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There have been 41 items by Issac1709 (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#178543 Replacement for 727-100

Posted by Issac1709 on 19 September 2014 - 10:10 AM in New Players and Questions

because you can if u took a calculator and then add all the flight hours together then you will see why

#178458 I'm developing an airline management game

Posted by Issac1709 on 17 September 2014 - 04:12 PM in Member Projects

sorry kind of messed up the quotes...

#178457 I'm developing an airline management game

Posted by Issac1709 on 17 September 2014 - 04:11 PM in Member Projects

It's not really completed, no, but I wasn't planning on adding even more cities. If so, I would probably have to add another level of airports, so the map wouldn't get too crowded with airports. (Right now, only the biggest countries with airports are shown when zoomed out, and the smaller ones will appear once you zoom in). I could then possibly add another level, with even smaller airports.


And to be honest, I was only planning on adding maximum one airport for each country.


What do you mean by real planes or imaginary planes?


The game starts at the current date (17.09.2014 right now) :)


Oh ok, i was hoping for historical planes, and when i mean real planes or imaginary planes i menat that will you be using A320's or something that is completely made up

#178453 New calculation method of scrap value

Posted by Issac1709 on 17 September 2014 - 03:15 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Yep, scrap is always too cheap, the only reason I would scrap a plane is that it is something like 15-20 years old. Yuxi i am waiting on the like button planned for AE4 :giggle: ...

#178440 I'm developing an airline management game

Posted by Issac1709 on 17 September 2014 - 11:36 AM in Member Projects

i would assume that your game is not completed yet as it is seriously lacking in cities, but a few questions, are you going to be putting real planes or imaginary planes? I see 2014 in the date, so when does the game start?

#178433 I'm developing an airline management game

Posted by Issac1709 on 17 September 2014 - 09:18 AM in Member Projects

Hi! I am a huge airline management game fan from Norway. A while ago i started developing my own game. It's pretty unlike online slow-played games like this one; mine is more dynamic, and everything happens without any pauses. I guess you could call it an arcade airline management game :)


So, why am I here? Mainly because I'd like input on my game. Ideas. What would you like to see in such a game? The game is based on a world map, with lines symbolizing your routes, and actual plane sprites moving across the map. Of course in a much higher tempo than what would be realistic.


I'll maybe provide you with some screenshots soon, if you are interested :)

I'm really enjoying the development.

I dont think you are allowed to advertise other games here but it sounds fun, can i have some screen shots please?

#178304 Why are no planes delivered on 24th of the month?

Posted by Issac1709 on 14 September 2014 - 01:28 PM in New Players and Questions


#178302 Improved US Open Skies

Posted by Issac1709 on 14 September 2014 - 01:28 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Agreed, and you should have made a poll. Like button for AE4?

#178208 Money

Posted by Issac1709 on 13 September 2014 - 05:15 AM in R0-4 Archive

Wait for 20 min to pass and look again?

#178207 Payware

Posted by Issac1709 on 13 September 2014 - 04:06 AM in Flight Simulation

There is a lot of good free ware out there, check out DerTebbers FSX Mod spotlights

#178136 Livery request (i-air)

Posted by Issac1709 on 12 September 2014 - 10:48 AM in Logo / Livery Requests

We would like a new livery similar to the one we have now, however I would like it for the A320 and also a lighter blue

#177927 "Yes" to Airbus deal

Posted by Issac1709 on 09 September 2014 - 04:41 AM in Announcements

This should be posted in press releases

#177866 Do you want a region-specific world?

Posted by Issac1709 on 08 September 2014 - 12:00 PM in New World Requests

But 100 airlines max, or even 50. And earlier date to reduce the competition

#177862 russians are illegal

Posted by Issac1709 on 08 September 2014 - 11:02 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

How about a new world that is for experienced players/ those who like realism

#177659 Aircraft at the used aircraft market at the beginning

Posted by Issac1709 on 06 September 2014 - 02:19 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Planes are put on to stimulate interest. The problem is, spamlines will trawl the market, taking the good ones. I'm told if you refresh your browser the second it hits a new month, there's a few good buys. Unfortunately, these can be gone in under a minute.

So i have to be awake 24/7 waiting for it to hit a new month to get cheap planes?

#177653 HQ Airline limit per country

Posted by Issac1709 on 06 September 2014 - 01:05 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I am against any game mechanics that favors players who have unlimited time to keep on clicking / refreshing their webpages for new world resets or other resource availabilities.

I am also against imposing any limits that do not exist in real world as a hasty and error prone solution to a more complicated problem..

I support you on this, this game need a like button