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Aircraft Registrations and Names [Merged]

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I don't know if this has been brought up, but could there be a way we could have registration numbers for our fleet aircraft. For instance, my airline is Delta Airways and based in the United States. So, my aircraft registration would be NXXXDW or something like that. It would be easier, I know for me to keep track of my aircraft. For instance, for my Boeing 737 fleet, it would be N301DW for my first 737 and so on. You could register your aircraft to your liking, like either by Aircraft type or as they roll of the production line and right into your fleet. Just a thought. Feedback is welcome. :D

Edited by Yuxi, 30 March 2015 - 05:27 PM.
Updated title after merging

Kelvie Smith
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    AE Know It All

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I did suggest that we are able to add comments, visible in aircraft table and aircraft details. We could use it as we please, such as for as your suggested creating aircraft registrations, or as I focused around making a comment stating the base of aircraft (but this is apparently going to be included anyway in the future to set a base)



    AE King

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This has been brought up before but I think the devs said there is a problem in implementing that (I don't remember which one as that was a really long time ago)



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This is just a little idea and it would just make it easier when I am assigning routes and we would also have the novelty of naming our aircraft.



    Football Wingback

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I see that being fun but the only person to see it would be you.




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Isn't that a contradicting statement? :P I just thought it would neat to be able to name our aircraft and then we could commemorate what we wanted like I would like to name my A320s after famous pilots.

The Verge

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So name them. Make yourself a nice little spreadsheet with your aircraft ID and the corresponding name that you want to give that plane. Easy, really.



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It would be easy if each of us, if we want, as the airlines do, put a name on an aircraft instead of having the default number provided by the game. Much easy to identify, at least for myself, let's say, "city of Manchester" than 23456

Also, we should become realistic and the game should provide, according from the country where you are based, the immatriculation of them accordingly, e.g "SX" for Greece, "F" for France etc......




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That's a great idea :D




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You should have to provide the first letters of your aircraft, such as if you order 20 757s you would enter the first registration as G-NAAA and the system would then go through the alphabet and work it's way up, once the alphabet has finished it would then use the alphabet on the second from the end letter(G-NABA)

The only problem is, there is most likely not enough combinations for each world :/




    Resident Australian Arnimal

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you can then move into numerical or alpha numerical.



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The only problem is, there is most likely not enough combinations for each world :/

Assuming alphanumeric characters, there would be just under 2 million possible registrations for each country code. If this becomes an issue, we would have bigger problems to worry about :P



    probably been on here too many years now....oh well

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I like this idea. Only problem is I'd have to name not only the 128 I have right now, but another 68 on order. Did Ryanair name all of theirs? I cant remember. THat would be a lot, but remember, were only one guy, not thousands of employees.




    Resident Australian Arnimal

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by naming..are we talking about a rego or an actual name like "City of ABCXYZ"



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Assuming alphanumeric characters, there would be just under 2 million possible registrations for each country code. If this becomes an issue, we would have bigger problems to worry about :P

Oh hahaha!




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Thanks for all the input guys! 

Regarding my original question, I have played for a while another free online Airline game, similar to this, and would automatically give the airline, the matriculation of the country where it sets the HQ. So in my case, I am always based in ATH, my first plane, given by the machine was SX-AAA. the second one SX-AAB, SX-AAC,. and so on....If in the meantime, there was another player setting HQ in Greece, then, I would see, for example, my next airplane bought as SX-AAK, That meant that the system gave to the other guy in Greece, the SX-AAD, SX-AAE etc....

Also, regarding "Real Names" to the airplanes, that could be left to each player to decide if we want our SX-AAA become, for instance,  "Queen Frederika" or just leave it like that, SX-AAA. 



    AE Know It All

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Also, regarding "Real Names" to the airplanes, that could be left to each player to decide if we want our SX-AAA become, for instance,  "Queen Frederika" or just leave it like that, SX-AAA. 


I would think you would have both the registration (SX-AAA) and if you want, you can the nickname (Queen Frederika).

In the real world, you have to have the registration for legal/governmental purposes. You won't, or shouldn't, ever see a real plane without the SX-AAA painted somewhere near the tail. 



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Thx for the response TXaggie, I knew what you told me already, but thx anyway, every aircraft MUST have their matriculation but the "fantasy" name is not an issue. (weird, I am just thinking out-loud now,  it is not the same with vessels, they all must have their names, hey?). Anyway, responding also to the others who posted here and about the questions with the amount of combinations for the matriculation.....I suppose, like in the case of big countries like the US or the UK or France, the game can keep adding characters after the series of 3 initial ones runs out.....How many times we have seen aircrafts with "G-AAAA or so?



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but especially in this game where it is common to always be getting new aircraft, unlike the real world. Many people in this game order hundreds and thousands of aircraft every game week/month/year so that they can grow. I used to have a massive airline, but the effort of having to name all of my thousands of aircraft would be a lot of time and even just finding the right name would complicate the game even more




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The game works the registration out though ( if it happened)


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