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There have been 12 items by PlayD0e (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#162386 Calling on New Players

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 09:06 PM in New Players and Questions

hey cod949...I sent you a pm and def intrested in your offer. I currently run an airline and it's doing okay but with your guidance maybe it'll go further...pm me when you get a chance...gracias...:-)

#162582 Advertisement and IFE...Where's the money??

Posted by PlayD0e on 26 January 2014 - 05:08 PM in New Players and Questions

I agree with one and the other. I mean when I configure my planes I sometimes spend 2-3 hundred thousand dollars so that the passengers have "luxuries". Also another question i have and don't wan't to open another thread is ..If I have a combined passenger rate of 134. That's supposed to be 134 a day right? So a 150 passenger plane that does 7 flights a week, why is it that my "frequency" is till in the red or yellow if I'm fulfilling the pax load...only when there are competitors and I'm doing 22 flights a week so I notice the bar getting green...and how do I still manage to get 100% on all classes/load when now I'm doing 22 flights a week...?? 

#162466 Advertisement and IFE...Where's the money??

Posted by PlayD0e on 25 January 2014 - 04:22 PM in New Players and Questions

Okay maybe I'm not seeing this right but when you configure the IFE and choose advertisement every amount of mins per passenger you get a certain revenue. I know that IFS is the food and such but here does the money for the advertisements and use of IFE systems go? On the Airline finance there is an option right below Operating Revenues that says non-operating revenues and includes advertisement, service fees and miscellaneous but mine is always empty...ever since I started the airline. My IFE includes all the amenities and charges 7 bucks per pass and has advertising ever 15 minutes which generates 5 bucks per pass...so where is it? Or am I doing something wrong?\



Airline Finance.png Airline Finance.png Airline Finance.png

#162584 Advertisement and IFE...Where's the money??

Posted by PlayD0e on 26 January 2014 - 05:19 PM in New Players and Questions

BTW does having a "great" IFE system on planes really affect route reputation? And it would make more sense if i could see the money I'am making,or loosing through advertisement and other areas. certain IFE configurations get 2 star ratings and others get one star but do they add to overall customer happiness. I mean in order for (in my experience) for someone to get green in the IFS bar you need to "loose money" whereas the IFE could somehow make it even. I give items and food away free and passengers pay for my IFE services so not a total loss...So back to the previous question...does IFE impact flight ratings? 

#163040 Another Question....Sorry :-P

Posted by PlayD0e on 29 January 2014 - 08:18 PM in New Players and Questions

Okay so...just need an explanation of mechanics (game) I'm flying from JFk to Mexico city. The "daily demand is for 22F 133C 952 Y. i set up a few planes to take the demand and start taking on my competitors and I get down to (based on the box in the middle) 15F 57C 1024 Y. Now how is it possible that to the bar in the left I only own 37% of the flights,or market? if the demand is for 952 Y (economy) passengers a day and I'm meeting that with 1024 (a bit over, I know) how are there passengers left. Based on my flights and the fact that I have 100% on all bars how is it that 63% of the bar or passengers left are the first class and business? And to add to this how ca it be that one of my competitors flys the route with a A320-200 with a load of 3/12/140 but 140 times 49 flights equals to 6860? Where are these passengers coming from, or am I missing something. I base my flights on how  many passengers are in demand and how many I fulfill daily...IE the numbers listed above I fly to Mexico City 21 times a week with the total of 1024 economy passenger slots daily for the 952 demand. When prices drop isn't my competition gonna loose money having 49 flights? Or am I doing something wrong? Please someone explain...

#163083 Another Question....Sorry :-P

Posted by PlayD0e on 29 January 2014 - 09:57 PM in New Players and Questions

First of all, competition increases the available passengers (I do not know why, but two airlines with the standard price can gather more passngers than a single one). Secondly, I'll assume that you reduced your prices significantly. The demand is tied to the ticket price, so a lowered price will enable more passengers to fly. The other way round you can charge a higher price when offering fewer seats. Thirdly, while connection passengers pay less, they still pay something and a big hub can give you a lot of connecting pax, enabling a much higher number of filled seats. Lastly, large airlines are only little affected by much smaller ones on such big routes. I once ran an airline using only A330 within the USA. Even though I regularely exceeded demand, my extra capacity hurt the smaller airlines on that route much more than the huge one flying 49x a week - both absolute and relative.

So why doesn't the demand graph change along with the passenger numbers? i mean if I'm flying 21 flights a week and filling demand why wouldn't it show me more passengers so i can add flights. This alos goes along with my frequency question. My bar is at yellow even flying 21 times a week and filling demand. Why isn't my frequency or any frequency green when you can fulfill the demand?

#163082 Another Question....Sorry :-P

Posted by PlayD0e on 29 January 2014 - 09:57 PM in New Players and Questions

First of all, competition increases the available passengers (I do not know why, but two airlines with the standard price can gather more passngers than a single one). Secondly, I'll assume that you reduced your prices significantly. The demand is tied to the ticket price, so a lowered price will enable more passengers to fly. The other way round you can charge a higher price when offering fewer seats. Thirdly, while connection passengers pay less, they still pay something and a big hub can give you a lot of connecting pax, enabling a much higher number of filled seats. Lastly, large airlines are only little affected by much smaller ones on such big routes. I once ran an airline using only A330 within the USA. Even though I regularely exceeded demand, my extra capacity hurt the smaller airlines on that route much more than the huge one flying 49x a week - both absolute and relative.

So why doesn't the demand graph change along with the passenger numbers? i mean if I'm flying 21 flights a week and filling demand why wouldn't it show me more passengers so i can add flights. This alos goes along with my frequency question. My bar is at yellow even flying 21 times a week and filling demand. Why isn't my frequency or any frequency green when you can fulfill the demand?

#162414 Lil Plane Vs. Big plane??

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 11:16 PM in New Players and Questions

I'm kinda getting it...but wouldn't I have to buy say a few 757's because of the infrequency they're willing to fly the route? I mean from JFK to miami my 717 gets 25 trips or slots which equal 13 flights a day with 134 pax.equaling 1742...now the demand is for about 15 F 60 C and 1400 Y..I'd have to buy a few 717's to cover that at 134 passengers but how many trips can a 757 do...with turnaround?  Is turnaround what calculates how many trips a plane can do per day besides range? I mean a 737-900(which is only one avail in my game at the moment) does 189 seats with a 300 mile range but a 40 minute turnaround..difference of about 50 pax between the two planes.  . Now considering I could do say 8 flights maybe a bit more with a 757 wouldn't I be spending more buying a few 757's?  and mxax .or any of the guys.....is there a formula I can use to mathematically know how to save money, or how much I will spend per pax where i calculate it before buying a plane....or somehow/way to help me in choosing the right plane for the right job? i mean at 1400 pax a day i could just get two or 3 747's.....lol....how does one  figure out that a 737-900ER (ER is for extended range right?) is better for short flights? or for the job?? MXAX I think you might've miswrote up top when you said " the 717 will use about 35 % more fuel per passenger than the 717. (on that note: there's a lot that's better than the 717 in terms of fuel burn.)' did you mean the 757??

#162376 Lil Plane Vs. Big plane??

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 07:59 PM in New Players and Questions

Hey guys....okay so heres a good one....or so I hope. Like I said before I'm new to the game and slowly building up my airline right now. My question is this...how much do little plane compare to the big ones? And what I mean is this. I'm currently competing with another airline for a route thats about 1100 miles. Does it really make a diffrence if I buy say a Boeing 717-200 that TURNS ever 20-25 mins...(can't remember) carries about  134 passengers ...or an Airbus that will carry 300+ passengers and turn ever 45 minutes. i mean I get 26 flights out of the 717 and have to buy a few to fullfill the demand but in the long run will the competitor who has an airbus beat me out ? I mean how much does on-time performance matter in these issues? Does it really impact sales and route performance?And would I be better off with a larger plane that takes longer but carries more passengers...??Do I waist more fuel that way??What factors impact on time performance...legroom and time flown? I thought that time flown was the amount of time you've been flying the route but sometimes on a new route that I setup I get an automatic green and is this due to say advertisement? I would think that time flown would be based on the amount of time the routes been up...as in a competitor wouldn't get my ticket sales unless he drastically lowered the prices due to my "time flown/passenger trust factor"...that would be cool...and would allow a new airline unto my route to have to "work" it's way up...I know the games not perfect but..wishful thinking is allowed no?? 



btw the route that i was working on has a 1500 pax a day load (F/C/Y combined) ...just to give u an idea what I'm working on..with lil' vs big...

#162333 Introductions are in order...

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 02:24 AM in New Players and Questions

btw if anyone needs help making a logo, send me a line. I have a few programs on my pc and be more than glad to help :-)

#162346 Noob questions: IFE & Cabin Lay-out & Suitable planes

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 07:42 AM in New Players and Questions

Hey...new here too but one thing i do and can suggest (maybe it'll help maybe not) is try to work on one city at a time...I do this so i don't overwhelm myself.i do mine in these 3 steps...1.City and destination/demand  2.Choose an aircraft to meet the range and demand requirements (passengers etc.) 3. Keep the city and move to another location..(this is how I created a HUB...which let's passengers connect with your flights...5 or more gates in a city and you can create a HUB).. For example if you click on open New Route and choose in first slot JFK (New York) to say Miami (Second des), once you get that route established just click on the right bubble where Miami is...at the top...and it'll give you a small search box. You know most of the major cities (i'm hoping) so type in say Cleveland and click research...now a new route will pop up with demand and competition...etc.That way I do a few routes from major cities to major cities...then you can move to Cleveland or elsewhere and repeat the process.For me searching per range hasn't helped, but to each his own...for that to work you would have to order the planes ahead of time, I choose them second and if my routes dmenad more then I can order some...Speaking of planes... As for planes I'm a bit slow at this but once I do the process above it says in middle of the page the miles in distance. i open a new tab and find a plane with suitable range..etc. This also helps because based on passenger demand...example F/C/Y you can create a new seat configuration on your new plane for the demands this city, or your new destination has, and bam...I tried to explain it as best as I can...sorry if I confused you :-P

#162329 Introductions are in order...

Posted by PlayD0e on 24 January 2014 - 02:17 AM in New Players and Questions

Hey guys...the names Jorge..aka Playdoe...CEO of AeroLine..."Relax, let us put the lite back into Flight" Really ?? yeah my logo :-P and I'm glad to have found this game. Now all I get is constantly screamed at  because I'm glued to the computer screen, could explain this headache I have since this morning.. Colleague at work suggested i might've gotten it while "asleep" (Said I was thinking too hard..in my sleep??.haha Yes...I will bring you down ChINA AIR!!!) Just kidding. I'm currently running AeroLine, in the new sandbox game...top row I think...Used to be called AeroWay but i logged in and must've forgot a few leases cause now I'm negative 200 million and theres creditors banging on my door...not to mention that funny car following me to work...(bankrupt).ouch...headache...ok i'll shut up now. Just wanted to say hi...and introduce myself and glad to know I have fellow competitors and folks who enjoy the same game as I do. I can't offer any advice as of yet but do expect me to pm and bother you for advice...if that's ok :-) Take care guys...see ya in the skies...