worth my time

#52897 1$ tickets Are BACK!!

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 07:00 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

auto price is designed to give the max profit possible. its possible since the route is probably crowded and its a big plane flying short range that it is the most that the plane can actually make. its a way of getting people off the route.

#52893 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 05:56 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

i have found a broker. thank you very much.

#52891 Aircraft for sale: C240, L749, DC3

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 05:27 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

ill take the dc3s and the 749s if you would please

#52886 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 07:45 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

hijack my thread? we have our own ian...jeez

#52884 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 07:43 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

i still havent received any planes. obviously you guys dont have any love for the browns :P come on! i need a broker!

#52882 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 07:22 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

it is unfortunate people think ACE is destructive. ian is no longer in ACE btw. ACE is actually a friendly alliance that works well together and treats others with great respect. we have a jr program just starting for you new guys who would like to know more about the game. you can broker a bit and we will teach you everything. we turned ian from a decent player into a great one and we can you too!

#52880 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 05:28 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

bump. i have a better credit rating than pacific or ian :P. and ill also teach you more about the game too!

#52878 broker needed (dc3s and 749/049s)

Posted by oubobcat on 27 December 2007 - 03:22 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

if anyone is interested in doing a large order of dc3s and doing some lockheed brokering for me i would be much obliged. i will pay your price. let me know. i am clevelandbrownsair and my number is 9690

#52865 50% off of plane of your choice! Merry Christmas!

Posted by oubobcat on 26 December 2007 - 05:04 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

you know what...your giving makes me want to give as well. if you are in sim 2 message me and everyone that does gets a plane half price of your choice. please message me in sim 1 if you are playing it and let me know what you want. i have plenty of cash to spare and am not playing much, only seeing where all the cities are. if anyone from ACE is playing sim 2 (aka aerospace) 10 aircraft at half price come your way when you message me! merry christmas to all sim 2 players! sim 1 on the other hand....i think ill continue to be a grinch and keep my planes :P btw i am clevelandbrownsair and my number is 9690

#52859 50% off of plane of your choice! Merry Christmas!

Posted by oubobcat on 25 December 2007 - 09:31 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

You do not have to give away things in AE for people to LOVE you

Just be like me, they all love me from the abuse and crap I throw at them

Just watch them reply to this reply, that will show you that being an ass earns respect


i will reply...but not with respect because you do not deserve any at all. being a jerk does not earn you respect, rather it makes people despise you. this is obviously confused in your mixed up brain watchdog...and i truly feel sorry for you and hope that you get better....i know how brain diseases are because ive seen many people with them. i am a psychology minor and i deal with stuff like this all the time. the first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem:eureka:

on a side note if its sim 1 ill take a 749 half price. if sim 2 give it to someone who needs it more than i. i am clevelandbrownsair and my number is 9690. thank you and merry christmas

#52851 merry christmas ACE alliance!

Posted by oubobcat on 24 December 2007 - 09:05 PM in Alliances

the ACE alliance has received some early Christmas gifts in the form of 6 new alliance members. some were worried about the strength of the alliance but we would like to announce just one thing to the game


these 6 new members aren't just any members either. currently all 6 are in the top 27 which means that all of the 9 ACE alliance members active for the round are in the top 32. the new alliance members are
City Airways (1)
Skytravel (11)
Starwings Airways (12)
Portuguese World Airlines (14)
Wow Airways (17)
Temasek Airways (27)

ACE alliance will now boast 9 very strong members and will challenge to be the best alliance in the game again. our original 3 are still active and are
Timsher Air (president, 4)
clevelandbrownsair (vice president, 8)
Avant (aerolinas argentinas) (32)

ACE is proud to welcome all of our newcomers and would also like to welcome anyone who would want to be in our jr. program! the alliance will be strong once again! good luck too all, and especially good luck ACE!

#52819 The ACE Jr. Intern Program

Posted by oubobcat on 24 December 2007 - 04:40 AM in Alliances

if you have any questions about it but dont want to visit our forum and publicly tell us youre interested you can also contact me via in game message. i am clevelandbrownsair and my number is 9690. i can answer all of your questions that you would have. we look forward to adding you to our ranks!

#52785 Announcing Airline Empires 1946!

Posted by oubobcat on 22 December 2007 - 10:10 PM in Announcements

Come on man, the guy's asked a reasonable question, you could at least give him a straight answer.

dont you guys know that watchdog has always been a jerk? has nothing better to do in life than to make fun of people that he thinks are less smart than he is on the forums. hes just trying to make himself feel good so dont listen to him. hes just a huge jerk

#52755 DC-3 Sales

Posted by oubobcat on 22 December 2007 - 06:49 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

second ill take the rest or as many as youll give me! thank you so much!

#52749 DC-3 Required

Posted by oubobcat on 22 December 2007 - 05:38 AM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

im sorry that i didnt....i wanted him to know that i was around. nothing against you or anything but ill take all the dc3s i can and i told him to send them to me. i have no beef but whatever

#52732 DC-3 Required

Posted by oubobcat on 21 December 2007 - 04:32 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

hey advance if youd like to sell a few to me i will pay 3 mil a piece for them. i am clevelandbrownsair and am 9690. let me know if you can pick up a few for me too

#52718 List of Airports Complete!

Posted by oubobcat on 20 December 2007 - 08:48 PM in Announcements

add yqm (moncton) to the list of incorrect placement

#52699 List of Airports Complete!

Posted by oubobcat on 19 December 2007 - 07:56 PM in Announcements

well when i have to fly 1/2 freq on a 72 to a place from jfk just to make money.....they are insignificant lol. but like i said it doesnt bother me at all. i like all the new additions

#52697 List of Airports Complete!

Posted by oubobcat on 19 December 2007 - 07:16 PM in Announcements

so how many airports are we eventually going to have? this is amazing now! im so impressed with the new additions (even though some are too small to be significant) this gives smaller airlines a chance to build in small places where they know big airlines wont lurk. the bigger airlines can then build up super hubs at the big airports where there are enough cities around that they can build an empire on short or long routes from their city. my only complaint would be that the game is geared a little more toward flying from large airport to large airport to make money than building up a super hub. maybe if the hub bonus was a bit more it would be better. other than that, great job to both of you and i look forward to even more cities in the game!

#52680 Displaced cities in sim2

Posted by oubobcat on 19 December 2007 - 03:21 AM in Bugs

quebec is wrong too. i dont know where it is but it should be like 400 some miles from jfk but is no within q400 range. i tried other cities around it and its no where near any of them