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There have been 108 items by Reno (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#38213 Ajax Air News

Posted by Reno on 30 August 2006 - 09:12 AM in Airline Press Releases

heh, play this outloud when you find even more success http://media.putfile.com/Wonder-Woman , yes I did cut that from the 1970's TV show... its now the "Victory Tune" for Ajax.

#46053 developers lost interest ae will be sold before long

Posted by Reno on 16 February 2007 - 07:31 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Or they have something called a life and they're trying to help provide for their families. They are possibly piecing up V3 little by little with the free time they have.


Quit Complaining!

#37041 It could happen to you next!

Posted by Reno on 13 August 2006 - 04:48 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

考えればこれはゲームのおかしい、a をする映像あなた自身payed 。それから糸のトピックで近い一見を持ちなさい。 これは演説しなければならない深刻な問題である。

If you think, image you yourself payed where this the game is strange, does a. Then have the close glance with the topic of the thread. As for this you must lecture, it is the serious problem.

Man I love Babel Fish.

#37039 It could happen to you next!

Posted by Reno on 13 August 2006 - 04:39 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)


#37836 If Real Life Was Like Airline Empires...

Posted by Reno on 25 August 2006 - 02:03 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

... Even small airports, can actually have 75 gates
... Long Hauls would have no known meal service

#35581 Where are you guys come from?

Posted by Reno on 28 June 2006 - 05:21 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

North America my Friend

#39130 U.S. Gates - There are none left!

Posted by Reno on 11 September 2006 - 06:33 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

This is where the men are separated from the boys. The strong will survive and the weak will perish...


Okay, I have some advice for our young grasshopper. When month change happens, which is Midnight GMT *4pm PST* hang around the gates page, some airlines will lose gates, which go back to the gates page, pick some up there.

#36022 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 18 July 2006 - 04:50 PM in Bugs

yo apparently u never learned about true capitalism. the little guy always gets crushed under the iron fist of the bigger ones. it's economical darwinism. you happen to be the weaker link


stop moaning. This is airline empires not airline charities

Be quiet

Yeah Reno...sorry to kinda come in on this...but just let them be. You can source your aircraft elsewhere.

True, but a few people are just so nice, good sources... Oh well.

Lets just lock this damn topic, since its turning into "lets flame the guy with with an honest opinion about what happened" , holy crap, thats exactly what happened.

#36026 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 18 July 2006 - 08:44 PM in Bugs

An honest opinion can still be an inaccurate one (disclaimer: I'm not keeping this alive because I want to flame you, I just like to flesh out a good argument). You say it is unwise for brokers to try to find the market's equilibrium. You didn't use those exact words. However, the brokers don't sell for you to get cheap prices on planes; they sell to make a profit. The equilibrium price will be the one where their supply intersects with the demand. If there is enough demand to turn a greater profit by raising prices, then that is the wisest thing for them to do. If there is not, then you will see the sellers lower their prices as soon as they realize they are no longer making as good a profit. Economics isn't a rule that sellers and buyers abide by, but the natural way the market works. If the seller charges higher than equilibrium, the seller will suffer because the buyer will not buy. If he charges lower than equilibrium, again he will suffer because he will run out of supply to meet the demand for his product. So let the sellers sell for whatever price they see fit, and use your cash to cast your vote hence or thence.

Smartest thing I read all day.

That aint flaming because you made your point clear instead of the other morons here posting "Go study Economics" or "go learn about supply and demand" thats really assinine. Like I said before, the hike is what really got me off balence, I was able to purchase an aircraft a day, and the sellers seemed to make enough profit. The good news is that other people are trying to bring back the stable market.

#35968 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 11:52 PM in Bugs

I aint "pissing and moaning". I think its crazy that a swift change overnight has ruined the public market. I dont go around saying Value + 5mil is overpriced, but anything else is AND I SAID THIS BEFORE!!!! GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDY!

#36014 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 18 July 2006 - 08:39 AM in Bugs

Reno - Go study Economics...

Stephen - Go *random insult* yourself...
*the classic oldie, but a goodie*

No but seriously, quit being a douche and make a relevant post. I think this topic should have been closed ages ago, oh well.....

*Supply and demand "was implemented" in the worst way I could ever see it. If I was one of these brokers, I would try the classic "value + *a percentage*" what happened was more along the lines of "value + *RAPE*" oh well, the heat has mostly died down on this subject, though its morons like you who beat this crap to death* ;)

#35950 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 09:12 PM in Bugs

i smell a conspiracy! These jerk airlines always cutting out the little man, kinda tick me off, I dont even think crap like this happens between real airlines, then again when RNO has hundreds of gates, anything can happen :shappy: :P But hey, when the dozens of "sellers" turn greedy, oh well.

Edit: to me on bigger aircraft "Value + 5mil" is okay, but on 1900's, 328's, 2000's, and Q's *which I usually pay 20mil for nice Q's* it becomes quite stupid.

#35943 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 08:01 PM in Bugs

lets just wait for an "official" answer.

#35938 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 07:35 PM in Bugs

nothing to worry about , unless your buying :P Some people ordered vast amounts of frames.

The cheaper frames have now gone and now the people selling can sell their aircraft for whatever they want up to 200% value.

It's called supply and demand ;-)

But every single aircraft? its not so simple, its a glitch.

#35936 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 07:32 PM in Bugs

Heh, I noticed. 70mil for a 717? jeez.

#35953 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 09:27 PM in Bugs

But now everyting is high, what do the smaller guys do? If Frontier went out for used aircraft *BAD EXAMPLE* i dont think they would pay 70mil for a damn A318. Seriously this has to stop, these screw overs. To me, its greed, as well as an assinine example.

EDIT: WOW 27MIL, HOLY CRAP WHAT A DEAL!!!!! *i pay 20mil, and I wont stop doing so*

#35966 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 11:36 PM in Bugs


Post #8 pretty much somes that up.

corn boy, this aint about me. We talking about the royal screwover smaller airlines are faced with with these new price hikes.

ADDED: I was young, I needed to 2000's

#35956 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 09:34 PM in Bugs

My man, you need to take a course on Economics. It's simple supply and demand.

It was simple to make 20mil off of used Q's to begin with, but 38mil is just assinine.

#35962 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 10:27 PM in Bugs

If you don't like the price, don't buy. It's as simple as that. Plus you can always buy new AC from the manufacturer (I never buy anything on the market unless it's a real bargain, but I do sell......).

Always a long wait though. I was happy used, oh well. EVERYONE BUY NEW TO SHOW THESE BAD BROKERS WE MEAN BUSINESS! Its about profit, not being greedy.

#35959 database glitch?

Posted by Reno on 16 July 2006 - 09:39 PM in Bugs

It should be like this for the market, why charge so high, when your making a killing making even, or maybe even more, seriously. Im not here to start anything, just here to spread some common sense.

#44639 possible cheaters....

Posted by Reno on 05 January 2007 - 04:02 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

The guy is gone, and my Bay Area Routes are lookin' good :)

Thanks to Person who removed this as*h*** from our fine establishment :P

#39344 Let's vote for the best Logo

Posted by Reno on 15 September 2006 - 11:27 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

mine is a whole case of awesome sauce!!!!


#46359 It's too crowded!

Posted by Reno on 13 March 2007 - 11:03 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Sorry to sound like an ass, but please quit bumping up old topics, or at least add *BUMP* before your post, tends to get annoying. Fleas getting to ya?

#37289 Daily Script Ran Early...

Posted by Reno on 17 August 2006 - 08:51 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I'm just past Boston on VATSIM, flying my lovely 757 :P (Only 1hr left out of this 6/7 flight)

I was actually planning on flying to Newark, then to Edinburgh, want to join me? what VA you with? im with SimCOA!

#35987 My First Hate Letter! Lol!

Posted by Reno on 17 July 2006 - 03:23 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

lol, whatafruit :P