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**OLT@22.Hrvatska**'s Content

There have been 50 items by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#151692 What Would You Do With $2,000,000 and Unlimited Slots?

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 15 September 2013 - 11:32 PM in What I Would Do Is...

If I had the money, I would spend it on a nice house, car, life and create an airline on this fine website.

#172213 if you owned air koyro.....

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 10 July 2014 - 01:23 AM in What I Would Do Is...

I'd probably get set shot by the government for owning something.

#172214 if you owned air koyro.....

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 10 July 2014 - 01:23 AM in What I Would Do Is...

I'd probably get set shot by the government for owning something.

#159742 Your View On "The United States Of America"

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 31 December 2013 - 01:20 AM in Current Affairs

America is a country misrepresented. Yes our government is horrible, It wasn't meant to be the best but not the worst either. It was meant to provide each person freedom and to make sure nobody ever can take it away from us. In the past few decades we were blinded of our goal to remain free by tragic events like 9-11. With recent revelations like the NSA scandal, I believe the country is in the beginning stages of a revolution, by people opening their eyes and remembering their goals of freedom. The people are just like any other country, some poor, some rich, but national pride runs high. We love our country, our flag, and our people. As a future soldier, I love my country.

#160926 Why is my a340-200 more fuel efficient than 777-200er?

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 11 January 2014 - 11:30 PM in General AE Discussion

I've always liked the A340 for that reason. But I believe that the maintenance costs are considerably higher then the 777

#161323 Why is my a340-200 more fuel efficient than 777-200er?

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 14 January 2014 - 11:56 PM in General AE Discussion

The game can not always be !00% accurate. Just go with it.

#154934 NSA (America) Spying Scandal

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 06 November 2013 - 05:34 AM in Current Affairs

And people didn't expect to be spied on by the US?? Just wait till the news of other countries spying comes out...

#148853 Used Aircraft Market

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 06 August 2013 - 05:59 PM in New Players and Questions

It's probably everyone getting rid of their idle aircraft that they ordered but decided that its not worth setting up new routes with because of the little time left.

#148857 Used Aircraft Market

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 06 August 2013 - 06:39 PM in New Players and Questions

I actually managed an airline that's in the top 10 in that world, it's not that hard. All you need is a few tricks and routes that get high profit..

#150391 Summer Olympics 2020!!!!!!!!

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 29 August 2013 - 03:07 AM in Current Affairs

Spain is going through a financial crisis and the recent demonstrations and mishandling of the police force is really diminishing Istanbul's hopes. It's most likely going to be Tokyo.

#148929 787 VS A350

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 07 August 2013 - 02:51 PM in Real World Aviation

Well the A350 is definitely more efficient and faster than the 787, but the maintenance cost are considerably higher then the 787. I still order both to get by the delivery restrictions, especially when expanding quickly.

#148720 Competition

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 04 August 2013 - 11:51 PM in New Players and Questions

All you need is to keep the price lower than your competitor(s). It's hard and pointless to to get 100% market share because you'd just be losing profit. I always prefer to have at least 50%-60% on a route with one competitor.

#148785 Competition

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 05 August 2013 - 05:06 PM in New Players and Questions

Looking at your airline, you have a lot of aircraft from different families, which causes the maintenance cost to go up. Try to stick with only a few families until you need to quickly expand and/or you're ready to commit to a new family, for example: placing large orders(20+). As for expansion, always try to have a steady flow of aircraft coming in, either brand new or used. I prefer to buy/lease used aircraft younger than 10 years and know with what aircraft I'm going to replace it with when the time comes. Just make sure you don't have too much aircraft sitting idle.

#152249 How much money do you make?

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 27 September 2013 - 09:22 PM in R6-5 Archive

I once got up to a DOP of 400 million

#151892 In Airport Services and Amenities

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 21 September 2013 - 04:59 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Yes these have been proposed but not as detailed.

#159774 2028 Summer Olympics: •Who should host it

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 31 December 2013 - 04:28 PM in Off Topic

The Olympics are definitely not coming back to the United States for a long time.

#149458 AE Singleplayer Version!

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 14 August 2013 - 05:00 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

That would be great! I think releasing a download for a small price would be fun and bring in a small income for the AE developers to support them in their quest to finish AE4!

#159009 Merry Christmas

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 24 December 2013 - 04:46 PM in Announcements

It's Christmas Eve you goddamned foreigner.

May I remind you that some cultures celebrate Christmas Eve rather then Christmas Day... Thanks Moldova!

#170116 Gates dissapearing

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 08 June 2014 - 06:33 AM in R1-4 Archive

As far as I know unused gates will be terminated unless they are at a hub or you have a terminal at the airport. There's a limited amount of gates at each airport and this is designed to let others use those gates without one person just keeping them all to themselves even though they're not using them. I must say it gets pretty annoying when you're trying to expand and you cant because all the gates have been leased out. 

#170101 AE4

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 08 June 2014 - 01:10 AM in New Players and Questions

I feel like this question comes up every single week  <_<

#152136 Violation of Antitrust Law (Airline Empires needs antitrust law etc)

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 25 September 2013 - 11:12 PM in O1-5 Archive

This is just pathetic... Maybe you should start your own airline and see how the real world treats you if you really want to be this "close to the real thing". Let's keep this a fun, simple game for all to use...

#148979 Frdm920 Joins Moderation Team

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 08 August 2013 - 04:51 AM in Announcements

Just out of curiosity, How does one become a moderator?

#149127 My last home vacation KL/LH/LO

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 09 August 2013 - 06:10 PM in Trip Reports

Hope you enjoyed my home country of Poland!!

#151471 Suggestions already listed for AE4.0

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 11 September 2013 - 11:14 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

etc. simply means don't recommend anything more for AE4 :)

#171455 Your oldest aircraft?

Posted by **OLT@22.Hrvatska** on 02 July 2014 - 12:06 AM in General AE Discussion

One airline I had about 50 40-or-more year old 737's  XP  :tumbleweed: