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#63746 Important Announcement READ 1st !!!!!!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 11:57 PM in Announcements


Might I suggest you sticky and copy this to the bugs thread?
Give it a title in capitals saying with the date, so hopefully peope will see it before flooding it?

It is in Announcements right at the top of every players forum page ....

#63738 Important Announcement READ 1st !!!!!!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 11:41 PM in Announcements

Important Announcement READ 1st !!!!!!!!

OK, sim2 has gone all up the creek:

Lot have lost $$$ / Gates / Aircraft / Routes and this is a direct result in loss of DOP.

Tobias has tried before he went off for the night, roll-back to solve a missing (Gate-Hub Issue)

This didn’t work, so you ALL are in the same sinking ship.

Take a rest from flooding the Forum with countless posts, both Tobias and David will look into this ASAP.

I am announcing this in the general interest of all sim2 players.

Regards Janice.

#63725 What the heck happened with Sim2

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 11:16 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

They restored the game and I guess it was far back and everyone lost alot of A/C and routes. I went from $38 million DOP to $4 million lol.

And I was going to buy share in your airline, :D glad I didnt. :D

#63719 [Resolved]Where's the gates???

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:59 PM in Bugs

Sorry my fault - it seems to be too late to do anything. I am restoring a backup of 22:30 (CEST) (1:20 h ago), this will take some minutes (and some sql errors will appear on the website)

Sorry again.

Tobias, this didnt work, even your game account will have a massive loss. Take a look.......
Some have massive loss, I looked at two of my alliance members accounts since they are away and entrusted me to keep their DOP up there and they have losses across the board, one had 21M DOP now 640k.

#63716 SIM2 Classic

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:54 PM in Announcements

I suggested rolling back to a pre-stock market point. As far as sim2 "classic" goes, the idea is to cater to a small population of players who enjoy that type of game (fast growth, no limits, etc). It is in no way intended to replace the existing sim2.

I suggested this in post:


I just logged into an alliance players account and they will love me, they had a DOP of 21M now 650k, looks like I will have to hide under the wheel of a 747 as they are due back tomorrow.:cry:

#63714 SIM2 Classic

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:46 PM in Announcements

The "new" server is based on pretty old (and stable) sim2 code that's gone through months of playtesting the bugs are pretty much gone, so if anything it would provide some relief from the new stuff on sim2 right now. :D

Then suggestion you should put to Tobias, remove (Close the existing) sim2 and kick in this one, least players can play while bugs and fixes are performed to the one thats causing a massive lot of issues right now.

Remember David, if you keep this existing play of sim2 going with all these today issues then players will leave the game/site and a lot like in the past, never return, we dont want this to happen......

#63702 What on Earth just happened?

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:15 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

No its not either of them

plus a little development... my airline reseted again this morning, but this time only my gates were all gone...my planes and cash were still there, but the gates are gone.

Affected Airlines

Execujet (23247)
Alexandair (23257)

Funny, how did you slip throught the Banned User Net?

Your IP gives you away

Past Banned User forum ID


#63701 The future, the stock market and the life after/with it

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:03 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Tobias, you will find a lot of Addicted AE players will wait and thoe I see lot of issues, you have covered a lot of it in the above.

Thanks for that.

Others will feel they cant play Sim2 as gates, cash and other issues.

I will be here when you reset, I know you mean well and are progressing the game for the better, just give us a game right now we can all play.

If you do not reset, then roll it back to rid the latest issues.

Pre-stockmarket would be good, but then again this may not be possible.

just my thoughts.

#63695 SIM2 Classic

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 09:52 PM in Announcements

How many players would be interested in playing in a new AE game, separate from the current sim2, that uses the old sim2 LF script (the one that generated huge profits)?

Key features:

- massive profits and explosive growth, so starting on day one is a must
- fast-paced gameplay (two aircraft per type delivered each month combined with the massive profits)
- accurate profit predictions when creating a new route
- no gate leasing restrictions to curb expansion
- 99% bug free (so think of it as the sim1 version of sim2), no new features will be added
- has undergone months of closed playtesting, so the code is proven

None of these are actually new, but I know some players (however few) prefer the old hardcore-ness and fast pace. If you like limitless expansion, relentless competition, and game stability, this is for you.

Also, this is independent of sim2 so you can play both if you want. :D

If there is enough interest, we will go ahead with this plan and I will post more details soon. :D

Well, after reading the latest list of BUGS I do not think anyone will want to play this fast paced round, the latest notices within the bugs section, of ALL Gates gone, the stockmarket issues and zero cash etc is enough to make players move away from AE.

(Many past have done this, shame as the game in whole has a lot to offer)

It is about time we took hold of the game and make it playable as lot of players spend countless hours making an empire to log in and find its dissapeared or zero cash to name just a few issues.

my thoughts.:cry:

#63692 [Resolved]Where's the gates???

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 09:41 PM in Bugs

This is better than reading a good book.

Getting a real :D:P just reading players getting all this happening.

Glad I quit this round.

#63690 [Resolved] No Declare bankruptcy option

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 09:38 PM in Bugs

Sender: admin Subject: Stock market: 'KaaiElEm' declared bankruptcy Date: 2009-07-12 16:35:14 Message: The airline 'KaaiElEm' declared bankruptcy. Your shares were removed.

#63681 Quixstar Airways Closing

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 08:55 PM in Airline Press Releases

Closing your Airlines? Join the Ceased Operations Alliance!

hahaha That membership will be full if you advertise it.

On the post, you me Glen and lot more.


#63669 [Resolved] No Declare bankruptcy option

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 07:23 PM in Bugs

Reading the log-in page:


July 10, 2009 Stock market introduced Today the new stock market got introduced, feel free to buy and sell shares on the AESE (Airline Empires Stock Exchange)!

Not even 2 real days old and it screwed up the WHOLE game.

#63665 [Resolved] No Declare bankruptcy option

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 06:58 PM in Bugs

My airline was reset and still I have other players owning shares?

Do NOT leave town you owe lot of players Megga Bucks :D:P

#63657 SIM2 Classic

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 04:59 PM in Announcements

Not for me, too non-acheiving and very much more time consuming than sim2 as it is right now

#63647 What on Earth just happened?

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 04:34 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

This is sort came a couple of days ago, but still, its very important...

Why has my airline reseted?!? I logged in as normal the other day and instead of normally going to my control center page as normal, its goes to the new user registration page! I've basically had to start my airline from scratch again, plus, coincidentally, my brothers airline's in the same situation as me. Ours was probably one of the best airlines we did...

Anyway, I just wanna know what or how it happened, who could've done this and is there any way of retaking any part of our old airlines back?


With so many players in the database, do you assume we are mind readers or do we just:

Pin the Tail on the Donkey?

Name/rank/file number will help

#63640 (Resolved) Purchased stocks not getting delivered.

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:47 AM in Bugs

Tobias, I have purchased a lot of stocks, last changeover or anytime over past 2-AE changeovers should of received them, they are still pending.

No point flying again (Glennos) lost me Billions, so trying out the stock market, but pointless if the system dont release shares.

Being charged again for Zero....

(Airline 6181 Geesh What A Struggle)

#63637 Game running slow?????????????

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:02 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

lol, Well Casey I did try my best to explain this problem and lobby'd extensively to have this stopped but it was not enough :D

Echo - Echo :agree::-Bang

#63636 Stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 09:23 AM in Announcements

Spenser: Corrected your cash.

Just found another 3 players with a cash lower than -100,000,000 - but this is not related to stock market things, it's related to some aircraft orders and massive gate leasing :D

3 of my alliance members have zero cash and have decided to quit this round till a reset.

They said its a shame that there are so many little bugs that bring the game to its knees.

#63607 [Resolved] Cash suddenly down to zero

Posted by travelhouse on 11 July 2009 - 06:38 PM in Bugs

Remember, if you have purchased Stocks/shares then this may be the reason for the massive loss.

Tobias will have one hell of a time solving all induvidual accounts, so RESET the game and with these extra things running it could be OK.

#63606 stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 11 July 2009 - 06:22 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

To be honest it's starting to pee me off a little , I spend alot of time and energy in the beginning getting my airline going and this is the third time it has not reached year 3. This does need to change!

I echo this, time is one thing this game needs to make it into top ten.

If you me and 8 others are going to place countless hours into this game, then it needs to have like you say, one game running, another running as beta testing and the third for the final version ready for valid bug free play.

#63601 [Resolved] Cash suddenly down to zero

Posted by travelhouse on 11 July 2009 - 04:15 PM in Bugs

Just thought I would throw my name in, went to bed with 30 million and woke up to 5 million.

Sim 2
Minnesota Airways (23359)

Well I had 12B in there now got 9B so lost 3 odd Billion, some I lost through the silly stockmarket on Glennos the rest just vanished.


#63600 stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 11 July 2009 - 04:11 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I would not bother, the stock market stuffs up everything :D

Wait till Elchie fixes it

Not very IMPRESSED Glenn........I paid a high price for your shares and you folded your airline, I lost $3 Billion + on this.

Dammm .........stockmarket, shouldnt of been released till fully tested.:thumbdown:

#63519 [Resolved] Rankings / finance issue

Posted by travelhouse on 10 July 2009 - 08:56 AM in Bugs

I will have a look later, the stock price depends mostly of the valuation and some other factors beside this.

Sounds like you have got a few things happening, good to see, I will be back on line after the weekend and will have a read at some of the features you have implemted...

#63344 Lots of Used Turbos placed on Market for you all.....

Posted by travelhouse on 06 July 2009 - 09:27 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

Placed another 30 up.

Will be away for a few days off to Singapore so on return will list all I have received from my massive orders.