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There have been 78 items by NicholaiGaul (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#223108 Name an airline who you've flown with who you think nobody else on the fo...

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 05 September 2016 - 09:25 PM in Real World Aviation

Great Lakes Airlines.

#208582 if u could destroy 1 airline, what would it be?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 15 February 2016 - 08:05 PM in Roleplay

RyanAir. From what I've heard, and comparing it to all of the other airlines I know in the world, I can say RyanAir is thee worst airline on the planet. Seriously, their CEO Michael O'Leary is just insane in the brain! Just nothing but a pure lunatic! I say he deserves being thrown into a mental ward, and have his airline shut down, as there are just way too many problems with the airline, in terms of the ridiculous number of hidden fees, safety and maintenance on their planes, and the list just goes on for days.

#219313 Name an airport that you've been to that you think no one else in this th...

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 10 July 2016 - 11:13 AM in Off Topic

Here's a good one I'm pretty certain barely anybody on AE has been to.


Syracuse Hancock International Airport (KSYR) in Syracuse, New York, USA.


I fly into Syracuse usually every summer since I have family up there, and it's such a lovely little airport!



#211101 Willing to join R1? Some nice locations.

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 01 April 2016 - 07:06 PM in General AE Discussion



Couldn't resist. XP


Anyways, I hope you're all having fun in R1!

#217059 What language's do you speak?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 17 June 2016 - 07:52 PM in Off Topic

For me, it's primarily English, and only a little bit of German. I pretty much was lazy in high school and ended up only taking one year of German. But hey, at least I had fun, and my German teacher liked me! If it wasn't for me being placed in her class, I wouldn't have my Edelweiss Air poster she gave me when she went to their inaugural flight event to Tampa, Florida back in May of 2012. I don't know, I might jump back into learning German since I do want to visit Germany one day in real life.

#209691 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 12 March 2016 - 05:04 AM in General AE Discussion

This forum is now closed. Good day, fellow players of Airline Empire. >_>

#209644 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 11 March 2016 - 08:46 AM in General AE Discussion

I know what you mean mate, literally.


There's another similar airline in R1 which is starving the Brazilian market, Low Cost Americas. They're bringing their prices down to near non-profitable, especially on international routes, often charging $200 on a route whose deafult ticket price is $600-700, and spamming basically every single route with, like, 7-8 daily flights with the Yukons, DC-7s and Tu-114s. 


About that, Pineair is right. I'll focus on fleet modernization/upgrading (727s, 737s, 747s, DC-10s, maybe L-1011s) to combat that low cost spamming. Lets see how it ends up!

Just looked them up and THANK GOD that they're not runned by the same player that's controlling Flying Cow.


As for terms of the ticket prices, it's almost exactly the same. Flying Cow's charging $100 down to as cheap as $9 on routes that its default ticket prices are between $500 to $1000, and these are on the normal cross country flights done in the states!


And as for that decision on getting the L-1011 Tristar, GET IT!!! I've never flew the DC-10s yet, but I did do the comparison, and the L-1011 models have a lower fuel burn and a cheaper leasing price compared to most other DC-10s. I can already guarantee that you'll be very satisfied with how all of the L-1011 models perform compare to the DC-10s.  :D

#209634 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 11 March 2016 - 06:54 AM in General AE Discussion

To the wonderful AE Moderators and Admins, I apologies if I violate any rules in this forum.


This is a real quick RANT WARNING I want to throw out, and let all the players be aware of something going on.


I've been playing this game a lot lately since October, and I love on how realistic this online airline tycoon game is. However, since World R1 has resetted a few months ago, and after winning in S3-A in first place with airline reputation, I decided to give World R1 a shot, as it lasts through the entire jet age, from the start, to where we'll be 10 years from now. However, for the past three days now, my airline, along with others, are being starved from one other airline that is charging ticket prices so low to the point where you can't even make a profit, and basically starving airlines until they leave that route.


The airline that I am talking about is THE FLYING COW. From being in another community, (specifically the furry fandom,) we have something called "Artists Beware," where we alert others on scammers, cheap-scats, and others who are real jerks! Well, allow me to explain a little more on what Flying Cow is doing, and how this whole fiasco started between Paw Airways and Flying Cow, as I have tried contacting other airlines in that world about the problem, but always keep on getting error messages when I try to send one off.


It all first happened when I was still setting up DC-9-30s and -40s in Memphis, and soon enough, I saw that I was losing passengers on one route to California. (Can't remember what the destination was. Sorry, guys.) And what was going on was that Flying Cow was carrying double the demand for economy, and was charging $19 for the 1,500+ mile long flight. I tried my hardest to compete against it, but couldn't make a profit at that price for tickets. So, I soon found a sweet spot where I could still make a profit on that route, and have lost half of my passengers on that route. I soon contacted Flying Cow, asking on how they're still up in the air with DC-7s, TU-114s, and CL-44 Yukons. Later on, they basically 'moo'd back at me, and started directly competing against me, all over a civil conversation since I was a curious cabbit and had to ask on how they're still up in the air with their kind of pricing.


Fast-forward to now, where I'm in a state of panic and frustration. Flying Cow is starving Paw Airways so much right now, to the point where I'm even starting to struggle on finding airports to set up hubs at to continue expanding. I would say what I'm going to be doing with all of my DC-10s, 747s, and L-1011s that I have preordered, but I'm not going to, since Flying Cow would probably come back around and yank my tail off again.


My question to you all is, are any of you facing the same problems with THE FLYING COW; to where they are starving you and your friends on routes in World R1 to the point where you have to end service on that route and find where else to send your planes?


What sickens me the most is their motto. "Let's say Mooo to our competitors!" Does that moo follow by a nuclear bomb being dropped on every US based airline, who is just simply playing the game for fun?




Thank you so much everyone for reading, and please share your thoughts on this in the comments below! I really do want to hear some feedback about this whole situation with THE FLYING COW.Let's sy to our competitors

#209642 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 11 March 2016 - 08:30 AM in General AE Discussion

Although I haven't had any confrontation with the flying cow I know how you feel! I hate it, the amount of airlines I have declared bankrupt because of this

It's a true pain for anyone's tail or tail-bone. Even though I declared bankruptcy on Paw Airways three times already in other worlds, I'd really would have to lose all of my hard work in R1 that got me to where I am now. Which is why I made this forum, giving everyone a heads up on a "bully airline" that's not being fair on the playground.  :innocent:

#209637 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 11 March 2016 - 08:15 AM in General AE Discussion

everyone says that the passenger system is based on a mathematical algoritm, so i can think about 2 things, a bug/or false in the mathematical algoritm or free marketworking. i think the last, because if you have more capacity on a route, your reputation will increase, so more people will choose that route, and because i can make a TU-114 profitable with 4 daily pax, i think that is the case. but youre right it an unsportsmanslike way of playing.

Agreed! The way how Flying Cow is competing in against 50+ other airlines based in the US in R1, is very aggressive! I simply play Airline Empires for fun, not as a sport. People who play laid back games such as Airline Empires, that plays aggressively with harsh guerrilla-like tactics are like the kind of stereotypical MLG player you would find on a popular FPS game.


It just simply takes the fun away from the game, and becomes a war to keep your airline up in the air!

#209641 (Players Beware!) Is There Such Thing As Extreme Competition?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 11 March 2016 - 08:26 AM in General AE Discussion

That sort of player often fails to last long in a world as they get bored, just hang in there R1 has a long way to go.

Last time I came up against a player who flooded routes at silly prices I found that if you reset price to default you actually picked up more passengers and made a profit. Might not be the case now as the game is constantly being tweeked

Alright then. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for passing the tip on to an epic blue cabbit who loves big jets!  :D

#210429 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 10:31 PM in General AE Discussion

I am now #1 spot in R1, and i'm happy. In the future, The Flying Cow and maybe Starflyer will overtake me, simply because India has less big airports. I'm fine with that, i really don't care about those tiny trophies under your name. I salute any strategy in AE that let people climb in the leader boards as long as it's fun. Everyone will get hated by some people, and loved by others ^_^


Lets stop this argument, that i started please.

(it's been going on for long so that it's a "hot" topic XD)

You go, jarkii! :yahoo:

#210396 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 05:19 PM in General AE Discussion

Obviously there giving low-ball flights,there desperate for money.what airline does lottery in a plane. All they want is your money they don't care about your comfort or the problems your having with ife or your seat. The only reason ryan-air still up there is because of there low priced flights,
There staff not even properly trained. That is the future of Ryan air and flying cow, trying to make money off anything before they get sucked down that drain

Good shot, m8! :clap:

#210390 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 04:56 PM in General AE Discussion

Where you Penguin Air? or was there an actual Paw Airways, because i never saw a Paw Airways in R1

No. I run only one airline, and that's Paw Airways. Most of the time I do later on rename it as Paw Airways International. I already shut down operation in R1, thanks to Flying Cow using the same tactics as one airline that I hate the most IRL, and want to strangle their CEO! ((Not you Flying Cow, I'm talking about Michael O'Leary & RyanAir. The guy's literally mental.))

#210330 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 21 March 2016 - 11:56 PM in General AE Discussion

Thanks to some Airlines, like The Flying Cow, USA has turned from the most profitable airline starting country, to the least. i can tell this because all airlines in america are losing money



If you are looking to start in R1, go for Europe or Asia.


Luckily mi in India XD

I had my fair shares of dealing with Flying Cow. Nothing but cancer, I call them. I was doing so well with Paw Airways in the USA, until they started moving in. I had no way of recovering to compete against them, and fell through.


The tactics that Flying Cow is doing, IS PURE INSANITY!!! Airlines like Flying Cow, take the fun away from Airline Empires. Sure, some competition is fine, but being dragged into a war to keep your airline up in the air, is not fun at all!

#209988 Where is the best place to start an airline (strategically)

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 17 March 2016 - 06:20 AM in New Players and Questions

Well, my suggestion is to do some real world research. Find a city that is under-appreciated in the airline industry in real life. Such examples could be Birmingham in the UK, Portland, Oregon in the US, maybe Melbourne, Australia. Those are just only a few suggestions that I have, but it's all up to you on where you could set up shop on starting an airline.


Every country has an under-appreciated airport/destination. I do not know all of them, but if you set up shop at the right place and fly the right planes, your airline is going to thrive live crazy!

#210391 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 04:58 PM in General AE Discussion

You say this is a business simulator, yet, in actual terms, your airline is an insult to the word "business simulator". Also, the problem with charging only $30 on a flight has its downsides. Yes, you will get more pax on your planes, but charging $30 for a 1000 mile flight also tells the pax that your airline must be at such a low quality that you cannot sustain reasonable and fair prices of that of other, higher quality airlines. And I can see why. Your seat configurations are worthy of a school bus, you must not care about if your planes are maintained because looking at your airline, your mechanics barely have time to maintain them. Other faults: you still have dreary, slower then molasses props in the jet age, you have aircraft that shouldn't be in your fleet, you probably have horrid In Flight Service. And explain to me why you have so many aircraft.


This is what a "business simulator" airline should look like: http://ae31.airline-...ae3r0&player=87


My seat configurations are reasonable and don't sardine can my passengers, I make sure I properly maintain my aircraft, I have aircraft that are realistic to use, I have great service on my flights and don't overflow markets unreasonably, and I have a reasonable amount of aircraft for the era and time frame.


Then you accuse other players of trolling and overflowing markets, etc.....well sweety, it takes one to know one.


Also Alice in the Wonderland doesn't exist...

YES!!! THANK YOU, MR. BEAR!!! :dance:

#210395 USA is a black hole in R1

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 22 March 2016 - 05:10 PM in General AE Discussion

Instead of giving a speech about what you "believe" is the "right" or "fair" thing according to you:

CHECK THIS REAL WORLD AIRLINE https://www.ryanair.com/gb/en/

... you should do better your homework to avoid such weak argumentation :dance: :dance3:  :dance2:

You say that you're using RyanAir tactics, right? Well, let me ask you this. Why do you think RyanAir is the #1 most hated airline in Europe? :eyebrow:


I think I have proven my point. B)


Low budget airlines do work to a certain point, such as Southwest for example. Southwest is pretty much on neutral grounds, since they have an equal amount of lovers and haters. I hate Southwest myself, but yet I can understand their point of view on them being an all 737 operating airline, so they can have commonality in their fleet. Yet, Southwest still has a few pluses for their passengers and crew. I've never flone on Southwest before, so I have no idea what their perks are for their passengers.


RyanAir for example, which is what I call an extreme budget airline, is basically stripping everything away, and whatever you want, you have to pay a huge amount of money for. That's extremely flawed. Not only that the passengers hate RyanAir, but so do other airlines. I know that RyanAir almost bought EasyJet, and yet the other UK airlines bailed them out and kept EasyJet going.


So, in the public's point of view, RyanAir, AKA The Flying Cow on Airline Empires, will be hated for, for starving out other airlines, and taking away the fun that is Airline Empires. :innocent:

#212819 B767-300/ER or A300-600??

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 30 April 2016 - 02:59 PM in General AE Discussion

I choose the A300-600. I've flone both the 767-300ER and A300-600 before, and found the A300 to be more reliable and with lower maintenance cost than the 767. Even though the A300 Family is the first set of planes Airbus has built, they really did a great job on making a plane to compete against Boeing's 767.

#211452 worst ae brands by country

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 April 2016 - 06:57 PM in Member Projects

Probably every single British Airways, JAL, Air China, QANTAS, Emirates, etc etc based in the US.

I totally agree with you. Airlines, who are the national airline of a specific country, based in a country outside of the country they're meant to be in, throws me into a complete rage. Such as Air France being based in Canada, or AeroMexico being based in Puerto Rico, which also grants them domestic flights within the US. IT DRIVES ME NUTS WHEN PEOPLE DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS!!!

#213938 Spamlines

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 13 May 2016 - 02:05 AM in General AE Discussion

A nuance. For obvious reasons.

#1; The number of planes! Like, how can they even manage to run their own airline when they're already at 500 to a thousand planes at the end of the first year on order?

#2; The insane explosive expansion! They take control of so many airports so quickly, that it is an insane choice to try to expand into a major airport, like Orlando International, JFK, SFO, and LAX for example.

#3; THE COMPETITION!!! I don't brag too much about competition, but I've gone against quite a few spam-lines and the competition they have against myself and other players is insane.

#212186 Ugliest airline liveries

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 20 April 2016 - 03:50 PM in Real World Aviation

I'll have to disagree on the classic Air Jamaica and the BWIA liveries, as I find them perfect for the two airlines since it fits the colorful tropics of the Caribbean.


So anyways, the airline livery I must say is the worst looking one, would probably have to be Siberian Airlines, otherwise known as S7. The Siberian livery is a very bright neon lime green paint job that covers the entire fuselage and engines of the aircraft, but it has a darker shade of green to show the silhouettes of people on the fuselage as well. I'll admit, it is a very unique livery, but it really is an eye-sore from how bright it is and how it hurts my eyes most of the time. Not even their logo looks good at all in general.

#218491 Best starter aircraft?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 02 July 2016 - 07:54 AM in General AE Discussion

Tricky question to answer! A few people so far has said that the A320 is the best aircraft to start off with. But, speaking from experience, it isn't. I suggest starting off with either the 737-300, or the ATR 72. Either way, both aircraft were great starting aircraft for me, as they allowed me to build up my airline a bit, before proceeding on to the aircraft that I want for my fleet, such as the A320, as I'll be stable enough by then to handle its pricey expenses.

#211832 Irkut MS-21 discussion

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 15 April 2016 - 10:21 PM in Real World Aviation

You know, even though everybody's already fighting about the MC-21 or MS-21 or whatever you want to call it from Irkut, I'm just going to let my opinion lose on the aircraft.


In my opinion, I'm actually impressed with some of the aircraft the Russians have been making lately, some that are even capable of competing against Western aircraft, like Embraer, Bombardier, Boeing, etc. And with the research I've already done on the MC-21, I'm really looking forward to see this beautiful airliner enter service, as it might be able to compete against the Bombardier C-Series and just maybe against some 737 Next Generation models. I'll be amazed if anyone in either the North American or South American continent would be interested on flying Irkut's MC-21.

#213354 727 or Trident?

Posted by NicholaiGaul on 06 May 2016 - 02:55 AM in General AE Discussion

Since it's already 1966 in World R0, the 727-100 and Trident 1C is already in production, with other models on the way. And since I've ordered a few Trident 1Es already to try them out instead of going back to the 727s again, I want to hear input from the Airline Empires community.


Which domestic tri-jet is your favorite, the Boeing 727 Family or the Hawker Siddeley Tridents and why?