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There have been 55 items by Syllei'Anor (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#181190 A/T unable to maintain speed

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 21 October 2014 - 09:01 PM in Flight Simulation

no, a tail wind would not do that much, i must have been looking at an incorrect conversion chart but to get 447knots in a 737 you would be pushing it a bit anyway assuming it uses realistic flight data and controls.

#180984 Question

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 19 October 2014 - 07:53 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I would like to know, for AE4, are crashes planned as a feature? As they would be a great reason for airlines to ditch their ancient turboprops.



Turboprops = crashes? 

i think it was the ancient part that meant the crashes given most turboprops will glide safely down rather than crash.

#180983 A/T unable to maintain speed

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 19 October 2014 - 07:50 PM in Flight Simulation

are you seriously trying to fly at 516 knots?

#180981 My "holy s***" moment

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 19 October 2014 - 07:40 PM in Flight Simulation

Took off from orly bound for heathrow in aerosoft a320.

Ascent rate was too high so it locked me in TOGA power, and refused to shut off. I was going to go overspeed and it wouldn't let me turn off auto throttle. I decided to shut off the engines and then turn them back on and reactivate auto throttle.
However my hydraulics went along with my engines and I was stuck in the turn I was making out of orly and I eventually began to descend. I tried to restart my engines and I got all but one button, an APU bleed air switch, working, so my engines wouldn't turn on.

I realized the error at 500 ft and my #2 started spooling out. The hydraulics errors vanished and I pulled up yet I got no response for some reason and I wasn't feeling the power from the engine despite it being running in full throttle.

I smashed into a neighborhood 15 minutes from the airport. I like to plot the coordinates of my flight into google maps and I made a map with it.


 depending on how realistic a flight sim you are using it may have the 10 second delay for the engines to actually produce a noticeable power change to required output after siting on low output levels, this will be why you got no response, as your engines are not actually producing the power needed to lift the planes nose.

#178954 I'm developing an airline management game

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 23 September 2014 - 08:08 PM in Member Projects

i ca help test and give ideas, but given my passt record at programing you probably dont want me to actualy write any of the code.

#177789 My "holy s***" moment

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 07 September 2014 - 07:46 AM in Flight Simulation

Diving in the F14-B when i axidentaly exeded 1.4mach and the right wing broke off, after a few minutes of hight speed spinning i manages to stablist the plane seconds befor the other wing broke off, after that i decided to eject

#176391 Airline Requirements Before International Service Starts

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 22 August 2014 - 09:43 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

the only problem with this idea is that if the world starts before the year 2000 many of the eurpean countries would be imposible to use as starting countrie, as they are just too small to be able to do anything profit wise in, and so large airports like Heathrow would become completly unusable in politicaly restricted worlds, and in non restricted worlds this rule would have no effect, as people could just have lots of different countries preforming domestic flights.


This not too say the idea is stupid or anything, it is just to outline some porblems i see with it, if you can solve these problems i see no reason that it should not make the game worlds it is used on more stratigic, and reduce the unrealistic use of the largest planes by week old airlines flying half way around the world producing 1-2 million dollars per airplane.

#176252 Aircraft Manufacturer Roleplay

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 20 August 2014 - 08:18 AM in Roleplay


(英汉航空工程有限公司, AngloChinese Aerospace Engineering corporation)

ACAEC is proud to anounce the release of the first of its 8xx-x8x series aircraft.


The AH810-181

avarage speed=1793

max seats=220

range min=5,180mi

range max=6,020mi

turn time=50 min

min runway length=7,251ft

fule flow=12,857

engins=2 ACAEC turbo ram X153 jet engins


The new type of engins alows this plane to reach high speeds at good fule efficiency as it is a cross bettween a standard high efficiency turbo-jet, and a top of the range ram-air jet, this alows it to function at speeds of up to mach 2.4 without breaking any fule burn laws that comertial aircrafts must pass, this means that it can reach its destination much faster than its counterpart aircrafts from other manufacturers, also due to the increased efficiency, the same sized fule tanks can get it ferther, but in a bid to inprove the efficiency even ferther the wings are slightly larger, alowing slightly more fule to be stored.

#174841 Design your aircraft

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 01 August 2014 - 06:05 PM in General AE Discussion

i think you may be slightly miss understanding what the sonic boom is, you only incouter is in the plane, and within 1km of the plane, and only when you pass throught mack 1

#174723 Design your aircraft

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 31 July 2014 - 01:55 PM in General AE Discussion

it is imposable to reduce the sonic boom, if you are passing the sound barier you will always get a build up of sound waves as you accellerate towards mack 1, the volume of this barrier is not effected by the speed of accelleration, or how much nois the plane is producing, butmainly by the airpressure around the plane, the lowwer the quieter.

#174701 Design your aircraft

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 31 July 2014 - 06:28 AM in General AE Discussion

How about a triple decker plane. It would probably have six engines and have like 750 seats. I know. I'm crazy.

But how is that any different from when boeing anounced that the 747 would be partialy dubble decked, everyone thought that they were crazy, but look at it now, airbus has built an even bigger truly dubble deker plane.

#174700 whats the best start?

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 31 July 2014 - 06:21 AM in New Players and Questions

but i understand that not everyone is telling his/her secret.

its not so much we are keeping secrets, as we are trying to help the player develop there own playing style, and skill, so that they arent just playing by a set of rules, that once they run out they are stuck.

#174595 whats the best start?

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 30 July 2014 - 07:59 AM in New Players and Questions

one pice of advice i can give is to join a small world whenever a new one starts, they are slightly easyer for new players like us

#174594 Supersonic Planes

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 30 July 2014 - 07:54 AM in Real World Aviation

i am asuming you mean design not build a supersonic jet

#173983 Impossibility

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 24 July 2014 - 10:05 AM in O1-7 Archive

theyare not always bad, i took out the full 3 bonds for 5 mill, and now i am in 11 place, with almost 250 aircrafts 3 years into the game, all wide body jets exeps my 50 or so 737-300s

#173532 Shared controle for medium sised airline

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 20 July 2014 - 08:00 AM in S3B-5 Archive

I am looking for some one who is willing to look after my airline British Airways for a week


#171976 Chinese Airports

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 08 July 2014 - 03:59 PM in Asia

(XNN / ZLXN) Xining - Caojiabao

  • Airport Name:Cao Jia Bao
  • ICAO Code:ZLXN
  • IATA Code XNN
  • Passenger Numbers (Estimated figures are allowed):3,236,417
  • Coordinates:36°31′39″N 102°02′34″E
  • Runway length:12,467
  • Country:China
  • State/Region:QingHai
  • gates:18


This is purly a revision of nubmers after they built a new terminal, aslo if you want a good site for numbers on china´s to 100 airports http://en.wikipedia....inal_statistics

#171410 the years

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 01 July 2014 - 06:37 AM in New Players and Questions

That's implying I'm American :P
On a further note, when has jurrisdiction ever stopped the NSA...

no, i am not implying you are American, just that you are somwhere in the west, as like you say when has duristiction ever stoped them, but i am not in the west, and the Americans trying to get infomation here has failed terribly.

#171409 My "holy s***" moment

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 01 July 2014 - 06:33 AM in Flight Simulation

more recently when trying to land a 777-300 ad heathrow i just came in to land, just fly over the buildings near the end of the runway, and then realised the AI had decided to park a A380 at the end of the runway, i just managed to hop over it.

#171377 the years

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 30 June 2014 - 08:25 PM in New Players and Questions

Basically, Yuxi has a bilateral agreement with the NSA. He lets them lightly monitor AE, and in return they give Yuxi our names, addresses and bank details. While it may not be the best arrangement, I've grown not to mind it.


Ahh, but what about thouse of us that are not in ammerica, or anywhere the NSA can moniter us?

then how dose he get our post code to send us the billions?

#165409 AE China

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 11 March 2014 - 04:20 PM in AE Worldwide Hangout

wo de dien nou bo neng, mei you xie fa, wo zi ji zai zhir shang neng xie, dan shi wo de dien nou mei you xie han zi de neng li

#165288 AE China

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 09 March 2014 - 08:01 PM in AE Worldwide Hangout

Ne hao, wo shi Ying guo ren, dan shi wa zu zai jong guo jio nien ban, dan shi wo de dien nou zhi neng shie ying wen soi yi wo de young pin yin shie.


Wo de han ue ming she Yue Shen Ming,  ne shi Yue Fei de Yue, Sheng dan jie de Sheng, he re yue ming.

#165093 Your Favorite Airplane

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 06 March 2014 - 07:42 PM in Real World Aviation

mine is definatly the A380

#161259 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 14 January 2014 - 11:29 AM in Real World Aviation

i have flown on a large number of different planes, this i just a small chunk of them.











#161257 0ver 3000 aircraft in days.....HOW....??????

Posted by Syllei'Anor on 14 January 2014 - 11:08 AM in General AE Discussion

can you post screen shots of the players airplanes, gates, and tell us the date, then we can help look at the numbers, also helps to know wich world it is.