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#163446 Oh Fair Ye Well - Goodbye

Posted by the DOC on 03 February 2014 - 07:17 AM in Off Topic

This isn't the first time you've left... So... you'll be back in a few months. >_>

No I haven't gone before :P

#163430 Oh Fair Ye Well - Goodbye

Posted by the DOC on 02 February 2014 - 09:53 PM in Off Topic

I'm surprised I wasn't on that list of abusive people considering our past. I must say however. You don't seem to take your own behaviour and actions on here into consideration. I'm sad what you see as abuse towards you had to go as far as you deciding to leave. And I guess now if any is a good time to say. I'm sorry if I hurt you personally during our few inconveniences. Good luck with your music and your sports. :P


Thank you -_- well I never tried to offend anyone here that didnt start on me (just to re state that point... again). However, you definitely were nowhere near the others. All you really said was hurling isn't a sport... :angry:
But genuinely, if I ever said anything against you, I take it back and apologies, for I would like to make amends with everyone.

#163429 Oh Fair Ye Well - Goodbye

Posted by the DOC on 02 February 2014 - 09:49 PM in Off Topic

Oh good, it wasn't anything I did. ^_^ [I had that brief worry I'd said something negative at some point and it was taken seriously when it was an offhanded remark. This is my opening because I wanted to make it noted that if anything I said was offensive, I cannot remember it being intended as such.]

AE4 will still be waiting, "Ready for release early next year..." :P

Funnily enough you're (not fully but a huge part of) what made me stay at the start. I could have spend days on end reading the monthly mail XD !

Sure I might drop into chat the odd time (as I sometimes do during transit) but if I am to return, don't expect me to be back fully for a long time...

#163423 Oh Fair Ye Well - Goodbye

Posted by the DOC on 02 February 2014 - 09:37 PM in Off Topic

Gunna miss ya buddy.

I hate when decent users like DOC leave. Then people like zipp,twa and adam come in..

Honestly, i wish you could stay and just relax. Not trying to defend steve, because he says some radical s*** but 97% of the time he is being sarcastic.

Cant take this stuff too personally, you will end up like me.

And also, sorry about your airline XD

Well he has never said anything positive to me and always tries to insult me. Usually it ends up being funny XD

But Jeez don't mind the airline D:< it turned out grand anyway and as your status said, you got outta here for a while... :whistling:

But seriously: goodbye :wave: and all the best. Will and FN too :wavecry:

#163417 Oh Fair Ye Well - Goodbye

Posted by the DOC on 02 February 2014 - 09:20 PM in Off Topic



well it seems I am leaving AE.  But I didn’t really want to go unnoticed and without saying goodbye.  I made the announcement last week to people in the alliance and just nice people (if I didn’t tell you, don’t take offence... but be concerned…)  in general  but I needed to sort out alliance business and who takes control of airlines etc.  I just don’t really have the time anymore and I need to commit to other things.  More music tours are coming up (including a trip to Sweden in May) and I’m trying to make county squads in hurling and minor club squads in football (Irish manly football. Not the soft-boy soccer...  ^_^ ) so extra core training is called for along with more Strength and Conditioning. However,  I would just like to say a few things before I go.


Firstly, I want to applaud Yuxi and the other developers for making such a great time.  I loved it here from the start.  Many is the time I found myself idly thinking what kind of an airline I would start next.  The simplicity and scope for variety is just brilliant. AE4 should be revolutionary D: Seriously though, I will come back if I can to have a look at AE4.  Good luck to the devs too


Secondly, to those who continuously attacked and abused me during my time here.  My advice to you all is grow the hell up.  Some of your attacks nearly made me cry laughing.  Bob said I belong to a strange cult of people because I play sport :huh: What the hell? XD !  Ar told me to grow up when I had a back injury.  First, it was a result of growth. Second, I couldn’t stand for nearly week because of the severity of the tear (as it turned out to be).  One of the saddest things though was the fact that people judged me based on the airlines I ran.  I enjoyed running huge airlines and still do but because it’s me, anything I did was not enough for the spas.  Steve was the worst for it.  To him I wasn’t even human.  Oh no.  He constantly attacked me because of my nationality too, as with others.  It just seemed that if someone ran an “undesirable” airline, you had to attack them.  Nationality, race, age, religion, anything that you could find had to be exploited.  People presume that because I’m from Ireland I’m a “filthy Catholic” (-Steve).  You’d swear Catholicism wasn’t in America… or that it wasn’t the largest Christian denomination in the world... And it’s so sad :/ I never did anything to them yet they and others kept abusing me.  You have all played a huge destroying the positive community spirit and it’s one of the reasons I am leaving.  I would love to off and attack you now but that would then reflect badly on me so I’ll just say this: it’s just good to know there are people morally lower than me in the world -_- Though it’s sad to meet people so morally low that they’ll go out of their way to try put others down. That’s just sad.  What wasters.  They tried so hard to put me down, and even then it didn’t work.  Grow up all of you.  Don’t be a sadgasm and bring everyone down.  You’re the one that’s really sinking.


Now, I would just like to bring up the common issue of forum conflict.  Yes some people are annoying but just ignore them. If you are annoying…. stop.  The personal arguments are wrecking the place.  Why is it so hard to get along? Then I suppose some people on AE just abuse you anyway no matter what you do just like they did to me.  Just stop annoying others and then picking fights.  I understand that it’s not easy to just “forget” but if someone says something, just say something constructive toward them instead of expanding your ego.  This would go a long way toward solving the problems that exist at the moment.


Lastly, I’d just like to thank those who made my time more enjoyable. Firstly to Hake and Randal.  Being Irish I’d have to thank you first  :P Then I’d have to thank Zipp (and Hake and Randal) for helping me set up the alliance.  Then just a general “Thanks” to TJibbey, Will101, Boing, ThatComputerIdiot Will (and a certain family member… ), Northern, TWA/Global Airlines (good luck in Trinity) and Kate, of course, and anyone I may have forgotten that just made time on here a bit more enjoyable.  And I need to thank Lost for all the laughs and Fox too though more for the PRs. It just made time active in the community more fun.


So thanks for everything and I wish everyone on AE and the site itself every success in the future (yes, even those who tried to bully because you knew not what you were doing).


Farewell and good wishes :wavecry:


Slán Go Fóill,




Edit: Fare in the title, not Fair.

#163253 Question about a range of an aircraft?

Posted by the DOC on 01 February 2014 - 09:26 AM in R5-7 Archive

747-400D was designed for Japanese short haul domestic flights and therefore has a shorter range

#162686 Why can't I join Chat

Posted by the DOC on 27 January 2014 - 07:54 PM in Off Topic

Shouldn't be banned , didn't di anything

That's odd though :huh: That has happened me but only for 5 minutes at the most. Pity

#162683 Why can't I join Chat

Posted by the DOC on 27 January 2014 - 07:51 PM in Off Topic

Well maybe then contact the community administrator.. (Yuxi). Unless you're banned you should be able to log in (to chat)

#162681 Why can't I join Chat

Posted by the DOC on 27 January 2014 - 07:47 PM in Off Topic

Happened me before a couple of times.. No sooner had I posted a topic I was able to enter <_< Maybe log in and log out or something

#162596 No multi-leg routes?

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 06:51 PM in New Players and Questions

You can, but irl, the SYD-DXB-LHR carries loads and loads of connecting pax, something that doesn't occur very often in ae

Why I said open hubs...

#162595 World starting in 1919

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 06:49 PM in New World Requests

I could help you on that :)

Well I can give you the data I already have t the moment and if you can add it to the engine data it can be added :P Or maybe you could link me to engine data so I can have a look if I have any spare time

#162591 Dynamic and realistic Passenger Demand

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 06:36 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Logically the problem is the demand. Just adding more companies and lower prices creates more demand without justification. Is normal to see 400Y demand for a route and have 3000Y being offered and with 100% use. So, yes, the demand is the main problem because it doesn't have any limits.

Come on, that may just be a little bit extreme... Loadfactors increase and decrease almost proportionally to price. Anyway, I may want to go to London and let's say it costs me $150. I could say "Meh. Too much." Then sometime later and if it's $90, I might think well you know, that's pretty cheap. That's kind of how the AE PAX react. (Then again, I do have a real life habit of paying the minimum amount possible which is why I make this statement.)

#162551 Multiple Shared Control

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 01:37 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I do recall Yuxi mentioning that it was on the AE4 list

#162530 Good Aircraft to replace MD80Family

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 09:36 AM in General AE Discussion


#162528 Can't delete the post

Posted by the DOC on 26 January 2014 - 09:20 AM in Logo / Livery Requests

You can't :/ all you can do is edit

#162415 World Reset: S3-B (1985-2025) - Small World, No Political Restrictions

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 11:23 PM in Announcements


#162408 End of S3-B?

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 10:26 PM in S3B-3 Archive

I will be certain within about the next 30 minutes if it ends as of Jan 1, 2025.

If it's still going after that I will presume that it runs through the end of 2025, and if Yuxi ends it somewhere in between, well then so be it.

Well anyway you get the idea. I always order planes until the beginning of the next year (in this case 2026) just in case I was ever caught up in a race for a higher spot with another airline

#162406 Is the world ending in 2012?

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 10:23 PM in Current Affairs

as of january 1 2014 the world did not end. :)


#162400 World starting in 1919

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 10:10 PM in New World Requests

Well I'm currently rooting around with the old Douglas aircraft to help make an earlier world possible. One big problem for them is engine data. Anyone know where to get some...

#162396 No multi-leg routes?

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 10:05 PM in New Players and Questions

You can simulate this in the worlds without political restrictions (O1, O1, S3-B) though very little of this traffic will be connecting and mostly O&D due to the way ae pax works.

Well you can open up loads of hubs :whistling:

#162390 Lil Plane Vs. Big plane??

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 09:16 PM in New Players and Questions

As call14 said, maybe a 757-200 would do.  Also, a 737-800 would work or a 737-900ER

#162389 what if united airlines and continental airlines never merged

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 09:14 PM in Current Affairs

Always liked Continental's livery more then United's livery.



Also, they were both apparently in a bit of a state so that's why I said they're better off merging

#162388 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 09:09 PM in New Players and Questions

hey cod949...I sent you a pm and def intrested in your offer. I currently run an airline and it's doing okay but with your guidance maybe it'll go further...pm me when you get a chance...gracias...:-)

Alright I'll have a look at that PM and see what I can do.  Expect a reply in the next 12 hours or so :)

#162387 End of S3-B?

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 09:08 PM in S3B-3 Archive

Doc, thank your for providing the first relevant answer in this thread.

Grand but I can't be sure with my answer (as I said) but that's the general "rule" if that's how you want to put it

#162367 End of S3-B?

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 05:02 PM in S3B-3 Archive

First of all, there are 24 days in an AE month. Second of all, it will come some time during that year.

First of all, he knows that and is a very good and experienced player. Second, I think it's supposed to be at the start of the last year but it seems that Yuxi does it at his own discretion... :whistling: