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Posted by travelhouse on 21 October 2009 - 01:31 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

CWS, I do think you have no idea what you are talking about, I have opened this post just to reply then as Moderator Maestro has closed it it will remain closed.

1. I have ZERO to do with the Sim2, it is now in control of Tobias, therefore please get facts straight before you start the ramping and raging.

2. Miller and Tobias run AE, not me nor you, you got a beef with the game, please direct comments to either party.

3. I am still at a loss of why you are on this abuse line !! (Baffled):puzzled:

4. And an important one, my role is a moderator, I see you have sent me a very nasty insulting PM, Maestro has warned you about stepping over the line.

No player in AE should receive such abuse, therefore I have taken a step to BAN you for a period.

End of Matter.

#65699 [Sim 2] Premium features and Reset (Oct 07th)

Posted by travelhouse on 07 October 2009 - 12:55 PM in Announcements

Nice - Now let's see who are avid players on AE

I hope Tobias, that your efforts are fully rewarded.

Sorry not around a lot been very busy with work. :P

#65451 Log Out

Posted by travelhouse on 11 September 2009 - 05:46 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

It happens if you dont let the page load fully,


Click on sell aircraft and sell but if you hit any of the navagation bar on the left hand side it will log you out.

Tobias and David cant seem to get the same fault, I do get it a lot. annoying.

#65450 Reset?

Posted by travelhouse on 11 September 2009 - 05:42 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

I wonder how many are still playing.

My sales in the last few days have almost come to a stop.

I sure wish somebody could give us a reset and new life in SIM 1.

Email or twitter Miller22 and plead for him to perform the reset, as only he has the power on sim1

#64166 [Fixed] how is this possible?

Posted by travelhouse on 20 July 2009 - 08:19 PM in Closed Bugs

Ditto your comments Glennos, David should place a temp :Banon this user after removing their access to the game, this should be a stern warning to other who love to take advantage and think that the eyes :-1Eyeof the AE world are not looking.

10/10 to the original poster for spotting this :-Clap - keep looking as one day this hard work of David's will be what you will be playing on.

#64124 SIM3 is Open For Registration!

Posted by travelhouse on 18 July 2009 - 04:43 PM in Game Discussion (SIM3 / AE Classic)

Have you created an account on sim3? It's a separate game world, so you will need to re-register. Sim2 accounts were not copied over :)

Oh my, thought it was a case of just hop onto the top floor and fly away.

10/4 - Roger Wilco, will do :P

#64120 [Resolved] Sim2 - SQL/DB Error

Posted by travelhouse on 18 July 2009 - 03:49 PM in Bugs

Tobias, every page in sim2 has:

SQL/DB Error -- [Unknown column 'transaction' in 'field list']

In the top left hand corner


Airline 6181

#64114 SIM3 is Open For Registration!

Posted by travelhouse on 18 July 2009 - 10:30 AM in Game Discussion (SIM3 / AE Classic)

Well I am not able to log in.

Geesh What a Struggle

Airline 6181

#64087 [New] Sim2 keeps logging out

Posted by travelhouse on 17 July 2009 - 10:39 AM in Bugs

Is this still current? Can't reproduce it.

- Logged in, my first page after login is the aircrafts page.
- Clicked on gates
- Clicked on the details link of a gate

Works fine.

Yes it is still doing it, not all the time but when you apply a route and you got to set another it will every 2nd or 3rd time log you out.

#63968 A Question.

Posted by travelhouse on 14 July 2009 - 05:16 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

That is for the people who use the very powerful search function we have in the forums ;-)

Where is this Search thinggy :puzzled::puzzled:

Oh look, I found it :D

Search Right Here

#63883 Coming Soon

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 10:14 PM in Game Discussion (SIM3 / AE Classic)

Easy David your forum trigger happy, now posting this players will start asking a lot of Q?....:D

#63871 someone has some explaining to do!

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 09:40 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Once you upload a logo to the server, that logo is assigned a number corresponding to your alliance ID. After a reset, alliances are all gone so people make new alliances (starting with #1 again). So this new alliance #1 will display the existing logo #1 until you re-upload a logo to replace it. So in this case, it's just system forgetfulness and was not caused by any player action. :D

Ok fully understand.

On a side note, as I am in the UK, I would of altered that Logo to keep with the Queens English and called it Clear Skies not Clear Skys thats:p Yankee.

#63869 someone has some explaining to do!

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 09:35 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

After a reset, alliances are wiped out but alliance logos are not. So if someone creates a new alliance, the numbers get recycled and the old logos still show up (now matched to random alliances who happen to have the number). This will be rectified in a future reset.

Come to think of it, it did appear as the game re-started, so are you saying that the server could of applied it?

As like in my original post, it was there, thought one of the members listed it.

In a court of law, I have to say.

Not Guilty:)

#63795 Restored database before stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 09:42 AM in Announcements

Game is back up but I have ghost gates and routes, cant remove them nor sell aircraft, so if I have issues then lot's more will have the same.

My past bulk aircraft orders are there, but I got a GHOSTING DOP :D:P

Tobias, plus I have on my finance page all the Stockmarket investors and those I invested into showing, plus other information that was not there before you introduced this stockmarket.

#63789 Restored database before stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 07:03 AM in Announcements

Hmmm, strange. I have all my planes but none of my routes and just one city with 5 gates ....

It should have been reset to what we had before right? So basically at the moment I have an airline valued at 30M dollars and 421 planes , maybe they are all paper planes :D

Looks like it is still doing adjustments, as I just had 38 routes appear, and 60 aircraft.


Who cares, I look at it that this round is up the creek without a paddle now, so I will just look and watch and get a good old :D at players comments.

#63787 someone has some explaining to do!

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:44 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Easy, just try to a little civil in the post to start with.:thumbdown:

It is I who is the leader of the pack of our alliance.

However, I have no idea what you are on about, I have NOT taken nor have I placed up on the site your so called Logo.:puzzled:

Just for the record, it was up on the alliance part of the AE server just before the latest reset, that’s over 2-weeks ago now, how it got there I have NO idea, we have a number of alliance members.

So, harking back to your post, if you say it is your copy write (Made by you piece of artwork) then just ask the question in the forum, or go to the alliance area within the game and send a message, no need to air and show your anger so all players can see, that just very aggressive and acting below par.

#63785 Restored database before stock market

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:30 AM in Announcements

Hi folks,

very late - but finally decided to do it: At the moment I'm restoring the database to a version just before the stock market got introduced. The backup was made at July 9th, 05:30 GMT (thats about one hour before the stock market got introduced).

I also deactivated the stock market, so I think thats the best version (data and code) playable right know.

The restore is still in progress, the database is even big (not even terrabytes - but it will take some time), so stay tuned, within the next let's say 20-30 minutes you will get a "No suitable nodes are available to serve your request." messages, but this will be gone when the restore has been finished.

With a bit of luck I managed to remove or delete most of the many number of posts that players placed about this little issue we had last night.

A lot of post/threads was not needed if they only took time to read the forum 1st.:cry:

I also altered the Announcement to refer it to this Thread.

Thanks Tobias :D

#63784 What the heck happened with Sim2

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:20 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Post closed, told you all to read announcements and now Tobias has acted so also read:


#63783 Important Announcement READ 1st !!!!!!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:15 AM in Announcements

Have a look here: http://forums.airlin...=newpost&t=9699

Thanks Tobias - now you have done this I can remove the Announcement and close this post also.

But just for the record, players should read the forum 1st, before they start just posting, must of closed off 20 posts last night, we all know you didnt like finding out that you lost megga time in this bug, but if only you all just took 1-min to read announcements you would of read that ALL players are involved and that AE staff know about it and are attending to resolve it.

Post closed, Tobias has acted so also read:


#63782 [Resolved] Aircraft Gone

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:08 AM in Bugs

Post closed, told you all to read announcements and now Tobias has acted so also read:


#63781 [Resolved] I just lost about 64 aircraft and my dop is down..

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 06:05 AM in Bugs

Post closed, told you all to read announcements and now Tobias has acted so also read:


#63754 Important Announcement READ 1st !!!!!!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 12:27 AM in Announcements

My mistake, hadn't spotted it myself!

Not a problem, I would suggest that players leave their airline as it is for now till Tobias can fix this massive issue, he will be up again in a few hours and I am sure things will get repaired or if too bad the game will be taken off-line to be fixed.

To those reading just this post reply, go to the TOP of it and read.......post more threads on this issue and I will have to close them.

#63752 [Resolved]Where's the gates???

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 12:22 AM in Bugs

I had a previous post on this but it appears it has been closed and deleted (which is new!) without reason. I don't know who you think you are Glennos, but you are not above anyone here. There have been many complaints about you, and several threads (ie innapropriate responses). Go ahead and delete my post, but keep in mind I am not the only one aggravated by this. At least post what I can do to fix what I did rather than close and DELETE my thread.

Settle down, Glennos is just trying hard to keep some order in the BUG forum posts, even I have had posts removed/deleted as I was not posting correctly.

On the post about you refer, look at Announcement which is 2 times posted, once at the very top of the forum and 2nd in Sim Announcments (READ 1st !!!!!)

So there is not more posts on this issue I am closing this post as Tobias thinks he resolved the issue.

#63750 What the hell just happened

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 12:07 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Post Closed - See Announcements:

#63749 [Resolved] Where's...

Posted by travelhouse on 13 July 2009 - 12:06 AM in Bugs

For fear of sounding lik a moderator (I'm not), I think you will find that everyone has been affected if you read the multitude of other posts. I also believe that Elchie et al. are working on a solution so demanding one due to "playability" issues probably won't make you many friends.

The reality is that we are all dead in the water until a solution is presented for us all.

Agree, and Glennos would do just this


Too many posts, keep it down players and read the Announcement !!!!!!