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There have been 78 items by NicholaiGaul (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#213316 [ACCEPTED] NicholaiGaul-SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 05 May 2016 - 02:17 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

-Username: NicholaiGaul
-Profile link: http://www.airline-e...5-nicholaigaul/

-Airline(s) you operate:( Do this for all your airlines that want to join)

Name: Paw Airways International
HQ: Pittsburgh International - PIT, USA
Usual world: Real Worlds or Special Worlds

-Current Airline(s) in operation: 

Name: Paw Airways International
Current world: R5
HQ: Pittsburgh International - PIT, USA
Hubs: Pittsburgh International - PIT, USA is the only hub so far. Will be expanding to other airports soon.
Aircraft: A321-100, A340-200, and 757-200. List of aircraft will change overtime for expansion and lowering number of slots used by the airline.
Reputation: As of October 12th, 1994 in R5, the airline's current reputation is sitting at 80.
IFE: The latest In-Flight Entertainment rating that's currently in use for the airline is rated at two-stars. Better IFE will come later on, as I'm still experimenting with IFE.
IFS: In-Flight Service is at a fairly good rating for the three classes. Two stars for First and Economy, and three stars for Business Class. This should change as I'm also experimenting with IFS as well.
About your airline: Paw Airways International, or just Paw Airways for short, is an airline based in Pittsburgh, PA, and the original goal of the airline is to connect one of the most under-appreciated world-class cities in the airline industry with the world. The airline's name, Paw, is actually an acronym, standing for Pittsburgh Around the World, or can be used as People Around the World, as the overall goal is not only connecting the city of Pittsburgh with the world, but other cities too, such as Indianapolis, St. Louis, Reno, and the list goes on. Not only I have the airline set up hubs in unlikely cities that most other airlines won't associate with that turn out successful in the end, but I also fly unlikely planes that not that many people choose to fly, such as Lockheed's L-1011 Tristar or Airbus's A340 Family for example. However, back in the first world I played in, S3-A back in late 2015, I ended up coming out on top with a few airlines with the #1 best reputation. It wasn't easy though, but I managed to pull it off.

-Are you currently in an alliance?: In World R0 and R5, yes. R0, I'm not part of SkyWorld, and I never seen the alliance in that world as of yet. In S3-B, I am currently not in an alliance in that world.

-Why do you want to join SkyWorld: I feel a lot more welcomed in the SkyWorld Alliance. Probably because the leader of the alliance, PilotTom, has personally messaged me, along with creating a gift for me, being the Paw Airways livery. If that doesn't speak kindness, then I don't know what will. SkyWorld feels a lot more friendlier, compared to other alliances in the community that I have joined in the past, like Star Alliance and OneWorld, where I felt like I didn't fit in, and stood out like that socially awkward kid that everybody wants to ignore in school. I'm rather happy that I'm applying to SkyWorld, as I feel welcomed into this alliance!

-How many days a week do you play: All seven days of the week! However, that may change since every few months I do go offline for an extended amount of days for vacation or to attend particular conventions. But for most of the year, I do have Airline Empires pulled up on my desktop, as I love to stay on the ball to make my airline a great airline.

-Any Questions?

None! That's it for me! :D

#213207 Favorite Airline That Is No Longer In Service

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 04 May 2016 - 07:08 AM in Real World Aviation

Now I have seen a lot of other players in the Airline Empires community create forums about their favorite/best/worst airlines out there, and I decided to why not make things a little more different. Even though the first flight I ever took in my life was back in 2003, there are some airlines that are no longer in service today that I do appreciate, despite I have never seen any of their actual aircraft in service.


So for this forum, I ask you all in the Airline Empires community, what is your favorite airline that is no longer in service as of today? Unfortunately, Eastern Airlines doesn't count, as they are currently back in service in Miami, FL, with a few 737-800s.


For me, it's hard to settle on just one. I actually have three favorites from the past, and these three had big names too here in the United States. Continental Airlines, Trans World Airlines (TWA for short,) and everyone's favorite, PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS!!! It's not their liveries I was interested in, but more-so on what they have achieved in history that made them earn their names and being loved by the passengers in the era of when they were in service.

#213120 The effect of trophies on player behavior

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 03 May 2016 - 03:52 PM in General AE Discussion

I'd say it's very hard to tell, it's all psychological. 


You can now get subjective impressions from players in a few sentences, but if you really want answers you would need to make a complex statistical survey. It would be a good topic for a serious research, but it's really hard to drag answers out so simply. :D


Konj1 does have a point. It all has to do with the player's psychology, whether if they choose to be a show-off or abuse the trophies they worked hard to win. For me, I only have one trophy, and I see trophies as a way of showing how hard the player is willing to work to make his airline so great to the point where they do end up winning that trophy. I simply play Airline Empires for fun, and find it as the most realistic airline tycoon game I have ever played so far.

#212819 B767-300/ER or A300-600??

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 30 April 2016 - 02:59 PM in General AE Discussion

I choose the A300-600. I've flone both the 767-300ER and A300-600 before, and found the A300 to be more reliable and with lower maintenance cost than the 767. Even though the A300 Family is the first set of planes Airbus has built, they really did a great job on making a plane to compete against Boeing's 767.

#212795 5 Worst Airlines You've Ever Flown On

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 30 April 2016 - 03:54 AM in Real World Aviation

I really don't want to start a riot here in the forum, but I must correct you, Hayhaa, and you are wrong there on JetBlue Airways. And in this post, I will do my best not to be bias, as I am a TrueBlue frequent flyer with them, and provide an outlook of the airline from a general point of view from the average US domestic passenger.


A lot of people still do remember the accident in Los Angeles involving one of JetBlue's A320s, however, that's been left in the past, and JetBlue has had a fairly clean safety record. I say fairly, because a few weeks ago, the nose landing gear of one of their Embraer 190's failed to deploy upon landing in Nassau, Bahamas. However, that E-190 still landed safely. However, I do want to say that your opinion on the satisfaction rate is a bit backwards. I have flone on JetBlue Airways since 2009, and have never had a single problem with the airline. In fact, I enjoyed my first flight with them so much, that they're basically the only airline I'll ever take between Florida and New York State. In fact, if I remember last year, that JetBlue has also received an award for being the #1 best airline in the US by passenger service, which I remember they have won that award multiple times. However, it only applies to their passenger service, not the overall size of the airline (number of planes and destination,) or overall valuation or recognition of the airline. Another thing about JetBlue that sets themselves apart from the other airline is the staff! Just wow, are the staff amazingly friendly! I even love how some of their flight attendants, or even the check-in crew comment me on the days I do fly with them with one of their JetBlue shirts on that I own. Ever since my first flight with JetBlue, I practically said to myself, "Where the heck has this airline been in my life?! I love this airline, they're amazing!"


Now, to add on on my least favorite airlines, I'm even going to include some that I've been on before that are unfortunately not in service today. My 5 list will also include airlines that I have never been on that I'll never dare fly on, or even step foot onto their planes.


#5; Transmeridian Airlines

I have flone on TMA before back in 2004 twice with my mother, and we really didn't appreciate the airline at all from how basic they were. Sure, they were trying to be a low-budget airline too, but when we flone on their planes, there was nothing to do but sleep. There wasn't even an airline magazine to read! It was basically like being on a normal city bus for hours. Plus too, my mother panicked when we returned back from New York on them into Orlando-Sanford, and they lost her bag that she did put travel insurance on. To this day, we never retrieved the bag filled with her make-up and expensive clothing.


#4; Frontier Airlines

I'll admit, I'm not a fan of low-budget airlines since they strip away everything and charge everything. However, I really do look down upon Frontier, because years ago, they had the same kind of in-flight entertainment that was on JetBlue at the time on their A319s. However, looking now at them is just terrible! They practically go from being an airline almost as good as my favorite airline I travel on, to being as bad as Spirit. It disgusts me on how they remove a feature from their plane that's really important in the airline industry for a lot of airlines and their passengers, being their in-flight entertainment; And also having those pre-reclined seats that you can't recline at all. I do understand that they are more light-weight, but its also sacrificing some passengers comfort, so they can squeeze in more seats. What I especially don't like about their seats is the tray tables. They are so tiny to the point where it won't be able to hold my laptop that I have, and barely have any space at all for your snacks or beverages you want, which of course you got to pay for!


#3; Air China

So I've heard stories from a friend who use to live in China, that he had some horrifying experiences from flying on board Air China. He hasn't brought up any flaws with their passenger service, so I have no idea what they do at the airport or on board during the flight, but the biggest complaint that he has stated out to me multiple times is how bad the pilots are. One story that stands out the most to me was that he was on board one of their 747-400s, and they were coming in to land, (don't remember what specific airport,) and he could easily tell their altitude, and was starting to get worried that by when they got down to 800 feet, he was getting really concerned at the pilot's actions, as they did not lower the landing gear until they were about 700 to 600 feet above the ground, while they were on final, close to short-final approach.


#2; Asiana Airlines

I have heard SO MANY horror stories about Asiana, such as how poorly trained the pilots were, as well as their passenger service. I think what struck me the most was their safety record, as I still remember to this day the Asiana 777 crash at San Francisco airport. I remember seeing the plane come in on TV, and saw it slam its tail into the sea wall, and it was horrifying seeing it spun around on the ground as it was grinding to a halt.


#1; RyanAir

Oh god... Where to even start with RyanAir... There is so much I can go on about RyanAir to the point where I need to write up an entire forum post about everything wrong with RyanAir. Basically, if I see one of RyanAir's planes or see an image of their CEO, Michael O'Leary, I will always look away and cringe at every second they've been mentioned.

#212186 Ugliest airline liveries

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 20 April 2016 - 03:50 PM in Real World Aviation

I'll have to disagree on the classic Air Jamaica and the BWIA liveries, as I find them perfect for the two airlines since it fits the colorful tropics of the Caribbean.


So anyways, the airline livery I must say is the worst looking one, would probably have to be Siberian Airlines, otherwise known as S7. The Siberian livery is a very bright neon lime green paint job that covers the entire fuselage and engines of the aircraft, but it has a darker shade of green to show the silhouettes of people on the fuselage as well. I'll admit, it is a very unique livery, but it really is an eye-sore from how bright it is and how it hurts my eyes most of the time. Not even their logo looks good at all in general.

#211832 Irkut MS-21 discussion

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 15 April 2016 - 10:21 PM in Real World Aviation

You know, even though everybody's already fighting about the MC-21 or MS-21 or whatever you want to call it from Irkut, I'm just going to let my opinion lose on the aircraft.


In my opinion, I'm actually impressed with some of the aircraft the Russians have been making lately, some that are even capable of competing against Western aircraft, like Embraer, Bombardier, Boeing, etc. And with the research I've already done on the MC-21, I'm really looking forward to see this beautiful airliner enter service, as it might be able to compete against the Bombardier C-Series and just maybe against some 737 Next Generation models. I'll be amazed if anyone in either the North American or South American continent would be interested on flying Irkut's MC-21.

#211452 worst ae brands by country

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 April 2016 - 06:57 PM in Member Projects

Probably every single British Airways, JAL, Air China, QANTAS, Emirates, etc etc based in the US.

I totally agree with you. Airlines, who are the national airline of a specific country, based in a country outside of the country they're meant to be in, throws me into a complete rage. Such as Air France being based in Canada, or AeroMexico being based in Puerto Rico, which also grants them domestic flights within the US. IT DRIVES ME NUTS WHEN PEOPLE DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS!!!

#211342 Reputation is screwy?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 04 April 2016 - 11:26 PM in General AE Discussion

The same (100%). You should all recieve 1st place trophies. I think.

I can back this up, because I did get that back in S3-A, first place in terms of airline reputation, even though that there were 4 or 5 others that had a full 100% reputation like how I did.

#211161 When do new airplanes appear?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 02 April 2016 - 03:11 PM in New Players and Questions

What does it makes sense to pre order aircraft? There is no difference between ordering an aircraft 1 year before its launch date or ordering it 1 day before, right? 

There is actually a few pros to preordering aircraft. One is that if you're quick enough, your airline could become the launch customer of that aircraft in that world, like how my airline, Paw Airways International, is the launch customer of the Bristol Britannia. Another good thing about preordering an aircraft is that over time, you can invest more and more into either leasing or buying them before the first delivery. This way then overtime as your airline continues to make more money, you can invest into a greater amount of aircraft, and you don't have to wait so long after you ordered your aircraft. Once production begins, they'll start rolling in one after the other every two or three weeks, or whatever the delivery rate is.

#211157 When do new airplanes appear?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 02 April 2016 - 02:52 PM in New Players and Questions

That actually would be pretty helpful too! I'm practically ready to go in R0 for when the 707-120 becomes available. Even though it's currently 1955 in R0, and the 707-120 doesn't come out for another 3 years, I'm all set to go on preordering that jet to replace my smaller and slower Starliners flying to Europe and South America.

#211101 Willing to join R1? Some nice locations.

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 01 April 2016 - 07:06 PM in General AE Discussion



Couldn't resist. XP


Anyways, I hope you're all having fun in R1!

#210675 Your favorite underestimated planes

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 25 March 2016 - 06:46 PM in General AE Discussion

The Sukhoi Superjets.


Don't get me wrong, the Superjets are just absolute beautiful short range jetliners! Sure, they can't go over 2,000 miles, but having them based in a hub like Oklahoma City, they can do fairly well for covering the US from the center of the country. I personally prefer the Superjets over the Bombardier C-Series.

#210563 Zipp

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 24 March 2016 - 08:23 AM in Archives

I don't know, but I want my post to be first.


Name: Zipp

Airline: http://ae31.airline-...e3r2&player=209

Alliances: DWA, Avant, Envoy


Love me

Dude, I love your airline's livery! Looks awesome!  :D

#210535 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 11:28 PM in General AE Discussion

Clearly this community has demonstrated that it cannot be entrusted with such a privilege.


What the hell are you talking about, if I might ask? :) I'm honestly confused.

I agree with konj1, what are you talking about?


Listen. Just because my icon is of my own character that I made up, doesn't automatically classify me as a child. I'm pretty certain we're all mature adults here. Sure, there is a bit of drama, and I straightened myself back up from what I've done, and I'm fairly certain that stopping all forums, is a bad idea. How else will the admins and moderators of Airline Empires get to share news on a world reset, or a new plane added? How else are the players going to suggest new ideas on making this game better? How else are all of the members of the Airline Empires community, are going to communicate to each other at once, to share their thoughts on something?


I think I can put this mini-neutral grounded argument on the forums, to rest. :innocent:

#210518 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 08:15 PM in General AE Discussion

I say we get rid of the AE Forums and the ability to post things.

Then that takes away everything about a community. How else are people going to ask for things with everyone's opinion, or even supply tips to everyone, even to those who are struggling? B)

#210512 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 06:01 PM in General AE Discussion

Using this once. Okay. Twice or more? Just no.

Exactly! Thank you bAnderson! Like I said on the top of the forum, highlighted in red...


"If you think that I'm whining, then please don't post any hateful or negative comments towards me in this forum. This is just a simple apology forum..." Do people ever read something that is in a different color, asking for something simple?

#210481 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 09:09 AM in General AE Discussion

Live long & prosper friend.

Amen! :yes:

#210472 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 08:03 AM in General AE Discussion

Not exactly a simple apology is it?

I really haven't taken it into thought. But yea, I admit, I got carried away with the whole Flying Cow fiasco. In reality, I am a very heavy rule follower. I guess I can thank the moderators for giving me the warning, as it did snapped me back into reality, as I do hate causing drama. And as things turned out, I started some of that drama, and got into trouble on not watching myself. >_<

#210470 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 07:48 AM in General AE Discussion

id forgive you if you werent a furry

So you're not sorry for me apologizing to the Airline Empire community, all because I am part of an amazing community, filled with the most artistic and talented and kindest people on the planet? Tell me, if being a furry is such a bad thing, then why do you think my entire family loves the fact that I am a furry, and is the coolest thing on the planet? B)


Like I said up at the beginning of the forum, "Don't post any hateful or negative comments." There's no need to keep knocking at a guy who's just simply saying he's sorry for his mistakes.

#210464 Apologizing For The Recent Drama

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 March 2016 - 05:01 AM in General AE Discussion

Quick heads up. If you think that I'm whining, then please don't post any hateful or negative comments towards me in this forum. This is just a simple apology forum towards the player of Flying Cow, and the Airline Empires community. Thank you.  :D


Hello everyone of the Airline Empires community.


I just want to say real quick, that, I'm sorry.


I'm sorry about the initial forum that started this whole fiasco with the player who is running The Flying Cow in World R1, and I am sorry I cursed in the forum.


I recently have received a warning from the moderators about my behavior in the forums, and I just want to say to everyone, I'm sorry.


Flying Cow has admitted that they are applying tactics from the airline of RyanAir, which I hate both them and their what I call, mentally insane CEO, Michael O'Leary, but I have forgotten that Airline Empires is meant to be a realistic airline tycoon game, meaning anything goes when it comes to running an airline, as long as it isn't cheating, hacking, and still follows the rules and terms of the game.


Flying Cow, if you're reading this, I have a few words to say on neutral ground. Yes, we've both been jerks to each other, and I'm sorry for what I have said towards you. Yes, I found it not fair on you starving the airlines in the USA, but I forgot that Airline Empires has no restrictions on what kind of an airline you can run. I do wish you the best of luck in R1 though. But next time if we do cross paths again, could you go a little bit easier on the competitions, and play fair with other players before starving all of the airlines in the nation you have your airline based in? In my point of view, it was a very harsh move on what you have done to me, and other players in R1.


I am very sorry for all of the drama I have caused on Airline Empires, and I am very sorry to any players I offended.


This will probably be my last initial forum I do, and from here on out, only kind of activity I do in the Airline Empire forums, would be providing some neutral or positive advice to players on the game.


Again, I am sorry for what I have done, and I hope to continue having fun on this amazing airline tycoon game.

#210429 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 10:31 PM in General AE Discussion

I am now #1 spot in R1, and i'm happy. In the future, The Flying Cow and maybe Starflyer will overtake me, simply because India has less big airports. I'm fine with that, i really don't care about those tiny trophies under your name. I salute any strategy in AE that let people climb in the leader boards as long as it's fun. Everyone will get hated by some people, and loved by others ^_^


Lets stop this argument, that i started please.

(it's been going on for long so that it's a "hot" topic XD)

You go, jarkii! :yahoo:

#210396 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 05:19 PM in General AE Discussion

Obviously there giving low-ball flights,there desperate for money.what airline does lottery in a plane. All they want is your money they don't care about your comfort or the problems your having with ife or your seat. The only reason ryan-air still up there is because of there low priced flights,
There staff not even properly trained. That is the future of Ryan air and flying cow, trying to make money off anything before they get sucked down that drain

Good shot, m8! :clap:

#210395 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 05:10 PM in General AE Discussion

Instead of giving a speech about what you "believe" is the "right" or "fair" thing according to you:

CHECK THIS REAL WORLD AIRLINE https://www.ryanair.com/gb/en/

... you should do better your homework to avoid such weak argumentation :dance: :dance3:  :dance2:

You say that you're using RyanAir tactics, right? Well, let me ask you this. Why do you think RyanAir is the #1 most hated airline in Europe? :eyebrow:


I think I have proven my point. B)


Low budget airlines do work to a certain point, such as Southwest for example. Southwest is pretty much on neutral grounds, since they have an equal amount of lovers and haters. I hate Southwest myself, but yet I can understand their point of view on them being an all 737 operating airline, so they can have commonality in their fleet. Yet, Southwest still has a few pluses for their passengers and crew. I've never flone on Southwest before, so I have no idea what their perks are for their passengers.


RyanAir for example, which is what I call an extreme budget airline, is basically stripping everything away, and whatever you want, you have to pay a huge amount of money for. That's extremely flawed. Not only that the passengers hate RyanAir, but so do other airlines. I know that RyanAir almost bought EasyJet, and yet the other UK airlines bailed them out and kept EasyJet going.


So, in the public's point of view, RyanAir, AKA The Flying Cow on Airline Empires, will be hated for, for starving out other airlines, and taking away the fun that is Airline Empires. :innocent:

#210391 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 04:58 PM in General AE Discussion

You say this is a business simulator, yet, in actual terms, your airline is an insult to the word "business simulator". Also, the problem with charging only $30 on a flight has its downsides. Yes, you will get more pax on your planes, but charging $30 for a 1000 mile flight also tells the pax that your airline must be at such a low quality that you cannot sustain reasonable and fair prices of that of other, higher quality airlines. And I can see why. Your seat configurations are worthy of a school bus, you must not care about if your planes are maintained because looking at your airline, your mechanics barely have time to maintain them. Other faults: you still have dreary, slower then molasses props in the jet age, you have aircraft that shouldn't be in your fleet, you probably have horrid In Flight Service. And explain to me why you have so many aircraft.


This is what a "business simulator" airline should look like: http://ae31.airline-...ae3r0&player=87


My seat configurations are reasonable and don't sardine can my passengers, I make sure I properly maintain my aircraft, I have aircraft that are realistic to use, I have great service on my flights and don't overflow markets unreasonably, and I have a reasonable amount of aircraft for the era and time frame.


Then you accuse other players of trolling and overflowing markets, etc.....well sweety, it takes one to know one.


Also Alice in the Wonderland doesn't exist...

YES!!! THANK YOU, MR. BEAR!!! :dance: