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There have been 99 items by zelalemon (Search limited from 19-June 23)

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#257673 AE on mobile phone, whats your thoughts on it?

Posted by zelalemon on 19 December 2017 - 03:17 PM in General AE Discussion

Rememer, Hong Kong kids have been proven with evidence to be the third smartest in the world.
*reaches for the air sickness bag*

Read this post, thought of this:

SkiBs - Hong Kong Kids (Official Music Video) (RE-UPLOAD)



#257615 Opinion 787 or A350

Posted by zelalemon on 19 December 2017 - 01:21 AM in General AE Discussion

My spamline Flubi Express flies JFK-BKK with 744-ERs...

Aircraft ranges in AE are incredibly inflated.


This thread seems like it belongs in a different forum, since up until this comment, it had nothing to do with AE.

#257429 Malvertising

Posted by zelalemon on 17 December 2017 - 03:37 AM in General AE Discussion

1.) They issue them to everyone. We keep them.
2.) My point.
3.) I don’t have a virus, it’s a scam. The virus downloads redirected to a new website first which said something about winning a reward.

that task manager window looks like perhaps you do have a virus

#251662 What is your favorite aircraft based on aesthetics alone?

Posted by zelalemon on 13 November 2017 - 09:42 PM in Real World Aviation

The A346 is a beauty to me.

#251591 Is this considered a spamliner?

Posted by zelalemon on 13 November 2017 - 03:49 PM in General AE Discussion

Show the routes... 

747 and other long range planes are a lot of time in the air. and have sense because operating costs. SOme airlines have flights in the midnight to land starting next morning. Using a 20h aircraft is not for worry  i do.

look this real  "SPAMLINING" of American Airlines in 2000   Atlanta to Dallas: more than 50 flights at week.



if you did 50 weekly flights in AE with those same planes, you would probably not fill demand. 


Posted by zelalemon on 12 November 2017 - 11:58 PM in General AE Discussion

Dear Candy


My best advice is to make a smurf (brand new) account and not post on forums at all. Stay invisible and enjoy using your imagination in crafting your ideal airline. It's getting rather obvious at this point that you don't fit in well with the community therefore people really dislike you. Just enjoy the game as it is.

#250805 How can I make special liveries?

Posted by zelalemon on 09 November 2017 - 08:18 PM in General AE Discussion

i chuckled

#250762 > : ( )

Posted by zelalemon on 09 November 2017 - 03:54 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Idk what's worse, 12 year olds being immature or 20+ year olds trolling them. sigh.

a preteen pretending to be a commercial pilot imo

#250688 AE4?

Posted by zelalemon on 09 November 2017 - 05:56 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I hope ur parents disown u....

if his parents disown him, he could most likely function on his own, something not possible when 12

#250687 > : ( )

Posted by zelalemon on 09 November 2017 - 05:55 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

nincompoop , dude ! *nick28t accent*

#250686 Seat Config Calculator

Posted by zelalemon on 09 November 2017 - 05:53 AM in General AE Discussion

I'm confused. Why would you want less than 100% of the maximum seats?

to better emulate real life, and to (ever so slightly) improve your route reputation.

#250563 Bonds

Posted by zelalemon on 08 November 2017 - 08:47 PM in General AE Discussion

Are bonds ever useful? I'm tempted to use one but I don't know whether it would be actually useful in the long term.

#250066 Query about in-game Alliances

Posted by zelalemon on 05 November 2017 - 05:57 PM in General AE Discussion

You receive connecting passengers at alliance member's hubs as if it is your own hub.

#249993 Capping available weekly hours at 80

Posted by zelalemon on 04 November 2017 - 11:20 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

The 2016 maximum was more than 13 block hours per day, so it would be unreasonable to set the limit below that in my opinion. That'd be about 90-95 hours per week. 

#249929 Small vs large airliners

Posted by zelalemon on 04 November 2017 - 06:14 AM in General AE Discussion

Would it be more profitable in-game to fill the same number on a short-haul high capacity flight using say 100 frequencies on a 737 or 30 frequencies on a 777? Which would you guys prefer to use?

I would imagine using large aircraft would save a bit more money, especially throwing in wage and turnaround related costs but why is it that real airlines are moving away from the large airliners? Is it to spread out the risks more or give the airlines more flexibility?

The reason why real airlines prefer to reduce size rather than frequency on short haul routes is that business travelers on these routes like to have a high amount of flexibility with scheduling. 10 daily flights gives you many more options than 4. 

#249895 Why The Concord is the Best Regional Aircraft.

Posted by zelalemon on 03 November 2017 - 09:35 PM in General AE Discussion

Reasons Concorde is NOT a good regional airliner:

1.) Noise (Very noisy turbojets with afterburners for takeoff), banned from many airports at night for noise abatement reasons.
2.) Takeoff Run:
Concorde: 11,800ft at MTOW, SL, and ISA.
A320: 6,900ft at MTOW, SL, and ISA.
3.) Fuel Consumption (Longer route: lower impact from takeoff fuel consumption):
Concorde: 46.85lb/mi (standard mile) on Max Range (3900nmi (nautical mile ~=1.15 standard mile)) with 100 seats.
A320: 10.3lb/mi on 2151nmi with 150 seats.
4.) Crew:
Concorde: 2 Pilots + Flight Engineer.
A320: 2 Pilots.
5.) Passengers:
Concorde: 100 (All Economy High Density).
A320: 150 (2 Class), 180 (All Economy), 189 (All Economy High Density).
6.) Fuel Carriage: LOADS (It uses it to trim the aircraft because of the lack of a movable tail).
7.) Maintenance:
Concorde: Old-fashioned trial and error.
A320: Computer-aided troubleshooting.
8.) Supersonic: Only allowed over open ocean due to sonic boom concerns.
9.) Cockpit:
Concorde: Analogue, outdated, lacks modern navigation technology.
A320: Cutting-edge short-range computerised cockpit technologies.
10.) Range (Low in regional airliners to keep weight down):
Concorde: 3,900nmi.
A320: 3,300nmi.
I know the A320 isn't regional either but, for the benefits of the range similarity and the large amount of available data, I chose to use it for comparison purposes.

oh my god he was obviously joking

#249882 Why The Concord is the Best Regional Aircraft.

Posted by zelalemon on 03 November 2017 - 06:05 PM in General AE Discussion

incredibly low turn times (like 3 minutes)

#249675 Route question

Posted by zelalemon on 01 November 2017 - 07:45 PM in New Players and Questions

well, you will use more gates, i preffer a more realistic simulation, Are there a huge air shuttle with a A320 in the reality?

for A320 you will need 215.59 flights.     215.59 / 7 = 30.7  dialy flights 

NY-Boston has pretty similar frequencies, I believe, using that size aircraft or smaller


Edit: Did a bit of research and found that between London and Dublin, there are more than 600 weekly flights with no aircraft larger than an A320


#249547 Route question

Posted by zelalemon on 31 October 2017 - 04:01 PM in New Players and Questions

Multiple A320s

#249417 Average Daily Utilization-140 hours availability

Posted by zelalemon on 30 October 2017 - 02:50 PM in General AE Discussion

Ok so lets see if this is correct. Is the 140 hours based on 20 hour days? So hours available would be divided by 7 and the number would be how many hours your plane is idle in a 20 hour period? So if your setting at 19.2 Average daily utilization your basically running your planes at max? What ADU do you need to start positively effecting your route reputation? Or am i completely wrong here?

19.2 is basically running your planes at max, yes, but i believe it is still based on 24 hour days, just 4 hours a day are unavailable for maintenance purposes. I don't know how low your util has to be before it starts really affecting your route reputation. 

#249336 AE Development thread

Posted by zelalemon on 29 October 2017 - 06:24 PM in General AE Discussion


This is not the suggestions and feature requests subforum.

#249274 Is this way too far?

Posted by zelalemon on 28 October 2017 - 11:45 PM in General AE Discussion

Exploit is strictly forbidden in this game so..... yeah he broke the game rules.

The full wording is "Any player who finds an exploit in the game (e.g. the ability to hack in values outside the normal game interface) is obligated to report it, either by contacting an administrator or posting in the bug tracker. Anyone who uses this kind of exploit (publicly posted or not) to gain an unfair advantage or circumvent restrictions will be treated as a cheater and penalized accordingly. Penalties include deletion of the offending airline, suspension of the player account, and so on." 
What unfair advantage does this give? What restrictions does this circumvent? It's like building in a shortcut into a multiplayer racing game and then telling everyone not to use the shortcut. 

#248835 I still don't get political restrictions.

Posted by zelalemon on 22 October 2017 - 10:49 PM in General AE Discussion

LGA has a 1,500 statue mile restriction on its perimeter except for certain routes, like LGA to DEN for United. 

In airline empires, there are no exceptions, and in real life, denver is the only exception (except on saturdays, when the restriction doesn't exist for some reason)

#248553 Options for Q400 like aircraft in the 90's.

Posted by zelalemon on 19 October 2017 - 12:44 AM in General AE Discussion

An ATR-72-200 would be around the same size, albeit slower. Another option would be a BAE Systems ATP. If you don't mind a little smaller, you could use a Fokker F-50 or a Q300.

#248532 Don't think this guy realizes that the airline is actually called "Al...

Posted by zelalemon on 18 October 2017 - 08:31 PM in General AE Discussion

your member title is very applicable here

this was the best joke ive ever made and no one even noticed it