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There have been 15 items by marbergi (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#15071 It looks like it has started already

Posted by marbergi on 23 September 2005 - 12:42 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

and the next number is:


#31180 Largest [Football/Soccer] Stadium in Europe

Posted by marbergi on 15 March 2006 - 01:46 PM in Off Topic

European Stadia

This should answer your question.

#11603 I think I found a cheater!!!!

Posted by marbergi on 16 August 2005 - 02:17 PM in Bugs

I'm not usually one to point a finger but I think I found a cheater. I say could have as I've looked into the airline and things don't quite add up. The airline is SabAir (3393) and this is a view of their DUB-LTN route as of 15:00 GMT.
<img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y18/MBergin/cheat1.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
I'm not overly familiar with the whole Brunswick/Navy bug to be honest but I think this may be setting it off as my lf's havegone from 50% to 100%. I reset my route and my lf's went back down to normal.

Also when I done a bit of investigating the airline has one beech with 3 hours on it. However, they have 100% utilsation of their gate at BKI (Kota Kinabalu International, Malaysia) and 60% SIN(Singapore) and 40% at KUL (Kuala Lumpur).

Posted Image

Posted Image


As I'am unsure what steps to take I will post this here so that others can keep an eye on him in different regions.

#12089 i'm bored.

Posted by marbergi on 19 August 2005 - 02:17 PM in Off Topic

me too.

#12811 Price Dumping

Posted by marbergi on 24 August 2005 - 02:08 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

(Or an airline on the route can push a button 'report price dumping', the system checks the profits of each airline on the route and fines the airline with the lowest fares.

This would be better if it read ...and fines ALL airline with a -ve profit margin.

Or simply stop people opening routes with a -ve profit. Much easier to implement. Just a few lines of code to check if the profit is > 0 when saving the route.

Edited for spelling.

[Edited on 24/8/0505 by marbergi]

#8150 Overpriced used aircarft , What are they thinking ?

Posted by marbergi on 17 July 2005 - 08:31 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Quick question? Do you get charged maintenance and other associated costs when you put an aircraft up for sale? If not maybe the person is putting the aircraft on at such an exorbatant price so that no one will buy it, so in reality it is more like storeing the plane until they get enough money for gates or too keep their airline value up while not disposing of planes

[Edited on 17/7/0505 by marbergi]

#8002 A win-win donation idea.

Posted by marbergi on 16 July 2005 - 01:48 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Or you could just ckick on some of the ads everytime you come in.....

#18625 A suggestion to stop cheating

Posted by marbergi on 16 October 2005 - 01:21 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

The monatery value is of little significance - I really mean to use it as a way of monitoring peoples account to ensure that people only have one.

#18618 A suggestion to stop cheating

Posted by marbergi on 16 October 2005 - 12:28 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Heres an idea I've been playing with for a while inregards to stopping people cheating. Charge everybody to play.

Now before everybody start leaping down my throat let me finish - the cost of joining 1 cent. The reason for this - payment can only be made via paypal or similiar - this way it would prevent people opening extra accounts as they would need multiple paypal accounts etc.

Having been playing since near the beginning I've seen waht is a very good game dragged down by cheaters and I'm sure that alot of you out there will agree with me.

#29399 Petition against $1 (or just low) fares

Posted by marbergi on 04 February 2006 - 12:03 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I still stand by my original point, I was however trying to show that if it's ok to use $1 fares based on real life airlines, then the same people should not complain when somebody else put in $0 fares.
I apologies if I didn't make it clear form the start. Personally it doesn't bother me what people charge for their flights as I'am not taking part in the game - I was just pointing out that using the excuse that $1 or less fares occur in real life as a reason to use them here is ficticious. They are only used in AE to drive other's off the route or just to be malicious and anybody claiming otherwise is just fooling themselves.

#29367 Petition against $1 (or just low) fares

Posted by marbergi on 03 February 2006 - 07:58 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

hahaha PSA I see you have a route with $0 better make it $1 and all is OK. ;)

I dont see the difference between $0 and $1 - cost wise it is negliable, and if you want to quote examples of real life Ryanair have offered seats at $0.00 on occasion so by that $0 here is ok too as if it happens in real life it's ok here.

#29340 Petition against $1 (or just low) fares

Posted by marbergi on 03 February 2006 - 12:23 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Therefore if in the real world Ryanair (Irish Airline) can make a business with low priced airfares, then its possible in the AE world too.

But lets not forget a few things things:
1) In real-life Ryanair and many other LCC's make a lot of money form other services like selling food etc, in flight.
2) Something as simple as people not turning up (they made @€40 million from approx 2 millions no-shows (assuming €20 per pax (including taxes and charges)).
2) How many of the seats on an average flight are for that low price 5-10 not the entire flight I can assure you - behind all good* airline website is quite a complex load factor algorithym (spl?) that constantly adjustes the ticket price to ensure that when a flight goes out it is at worst revenue neutral.

So anyway my point is that while in reallife €1 and even €0.01 ticket prices are possble they are only possible due to factors not modelled in this game so the comparrision is null and void.

*By good I mean technically not astheticilly - which by those criteria makes Ryaniars website one of the best.

{edited} DazWalsh just got there before me.

#29352 Petition against $1 (or just low) fares

Posted by marbergi on 03 February 2006 - 04:54 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Therefore if in the real world Ryanair (Irish Airline) can make a business with low priced airfares, then its possible in the AE world too.

I actually missed this in your original post otherwise I would have quoted it, and while it's your opinion and your entitled to in in AE no airlines could make a profit consistently charging $1 for their flights.

If you wish to prove me wrong using your analogy that it is possible then why don't you charge $1 on all your routes and let me know how that goes. ;)

#14913 Unscheduled Reset

Posted by marbergi on 22 September 2005 - 11:00 PM in Announcements

Originally posted by mma
No Problems from me at all - Now Makes ALL on Equal Terms.......

And less than one hour in an airline already has no aircraft or routes.........:mad:

#14919 Unscheduled Reset

Posted by marbergi on 22 September 2005 - 11:08 PM in Announcements

yeah, for the time being, but competition can be fun (as long as I'm winning :P )