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There have been 74 items by Dohi (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#104299 Overseas Hub in Realistic Worlds

Posted by Dohi on 05 March 2012 - 10:47 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I would like to make an suggestion to be considered especially for realistic worlds; that is to be able to open overseas hub.

Now we can't set up an overseas hub for connecting flights (unless it's open world). Everytime we try to do this, we'll be prompted that due to political restrictions, you can't set up this route.

My suggestion:
We can open an overseas hub with A LIMIT. it can be only one or two maximum.
or, you can limit the openness only to certain countries only.
For example; in real life, Qantas Australia is able to open a hub in SIN. On daily basis, SIN becomes a connecting point for Qantas' Kangaroo route. (Kangaroo route is a route from London to Australia by flying over Europe to South East Asia and then to Australia).

If not, then there is no way that we can fly from Sydney to western Europe destinations. The farthest that an aircraft's range is only a little bit over 9000 (which is A350-900R).


#104288 Some Growing so Fast

Posted by Dohi on 05 March 2012 - 09:56 AM in R5-2 Archive

Take bonds. I took 10 million. Dont take them in the beginning and mid month, that'a when you need to pay wages and maintenance. Take it on 7-10th or after 17th until end of month. So when interests are charged, no problem to pay.

Then use max 70% to lease A320 or B734, use them on 2-3 citiea in permutation so your gates will be fully utilised. Ofcourse you need to find profitable and empty routes.

Once you hit more than 500k DOP, you can lease more planes, keep an eye your cash balance.

Do this in 5 months your cash would be more than 30 million.

#103798 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 03 March 2012 - 02:46 AM in AE Indonesia

airlines boleh punya luar negeri - tapi yang kontrol orang Indonesia semua - termasuk Air France dan Singapore Airlines di S1 + Japan Airlines dan Qantas di R5 XD ---- sudah buka !!! .... kali ini saya menghindari CGK --- perang2an harga bikin sakit mata. Nanti kita ketemu di SIN - CGK aja, ok?

#103514 KUL - TLV restricted?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 01:18 PM in R3-1 Archive


You have some facts wrong, being a Singaporean, SQ and LY would love to have flights to each countries (I do believe they have a lot of economic cooperation amongst others), but Malaysia and Indonesia just won't allow it. (Therefore, not restricted.)

On Jordan, yes, but that just means TLV-CGK is still restricted >_>

And you are right on the friend. There's a reason why my mother need Israel-only passports.
And you are right on Malaysia. my father's passport writes valid for all countries except for ISRAEL XD

(FYI its Israel, not Isreal >_> )

uney the :awesome: , can you get CGK-TLV to be restricted?

Yes. I mean Indonesian can still enter Israel, providing being a Christian, and enter the state via Jordan. Normally, they go from CGK to Dubai or Doha; then connect to Amman. From Amman, use the land route along the Dead Sea to enter Israeli state. So, no direct flight connection from Indonesia to Israel whatsoever. This means not only CGK, but the whole chunck of airports under Indonesia should be restricted in AE.

#103512 What is the best legroom % ?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 01:10 PM in Rδ-1 Archive

thanks Conor.

now, by the seat arrangement attached, apparently Singapore Airlines is using 30 © and 259 (Y), with no first class (this aircraft is used for Japan routes). that means 289/440 or 65% out of max capacity.

#103502 KUL - TLV restricted?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 11:07 AM in R3-1 Archive

I'm an Indonesian, so i think i can chip in some info. There is no diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Israel. BUT, Indonesian can still enter Israel via Jordan; and requested entry visa into Israel only in Jordan; with conditions the passport holder must not be Moslem by religion. Many Indonesian whom are Christian are doing this when they want to do pilgrimage journey in Israel.

Malaysia, on the other hand, if you are holding Malaysian passport, 100% visa will be rejected whatever the religion is.

Singapore just being pragmatic, yes they can enter Isreal freely; but El Al won't be allowed to fly through Malaysian and Indonesian airspace (maybe shot down???). So to avoid any trouble, Singapore just let the airline to be restricted.

I have a French friend whom live in Dubai telling me that his european friend was banned to return to Dubai after a week trip into Tel Aviv.

#103501 What is the best legroom % ?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 10:26 AM in Rδ-1 Archive

anybody know what is the real life legroom of real airlines? i know Singapore Airlines fly A330-300, i wonder what is the real config for their fleet?

#103496 What is the best legroom % ?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 08:20 AM in Rδ-1 Archive

OMG. that would be ranging from 46% to 54% out of maximum capacity .......
and i thought 70% capacity is enough already ....

well thanks for your info.

#103492 What is the best legroom % ?

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 07:49 AM in Rδ-1 Archive

I've been dying to know what is the best legroom % configuration to get into green level? Is 70% enough? Because below that would be very tough to make money.

For instance A330-300 holds 440 pax. Change it to 70% that would be 308 pax maximum --- 12 (F) 24© 272 (Y). Does this configuration can improve the legroom level? Or should i decrease it even more to 60%, that would too much?

Anyone out there in success to get the best config without sacrificing too much profit?

#103491 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 01 March 2012 - 07:43 AM in AE Indonesia


Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan reputation adalah dengan Legroom improvement. Apakah ada yang sudah ketemu % terbaik untuk mendapatkan legroom masuk level hijau (at least) tapi tidak mengorbankan pax atau profit terlalu besar? Saya sudah coba decrease A330-300 yang asalnya 440 pax full menjadi : 12 (F) 24© 272 (Y) ---- total tinggal 308 pax. Artinya max capacity tinggal 70%. Tapi belum hijoooo juga .... dan daily profit juga amblas karena penumpang makin dikit.

Ada saran atau ada yang sudah berhasil?

#102902 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 24 February 2012 - 04:14 PM in AE Indonesia

ada yang mau nyobain ribetnya ngurus airline di Indonesia.? Dadali Air buka share operation dengan syarat user tidak punya airline di Indonesia :P

BTW, apakah anda kerja di Mandala? Ybs masih hutang refund ticket 700 ribu gara-gara bankrutt .. :D gimana bisa dibantu refund sudah setahun lebih, airline ini pura-pura bego ....

#102901 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 24 February 2012 - 04:12 PM in AE Indonesia

ada yang mau nyobain ribetnya ngurus airline di Indonesia.? Dadali Air buka share operation dengan syarat user tidak punya airline di Indonesia :P

All National Airways sudah cabut dari pasar domestik Indonesia. Tinggal sisa CGK untuk international capital routes; MES untuk ASEAN & China market; DPS untuk AUS&NZ. Domestik dalem? beuhhh tidak menguntungkan, bikin sakit mata lihat profitnya kecil, padahal armada pesawat 737-800NG yang gress.

#102900 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 24 February 2012 - 04:09 PM in AE Indonesia

udah nyoba ngecek di routes management yang khusus departed/arrival dari airport2 itu?
kan kasusnya masih remember, barangkali sebetulnya masih ada aircraft yg terbang ke sana tanpa disadari...
kalo ternyata emang udah clear nggak ada penerbangan ke sana sementara slot masih ada, langsung lapor aja ke developer, pasti nanti ada tanggapan...

Oww sudah boss. Ternyata harus re-sync slot. Gates dan flight siluman sudah tally - zero. Thanks.

#102704 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 22 February 2012 - 04:17 PM in AE Indonesia

Boss, i have a problem.

I have emptied all my flights at KMG and CSX, and intended to return them.
After i closed all flights, it showed that i still used 3 slots --- 47 slots remaining.
That means i still have 3 flights somewhere in my aircraft.

After checking one by one, i cannot find any.
Then i remember that those 3 flights were dutied by my old leased aircrafts that have returned to lessor.

Now i cannot close the gates at all.

Any help or suggestion what to do?

Thanks boss

#102687 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 22 February 2012 - 10:44 AM in AE Indonesia

bukankah 777 membutuhkan runway yang panjang?

hohoho gak masalah 777 hanya mendarat di airport kota-kota besar international sahaja.

#102632 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 21 February 2012 - 04:56 PM in AE Indonesia

melihara 777 sungguh mahal ... tapi sudah terlanjur cinta. in real life, 777 paling enak dinaikin... terutama SQ :D

#102164 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 17 February 2012 - 10:57 AM in AE Indonesia


Jakarta, 25 Jun 1998 - It was early in the morning and the sun had not fully risen yet but there was a lot of commotion going on at Soekarno Hatta International airport last Thursday, precisely at Terminal 2G. As can be seen, there were reporters from local tv news and media gathered to be the first one to see the latest and the most anticipated aircraft in the aviation history to arrive.

Yes. Boeing 737-800NG was here finally. After months of speculations and rumours, finally All National Airways (ANA) had finally secured the deal with Boeing Corp to be the FIRST one to fly this highly sophisticated flying machine in Indonesia, as no other airlines had used this model.

Precisely at 06.22 hours, this sweet machine with registration number PK-RPX touched down at CGK airport east runaway after flying on its maiden delivery voyage from Boeing's headquarters in Seattle, USA. Totalling at 22 hours flight with stop over in Honolulu, Guam, Biak and finally Jakarta.
The excitement became more intense as the bird smoothly glide upon the tarmac and finally taxing towards ANA terminal while the arrival was saluted with double water canon to welcome this addition to ANA fleet.

The 737-800NG is the model to replace the 737-400 and 757-200 series aircraft in airline service; it burns 850 US gallons (3,200 L) of jet fuel per hour, or about 80% of the fuel needed by an 737-400 on a comparable flight. For ANA version, the plane is configured in 6 abreasts for economy class, 2 abreasts for business and first class. The interior will be lit with automated illumation lighting for maximum comfort ambience. All classes will be equipped with the latest ANA World in-flight entertainment system, all will be free of charge to all classes regardless route and distance.

Acccording to the CEO of ANA, Mr. Georgius James, ANA will gradually replace its 400 series armada for regional haul in the next 3 years. Currently, the airline will receive another aircraft in the forthnight, each to be based in Jakarta for South East Asia route and in Denpasar for Australian route, and the airline had already an option to have another 8 units in the next 3 years with purchase options after 5 years.

"We have strucked a good deal with Boeing, and the between us and the aircraft manufacturer had established extremely good partnership since ANA was conceived one and half year ago. As a new airline in Indonesia, it's imperative for us to be cost efficient yet have a very high standard of safety, service and satisfaction to our loyal customers. That's why ANA only have Boeing aircrafts. Our armada will be fully dedicated with Boeing high tech to achieve economies of scale", Georgius James added.

With the arrival of 737-800 NG, aviation enthusiasts can expect the maiden commercial flight from Jakarta to Denpasar on 01 August 1998. Tickets are on-sale at the airline website and the prices will be bidded. The revenue of this maiden flight will be donated to charity.

FLY ANA. We fly. We Inspire.

#102126 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 16 February 2012 - 03:55 PM in AE Indonesia

hmpphhh domestic route sucks

#101997 Bloodbath routes

Posted by Dohi on 14 February 2012 - 10:47 AM in Rδ-1 Archive

Blood bath routes: Jakarta (CGK) - Singapore (SIN) ; Jakarta (CGK) - Bali (DPS) ; Jakarta (CGK) - Surabaya (SUB) ; Jakarta (CGK) - Yogya (JOG). Bloddy hell.

#101996 IFS reputation

Posted by Dohi on 14 February 2012 - 10:43 AM in Rδ-1 Archive

Currently i'm using 5 star IFE (entertainment system) on my every fleet.

But still, i cannot increase the IFS reputation. Maximum level is 50% where the yellow bar cannot change into green.

I suspect this due to my food rating and accesories rating (IFS), as i am still charging passengers to pay.
However, the charge is so minimum, i am losing money on Pax On Board every month.
I am considering this as complimentary, so i am prepared to lose this money.

Stilll, the IFS do not increase.

Do i have to throw everything free with all options available (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) + all the accesories FREE OF CHARGE in order to achieve green level IFS?
This is crazy because if i do that, the deficit per passengers is bigger than the price of the airline ticket on some route.

I'll appreciate if anyone can advise on this. Thanks.

#101951 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 13 February 2012 - 02:49 PM in AE Indonesia

Celebrating our 1st anniversary jubilee, All National Airways will give away exclusive promotion to our valued and loyal passengers whom member of ANA World Flyer.

Fly for two by price for one in the month of September.

Passengers who were born in month of September will also receive complimentary gift upon check in and to receive additional 5% point on the ANA World reward point.

Experience our latest 5 star quality In Flight Entertainment without charge and be inspired in the sky. Ranked at 9th today, we are the fastest growing airline in Indonesia and Asia where the only way is up.

FLY ANA. We fly. We inspire.

#101702 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 10 February 2012 - 10:56 AM in AE Indonesia

Don't match the ticket prices with "reality", match them with other competitors, or adjust them until you have 100% LF if you fly the route by your self.

Maximize your A/Cs daily utilization, reach 20 hours per day if you can. And also maximize your gate utilization, I saw your gates other than CGK and DPS are still low in utilization.

Oh, one more thing, B737 a little bit expensive in term of fuel consumption, I prefer to use A320.

OK siap boss ! My aircraft utilization average rate is 19,XX hours already. Need to let them rest for few hours a day.

Add another 737-400 today. I have leased 4 aircrafts so far. Not so much of Airbus fan. In real life, I prefer to fly with Boeing, especially the new 800 NG series. That would be ANA future fleet will be for domestic market. And Dreamliner 787 for international mid range destinations.
Well, stop dreaming now, ANA is just trying to survive at the moment.

#101680 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 10 February 2012 - 05:12 AM in AE Indonesia

Jakarta CGK.

Profit susah sekali. Padahal harga tiket sudah sekitar harga reality. Operational expenses, maintenance dan salary sangat tinggi yah. Asal bisa untung dikit-dikit aja buat makan sehari-hari.

#101670 Indonesian General Discussion

Posted by Dohi on 10 February 2012 - 02:37 AM in AE Indonesia

Ternyata ada forum Indo di sini *baru tahu*

Permisi, kami airline kecil - ALL NATIONAL AIRLINES (ANA) baru buka. Fleet cuma 3.

Thank you for sharing the sky.