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There have been 161 items by Russ (Search limited from 19-June 23)

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#34357 Airliners Alliance

Posted by Russ on 29 May 2006 - 12:33 AM in Alliances

A j31 from Iowa to FLA? Do those things have bathrooms?

#34365 Airliners Alliance

Posted by Russ on 29 May 2006 - 02:02 AM in Alliances

No free drinks on that flight!

#31372 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by Russ on 22 March 2006 - 04:50 AM in Announcements

when will the new version start?

Note that TW says that there will likely be one other round of the game before the new version.

I am not sure what features/bug fixes will be in the next round; I suspect that it depends on when the next round starts and how much he has finished. make no promises and you dodge a lot of arrows

#31215 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by Russ on 16 March 2006 - 03:26 PM in Announcements

How hard is it to add airports? Is there a need for research?

I know that once any new airports are added, everyone is going to start clamoring for the ones that were missed, so it may be an issue of time; just too big a job. I suspect we could easily double the number of airports.

#36577 Next Scheduled Reset

Posted by Russ on 06 August 2006 - 05:18 PM in Announcements

I surprised that you could form a complete sentence, much less concern yourself about a reset.

But if said reset if to occur shortly, am I right in assumiing that it will still be v2?

#36587 Next Scheduled Reset

Posted by Russ on 06 August 2006 - 06:39 PM in Announcements

Correct, certain descisionss about V3 are delaying its progress...

Its still very much on the road to completion though... :D

I always thought that v3 was optimistic for this round; a few more months sounds right. I do software development for a living and there just didn't seem to be enough progress for the extent of the changes that you are proposing. The projects always turn out to be a little bigger than originally scoped.

And nobody, but nobody goes on vacation just before go live.;)

#42819 Reset Scheduled 11-7-06

Posted by Russ on 08 December 2006 - 05:45 PM in Announcements

What do you mean he doesn't have the time??? It only takes some clicks to reset. If he's got the time to go to the toilet, he's got the time to reset.

Actually, if you have played a few rounds you will recognize that most of the support issues arise shortly after restart. So if they do reset, they have to have time to provide support for the first couple ae years. If RL and the holidays are getting in the way of that, we are better waiting until they can spend a little time to focus on us.

#34834 Fatal Error during aircraft change

Posted by Russ on 08 June 2006 - 12:28 AM in Bugs

I'm starting to think this has become either...a prank, or they have decided to show us they really don't give about bugs as important as this one :D

Well, at least people have stopped complaining about the LF bug :sdrool:

#33184 New Delivery Rules

Posted by Russ on 02 May 2006 - 10:52 PM in Announcements

I was being sarcastic #1, and the airplanes I'd like to see are already in the database...you just can't buy them.

In that case, in the immortal words of Rosanna Rosannadanna

Never mind

#33164 New Delivery Rules

Posted by Russ on 02 May 2006 - 09:29 PM in Announcements

Where are you based Bushey? I want to invade...

Add it as a feature request for V3. Fine with me. But it sounds like a lot of time and effort.

More cities would be easier (although if you open that can of worms there is 1000 different opinions on which ones to add, and no matter how many you add, someone will be annoyed that their pet city was forgotten)

#33158 New Delivery Rules

Posted by Russ on 02 May 2006 - 09:15 PM in Announcements

I'm not sure I like the idea of an automatically populating used market if it's being automatically populated with new aircraft. Kind of defeats the purpose of both the used market and the delivery controls. Now if you were going to randomly put out aged aircraft, say a 5 year old 737 or a 4 year old Q400, that would be a little better.

However, I'm definitely with 737MMA and his suggestion to have the older airplanes populated into the used market. Given the choice of waiting 6 months for an A330 or buying a used DC10 today, I'd definitely give the DC10 a good look. Besides that, as 737MMA (and someone else in another thread)said it'd be kind of fun to be able to operate the older aircraft too. It'd a bit of variety (not to mention realism) to the game.

Frankly I would much rather have more airports added than obsolete aircraft. But my number one priority is for V3 and any time diverted to enhancing this version is to be avoided. Of course, any time fixing bugs, tweaking current features is much appreciated.

#33162 New Delivery Rules

Posted by Russ on 02 May 2006 - 09:23 PM in Announcements

Any idea if in the next version if different planes have different lines? For example: 777/767 one line, 747 one line, 737 one line, 717 one line.

And limit the production from each line? That should keep the number of WB from flooding the game like last round.

I am not sure I buy into the idea but it does have aspects I like.

#33160 New Delivery Rules

Posted by Russ on 02 May 2006 - 09:21 PM in Announcements

Hey TW after seeing some of the effects, do you plan on making it 5 per month after a while? I mean thats a good way of covering the basics and can control prices, as right now they will soon skyrocket.

Considering that buying two aircraft a month exceeds the capabilities of about 700 players, I don't think it will enhance overall game play.

If this game truly needs a broker class then that should be added to version three. And IMHO, you should be able to choose one role or another; no private sales for brokers; and a different production Q

#31344 A330 shorthauls ruining game

Posted by Russ on 21 March 2006 - 11:15 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

The resent dumping of A330 on many routes that are short is beginning to ruin the game.

Those are just my 2 cents

Not only the A333 shorthall but the cities being serviced. I don't mind competing , and I expect to lose some routes to others that want it more than I, but this is unreal.

#31458 A330 shorthauls ruining game

Posted by Russ on 25 March 2006 - 12:21 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I haven't noticed any of the A330 being replaced but it may take a few days for players to reorganize and replace. I got out of a lot of those routes, so it wouldn't be as obvious as when they are first placed on a route of mine and my DOP would go negative.

On the other hand, I haven't gotten wacked with the A330's since the change.

#31417 A330 shorthauls ruining game

Posted by Russ on 23 March 2006 - 04:31 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Come on guys, we really need to start picking on people?

All honesty, Laytex has played well enough to deserve our respect and admiration for growing the airline as she did and with all the bugs and problems which came apparent during this current game. I too got hit on routes with A330-300s, B747-400Ds, etc but i have hardly complained on the forums. I may not appreciate it, but its a game and in a game, these things happen.

I reckon its more a psychological problem.. if u cant succeed, blame the person at the top for ur failure to succeed... Then again, some of us, know how to get beyond urself and realise, a game is just a game. Nothing more and less. :(

I don't see why Latex is getting picked on. Everyone that can afford it seems to be doing the same thing. If you have more money than midas, build a terminal, drop some a333's on domestic hops and clean up. I haven't seem anyone use unreasonable ticket prices; just the combination of aggressive prices and a large aircraft sucks up all the passengers.

This is the way of the market place. These guys have earned their money. If they are throwing off more cash than reasonable, it is the game mechanics, not anything personal (there may be exceptions). At the end of the day, there should only be a few players standing. For the total populations enjoyment, I hope the game is reset before that point (because once i am forced out of a game, I want to start the next one) but it is the nature of the competive environment this game encourages.

#33855 This is getting insane......

Posted by Russ on 16 May 2006 - 10:21 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Yes, I guess a smaller AC would make a small difference, but then again I am by no means the one offering the most seats on the route. Plus, I happen to use the A319 on the route because I have the very hours for this route left on it after flying it SYD-SIN. And yes, I even plan to eventually bring on more capacity in the form of a Saab2000 dedicated to this route as with all my other domestic routes. I mean, I am Australia's biggest airline so a Saab dedicated to this route shouldn't be out of this world, should it? But for now I just find it insane how overcrowded this part of the world has become. I mean look at SYD-AKL where JAL has put a dedicated 737-900! As if there were no more routes in Japan or the rest of Asia!
So why do I fly here? Because this is my region of the world. I knew I would never make it in the top ten, but because I live downunder I think I can as well be downunder's leading airline.

The other alternative is to flood the route with capacity; taking the loss until the route is cleared out.

But realize that some people will never take the hint.

#32807 Load Factor Bug Fix Update...

Posted by Russ on 27 April 2006 - 01:27 AM in Announcements

Hopes for a week schedule, instead of a day.

8 Day week?

#37611 V3 Finance Page

Posted by Russ on 21 August 2006 - 06:20 PM in Announcements

I like the percentage change also

#34228 737-700 or A 319 ??????????????

Posted by Russ on 26 May 2006 - 01:36 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

the profits you reap from having the jet online sooner will out weigh any initial cost savings.

The range should not be a factor in your decision. If you are trying to connect cities like that for your first jet you are missing out on profits. Look for something in the 750 - 1500 mile range.

Later the range may be a factor, but you might look at a 757-200 instead or a larger AB.

#34344 737-700 or A 319 ??????????????

Posted by Russ on 28 May 2006 - 09:14 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

the 736 as well as the 717 are poor choices, same for the 318.

Comparing the 319 to the 737, the advantages of the 319 are so small that the earlier delivery time for the 737 trumps the operating savings.

#34271 737-700 or A 319 ??????????????

Posted by Russ on 26 May 2006 - 10:37 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

The 752 is useful for the range, if you don't need the range go either 739 or 753.

Although as an entry level jet, I would go for the 737. Skip the 736.

#34273 737-700 or A 319 ??????????????

Posted by Russ on 26 May 2006 - 10:43 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I have a difficult time with the 739s....i have one and it was so hard to manage...till i moved it onto a different set of routes but it annoyed be so much. The only thing stoppin me from ditching them for some airbuses are the long lines, my love for boeings, and that ive planned on keeping that line if not buying more...lets hope i find better routes for my next ones.

I usually start with a 737 or 738, then use a 739 or 752/3 later as I get a feel for the LF. The 739 is too big for many routes. Over time I have accumulated 737/8/9, 752/3 so I can cross level as demand permits. But I would start smaller and build up. And the 739 is range limited.

#30933 Re-set

Posted by Russ on 06 March 2006 - 12:27 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I would wait until some of the bugs are fixed.

#34945 Public Market Planes

Posted by Russ on 11 June 2006 - 02:57 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

It is a matter of opportunity cost. If I can buy a 739 at $5M over and get a DOP of $150K, then I can make that difference back in about 2 real days. Considering that I have planes on order for about the next two weeks (@2 per day), it will be making me money long before I would get it from the manufacturer. Or looking at it another way, I would be leaving money on the table if I didn't buy it on the public market.

I can also use my orders to get different frames like a 757 or 777 which isn't often on the open market.

I agree that about $5M is over list is all I will pay for an airframe.

For many of us, the open market is the only way to expand in excess of 2 planes per day. And as I stated above, the ROI is good, and the opportunity cost justifies it.