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There have been 4 items by kraspeed (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#271673 Loyalty Discount on Fleet Purchases

Posted by kraspeed on 25 August 2018 - 07:53 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

It would make more sense if the manufacturer gets upset with you if you buy competitors planes. Meaning Airbus is ok with you adding Embraers or Bombardiers to your regional fleet, but opting for anything from Boeing will damage your relationship.

#263970 Declining interest in 100-160 seater aircraft

Posted by kraspeed on 16 February 2018 - 01:53 PM in Real World Aviation

It appears that airlines are losing interest in new and upcoming planes in this market. I mean look at the numbers
- 737max7 58 orders
- A319neo 30 orders
- CS100 123 orders
- CS300 249 orders
- E190-E2 63 orders
- E195-E2 65 orders
So what is the reason for this? If you look at the current generation 737-700 did pretty well with over 1,100 deliveries and A319 performed even better with over 1,400 deliveries, also Embraer sold about 700 E90/E95s.
CSeries is a completely new program, so it's not unexpected that it's selling slowly, but on the other hand it sold better than all the re-engined popular types combined. At the same A320/A321neo and 737max8/9 are killing it and regional jets are still in demand(E75-E2 has more orders than E90+E95 combined). The gap between 50-90 seater RJs and 180 seater A320neo and Max8 is a big one.
At some point around 3,000 A319s, 737s and E jets as well as hundreds of aging 733s, 717s, MD-80s and F100s are going to retire. Are larger aircraft adequate replacements or could at such point the interest for these types spark again?
I don't know why, but I love aircraft from this segment, especially A319 and E90 so it would be a shame to see them come to an end.

#263058 Lufthansa's new livery

Posted by kraspeed on 05 February 2018 - 07:24 PM in Real World Aviation

In case you haven't seen it this is what it will look like apparently



Personally I don't like it. I don't hate it neither, but it just doesn't fit Lufthansa. Ever since it was announced that they would be unveiling a new one I felt it was going to be conservative with subtle changes, kind of what Turkish Airlines did some time ago.

Don't get me wrong, I like the concept and simplistic design, but this looks just lazy and bland, and to think they paid someone to come up with this... It's quite similar with what Qantas, American or Alitalia have and all three of these look amazing. I don't know if there is a name to this design, but it essentially extends the tail fin which these three have utilized to fit the design that would've otherwise been cut or scaled down to fit on the tail fin alone. But with Lufthansa's new livery there's just no point to it, it doesn't fit with the design of the logo itself nor does it add anything to the livery itself.


#261963 Ban/Removal of politically questionable/aligned airlines and alliances

Posted by kraspeed on 26 January 2018 - 01:36 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

They would be offensive if the person naming them uses AE to advocate stripping groups of people of their rights or killing them, which I doubt is the case. They're just 'edgy' jokes for brief giggles that get old very quickly.
And tbh I find it more offensive when I see the name and branding of a real world carrier on an airline operating out of a completely different country