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Indonesian General Discussion

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    King Julian Wannabe

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I've just notice that there are so many Indonesian in this new world.
Is this the effect of Airline Empires being discussed in Kaskus?
Or because people getting sick with Airline Manager in Facebook?

This is not themed game world where everyone starts from Indonesia, right?
I also notice several alliance made by Indonesian, named with Indonesian region, based in Indonesian city...
Honestly, this is kinda surprise for me, because I thought every airline online game like this will only be crowded by people from U.S or Europe...

I love to see people from my country start gathering in this online multiplayer game..
I wont feel lonely anymore like months ago where Indonesian player was only five or six..

Wish everyone stay happy in this online game...

and Semoga Sukses to All Indonesian Player!


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hmm I dont have airline in this world yet, probably I should start one then..

Miftahul Ilmi

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Is this the effect of Airline Empires being discussed in Kaskus?
Or because people getting sick with Airline Manager in Facebook?

Yes, and yes.

Because Facebook's Airline Manager is too mainstream :D

But as I noticed, not only in this game. Another games, like Trophy Manager or Managerleague are also flooded with Indonesian player. I think sooner or later we will take over the (virtual) world.... XD



    King Julian Wannabe

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hmm I dont have airline in this world yet, probably I should start one then..

mari ramaikan dengan orang Indonesia! LOL...
Im a new player also in this world.
When i start my airline here, I found that almost large cities in Indonesia has become a hub.
And when i start to set a route, I found that at least 4 or 5 airline has already on that route.
And when i start to look for an alliance, I found more than 4 alliance related to Indonesian.
In fact, I found South Sumatran Alliance, in which consist of six airlines, made by only one player, and all of these six airlines named with kabupaten/kota in South Sumatra
I wonder, how will this player survive in the game...


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    King Julian Wannabe

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Yes, and yes.

Because Facebook's Airline Manager is too mainstream :D

But as I noticed, not only in this game. Another games, like Trophy Manager or Managerleague are also flooded with Indonesian player. I think sooner or later we will take over the (virtual) world.... XD

too mainstream?
no, they're too boring.

I've heard they're going to make their game more realistic than before after new years eve.
but till today, i dont find any significant changes.

couldnt agree more, someday Indonesia will conquer the world of game!

So what do you think about Indonesian crowd in this world?


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Switzerland is crowded, myself and 2 others are fighting over 2 cities, lets see how this plays out with my 763ERs :P



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hi i'm from indonesia too...
you're right, too many people from Indonesia, it's really hard to find a route for 737 series, even from CGK or DPS,
solution go for a long range flight... LOL

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Miftahul Ilmi

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Salam dari Sibul Airways dan Sibul India Airways

I think we've already met, as competitors :D



    King Julian Wannabe

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Switzerland is crowded, myself and 2 others are fighting over 2 cities, lets see how this plays out with my 763ERs :P

You should fly by to Indonesia, then...
if you're european, I think it wouldnt be a surprise...
but this is a southeast asian country...
Im a bit shocked--in a positive way--to see people from my country start playing AE...
Im happy to see that, though...
Im just... surprised!


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    King Julian Wannabe

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hi i'm from indonesia too...
you're right, too many people from Indonesia, it's really hard to find a route for 737 series, even from CGK or DPS,
solution go for a long range flight... LOL

Salam dari Sibul Airways dan Sibul India Airways

No, dear... if you still planning to conquer Indonesia, open a hub in Kupang and fly with nice prop or airbus...
many newcomers will definitely (kayaknya emang udah jadi tradisi sih) open CGK-DPS, CGK-SUB, CGK-SIN, CGK-KUL, CGK MES...
i usually avoid these popular routes, I start with other profitable route, and once ive become a great airline, i will invade this popular route and lower the ticket price so i'd get full LF... LOL!

Salam juga dari Ekor Cincin Legacy...
Selamat berkompetisi di Langit Indonesia...

I think we've already met, as competitors :D

We all have already met as competitors...

Harusnya kita bikin alliance khusus Indonesian, nih...
atau justru jangan? mengingat sebagian besar Indonesia main base-nya di Indonesia?


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Miftahul Ilmi

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No, dear... if you still planning to conquer Indonesia, open a hub in Kupang and fly with nice prop or airbus...

Built a terminal there, a hub is coming. Kupang is a good spot for hub from australia to mainland asia.



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No, dear... if you still planning to conquer Indonesia, open a hub in Kupang and fly with nice prop or airbus... many newcomers will definitely (kayaknya emang udah jadi tradisi sih) open CGK-DPS, CGK-SUB, CGK-SIN, CGK-KUL, CGK MES... i usually avoid these popular routes, I start with other profitable route, and once ive become a great airline, i will invade this popular route and lower the ticket price so i'd get full LF... LOL! Salam juga dari Ekor Cincin Legacy... Selamat berkompetisi di Langit Indonesia...

yeah, I'm not planning to conquer Indonesia, curently my flights destination are japan, china, middle east, or europe....
because of that, I stop my 737-400, MD 83 lease on new aircraft.... and take the longer range aircraft like 767-300er, A 310, MD 11, 747-400....

and alliance with all airline based in Indonesia is not good for our reputaion, because it's not make our rep higher, and we will not have the advantage of other airline hub since we have hub in the same airport...



    King Julian Wannabe

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Built a terminal there, a hub is coming. Kupang is a good spot for hub from australia to mainland asia.

couldnt agree more.
i've succeed an airline months ago by having a hub in Kupang.

yeah, I'm not planning to conquer Indonesia, curently my flights destination are japan, china, middle east, or europe....
because of that, I stop my 737-400, MD 83 lease on new aircraft.... and take the longer range aircraft like 767-300er, A 310, MD 11, 747-400....

and alliance with all airline based in Indonesia is not good for our reputaion, because it's not make our rep higher, and we will not have the advantage of other airline hub since we have hub in the same airport...

you're right.
there is no profit of making an alliance in the same country.


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Sendy Aditya

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I just heard this game from indoflyer.net member who called clonemesh :P

Salam dari Sibul Airways dan Sibul India Airways

Salam juga dari Ekor Cincin Legacy...
Selamat berkompetisi di Langit Indonesia...

salam juga dari Dadali Air ;)

many newcomers will definitely (kayaknya emang udah jadi tradisi sih) open CGK-DPS, CGK-SUB, CGK-SIN, CGK-KUL, CGK MES...

bukan tradisi, tapi karena mengingat di dunia nyata, itu rute yang cukup gemuk... tambahan lagi, CGK-BPN, CGK-UPG, CGK-BKK :rofl2:

I just operate 3 F100 for domestic route, and i found 'persaingan tidak sehat' on some domestic route.

Edited by Sendy Aditya, 20 January 2012 - 10:24 AM.

I called it signature.



    King Julian Wannabe

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I just operate 3 F100 for domestic route, and i found 'persaingan tidak sehat' on some domestic route.

hah, maksud dari persaingan tidak sehatnya gimana om?
ada yang cheat, kah?


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    King Julian Wannabe

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bukan tradisi, tapi karena mengingat di dunia nyata, itu rute yang cukup gemuk... tambahan lagi, CGK-BPN, CGK-UPG, CGK-BKK :rofl2:

Yup! and soon it became tradisi...
seumur2 saya di AE, semua newcomer selalu buka CGK DPS...
dan banyak banget yang falling in love sama ATR pas begitu mulai, dikiranya profitable amat sangat itu A/C, padahal di AE banyak pilihan A/C lain yang lebih bagus dari ATR


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hah, maksud dari persaingan tidak sehatnya gimana om?
ada yang cheat, kah?

mana ada cheat di game ginian :rofl2: kebanyakan sih player buka rute yang udah ada pemain di rute tersebut, terus bukanya suka ngelebihi batas demand, dikasih harga murah, otomatis pemain yang udah ada itu kegencet dan mau gak mau harus nurunin harga, atau ya rugi...

katanya sih pernah ada satu airline yang di set buat rugi dan menuhin rute doang, jadi player lain gak bisa buka di rute itu.. <_<

Yup! and soon it became tradisi...
seumur2 saya di AE, semua newcomer selalu buka CGK DPS...
dan banyak banget yang falling in love sama ATR pas begitu mulai, dikiranya profitable amat sangat itu A/C, padahal di AE banyak pilihan A/C lain yang lebih bagus dari ATR

saya beli ATR tekor, mungkin itungannya salah :/ sekarang pake all jet aircraft dan gak ada F class :lol:
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    King Julian Wannabe

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mana ada cheat di game ginian :rofl2: kebanyakan sih player buka rute yang udah ada pemain di rute tersebut, terus bukanya suka ngelebihi batas demand, dikasih harga murah, otomatis pemain yang udah ada itu kegencet dan mau gak mau harus nurunin harga, atau ya rugi...

katanya sih pernah ada satu airline yang di set buat rugi dan menuhin rute doang, jadi player lain gak bisa buka di rute itu.. <_<

saya beli ATR tekor, mungkin itungannya salah :/ sekarang pake all jet aircraft dan gak ada F class :lol:

oh, kirain nggak sehat apa...
yang kayak begitu udah kejadian dari dulu kok om, bukan hal aneh lagi..
saya pernah saingan ama lebih dari 10 airlines merebutin CGK-SIN sampe2 harga tiketnya cuma 1 dollar doang...
kalo udah kayak gitu, yang kuat lah yang bertahan...

pernah ada thread ngebahas soal hal ini, dan ternyata ini bukan termasuk "persaingan tidak sehat"
ini hanyalah salah satu "persaingan berat" aja...
kalo emang mau mertahanin, bisa survive di situ..
kalo nggak sanggup kan bisa ditinggalin...

soal di-set buat rugi itu kayaknya kejadian kemaren2 deh...
waktu Yuxi ngeributin soal Loophole di AE...
pernah suatu masa semua admin di sini marah2 karena ada yang cheat kayak begitu..
tapi kalo nggak salah sekarang udah dikode , kalo udah mencapai batas rugi tertentu, langsung dianggap bangkrut...
jadi nggak mungkin sebuah airline selamanya rugi dan bertahan hidup...

ATR mah cuma cocok buat regional... dan kalo udah kaya raya... haha..


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^ gue penasaran sama RI di RDelta nih, ada yang tau cara bermain dia kaya apa gak.? kayaknya ini RI lawan yang cukup berat dan menjengkelkan.. ngelawan yang kaya gitu rasanya cukup sulit kalau pake pesawat sewaan.. :/
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^ gue penasaran sama RI di RDelta nih, ada yang tau cara bermain dia kaya apa gak.? kayaknya ini RI lawan yang cukup berat dan menjengkelkan.. ngelawan yang kaya gitu rasanya cukup sulit kalau pake pesawat sewaan.. :/

what's wrong with RI?

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