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There have been 26 items by Slider (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#205128 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 25 October 2015 - 02:23 AM in General AE Discussion

I agree also, I for one would be willing to pay to play if they would get better servers. A reasonable  fee of $10 a month. It would keep away the non serious player and speed things up.


I have 100 MPS Fiber and its ten to fifteen seconds for anything to respond. If this gets worse I'll have to play elsewhere.

Therein lies the AE "problem". I concur with the logic that a pay for play model obviously "invests" a player. The free AE model can be lauded for being free---yet if I'm recalling correctly a period existed wherein a player could pay to purge any advertising (does that still exist)? However a player can't pay for anything useful, such as greater bandwidth. My apologies to the poster above you...AE4 isn't a reality. Take a look at the "Slow Constant Expansion" thread!!! Some solid suggestions....and also the "bait" threads regarding Improvements/What a Player "Wants". Unfortunately those are simply words. AE is perhaps the apex web-based Airline Strategy game....it is also riddled with bugs and probably running on 10-15 year old servers from back in the Miller22 days. It is what it is & will stay what it is. I guess Yuxi is the "Pope of AE" yet he should just be the Ambassador----his role appears to be closing forum threads, making certain "trophies" are awarded, and restarting AE Worlds with a "Good luck & have fun!!!" salutation. A pool of players willing to pay to play exists----BUT, seriously---$120 per year to play on this ancient platform & be subjected to all the know bugs that have gone unresolved. Burning the cash would be more practical/logical.

#205121 Just Curious...

Posted by Slider on 24 October 2015 - 10:28 PM in General AE Discussion

If I get your question right, then the profit it shows below is your daily income. For example, if your 1x week flight ears 1K per day, then that particular flight earns 7K, dividing it up onto the seven days of the week. Anyways that's how I understood it. Correct me if I'm wrong. :D


Correct. I forget what it says in the window where you can adjust a fare----Daily profit? Isn't all the profits on a route denoted as daily even if the frequency is like 1x or 2x? But, yes you got the gist of my question.

#205111 Just Curious...

Posted by Slider on 24 October 2015 - 07:22 PM in General AE Discussion

When opening a route, I start @ 7x weekly flights. Often for "utilization" purposes, If the a/c has like 2-3hrs avail, I will open a tag-on route  within < 250 miles @ 1x weekly freq. 


Which day of the week, and/or how is this single freq accounted for? If the single flt on this single route is generating like $2K in profit....naturally, that is a "weekly" profit. Which day of the week is the profit made upon? 


Same thing goes in the opposite example of 6x weekly flights....which day is the profit on that route not accumulated.


As post states...I'm simply curious how this works and if indeed an AE algorithm works for these exceptions? I was "thinking" that the profit is somehow synched to the day the route is opened----so if it's opened on July 16 & that is a "Thursday", the route generates a profit every---& only upon----"Thursday's", yet that logic only works for the 1x freq & not the 6x freq.


Thanks to anybody in the "know".



#205078 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 23 October 2015 - 09:04 PM in General AE Discussion

Usually, the more Idle aircrafts I have, the longer the load time would be. Also, loading a single aircraft make the loading a bit faster too. Don't forget to clear all your history and temp folder. It does a lot for me. Although sometimes this problem is unfixable.

That sounds odd. I wonder why idle aircraft would result in a longer load time? It would seem as if utilized aircraft would subject you to longer load times because the data from the routes they fly needs to be accessible.

#205031 Concorde/Tu-144

Posted by Slider on 22 October 2015 - 07:32 PM in General AE Discussion

I think this may be taken into account on AE4, the current system cannot be changed as it is to complicated.


Good point. However, by the time AE4 rolls out, all aircraft will be Supersonic and silent to boot. The problem will be that commercial Space Travel "aircraft" will exist...curious to know if AE Development team has taken this into consideration, so as to avoid "complications"?

#205030 How realistic would you say your airlines are?

Posted by Slider on 22 October 2015 - 07:27 PM in General AE Discussion

Hum. 1) Speaking Tomato's 2) World Peace 3) Time Travel 4) Airline Empires. 


That's in precise order of realism/realistic.

#205018 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 22 October 2015 - 12:44 PM in General AE Discussion

Any one disagree?


Have been asked by a smart alec to edit this to "connection speed is slow" Pedestrian would be more accurate and pedestrians shouldn't be allowed on the super highway.

I strongly disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On the basis of disagreeing for the purposes of being disagreeable. I believe the merits of my disagreement are indisputable. Why must you expose innocent Pedestrians to any of this discourse.  

#205013 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 22 October 2015 - 04:12 AM in General AE Discussion

Indeed the ads must load, and they must load quickly and uncorrupted. In fact, for the greater-good of AE, rapid ad load must usurp all else!!!


Ask yourselves, "what is an ad?"


Is it not paid placement upon a page seeking hits? Operative word being PAID. Thus an ad equates to what? Revenue!!


The dramatic improvements to AE that we have all been the beneficiary of, the remedying of AE "world" influencing bugs, and the forthcoming---(I'm hearing "days")---release of AE4. None of these could be achieved by Yuxi & his "Flight Crew" without the revenue generated by ad's!


Did you miss Yuxi's posting with regards to the "slowness" being a direct result of the imminent release of AE4 & AE3 servers being lessened, and thus all energies/efforts have been rightfully placed towards that objective in a matter of days? We should all be euphoric that AE4 has finally arrived...and in no small part we have that ad revenue to thank! Time to finally get excited, AE4 is HERE. Way to go Yuxi & the whole AE Team!!!!

#205009 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 21 October 2015 - 11:54 PM in General AE Discussion

Seriously AE "gang" who cares about page load speeds if the advertisements are loading perfectly fine & rapidly!

#205006 Help?!

Posted by Slider on 21 October 2015 - 10:29 PM in General AE Discussion

Wait.. Larger airlines delay page load time? Meaning the airlines with an abundance of planes/routes/fares/ etc tax the server due to the amount of data & thus more required bandwidth (speed)?????


Wait, wait. Everybody knows that.

#205001 A321

Posted by Slider on 21 October 2015 - 08:00 PM in General AE Discussion

Wait. Hold on. 


Does this mean the data updates to the current AE platform are misguided?


Well, if that is indeed the case, I think we should all raise a glass and a salute to Yuxi & Team because they're so hard at work on the next version of AE! Hip-HIp-HIP HOORAYYYY Yuxi & Team!!!

#204999 Suggestion

Posted by Slider on 21 October 2015 - 07:56 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I generally don't yield to Yuxi & his Admin/Moderator Lackey's.


However, I suspect a degree of modulation in regards to "wants", and how categorically critical they are is most appropriate. What "version" of AE are we in now? AE4 or AE3 point something.


If a dual pricing scheme on a single route based upon aircraft type is a next version of AE "want" then toss it in the bin w/ the 100's---1,000's of other suggestions/wants. 


As we all know, the next version of AE is due out within the next hour...or was that century? Forgive me, I'm 99 years old. 


With respect to Yuxi and crew, if indeed a next version is just a rainbow unicorn and not a rainbow unicorn with a cherry on top (the latter not being reality), then we must curtail our "wants". We can't get everything! We can get new data and airplane pictures!


Yet, the work entailed in the OP's "want" is a bit cumbersome and probably not a universal absolute "want". The OP does reference "fuel". Now that would be "something new". Fuel costs fluctuate. Yet just like with BONDS, an airline could HEDGE & thus be locked into a price. If the HEDGE proves misguided, that airline would lose a ton of $$$...possibly even be a partial solution to the "Constant Expansion" thread. Far less cash, far less ability to do anything....and your stuck with the HEDGE just as you are with the BOND payments (forgive me "all" if this has probably been broached...that "Constant Expansion" thread is nearing 2.5 years in age, and it has resulted in the implementation of rainbow unicorn's with cherry's atop of them...so no need reviewing it)


Yet, lightening up upon the suggestions/wants is in the best interest of Team Yuxi....heck, what about the cost of employee uniforms---low fashion/high fashion---that could be a suggestion, yet where would it fall on the importance scale? To a tiny minority high & to the vast majority low. Lastly all these forum suggestions are getting in the way of Yuxi and crew divining that eternal life "eye drop", which will in turn allow for us all to be alive when the next version of AE rolls out!!!! Keep your heads down y'all!!!

#204998 Game speed is so slow AE is becoming unplayable

Posted by Slider on 21 October 2015 - 07:31 PM in General AE Discussion

Advertisements are loading perfectly fine & rapidly.....who cares about the game speed.

#199576 Airline Empires is heading in the right direction

Posted by Slider on 06 June 2015 - 02:12 PM in General AE Discussion



Extraordinary effort must have been entailed in divining another "world" strictly for owned aircraft. Same holds true for expediting to 15/20 min "worlds" v. 30 min "worlds".


Perhaps it is easier to run an airline!


The biggest positive change has to be all the advertising. The ads are terrific! I constantly find myself drawn away from AE and clicking upon the links. I couldn't agree with you more!


Kodus to the Dev Team & Yuxi for clearly making AE significantly enhanced!!!



#190613 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 04:27 AM in General AE Discussion

Of note, you have 69 posts :giggle:


u can do the math...70 posts dating back years with probably 5%+ coming today. use your zippcalculater!


Your inability to use proper chat functions like quoting combined with you not knowing how to space out a paragraph makes it appear as you simply typo his name a lot.


Has no one told you that sarcasm doesn't translate in plain text? You spam capital letters and have paragraphs that look as though they never end. Ability to form a good argument, debate, or conversation is obviously not one of your strong points.


For whatever reason you're making it your goal to bitch at every member of this community because you created a rather large run on post that seasoned members of this site find absolutely stupid.


He's thin skinned? You're the one yelling (in all caps) and complaining about EVERY member here.


Please grow up and chill out.

i didn't initiate or start the bashing moo...sorry if you can't absorb my writing style....not bitching about community....bitching about YUXI & ADMINS & the fantasy "reality"(?) of AE4 usurping what ya got in AE now. -Miller24

#190612 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 04:24 AM in General AE Discussion

Of note, you have 69 posts :giggle:


u can do the math...70 posts dating back years with probably 5%+ coming today. use your zippcalculater!

#190611 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 04:21 AM in General AE Discussion

Welcome Rayon! You comprehend the usage of " "? That was rhetorical---no you don't. (look it up online & learn!)


AE = "game". NO

The "bugs" prevent any "decision" (i.e. "winner") from being fair.

AE = "simulation". YES. Yet the bugs make it unrealistic. Thus trivial things like aircraft speed are of very little consequence. Fare failures are of consequence.


I've certainly taken an aggressive position in regards to a bug that YUXI & the ADMINS fail to address, while simply being busy worker ants on AE4 with a release date of, or BETA test of? I respect that AE is FREE. It is difficult to respect that the foundation for why all "users" are here is deeply flawed in certain respects, which for the vast majority of users makes the game frustrating 'cause they do not know how to utilize the flaws to their favor & they get frustrated. I just get bored & check out @ #1...Sorry "minions", if I didn't actually have a life...I would delight in actually playing a world to its conclusion & demonstrating how the pricing bug makes AE a deeply flawed simulation, but alas I can only devote a few days to AE every few months. Life beckons!

#190606 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 04:06 AM in General AE Discussion

QK- You read all posts? Then why preface your previous post with tl;dr? Thus your point is lost prior to your comments being pointless. I didn't start this thread. When I do "use" a "world" from the start, I do as I outlined to the user who initiated this thread. My valuation goes through the stratosphere & I get pummeled with "how'd you do that" queries, thus I detailed it to the thread starter. As for vulgarity...since you read "all", I didn't start the bashing, nor the "words", nor the "insults". As for the remainder of your diatribe...YOU as every "user" isn't getting the "gist". 

-A critical flaw exits in the pricing. Don't fix it. However it ought be illuminated for all to see, and perhaps a "warning" if it is too difficult to de-bug that any "user" exploiting it will be kicked out of the "world" upon being "reported" by others...not too difficult to catch when a user is pricing a route at $1,200 in Y.

-Yet you & YUXI's "minions" appear to be happy with babbling about other crap. The flaw is such that a "user" who truly wishes to replicate an airline they possess passion for, can be easily infected by the flaw due to the bully airline (i.e. me) saturating the market they wish to duplicate.

However, you make valid points in regards to this being a "community" of sorts...but since you read "all" you will note a lot of flames being tossed in this friendly little community...a community predicated upon a simulation with a critical pricing flaw


Sky- I read your comments, but didn't digest them....thus your point was pointless...I guess a lot of serious bugs exist. Yet citing User Awards means you're of the belief AE is a "game"....if it is a "game" we must agree it is an unfair game...AND SORRY "MINIONS" I'M NOT THE ONE STARTING A THREAD & COMPLAINING ABOUT A BULLY AIRLINE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A CRITICAL FLAW AND HOW UNFAIR IT IS, I'M THE BULLY HIDING UNDER THE SUN. Needless to say your citing "User Award's" as being of any significance means your points are pointless. AE is not a "game" it is a simulation chalk full of bugs that skew the game in favor of those who exploit the bugs vs. those who haven't a clue what they are. As I've said, I've never finished a "world" & probably not a year...yet I "check out" always on top & utterly bored & disappointed that no proactive remedy has been taken by the "ADMINS" or the "godly" "YUXI".


SirMoo - I will tread gently due to QK being so thin skinned. Do I realize that Miller23 hasn't been involved for years in AE? Well, since his screen-name was Miller22 & I suggested that I would wait for a hand-me-down from Miller23...perhaps you might wish to look up the definition of sarcasm. Or as Sky put it "The point is... well, you're missing it."

#190593 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 03:05 AM in General AE Discussion

@Mr Wonderful: YUXI, he certainly deserves a User Award for that comment! Too much time? It's one thread, that I didn't even start...run the math on years/# of threads I've initiated. You lose a few points...yet your still trophy worthy. I will wait for Miller23 to "give up" & make me a Developer :P


@Superman: Shouldn't you be looking at runway length's or something?

#190588 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 02:30 AM in General AE Discussion

@QK Flight Industries: Extremely eloquent. Thank you for the terrific comments. I especially like "tl;dr", yet then addressing your bloated commentary to what you "tl;dr"...contradiction? How do you comment with precision upon what you've not read? I don't suggest the means by which I participate is the ONLY acceptable way to "play"---in fact it is probably the worst due to it inducing absolute boredom & thus I never "win" because I bankrupt myself within months. I'm certainly not suggesting that AE is a "game"----YUXI's "minions" (us "users") are lulled into perhaps believing that AE is a "game"---but as I stated a "game" must be "decided" and that results in "User Awards". Yet if some "user" actually possessed the patience to exploit the "fare bug" the full term of a "world's" duration....well, they would indeed "win". Unfortunately----and I would certainly like to hear from a Scholar like yourself----the bug I'm "complaining" about isn't that the seat-count on a plane is too low/high...it is a bug that gives an absolute and definitive advantage to anybody who can tolerate the tedium of possessing a $2 billion airline in 8 months after starting with $7.5 million and a single plane. On a scale of 1-10, which would you rate as.....ahh, nah...it wold be the seat count! Insult the Developer????? Yuxi & Miller22 are one in the same? Golly, didn't know that. The point was not to induce "good will", it was to jam a cattle prod up YUXi's ass or a "Developer" to respond to a major flaw....and perhaps show something to the "minions"....seeing YUXI close a topic after it is determined that a user made a benign mistake that would've simply required a tad of attention, is enough to satisfy "all" that AE4 is being toiled away upon. As for your comments on "FREE"...how much do the ads earn? They free too. I never used a foul word...I did call out people who, as YUXI would suggest were responding like pimple faced teenage boys. Abhorrent? Dang, this is a FREE bug riddled website simulation...them funky arabs with those sharp knives....what would you teem that? Most certainly will leave....yet why not respond to the "minions" in regards to why YUXI err ahhh Miller22 never fixed the "fare bug" once being alerted to it? Ohh...and this will certainly be insulting, but you"tl;dr"...go find yourself a huge enema 'cause you sound uber uptight.

@Superman: I second that emotion :) ...ban-baN-bAN-BAN!!!!!!!! That will solve everything. Perhaps I should say something derogatory about "organ harvesting" & that will induce a BAN!!!! :rofl2:

@Eatwind CEO:  Noting that you "tl;dr"...only denotes that you in fact did read....yet I agree, too long....more interesting to read about all the suggestions for Airport Lounges and Showers and such in AE4 that "users" want.

#190579 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 23 January 2015 - 01:21 AM in General AE Discussion

@iquit: I'm not boasting about a strategy. I've alerted "all" to an obvious bug, that YUXI et al don't wish to address by or writing a reply. What your "exploit" is, you "ain't"divulging it...your exploiting it.


@The Saw Doctor: Generally prefacing the entirety of your comments with "judginh" & being critical of maturity and "poor spelling" means...well it means your an imbecile. A "bright" imbecile like yourself would be able to deduce from my comments, that when I set up an airline in a "world" and participate, it is perhaps for 4-5 days max prior to boredom due to the "fare bug"---this being a case of (for YUXI) "it's broke so we why fix it!". Thus by the # of "awards" from this "game" you've accumulated, clearly much of your life has been devoted to the "game". Data Collectors are for collecting data? Truly? I hadn't a clue, yet now you've made it abundantly clear. Thanks! Being preoccupied, as some are on hard-data specifics for engines, etc is terrific. Yet the data they provide is being used in a bug riddled "user" simulation...careful, AE is not a "game"...if it were "bugs" like the fare one would be top priority to resolve while "users" of the site await the next version of AE, sometime in the next 40 years. Why not fix the "bugs" that create the most disruption & skew player advantages while "users" wait 40 years? Again, no ill feelings....but you are indeed an Imbecile...place an imaginary trophy for #1 AE User up on your mantle.


@n.x.w.m.: Life tip for you. Reiterating what another just wrote re: maturity, etc...suggests you've got nothing original to say...which stands true in this instance! Heck, you just learned something! So you know the that YUXI has a "life"? I've not made suggestions for any next iteration of AE, I've added to discussions about what "users" would like to see...if YUXI is looking to satisfy all the "want's" that "users" would like to see, well that is pure stupidity. Yet what do "users" see? YUXI responding to the repetitive questions about why a "user" hasn't received a plane on order...or adding to a discussion about a "user" who couldn't deduce that a plane needing a 10K foot runway couldn't fly into an airport with a 9.9K foot runway. Why doesn't YUXI devote his time to updates on AE4? I'm confident that is what "users" want to see and hear about no. Anyway, your a lucky loser if you got time to pray for a "user" to be banned from AE...I welcome being banned...that is, if YUXI has the balls to explain any of what I've asked.

#190553 Airline Empires Review

Posted by Slider on 22 January 2015 - 11:21 PM in General AE Discussion

Okay-dokey...or did he mean this decade or next decade "according to YUX!"?

#190551 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 22 January 2015 - 11:19 PM in General AE Discussion


#190550 How to: Make a fortune

Posted by Slider on 22 January 2015 - 11:10 PM in General AE Discussion

@The Saw Doctor: You mean participate "realistically", not "play". If you "play" AE it means you consider it to be a "game". A "game" ends when something is "decided". Yuxi is promoting AE as a "game"...why else would "User's Awards" exist. Thus, if you "play" AE---you can be a player whose purpose is to replicate a "real world" airline & "imagine/fantasy"---OR---"play" to a "decision" and be "awarded". Lastly, it is impossible to go "bust" quickly when EXPLOITING the "Fare Bug". It is possible to cease operations due to utter boredom & tedium. When I shuttered Pacifica this AM it had $1 billion in cash float, I owned 40 planes, had built 7 twenty-gate terminals, had 100+ in my fleet and 100+ deliveries on the way, and a valuation of $1.4 billion more than my nearest "competitor"...and that was 8 months (?) into the "game". My "airlines" go "bust" when I hit the "boredom" button (i.e. Bankruptcy)


@Saint Stevphfeniey: Brilliant. The only difficulty is that you must learn to use the anatomy your referencing with something other then your hand & some lube...and everybody close your eyes---I can't imagine where you jam your thumb..well, actually I can! You remind me of what YUXI once stated in the forums...that AE was a bunch of male high school kids exchanging "words". It must be a struggle to keep that thumb of yours off the keyboard, but keep stroking it, and keep delousing your keyboard...ewwww, smelly!!!


@Pineair: Your 100% correct. Boredom exceeds engagement in AE very quickly when participating in AE the way that I do. However, that is YUX'S problem. The "fare bug" is a part of the simulation at this point...YUXI has been alerted to it, I've posted about it...yet the response is, well like almost every AE response..."wait until the next version, it will be corrected". Now that is "sad". It has literally been years since the "fare bug" was reported. Yet, it is in the best interest of YUXI et al to keep everybody pre-occupied with finding the proper speed & range specs for an aircraft or uploading the correct photo. It keeps everybody "engaged" & feeling proactive...not focusing upon the fact that they have a truly defective simulation.


@Phantom: Your correct, see above. Yet "realistically"...as I mentioned...if AE is a "game" that is "played" to a "decision", and the "decision" is a "User's Award"...then "winners" and "losers" are determined. If a user of AE could "play" the duration of an entire "world" and exploit the "fare bug" it guarantees they will be deemed in the "world" of AE a "winner" and receive a "User's Award". Stick with me here...it is very noble to not exploit an unfair advantage, especially when you know it exists...sort of like "making believe" in a "fantasy" world that something isn't real, when indeed it is real. Yet what about temptation?  Think of "@Saint Stevphfeniey" for a moment. He has only seen, and only knows of the other type of "anatomy" that is found on "girl's" from the magazines and such that he has made "sticky". Now take "@Saint Stevphfeniey" to a "place" where the real-deal exists (most probably the only "place" he is ever gonn get "some" in his life, but that is besides the point), and it is their for the taking...yet everybody else is either unaware that "it" is their for the taking, or they are unaware that zero consequences exist if you take "it". What would sticky & stinky finger "@Saint Stevphfeniey" do in that instance...I mean an award exists in a little trophy, right?


---Yes, I know...AE is FREE, and users assume that effort must be placed forth by YUXI when re-setting a "world" and wishing everybody "good luck". Meanwhile YUXI and his team are toiling away upon the next version of AE...I mean look at these forums, perhaps 50% (VERY conservative) of posts are dedicated to what users want. YUXI & team have everybody who is a user of this site, under the impression that a next AE version is forthcoming...no timeline exists, no screenshots exist...think about that, nothing but your "hope for's" exist. Meanwhile, AE is FREE and riddled with bugs...yet why does Advertising exist on the site? Those Banner Ad's are "FREE" also YUXI, right? Why doesn't YUXI explain that a "fare bug" exists that has the unfavorable impact of making participation in this "game" lopsided when it is used? That the "bug" is so entrenched in the code that he inherited, that fixing the "bug" is an impossibility? Otherwise, YUXI is simply exploiting "players" with a hollow promise of the next version---showing no proof to the community of "players" that have grown & are anticipating the next version...when the reality is that the joke that we all joke about (AE next generation roll-out is slated for 49 years 8 months 2 days & 11 mins from noon 3 days ago)...is truly a joke that YUXI is "playing" upon all of "us" "players". At some-point, y'all need to grow a pair of what sits below what "@Saint Stevphfeniey" was referring to (when he can find it)...and confront YUXI. Show some proof YUXI of this next generation AE. Detail why you can't fix the pricing bug YUXI, or are just too lazy to fix. Tell us how much revenue the ads generate YUXI..."not very much" isn't a response when you got users debating whether a specific engine goes 515kts or 516kts. Basically YUXI...grow a pair..,and give users a "State of the State" in regards to AE...if it is going to remain what it is, I think they have invested enough time into it for you to let them know. Step up YUXI...OR please ban me...you 'da Boss-man.



#190310 Airline Empires Review

Posted by Slider on 20 January 2015 - 07:46 PM in General AE Discussion

GAME (gam) nouna form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.


AE in its current manifestation "ain't" a game, thus you don't truly play. It is a simulation that you participate in.


It's been around for awhile, and it has certainly been improved in terms of the "things" (planes) that need to "move" to "places" (airports) in order to earn a profit...which I assume is the objective of the AE simulation.


No question, all participants can imagine specific improvements for AE to evolve into a better simulation. However, reality "interferes"...AE IS FREE...you ran the hourly #'s on what it takes to participate with the objective being to "win"---what are the hours of coding/programming that would go into making the "evolution" participants seek? What would the cost be?


Accepting AE for what it "is" would be the wisest path. No "next" AE version is even close to being developed. All that can realistically be asked for are changes to aircraft/airport specs...no interface evolution. It is what it is...and the "point" of suggesting what participants want is "pointless" unless we all cough up a ton of $$$. I don't understand "serious" expectations that some possess...where is the "value" for developers? AE must generate some advertising revenue & that suffices to have Yuxi or whomever re-boot, re-start, etc. All this garbage discussion about the next version of AE---or how to make it better--- is a joke....for the sake of transparency/clarity/curiosity...how much revenue do the ads generate?