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There have been 100 items by 2ndAcr (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#151745 Why there's weight restricted on some of my routes?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 17 September 2013 - 09:23 AM in R5-5 Archive

 Check the normal range of your plane being used, it usually means you are exceeding it's normal range.

#150759 Staffing Bug?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 03 September 2013 - 07:34 AM in New Players and Questions

 I was being sarcastic................but yes, over staffing in areas and under staffing has been an issue for as long as I have played the game. Just think of the PERSONAL service your passengers get.

#150741 Staffing Bug?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 03 September 2013 - 01:47 AM in New Players and Questions

Been around forever. Gotta remember that pilots and cabin crew only work like 30 hours a month. So you need a ton of them to do anything. LOL

#149563 Gate Hoggers

Posted by 2ndAcr on 16 August 2013 - 02:58 AM in Rδ-4 Archive

Sounds like good planning to me. But then again, I dont like R delta due to 750 airlines, gets crowded enough with 300 flying.

#148900 Used Aircraft Market

Posted by 2ndAcr on 07 August 2013 - 05:08 AM in New Players and Questions

Bin dumps.......you have to watch for them and be fast on the trigger with cash to spare. Mine in R1 is ranked number 4, I bought over 100 planes from the used bin on one swoop.


I will lease when I can, but if I see any plane disappear I will pull the trigger and buy what I want asap.


Value early game is pure cash, so you will flux in rank big time, once you start buying planes and terminals, you will stabilize in rank and actually start the climb.


Don't try to flood 1500 seats on a 2500 pax route, take a chunk of 3-400 and be done with it for now. My rough rule is enough daily profit on the route to cover both gate leases within 3 days time on that route. If you take a smaller bite, you will not be so horribly effected when someone slams a couple thousand seats on it, and they will big time.


Watch the last ranks, see who is going belly up soon, slide onto their routes so when they go belly up, you take over the route. I call that the vulture list.

#148534 R1 DC9 series range change?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 02 August 2013 - 08:31 AM in R1-3 Archive

Okay, thanks for clarification. I like long range birds, but those numbers just did not seem right to me. Went against everything that I have ever read about the Dc9 series. Range was one of their major draw backs.

#148529 R1 DC9 series range change?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 02 August 2013 - 08:06 AM in R1-3 Archive

 Range even on Boeing site is an average of 1600 miles. Even Wiki lists the DC9-10 at 600nm at max takeoff and only 1400 miles with full fuel load out.


I can find not a single site that says any DC9 could do a standard range of 1800+ miles. If there is one, I would love to see it. Take that back, Boeing site says the DC9-20 has a chance to hit that range.


Here are the ranges given on Boeing own site and they are less than the ranges now in game. I just want the ranges correct whichever they are. To me max range is exactly that, max range before you drop from the sky.



#148504 R1 DC9 series range change?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 02 August 2013 - 01:24 AM in R1-3 Archive

 All  this time I have played the DC9-10 had a 900 mile range, now it is listed at 2000 miles standard. All of the DC9 series were in the 1000 mile range gate as standard and now I am seeing a huge range jump. Typo or is this a new calculation?

#148398 What make Route Reputation better than 50% ??

Posted by 2ndAcr on 31 July 2013 - 12:39 PM in New Players and Questions

 You can get a 78% rating by using 18-28 flights on a route (you will be green anyway) using almost any seat config, IFS etc. 21 flights seems to be the best overall.


 Personally think it is borked somehow.

#148373 I need help from Pro-players

Posted by 2ndAcr on 30 July 2013 - 06:34 PM in General AE Discussion

 See your R1 airline gvgch, invite sent if you want some training etc.

#148185 Seats On Market problem

Posted by 2ndAcr on 27 July 2013 - 07:13 PM in O1-4 Archive

 Post a screen shot, sounds like a problem I had long ago that effected any route with a certain airline on it. All routes with this airline you could not see seats on the route at all.

#148090 Bristol Britannia

Posted by 2ndAcr on 26 July 2013 - 02:13 AM in R1-3 Archive

 She is a money making machine.........would prob be a little more realistic if the pax could say "hmmm, should I take 18 hours to fly to Paris on a slow prop or should I jump on that jet and be there in 7 hours". Then you might not see CL44 and such flying into the year 2000.

#148068 Bristol Britannia

Posted by 2ndAcr on 25 July 2013 - 06:36 PM in R1-3 Archive

As one of the few that make the jump, yes it is okay........CL44 is it's sister and much better than the Brit though. I prefer to use the Brit on under 3000 miles routes though. 707 series comes online very soon after the Brit.

#147893 S3-B Double expense bug?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 10:52 PM in S3B-2 Archive

New month and back to normal costs. So basically the oops cost me a billion bucks in profit. Bummer.

#147892 CRJ 200 LR

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 10:51 PM in R4-3 Archive

They updated the data base is only reason I can think of. Changes take effect across all worlds at same time as far as I know.


I know it used to be a never ending a/c.

#147865 best aircraft at 50s to 60s

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 03:16 PM in R1-3 Archive

I would avoid the TU104 like the plague.


Caravelle is okay but jump on the 880 when they arrive, I have used them and made great money with them.

#147864 S3-B Double expense bug?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 03:02 PM in S3B-2 Archive

Must be nice we got whacked, not that it in any way even effected us, just saw it and was like "damn, what happened"

#147862 S3-B Double expense bug?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 02:50 PM in S3B-2 Archive

 We took a double hit last month in aircraft maint, gate lease payments and for aircraft depreciation. This totaled almost 1 bil dollars, that is a huge hit. Anyone else take a hit like this?

Attached Thumbnails

  • S3-B double bug.jpg

#147813 best aircraft at 50s to 60s

Posted by 2ndAcr on 22 July 2013 - 03:08 AM in R1-3 Archive

Depends on what you want, DC7 can reach Europe..........Viscount 810 is best domestic.......................L188 is a good bird too. Same for DC6.


CL44 rules all once avail though, you will see them flying in 1990 from some airlines more than likjely


#147781 Which plane is the best for medium haul routes?

Posted by 2ndAcr on 21 July 2013 - 05:29 PM in New Players and Questions

Over 4000 to 5000 miles use the A330-300 over the 767-300.


 But yes, depends on the years, route size etc. Some routes say DFW-CDG a 747 would be better suited. If the route is empty, use whatever you can on it to make as much as you can before others show up.

#147686 A330-300 VS Airbus A310-300 VS MD-11ER

Posted by 2ndAcr on 20 July 2013 - 05:19 PM in S1-4 Archive

A330-300 over it all the way.................I use the MD11 only for rapid expansion, I will ditch that puppy first chance I get. But also going to depend on your average route sizes, can they support a A330-300? If long haul are under 200Y pax, I would prob find a different bird, A330-3 carries a big load even with leg room.

#147683 Help

Posted by 2ndAcr on 20 July 2013 - 05:10 PM in New Players and Questions

Choose best plane, not longest range.........base at a under 100,000 airport gate cost at start until you know what you are doing. This will keep costs low. Route to under 100,000 gates until you reach the 2 mil a day profit until you know what you are doing. Try to hit routes that your plane can do 21 flights easily and cover the demand. Try to fly non long haul at roughly 1/2 the planes normal range max so a A320 -2 will be about 1300 miles range to max profit potential.


Play with the seat config, avoid all economy as that is what the route spammers use most times and if you fly with F and C class set ups, you will destroy them in any price fight as your F and C will allow you to make a profit.


For example, I would base say St Louis in US and run a route to Memphis, then hit Nashville, then route to FLL, TPA, MSY, MKE, IND. Once I had those basic routes started, and I am getting a decent flow of planes, since I have unused slots at each of those airports, you will start seeing MEM-FLL, MEM-IND, IND-FLL, FLL-MKE and such showing up as I use all slots avail at the airports on my leased gates while I connect my airports and such. I really try to avoid leasing another gate until I have to at game start. Just hit 21 flights on a route (whether you cover demand or not) and move to the next route.


 Until you have a decent grasp, avoid the big airports and the main trunk routes at all costs for example JFK-ORD, JFK-DFW, DFW-LAX and such. Those routes will get hammered more often than not. If you do hit them, slap 21 flights and move on to the next, this will allow you to maintain your ticket price longer without constant price adjusts.


 Oh and remember that each plane type (737, 757, A320) brings a base maint cost with it. Until you got a good grasp avoid having 4 and 5 family types each with a maint hit each month. It can be costly. Avoid bonds until day 6-10.............always do the math before spending cash on hand prior to the 15th and the 24th of the month. it can be rough going until you hit 10 mil a day profit, after that, it is pretty much easy going after that.

#147682 Report your route spammers here, Name them and Shame them

Posted by 2ndAcr on 20 July 2013 - 04:54 PM in New Players and Questions

I will just refer folks to the Wiki tip thread for how to prevent route spammers.


Don't go marching into other people's territories! If you're just starting out, your airline will be pretty small. Don't try competing with people bigger than you. HOWEVER, don't let airlines grow from your hub/HQ. If you notice another airline operating from your focus city, its likely they'll grow from that. Better eliminate them before they get too big and dominate your area <_<


Says it all right there, offer to share the route if they will reduce flights and not exceed demand, if they refuse, well it is fight on time.

#147633 Need Advice for What Planes to Buy

Posted by 2ndAcr on 20 July 2013 - 03:07 AM in New Players and Questions

Trident 3B all the way...........makes money hand over fist and fast. But avoid any route under 1000 miles for max profit potential and hold value for a long time. 200adv for under 1000 miles. DH7 for any route 300 miles and under, not much can match it's fuel flow. Lease the DH7 not buy, depreciation is rough at 20% IIRC. Also Tu114 is a great early long haul that will destroy any jet user on a route if faced with a price war, but watch the runway as it take a long one.


CL44 are super money makers. 200adv is good bird. Late game, CS300 is the greatest of all for out to 1600 miles.


747 is one of the best overall, not much can match it until the A340 series comes online. And even then it will give them a run for their money. Not much can beat a 747-8i late game though there are a few that come really close.

#147203 Israel vs. Palestine

Posted by 2ndAcr on 15 July 2013 - 10:38 AM in Current Affairs

 What part of "leave quick" did you miss? As in leave, get out of the way, move, abandon ship. I said rolling barrage, not mass time on target which would be 1000X more devastating and much more effective militarily. Artillery lands in the east, head west fast.


How many civilians have been killed in war in history? They far outnumber the actual military deaths. But I was actually referring to not playing by the rules. Once they get tossed, feel free to do unto them. They target civilians, feel free to shoot every person you see with a gun, they toss the gun down, shoot them anyway (prisoners are optional), bad guys get wounded, sucks to be them.


 I never stated targeting civilians, though it is implied. How did we win WW2 again? By both defeating the enemy militarily and also beating the civilian population down to a level of "we are tired, please stop".


It is hard to convey the meaning to folks who have never been in combat, of the knowledge that if you are captured, you stand a extremely good chance of getting gutted like a pig on CNN or Al Jazerra, yet the same enemy get 3 meals and a cot, medical care (better than they would get if not captured) and all the good parts. Add to that the "enter true civilian home, threaten civilians, shoot at us from said home, threaten civilian again, run away, we enter and make life hell for said civilian" frustrations. The "when are you going to do so and so for us" except they refuse to do for themselves. The frustration of giving a town electrical power and actual clean water 1 week only to have all the material used for those purposes stolen by the same people while they hold their hand out again. Being denied all the means for us to actually defeating the enemy for fear that we will somehow make someone mad or hurt a civilian so we instead place my fellow troops in greater danger. In Iraq, we were denied supporting fires of any kind in urban areas, no artillery, no air support. We ran patrols down roads and ate IED's all the while the civilians who want something stand by and watch while we hit those IED's. They know they are there. So in my eyes they are just as guilty. The entire 18 months I spent in Iraq, my biggest fear was going to jail because of some stupid civilian over there. That was my stress load. Not of getting shot, wounded, blown up, I was/am a combat soldier that is my job. The best fun I had the whole time was denying military protection to the Red Cross and reporters. They had to take their chances all alone on the roads at the mercy of the very people they cry and moan over. And if they get into trouble they get to call the Iraqi police, we are not coming to help.


 I am a firm believer in not risking a single soldier when firepower can do the job.