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There have been 307 items by travelhouse (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#58510 [Resolved] No aircraft deliverd this month

Posted by travelhouse on 17 November 2008 - 11:11 AM in Bugs

it seems there is a new delivery rule.

Enlighten me?

#58509 [Resolved] Bug when adding gates to a terminal

Posted by travelhouse on 17 November 2008 - 11:09 AM in Bugs

I just purchased a 25 gate terminal in Philly and all went OK, took money and gave me the slots with no hitches but cant convert this into a hub, will not show in the make a hub page

#58507 [Resolved] No aircraft deliverd this month

Posted by travelhouse on 17 November 2008 - 11:06 AM in Bugs

I had none of my orders delivered this month.

Please rectify

Thanks :)

ID 13136

Add me to this list of non delivery :cry:

#58449 [Resolved] Bug, Bug, Bug.

Posted by travelhouse on 14 November 2008 - 03:37 PM in Bugs

Players - Crying out all the time will not help make AE better, and you all must understand that the game program was the invent and made by one person.

The code may be hard to navigate within - like looking into a haystack trying to locate that missing pin.

If there is any new developer entering into the minefield it does take a while to locate issues - Tobias has stated this countless times.

This T_STRING problem was fixed.

Independent from this buying an aircraft were going to fail if this error were not there due to a problem with the orders of one user. For this the quantity of aircrafts to buy is now double and triple checked and you have to use a combobox for the quantity either.

Sorry for the loss of some aircraft orders, but I have to cleanup the ordertable with millions of wrong entries, it took some hours to work this out. I tried to prevent deleting of correct orders, but I can not guarantee for that.


Tobias is working double time to right issues - therefore as time progresses he will announce things that are corrected.

To assist - (Bugs) can you please just post your bug concerns once in the (Bug) section and sit back and let Tobias work on it.


#58381 Somebody Just Took My Money

Posted by travelhouse on 12 November 2008 - 10:30 PM in Bugs

Somebody Took 40million Of My Money While I Was Logged In To My Account
I Was Not Using Used Market I Was Useing Boeings Order Form

Slow down - read the forum before you post - Maestro did make a comment and others have in the last few posts.

Tobias will look into it I am sure

#58223 Buy a new aircraft: Not enough cash

Posted by travelhouse on 05 November 2008 - 07:58 PM in Bugs

Yeah thats normal - virtual hosting.

But I added it to my C:windowssystem32driversetchosts file now -this is used first to resolve hosts to IP and then it works normal and I can get on the game page again.

Thanks for the IP.

Tobias - In the past when this issue happened TW / Torquewrench did a boot of the server and this fixed it.

#58186 Airline value not updating

Posted by travelhouse on 04 November 2008 - 04:55 PM in Bugs

Tobias, the rankings page for me still show the information from when i started. However, on every other page of the game, it shows my actual current value.


Same comment from me too :D