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There have been 72 items by Sheepy (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#163465 Zipp's Speciality AE index

Posted by Sheepy on 03 February 2014 - 12:32 PM in Member Projects

Air Koryo [1* airline] has a similar seating density to many 4* airlines. ^_^

#155413 Your local trains

Posted by Sheepy on 13 November 2013 - 10:04 PM in Real World Surface Transportation



suck my adls

#155754 Your local trains

Posted by Sheepy on 18 November 2013 - 12:41 AM in Real World Surface Transportation



V Set.



Hey look there's a maccas sign ^_^

That image makes me think of Wellington

#152999 Your favourite trains

Posted by Sheepy on 06 October 2013 - 08:52 PM in Real World Surface Transportation


I genuinely love pacers.

#164248 Which nation would you visit?

Posted by Sheepy on 17 February 2014 - 11:22 AM in Current Affairs

I would consider visiting DPRK by choice, and I would visit DRC just to have a look around.

#152520 where to report a spammer

Posted by Sheepy on 02 October 2013 - 03:19 AM in General AE Discussion

Define 'spammer'

#153151 What Subways/Metros/Monorails have you been in?

Posted by Sheepy on 09 October 2013 - 12:19 PM in Real World Surface Transportation


This is the surface transportation forum, not the 'below ground' one D:

#161961 What do you like about AE?

Posted by Sheepy on 20 January 2014 - 06:51 AM in General AE Discussion

AE caters to many different airline types and playing styles.


Many basic formulas work for creating airlines, even if one must be creative in how they are applied to the AE system.


Essentially what I'm saying is that one can operate all of 737spam LCCs, regional airlines and legacy carriers with some success, and I think it's imperative we avoid being left with only 737spam LCCs after AE4, for example.



Also small parts of the community.

#154962 VirtuTrains UK Roleplay Concept Voting 1

Posted by Sheepy on 06 November 2013 - 08:21 PM in Roleplay

As a note, I was unhappy with my response to the gauge thing.

I would prefer it so we could use anything from the UK, and anything of lesser gauge.


I want muh silver ferns.


As for zones, I think we should have a base area of operations, however if I want to run a train that goes outside my area I should, possibly with the restriction it must travel through (or start/end at) the base area of operations.

#154601 VirtuPolitics Resurrected

Posted by Sheepy on 31 October 2013 - 02:58 AM in VirtuPolitics

This is why we can't have nice things anymore.

#170716 UnitedSkies officially condemns aaaalliance for unfair treatment of FoxTrident

Posted by Sheepy on 20 June 2014 - 04:27 PM in Announcements



21 June 2014

Official UnitedSkies Statement

Recently a productive member of the Airline Empires Community, FoxTrident, was removed from aaaalliance due to "inactivity". We feel that the method through which this removal was conducted was abhorrent, undemocratic and not a real representation of the alliance's views. If appropriate actions had been taken to ensure the removal was fair, including a warning and alliance wide discussion and vote, we would have less of an issue, however it is unacceptable for a harmless member to be treated unfairly by an alliance, and UnitedSkies officially condemns aaa for doing so.

We also have concerns over the lack of equality in treatment, whereby other members of aaa who had been inactive beyond the cutoff point were not also removed or reprimanded for violating the same terms. It was claimed that FoxTrident was to be 'made an example of', but this simply means 'We are going to unfairly pick someone', and in such a case it would generally be expected to pick someone that may be disliked for other reasons as well, which raises concerns over the selection process.

Furthermore we feel this incident identified severe internal communication issues with aaaalliance, as clearly no-one was willing to converse with FoxTrident about the issues at hand, and no warning was provided within a relevant time frame to the incident. This lack of interest in even attempting to fix the problem leaves aaa's motives for this action even more questionable.

When decisions are taken without the input of the alliance, the alliance will often suffer as a result. aaa simply using their now tested powers to remove even more members they merely dislike is a serious potential issue and displays reckless disregard for established democratic processes, and leads to separation of the leadership and alliance and a resultant drop in interest and participation from members, as well as a rise in dissatisfaction over members' lack of a voice.

We hope that aaa will reconsider their policy and attempt to include all of its members in future discussions and decisions, and attempt to communicate with members they may have issues with rather than simply kicking them and hoping they go away.

#175026 The war of alliances.

Posted by Sheepy on 03 August 2014 - 01:23 PM in Alliances

I think it's cute you think there's a war.

#150764 Summer Olympics 2020!!!!!!!!

Posted by Sheepy on 03 September 2013 - 08:42 AM in Current Affairs

My personal preference would by Tokyo.


However, I would expect Istanbul.

#161091 Spam World

Posted by Sheepy on 13 January 2014 - 02:40 AM in New World Requests

I see no reason how a world designated as a spamming world would discourage spamlines in other worlds.

At worst, it could even leave the ones in other worlds to become even worse due to less need to spend time adjusting prices.

#154667 South Africa

Posted by Sheepy on 01 November 2013 - 02:34 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I agree.

However countries that appeared on SAA's historic route network should be excluded.

#154670 South Africa

Posted by Sheepy on 01 November 2013 - 07:07 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

The EU is post 2000, and NZAU has some starting date.

Time based restrictions are possible, I'm not sure if expiry is.

#157569 Sextionio Alliance Launches!

Posted by Sheepy on 13 December 2013 - 08:59 AM in Alliance News

I can assure you our private communications are very, very, very active on this matter. ;D

#152134 Second World With Unlimited Airlines Per Player

Posted by Sheepy on 25 September 2013 - 10:59 PM in General AE Discussion

50 years is really too damn long.

I've always felt the R-Delta worlds are better suited to 30 year cycles.

#157143 Seats on Market Graph reflects seats that can be sold

Posted by Sheepy on 09 December 2013 - 05:49 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Possibly preferential would be a grey area on the graph indicating 'blocked seats'

#159488 Scythe - Air Jordan Application

Posted by Sheepy on 28 December 2013 - 03:20 AM in Applications

Thanks for your application.


We will now discuss it in the private forum, which may take some time.

#150751 Sandbox Games

Posted by Sheepy on 03 September 2013 - 03:30 AM in Off Topic

While true that one can achieve an objective in a sandbox game, there is nothing to measure one's overall win. Therefore, one cannot 'win' a sandbox game, however it is possible to do 'well'.


Though interestingly, if one defines winning a non sandbox game as 'achieving a certain preset goal and being presented with a you win' message, this could be considered fairly easy. If one were to do as well in sandbox game, one still would not have won.


This brings into the question of whether one can even 'win' any game overall, but merely complete multiple pre-set objectives within it.

#151979 Route reputation increse IF we use some aircraft

Posted by Sheepy on 22 September 2013 - 05:55 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Why not just simulate the two key ages; The Jet Age, and the Widebody age.


Methinks we are now entering a 'low cost' age.

Which would probably be fairly easy to simulate.

#160851 Private Galleries

Posted by Sheepy on 11 January 2014 - 07:43 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Sounds like a great idea ;)

#155303 Pre-1955 Aircraft?

Posted by Sheepy on 12 November 2013 - 08:11 AM in General AE Discussion

Ehh, maybe the used-market is just one plane broker? (and so instead of "Alta sells dc-9, goes to sit on the ground waiting for buyer" it's "alta sells dc-9 to broker, broker is now responsible for finding buyer")


Considering the fees we pay for a transaction, a broker seems the obvious thing.


Possibly an option might be 'pay a broker 10% of value and get cash now, or pay a broker 0% and only get cash when a buyer buys'

#160980 [Accepted] Cluckerson Inc. Airlines Group. | Air Uganda and Affliates..

Posted by Sheepy on 12 January 2014 - 01:35 PM in Applications

title edited


Was that really necessary.


Especially considering you posted 2 minutes prior.