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There have been 115 items by ThePilotGuy (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#85054 Chat Logs

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 08 June 2011 - 02:40 AM in Off Topic

Look like chat has gotten... More odd since I stopped using it. :thumbup:

Anyways, watching this thread is spamming my inbox! 18 messages all from this topic! :lol:

#84804 Feature Suggestions

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 04 June 2011 - 06:39 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I like your ideas. I especially like the terminal competition, it adds a new "market" to the game. It would make you think about which gate you are to rent from an airport.

I don't think we will have a stock market,though. The last time it was impletemented it destoryed all airlines, tons of bugs, and it just didn't work out... I don't think the devs are willing to try that again any time soon.

#84233 World Most Awesome City?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 26 May 2011 - 04:33 AM in Off Topic

My favorite is Naples, Italy... At least for now. Posted Image

#84232 if you owned ryanair?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 26 May 2011 - 04:27 AM in What I Would Do Is...

Eh, airline is doing fine. I would keep as-is, but I wouldn't let them become more service-ridden then they are now! :P

#83761 Liberty Air

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 17 May 2011 - 03:37 AM in Off Topic

Just xray of luggage and body scanning is what I think we need. Maybe full body scans too.

#83327 AE Revolution

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 05 May 2011 - 01:36 AM in Off Topic

You know......
Even though penguins cant fly..... doesnt mean they cant lead :P



#82569 Capitalism Or Communism

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 16 April 2011 - 02:48 AM in Off Topic

A free man can accomplish many things. If the government controls and regulates things and such as in communism, the output of the country decreases. The people who know how to do the job the best can't and WON'T do it. They won't do it because no matter how hard they work, they will never amount to anything. Never a promotion, nothing. The only communist job that excludes this is the army, or holding a government position. Of course, things are not always like this, but I hope I did well-explain why free market capitalism provides a better life for everyone living in that country. Of course, capitalism is only successful when people work hard at things.
If you look in the REAL history books (not the ones made for one view of thinking), you will see the truth in this.

-Capitalism. Voted for capitalism.

#82568 Chat has gotten quiet

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 16 April 2011 - 02:41 AM in Off Topic

It has gotten quiet lately. people are in chat, but not many people talk. Maybe this will improve when summer comes? :)

#82260 Post Your Screenshots Here!

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 05 April 2011 - 04:49 AM in Flight Simulation

Dug though all my files, and found a few! :)

A shot I took for an alliance homepage. It was edited after. (This is the un-edited version.)
Posted Image

And another, taking off from Las Vegas, Nevada. Megascenery Las Vegas Installed.
Posted Image

#82224 What is your favourite livery?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 03 April 2011 - 04:53 PM in Off Topic

American Airlines :)

Boring? Eh! :P

#81236 Oh my god.......

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 12 March 2011 - 06:31 AM in Off Topic

I just saw what happened in Japan....this is horrible D: Well, Ill keep them in my prayers. All other Christians who read this, I would like you to follow.

Of course we're (Christians) praying for them! :)

#80457 AE Revolution

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 21 February 2011 - 12:21 AM in Off Topic

I'm with DN on this one! :P Yuxi has the most programming skills, and is the best eligible dictator around AE, so keep him! :)
And yuxi isn't ruthless, he just enforces the rules. Without yuxi (and everyone else) enforcing the rules, things would get out of proportion. ;)


#79225 Favorite Airline?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 01 February 2011 - 01:06 AM in Real World Aviation

:console: dont worry TPG... We believe you... <_< :P


#79209 Favorite Airline?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 31 January 2011 - 10:20 PM in Real World Aviation

And even more if you're fat a "customer of size". Alaska doesn't "fat tax" people. They're also my favorite airline, but not really for that reason.

For the record, I would receive no charges on swa for being a "customer of size" because I'm not "a customer of size" :P

#79146 Favorite Emoticons

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 31 January 2011 - 12:04 AM in Off Topic

:eyebrow::|-_-^_^ :alarm: :clap: :mellow: :hmmph: :yahoo: :dance:

#79101 Chat Logs

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 30 January 2011 - 07:43 AM in Off Topic

Now it's:

60% Supremacy 1914
20% greetings/hugs
10% Lost/Rob
10% other games


Can't we all just agree that 95% is completely random and the things we can categorize can be a percentage of the last 5 percent in that 95%... (Read that a few times, and it will eventually make sense. Remember to read it SLOWLY.)

#79067 Favorite Airline?

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 29 January 2011 - 08:06 PM in Real World Aviation

2. SUPER CHEAP! You can get some of the lowest fares of any routes , too bad they don't use Orbitz , KAYAK , or Expedia.

PSSHHH I would had paid $400 more on a SWA flight compared to the same flight on Alaska. :mellow:

#79038 Many Happy Returns Anlodeje

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 29 January 2011 - 07:16 AM in Off Topic

Congrats! :cheers: :D :clap:

#78963 FS11

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 28 January 2011 - 04:56 AM in Flight Simulation

I haven't noticed any graphical improvement in the COD series since Modern Warfare, and that doesn't seem to hurt :whistling:

I was mainly thinking about strategy games when I said that :P

#78863 FS11

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 27 January 2011 - 05:38 AM in Flight Simulation

Oh, and as for Civ V, the only reason they are complaining like they are, is because firaxis took risks and changed things. If they wanted to, they could had created Civ IV with an improved graphics engine, but there needs to be more than improved graphics for a game to sell well... (well, besides FS :P )

#78862 FS11

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 27 January 2011 - 05:30 AM in Flight Simulation

Problem with that is, the game usually gets worse when they do that. Look at RRT3 vs SMR, Civ 4 vs Civ 5. Better graphics, but worse game overall (dont have Civ 4 so I am just relying on others opinions)

But what I'm saying, is they need to create a new graphics engine, and insert it into the game's other engines, such as the aircraft physics engine (or whatever engine handles this.) They could re-create FS, but with a better graphics engine. Same interface, etc. Just would have to be re-created.

Otherwise, to create a new graphics engine, filling the puzzle piece that the older engine filled, with modifications to the other engines, to make it run correctly.

#78860 FS11

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 27 January 2011 - 05:21 AM in Flight Simulation

Well, the new versions of FS do have a more heavy load on your computer... If they would only create a new graphics engine, that would solve the problem. The keep building on and "improving" the old engine. That one was from the (80s or 90s... don't know) It's 2010. Use the updated programming techniques we have today to create a new, better performance, and possibly better looking graphics engine. This could make FS run with better graphics with less load on a computer, in my opinion.However, they will probably never do this, due to their budget...

#78439 delete

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 21 January 2011 - 08:11 PM in New Players and Questions

Moved to the appropriate forum.


#77636 Please Read: AE Developers

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 08 January 2011 - 04:19 PM in General AE Discussion

For a start please do not put the title in capitals


#77634 terminal

Posted by ThePilotGuy on 08 January 2011 - 04:15 PM in New Players and Questions

Well, I you have around 7 gates or so in a hub city, you should build a terminal. The reason is that you still save a bundle, and you can extend the terminal when your hub expands.