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There have been 78 items by NicholaiGaul (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#224127 How to eliminate Spamlines

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 27 September 2016 - 02:06 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I can see the potential on adding in passenger behavior, such as like what you have for example bAnderson, passengers on a budget. I do charge a bit for the snacks, but the highest I ever go for the snacks in my IFE is $10.


I'm not sure how the AE developers would be able on creating a system where there are different passenger preferences, but I can see something like that being done to make the game a bit more challenging and hopefully more controlled to where you don't see people with 2,000 planes by the end of the 4th year in one world.

#223859 [CANCELLED] PolarisWings - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 20 September 2016 - 04:03 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Hello PolarisWings!


Thank you for submitting your application to the SkyWorld Alliance. Right now it's being processed by our team of admins, and once it gets enough approvals, we will accept you into the SkyWorld Alliance as an honorary regular member!


I hate to say this, but I'm not running SkyWorld in R4. I don't even know if PilotTom is back in that world or Hcarde1. However, we will be able to accept you as a member no matter which world you are part of the alliance in! :)


We will get back to you with the good news in about a week or less if you are in or not, so please be patient!


Thank you, & stay awesome!

~Nicholai G.

#223108 Name an airline who you've flown with who you think nobody else on the fo...

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 05 September 2016 - 09:25 PM in Real World Aviation

Great Lakes Airlines.

#221542 Greatest Spamlines

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 09 August 2016 - 02:19 AM in General AE Discussion

Yep, true spamline!


I literally got nothing to say but, HOLY BALLS, is his fleet huge, and it looks like he's flying every plane in history. D8

#220831 [ACCEPTED] Tesla App to SkyWorld

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 30 July 2016 - 12:33 AM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

It's always open! I'll privately message you the password.

#220391 [ACCEPTED] Man Of Aviation - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 24 July 2016 - 11:45 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Well Man Of Aviation, I got word back from the admin team at SkyWorld, that we are VERY impressed with what your airlines has to offer, so welcome to SkyWorld!  :hi:

#220377 [ACCEPTED] Tesla App to SkyWorld

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 24 July 2016 - 09:06 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Got some good news for you!


After some negotiations with the admin team at SkyWorld, we have came to an agreement to revoke the one hub guideline for your airline. Welcome to SkyWorld, Tesla!  :clap:

#220358 [ACCEPTED] Man Of Aviation - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 24 July 2016 - 06:14 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Hello Man Of Aviation!


Right now we have another application being processed right now by the admins at SkyWorld, but you're next on the list!


In the mean time, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions!


To me from what I experience, I say that it would be best to save a three-class configuration, basically adding first class to an aircraft's seating configuration, I say the best time to add first class is when you start receiving aircraft built to carry more than 200 passengers in its standard configuration. Such good examples would be the Airbus A321, or the Boeing 757-300, To me, I say that all of the British Aviation RJs are too small for first class. The RJ100, along with all of the other British Aviation RJs, are built for primarily regional or short-range routes, where you'll probably not see so many First Class demand. From speaking from experience, having business class seats on regional aircraft, I highly approve, as a lot of other airlines are trying to accommodate for business class passengers on their regional aircraft.


And as for your question about IFE, I say that the Avro RJ100 is not too small for IFE. However, for the Saab 340A, I think that aircraft is too small. For me, the smallest aircraft I fly in my fleet is the ATR 72, which I fly all of the different series, and I even also use my IFE on the ATR 72 as well, since the aircraft carries more than 50 passengers, and has a 500+ mile range. Plus too when you look at real life aviation, there are some ATR 72 aircraft already out there flying with IFE installed on them too. I don't know which airlines though, but I can reassure you that it's already being done. Basically, if I was in your shoes Man Of Aviation, I would install IFE only onto aircraft that has a maximum operating range of over 500 miles.


Well I hope my answers are able to help you out in some way! Feel free to reply back to me or privately message me if you have any more questions to ask, and we'll be getting around to reviewing over your application with the rest of the SkyWorld admin team shortly! :)

#220353 [ACCEPTED] Tesla App to SkyWorld

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 24 July 2016 - 05:18 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

To answer your question, Tesla, unfortunately so.


You see, we have some guidelines that we check new applicants have for the airline they're trying to enter into our alliance, and I'm sorry, but you can't join. HOWEVER, we're still in the reviewing process with the rest of the admin team at SkyWorld. But since you don't have a hub established yet, it's highly unlikely you'll be able to get a spot at SkyWorld. Plus with the mediocre reputation you have currently, it isn't going to fly.


I give you points though for the high employee morale, as nobody has shown us that yet! So well done! :D


I think you do got something great going on with your airline, and I do wish you the best of luck with South Indian Airlines.


Like I said, you may or may not have a chance at SkyWorld, as the rest of the admin team is still reviewing your application.

#220221 [DECLINED] Eastwind CEO - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 23 July 2016 - 06:15 AM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Sorry for the late answer, but I hate to say this, Eastwind, but we're declining your application.


Reason being is that, yes, you can install an IFE on board the 727-200 and DC-9-30. But more importantly was that you've missed one of our top four most important guidelines, which is having at least one stable hub for your airline. At the time when all of us admins at SkyWorld checked your world for Yosemite, there was no hub at all. Another thing to address is your poor reputation. Try to raise it up the next time when you try to apply with us, as a 60% reputation isn't going to fly at SkyWorld.


I'm sorry for the bad news, Eastwind CEO, on declining your application. However, come back to us next month and you'll be able to submit a new application once you get a better reputation and a stable hub established.


I wish you the best of luck though with Yosemite!

~Nicholai G.

#219800 [ACCEPTED] Donald John Trump - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 18 July 2016 - 06:18 PM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

No need to be butthurt and attempt to soil my application, my friend. This is Airline business, not tumblr mate.

I can totally agree with you there, Donald!


Anyways, I got some news from the admin chat of SkyWorld, and all three of us approve of your application! Welcome to SkyWorld, Donald John Trump!  :cheers2:

#219684 [ACCEPTED] Donald John Trump - SkyWorld Application

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 16 July 2016 - 11:59 AM in ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ

Hello Donald John Trump!


We at SkyWorld would like to apologies for the long processing of your application. However, the admins of the SkyWorld Alliance is already reviewing over your application. I just got done giving my input in a private chat with the other two admins, and right now, you got the green-light from me!  :thumbup:


However, I'm waiting to hear back from Hcarde1 and PilotTom on what they think of your airline & application to SkyWorld. Get one more yes from either of the two, then you'll be an official member of the SkyWorld Alliance!


Again, we are sorry for the long processing, as a lot of the admins at SkyWorld have been busy lately with our personal lives outside of AE.  :)


~Nicholai G.

#219313 Name an airport that you've been to that you think no one else in this th...

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 10 July 2016 - 11:13 AM in Off Topic

Here's a good one I'm pretty certain barely anybody on AE has been to.


Syracuse Hancock International Airport (KSYR) in Syracuse, New York, USA.


I fly into Syracuse usually every summer since I have family up there, and it's such a lovely little airport!



#218491 Best starter aircraft?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 02 July 2016 - 07:54 AM in General AE Discussion

Tricky question to answer! A few people so far has said that the A320 is the best aircraft to start off with. But, speaking from experience, it isn't. I suggest starting off with either the 737-300, or the ATR 72. Either way, both aircraft were great starting aircraft for me, as they allowed me to build up my airline a bit, before proceeding on to the aircraft that I want for my fleet, such as the A320, as I'll be stable enough by then to handle its pricey expenses.

#217059 What language's do you speak?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 17 June 2016 - 07:52 PM in Off Topic

For me, it's primarily English, and only a little bit of German. I pretty much was lazy in high school and ended up only taking one year of German. But hey, at least I had fun, and my German teacher liked me! If it wasn't for me being placed in her class, I wouldn't have my Edelweiss Air poster she gave me when she went to their inaugural flight event to Tampa, Florida back in May of 2012. I don't know, I might jump back into learning German since I do want to visit Germany one day in real life.

#214303 The Wide-Body Wars (747 vs DC-10 vs L-1011 vs A300)

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 15 May 2016 - 06:56 PM in General AE Discussion

Not sure what you all think about the 1970s, but the 1970s in the airline industry just fascinates me, as there is a surge of new wide-body airliners to carry more passengers to rake in more money for the airline, along with a surge of new technology, such as the turbo-fan jet engines, fly-by-wire, and so on. But what matters the most for this forum is the big first four wide-body airliners, being the early 747 models, (747-100 & -200B,) the familiar DC-10, the whisperliner L-1011 Tristar, and the first wide-body twin-engine jet the Airbus A300 (A300B2 & A300B4.)


So, with it being 1969 in World R0, as well as the 1970s in a few other worlds currently in Airline Empires, I want to hear from the community on which first generation wide-body aircraft is your favorite and why? It doesn't need to be restricted to just picking one, and if you want to give your opinion on all four, then go on ahead!  :D


For me, I'm split down the middle between with the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar and the Airbus A300. Reason why I like the Tristar is not only it's a beautiful tri-jet, but is a really quiet plane (never seen one IRL,) and the air intake for the third engine in the tail is different, and a lot cleaner in how it works compared to the DC-10, where it's just a straight line through the bottom of the vertical stabilizer to the actual engine.

And then for the A300, it's not the first aircraft with fly-by-wire since Concorde has beaten to that, but it was also the first wide-body twin-engine jet, which you see those kinds of planes everywhere today, and is also what started the European manufacturer we all know and love today, Airbus.


Now, in terms of operating these two particular aircraft families on Airline Empires, I really do enjoy flying the Lockheed Tristars, as they tend to be more fuel efficient, and make a better profit for me. Then again, I could be wrong there since I never flew the DC-10 yet here on Airline Empires, but will in R0 when it becomes available for pre-orders. Either way, if the Tristar is ever available for purchase in any worlds that I'm in, you better believe I'm going to fly it! I'm just straight up hooked on flying that plane from how low the overall operating expenses are.  XD

With the A300, I see the A300 as the best choice for a high capacity domestic airliner for doing flights within the continent I have my airline based in. It's a great aircraft if you want to lower your slot and gate usage at airports, and like I said with the Tristar, I love how low the expenses and fuel burn is with the aircraft.


I have nothing against the classic 747s or the DC-10s, but I thought I would give them credit for how popular the two are. I do like the classic 747s, as there's nothing that can beat the iconic short hump that started it all. And for the DC-10s, I pretty much call them the "Golden Age" jet, since pretty much everyone use to fly them in real life. Same goes for the 747 as well.

#213997 Aircraft Missing From R0's Market

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 13 May 2016 - 06:38 PM in New Players and Questions

Now, this isn't about an aircraft's production randomly ending, but rather something that has been bothering me for the past few days. The 747-200B and 747-200C has become available for preorders a few days ago in World R0, there's no 747-100 in sight on the "Order New Aircraft" page. I have no idea if this is a glitch, or if the 747-100 has been disabled in R0, but I thought I would bring it to the community's attention so someone could possibly fix this.

#213938 Spamlines

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 13 May 2016 - 02:05 AM in General AE Discussion

A nuance. For obvious reasons.

#1; The number of planes! Like, how can they even manage to run their own airline when they're already at 500 to a thousand planes at the end of the first year on order?

#2; The insane explosive expansion! They take control of so many airports so quickly, that it is an insane choice to try to expand into a major airport, like Orlando International, JFK, SFO, and LAX for example.

#3; THE COMPETITION!!! I don't brag too much about competition, but I've gone against quite a few spam-lines and the competition they have against myself and other players is insane.

#213855 Stop Whining

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 12 May 2016 - 03:01 AM in General AE Discussion

Yea... Spam airlines are going to be around no matter what. Same goes for internet trolls. They're always going to be around no matter what.

#213418 727 or Trident?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 11:49 PM in General AE Discussion



Ever heard of personal taste, Hayhaa? I like both the 727 and Trident in appearance. However, I never flone the Trident yet here on AE. So I made this forum for fun to see what the community thinks about the two aircraft.

#213361 727 or Trident?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 04:40 AM in General AE Discussion

Yeah the nose gear of tri 1E Is awfully abnormal but this is AE, sell tickets at low prices, passengers won't give s*** to the abnormal landing gear.


That is also true! Besides, everyone has their own personal taste in planes. Like for me, I like Airbus's A340s better than the Boeing 777, and Lockheed's L-1011 Tristar better than the DC-10. Of course, those will be saved for their own forums later down the road in time. :)

#213358 727 or Trident?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 03:45 AM in General AE Discussion

Tu-154 master race


The TU-154 I'll admit is a very interesting looking aircraft, especially the spike on top of the vertical stabilizer and the positioning of its landing gear. However, I didn't add it to the list due to its insanely high fuel burn.

#213354 727 or Trident?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 02:55 AM in General AE Discussion

Since it's already 1966 in World R0, the 727-100 and Trident 1C is already in production, with other models on the way. And since I've ordered a few Trident 1Es already to try them out instead of going back to the 727s again, I want to hear input from the Airline Empires community.


Which domestic tri-jet is your favorite, the Boeing 727 Family or the Hawker Siddeley Tridents and why?

#213346 DOP

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 12:06 AM in New Players and Questions

The DOP is basically the amount of money you make per game day in a specific world.

#213334 Why are there only 24 days in a month?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 05 May 2016 - 08:40 PM in New Players and Questions

I was wondering the same too. I can understand the days going up to 28, since there's usually 28 days in February, as long as it isn't a leap year. But having each month have 24 days? Why?