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There have been 307 items by travelhouse (Search limited from 14-June 23)

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#61936 (NEW) - Not Fixed..... http://ae.simulationcloud.net/boards/ Link Wrong

Posted by travelhouse on 14 June 2009 - 09:19 PM in Bugs

Placed up the link that needs to be fixed from the Cloud logout page we gat, if you want to visit the forums the link is missing Tobias.....


Tobias, this log out page also needs fixing:


#61948 (NEW) - Not Fixed..... http://ae.simulationcloud.net/boards/ Link Wrong

Posted by travelhouse on 14 June 2009 - 10:02 PM in Bugs

Can you also update this log-out of the cloud server page....


#63250 (NEW) Sim2 - Route adjusting Issue

Posted by travelhouse on 04 July 2009 - 04:55 PM in Bugs

I have noticed that all the time you set up a route you have to wait till the server does it part and then you have to re-open it and set it again.

Below I have given a Before (1) and after (2) screen images.

This happens on all routes that I set, even the long hauls, you go to set the route and it may say the return is $200k you set it it drops to $120k

So, you wait a few hours, re-open the aircraft and re-set ALL routes.

Images are:

Posted Image

Image 2 after re-opening it again.

Posted Image

#63640 (Resolved) Purchased stocks not getting delivered.

Posted by travelhouse on 12 July 2009 - 10:47 AM in Bugs

Tobias, I have purchased a lot of stocks, last changeover or anytime over past 2-AE changeovers should of received them, they are still pending.

No point flying again (Glennos) lost me Billions, so trying out the stock market, but pointless if the system dont release shares.

Being charged again for Zero....

(Airline 6181 Geesh What A Struggle)

#58649 3 Sims?

Posted by travelhouse on 22 November 2008 - 04:30 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I had another thought the other day, and wanted to throw it out there. In the past, it has been suggested that there be more than one league to deal with rapid saturation on routes. Since the game seems to be moving away from its original "free markets" configuration, I thought maybe it's time to have three games:

1. AE 1946
2. Sim2 (free markets version)
2. Sim2 (restricted markets version)

One of the most frustrating aspects of the game has long been that the real competition is really only among a few dozen players (at most). Everyone else's game play can go reasonably well for a while, then it's all over. Say they know they aren't expert enough to try to go out of ORD or LHR from the beginning, so they opt for a second tier hub city. They may control it for a few game years, but once the top five players build up the big cities, the little guy who went to bed with 25% market share in his lone, lowly hub wakes up to find that the top ranked player has built a 60 gate terminal in his city, dropped A380s on regional routes, and taken 45% share. Game over for the B-rate player, his hub city routes are all money losers, and the sim is fun for fewer and fewer people as the game goes. The rate of failing airlines grows exponentially as the game passes 5 years, which is the real reason for resets. We frequently cite saturation as the reason, but saturation is the underlying cause of the real problem: the game is over. People have been obliterated, and the rankings are for all intents and purposes, fixed in stone.

On the flip side, the problem with the restricted game is that the top players will get frustrated. Once they establish their two hubs per continent or whatever the rule is, the game is done, it's just running to a conclusion that was establish early on. And every round will play out very similarly.

By splitting Sim2 into two versions, players can opt for the hotly competitive open markets version, or the restricted version where you can't expand as much, but the enjoyment will be much longer lasting for the casual player. People in the open market will battle as always for supremacy, and people in the restricted version will vie to carve out their niches.

The arguments for both free market and restricted versions are strong. Why not offer both? As a by-product of bifurcating the game, we'll also enjoy less saturation on routes. That leaves just one problem - the ability of the server to handle three games. No problem, just limit each player to one version at a time.

While your suggestion commands some thought, the game is being altered in many ways, thus keeping its original AE format, after this next reset we will evalulate the games and one thing I can assure you that we all want to keep players interested more than just a few days.

#62868 A few extra

Posted by travelhouse on 28 June 2009 - 08:51 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

2) You could have bulletins for when you are logged in that ask whether or not you want to accept a late passengers. This would coincide with a count down clock for you take off time. Do you take the extra tickets and satisfaction rating or risk of fine for a late departure?

I like that idea

They used to call it (Stand-by Fares) You can add this in but a simple code of:

If A330-300 = 300 PAX you add 10% = 30 on empty seats for Stand-by rates.

#58654 A fixed plane swap?

Posted by travelhouse on 22 November 2008 - 07:07 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I have to agree with Glarus on this. The bug in the swap should have been fixed. There have been a couple of times now since it was removed that I wanted to change the size of aircraft on a route and had to close them out and restart them. This is a very convenient feature, it really should get looked at and fixed.

Agree, the bug should of been fixed 2 real years ago, but isnt so to stop unfair advantage by a select few its best to have all on an even keel.

Once the other bugs are attended to, Tobias and his team will consider if it can be revamped to make changing one AC to another more real, with no advancement in DOP as a result of the existing.:)

#58650 A fixed plane swap?

Posted by travelhouse on 22 November 2008 - 04:52 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I know why plane swap on current routes was removed, but is it possible to restore the feature in such a way that it works properly? Swap was a very useful tool for helping you maximize the hours on your planes. When you chose it, it would show you which ones could be zeroed out with the change. By doing this, you could sometimes recapture all those 1s, 2s and 3s remaining on planes, and consolidate them into one totally freed up plane. I realize there used to be the issue where the operating cost was halved on the swapped onto plane, and I guess there were some other issues (that I don't understand.) It just seems to me that a very valuable tool was removed instead of being fixed, and perhaps this wasn't the best way about it.

Plane swap is a bug and avenue for cheaters to make good and a lot took advantage from it.

If you are not sure why it was removed (I will detail it later for all to make comments on) but now that we have only disabled it for the next round, I like many other would like to see just how players react and from looking at some, it will make players work hard and honestly to make good returns.

Therefore, let's just see this next reset to see effects.

#63968 A Question.

Posted by travelhouse on 14 July 2009 - 05:16 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

That is for the people who use the very powerful search function we have in the forums ;-)

Where is this Search thinggy :puzzled::puzzled:

Oh look, I found it :D

Search Right Here

#61612 A319-100

Posted by travelhouse on 08 June 2009 - 07:36 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

In fact I am reasonably happy with the LF at the moment. I don't have to babysit my routes, the routes can stand up to alot of competition without crashing. It pretty good!

Yes thats true, however, soon the game server will not be able to cope with this massive explosion in routes like AE year 3 comming up and we have some 58,000 + routes up and running, the LF is coping well, but soon we will be faced with a reset and some alterations to make it playable will be needed.

Getting off topic here so will let this go back to its original post....:)

#61609 A319-100

Posted by travelhouse on 08 June 2009 - 07:21 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

This is not the real world otherwise you would not find one airline with 14 a333's on one route :) You need to look at what the top players are doing and follow suit otherwise you wont make money......

It is not wise to seek and ask developers to limit the number of seats within ONE route?



Limit the seats one airline can have to 1,000 - this means they can place 1 x A380 and 2 x A330.

Sure it is not open sky's but the way the LF is structured, the more you place within ONE single route the higher the ticket price goes up, so the new addition player wanting to enter the route has no chance obtaining a fair ticket price.

In world terms, if you have a ticket price from HND to CDG at $2,000 a ticket, the more airlines that enter that route should bring down the ticket price, not rise from $2,000 to $3,000, Singapore Airlines would love to grab their entire fleet and place it on that route if they was guaranteed to get more revenue, but in world terms this is not so.

Just hope David in his LF restructure takes note of such ticket rises.

#61631 A319-100

Posted by travelhouse on 08 June 2009 - 08:55 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I used to get $250,000 a day, But people have just added the same routes as me (which happens) and caused my LF to decrease, so ive lost nearly $100,000 :thumbdown:


1. Take your A319 and place it from your main location and place it on (One-Way) legs around 1,200nm to 2,000nm on auto pricing.

2. Make sure you have a few gates from this location, hub it, you will find that your DOP will grow, most players big or small can get very good results with the A319.

Sure you will lose DOP, thats the nature of the game, only issue is that bigger players will hit your International Flights with A333's A380's and B747's, so look at the runway of locations, A319 can use many smaller runways, theres a hint....

Best of luck.:airplane

#60083 Account Verification Problem? Read Here

Posted by travelhouse on 16 February 2009 - 06:58 PM in Announcements

Players, just making this a Sticky so David can see it on his list for you all.

No good having players if they cant play.

#61402 Af 447

Posted by travelhouse on 01 June 2009 - 04:47 PM in Real World Aviation

Bad taste of applying a poll when it look like there is deaths :thumbdown: on this unfortunate flight.....:thumbdown:

It is a free forum, will let it ride for now however, if forum members want this removed I will be happy to oblige.

#61483 Air France Flight Missing

Posted by travelhouse on 05 June 2009 - 08:01 AM in Real World Aviation

Empty page link of (Kermit The Frog) :):P

#61509 Air France Flight Missing

Posted by travelhouse on 06 June 2009 - 06:27 AM in Real World Aviation

Latest New 2-hrs ago

Sub joins search for Air France wreckage

By Nick Olle and wires
Posted 2 hours 36 minutes ago
An intensive air and sea operation is yet to recover any bodies or debris from the Air France plane that vanished earlier this week.
Twelve planes, a helicopter and three navy ships are already sweeping the suspected crash zone off Brazil's north-east coast and now a French nuclear submarine is being sent to join the search.
It is believed the 228 passengers and crew on board the plane died in the crash.
According to the French defence minister, the nuclear-powered submarine has surveillance equipment that could help locate the plane's black box flight recorders.
Officials say none of the debris salvaged from the Atlantic waters was from flight AF447.
Identifying wreckage from the plane would allow investigators to refine the search area as they race against the clock to find the flight recorders, which only emit signals for 30 days.
The head of air traffic control for the area, Brazilian Brigadier Ramon Cardoso, has told reporters "we have not made any recovery of material."
Some items spotted floating in the vicinity were "not relevant," he said.
Brazilian officials said items picked up Thursday turned out on closer inspection to be nothing more than trash, probably from ships.
But positive sightings in the waves of a seat from a plane and cables and other components on Tuesday and Wednesday convinced searchers they were in the right spot.
Crash clues

Mr Cardoso said those objects might have since sunk to the bottom of the ocean, where the plane's black boxes are also believed to be.
Without clues from the wreckage or the data in the black boxes, speculation climbed over what caused the accident.
French Defence Minister Herve Morin has told reporters in Paris he had not ruled out a terrorist attack on the plane, although he had not heard of any threats or claims of responsibility being made.
French Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau said "we must do everything we can to find the flight recorders" but admitted "time is against us."
The operation is being hampered by difficult weather conditions, with poor visibility and large waves complicating the search.
Meanwhile, the former inspector-general of the United States Department of Transportation, Mary Schiavo, says she believes the plane's speed devices failed in bad weather.
"The engines would have been revving up and down, there would have been a lot of fluctuation, a lot of porpoising of the plane and then at one point in the four minute spiral down to earth, they lost pressurisation," she said.
Plane-maker Airbus had issued a notice warning crews on its aircraft worldwide what to do when speed indicators give conflicting read-outs, suggesting a link with data alerts sent by the ill-fated Air France plane shortly before it met its end.

#63242 Air S

Posted by travelhouse on 04 July 2009 - 09:15 AM in Airline Press Releases

Your reports are good, you set an example for other airlines to follow, many former past players did exactly this, however the game has got a little out of hand and is now all about getting to the top of the leader board.

You get my vote for making a go in this Sim, with small aircraft. :D

#58652 Aircraft aging

Posted by travelhouse on 22 November 2008 - 06:31 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I would like to see aircraft aging reintroduced like we had it years ago.

Plane should age and their value should decrease, this helps the flow of older aircraft through to players who can not afford new ones.

Also fuel flow should increase with age making them less economical.

If I may come into answer this:

Some time back when TW was active, this I asked for to be made active again, however TW stated that due to a hacking of a script which also corrupted the ordering system this whole script would require a re-vamp rewrite.

But (Things to Look at and do) is made of this as its important (Why)?

A: The age of aircraft be it new (0 Yrs) except for the 2 given AC and each year they reduce in value, (Year by Year) this isnt happening now and again reflects on your true value, plus as before the older the AC the less effecient they become and used more fuel which cut into the balance sheet so players traded/sold/mothballed or sold to (Chicken:p) old desert bound AC.

If we are going to have a top ten ranking of true value this must be looked at, therefore Tobias may be able on the side of this after reset, look at the damage and duly advise us :eureka:

#61171 Aircraft Seating Adjustment

Posted by travelhouse on 19 May 2009 - 01:02 PM in Announcements

While we will all appreciate the efforts of the alterations and improvements made within AE, adding more calculations into a very unpredictable and delicate load factor script will only cause more issues within the game.

Developers will not know the true reasons why over the past years the level of players (Many Voiced to return if the LF is Fixed) have vacated the AE community all due to this revamped and unpredictable LF script.

AE once had over 2,000 players around, now it’s like 200, (Thou I think Duplicate airlines mark those 200 figures upwards) many more will depart if significant game play issues are not addressed.

While players would like to see these seating classes come into the game, we should all consider the past players concerns (and current) and try to place efforts into writing a load factor script that will keep this game alive.


#63254 Airing of thoughts

Posted by travelhouse on 04 July 2009 - 06:44 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Yesterday morning when I logged in my airline acted like a restart had happened but the date was not January 1 Year 1 and everyone else was flying like normal. Is someone playing a prank on me or what?
I don't think I'll restart now, it's too much work. It's been a great diversion and kept me sane from the stress of watching my successful business start to go down the drain in the recession now. Thanks for the fun. The few minutes a day spent here saved me.
On another note this one-way rule is written different on the home page and the forums. The little time I had, I spent flying planes not reading the forum and it was only once I started getting some notes from people that I realized I was doing it wrong.
Home page: only one one-way flight between two cities is allowed per aircraft
Forum; ONE one-way per city pair regardless of aircraft
Very different if you ask me.

To those that sent the notes, thanks. I managed to find the time to go thru my routes and delete all the rogue one-ways. I'm not the most computer illiterate but it would have been nice to have an option of sorting the one-ways from roundtrips. I'm sure I might have missed some.
Thanks guys and good luck.

Bad Dog Airlines

PS I've been curious what everyone does in real life for a job. Are there airline executives trying different things on here as a test run for the real thing or are we all just day labourers with a fetish for airplanes and the feeling of being in control? I myself have spent most of my life in road construction and currently sell compaction equipment to the roadbuilding industry. But I LOVE airplanes and enjoy the moniker of "plane crazy".

I think you should PM Elchie and explain, that Sim2 is Beta and he has ALLOWED the One-Way to go ahead.

I am (1) against this One-Way issue, but like you I am just a player.

Guess if you ask, they will tell you WHY?

My thoughts.

Janice :D

#58186 Airline value not updating

Posted by travelhouse on 04 November 2008 - 04:55 PM in Bugs

Tobias, the rankings page for me still show the information from when i started. However, on every other page of the game, it shows my actual current value.


Same comment from me too :D

#61291 Anti-trust & Anti-dumping

Posted by travelhouse on 25 May 2009 - 01:52 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

"Your hubs in asia will be destoyed. Have a nice game."

Not sure what airline you are, however, this type of game play and in-game messages have been happening since the game 1st started many moons ago.

My advise !

Just hit (Delete)

If you must read them - dont let it get you down, remember AE is a semi-type of role game, in the fact that the top of the high tree (being leaderboard) is all some look at reaching some will employ any ways measurable to get there and many do like to play with your mind. (This is eactly whats happening here)

Play your style of game and enjoy.

#61295 Avanti

Posted by travelhouse on 25 May 2009 - 05:56 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

While suggestions are nice, developers will need you the suggester to add some info, like:

General characteristics

  • Crew: one or two pilots
  • Capacity: up to nine passengers
  • Cabin dimensions: 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) high, 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) wide, 4.45 m (14 ft 7 in) long
  • Payload: 907 kg (2,000 lb)
  • Length: 14.41 m (47 ft 3½ in)
  • Wingspan: 14.03 m (46 ft 0½ in)
  • Height: 3.97 m (13 ft 0¾ in)
  • Wing area: 16 m² (172.2 ft²)
  • Empty weight: 3,400 kg (7,500 lb)
  • Useful load: 1,860 kg (4,100 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 5,239 kg (11,550 lb)
  • Powerplant: 2× Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-66 turboprops, 634 kW (850 shp) each

  • Maximum speed: 732 km/h (395 kn, 455 mph)
  • Cruise speed: 593 km/h[6] (320 kn, 368 mph) (econ cruise)
  • Range: 2,592 km (1,400 nmi, 1,612 mi) at 11,900 m (39,000 ft) with reserves
  • Service ceiling: 12,500 m (41,000 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 14.98 m/s (2,950 ft/min)
  • Wing loading: 327 kg/m² (67.1 lb/ft²)
  • Power/mass: 0.24 kW/kg (0.15 hp/lb)

Only 9 seats, not a lot .......

#58688 Better Mothballing Page

Posted by travelhouse on 25 November 2008 - 04:46 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Actually, I would like to take this a small step further :)

Right now you can mothball multiple aircraft which is good but I still miss an aoption to mothball all at once.

Even better still I would like the option to "Mothball all unused aircraft" That way I can quickly get rid of all my unused and unwanted frames.

On top of that would be an even beter option to "Sell all selected to bank" :D

Let's see what Tobias comes up with at the reset, the guy has been working 24/7 on improvements and more :)

#58677 Better Mothballing Page

Posted by travelhouse on 24 November 2008 - 07:48 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Couple ideas/suggestions I have for the mothball page.

1) the ability to select multiple aircraft at once. IE, im trying to dispose of about 50 707's, hard to do right now because I can only go one at a time.

2) the ability to mothball directly from the aircraft page. IE, click on the specific aircraft and under the new route and sale links, add a mothball link.

Having had this implimeted within sim2 one assumes your refering to sim1, Miller has only access to sim1 and therefore you may want to PM miller direct on this.

99.9% of the forum topics right now relate to sim2:)