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There have been 136 items by Fly_Germany (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#31138 Where's All The Aircraft?????????

Posted by Fly_Germany on 13 March 2006 - 06:19 AM in Bugs

now tell me why would you want to do that? i guess it saves me time to fiind my net aircraft now :( no longer 40 pages to surf through

#37199 Where are you guys come from?

Posted by Fly_Germany on 16 August 2006 - 11:45 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

hahahaha Funny, woolgoolga like the largest place is the Temple in the town, with one set of traffic lights :P

:D HAHAHA!! I keep getting confused which is which! Theres an Indian Temple and an Indian Restaurant that looks nearly identical! I prefer the restaurant... Thats what you get when you have the largest indian population in Australia all concentrated into one city, Woolgoolga (or we call it, woopi) i just went to the new annual curry fest there, man it sucked.. there was like 2 food vans with a line from there to Coffs! :) , i suppose most of you guys mustn't know what im going on about.. You can stop reading now

a lot of useless information up there :D

#37136 Where are you guys come from?

Posted by Fly_Germany on 15 August 2006 - 04:17 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I live in Coffs harbour. NSW, Australia! around 60K people including all our regions (woolgoolga, sawtel, etc..)

Im fine here, i couldn't bare to live in a big city, just me...

We also have property on the Island of Marinduque, Philippines.. very nice little beach... in Cagpo, Near Torijjos (like anyone has heard of it anyway :P) LOL!

#31100 When to go to Jets

Posted by Fly_Germany on 10 March 2006 - 05:39 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

i jumped in early unsure of the outcome, but it has worked and i have replaced all my MAJOR Q400 routes with my first Airbus.. its nearly doubled my DOP but my DOP changes all the time. I risked it and it payed off for now, I suggest you work up some money just in case theres a stuff-up, try to wait for a good deal also :(

#28923 whats going on here

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:25 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

im sorry but i didnt get a single word that left your mouth.. well youve really confused me.. do you mean sometime the facts shown on the ranking system sometimes ar not true? or arent updated? man im confused i read it 5 times lol :)

#36833 very strange airlines.....

Posted by Fly_Germany on 10 August 2006 - 08:56 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

;) , If it is strange enough for all of this conversation about it, it is worth looking into it :D

#41073 Used classic Jetliners

Posted by Fly_Germany on 13 October 2006 - 12:24 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Great idea, I wouldn't mind starting off with a fleet of 737 Classics. There great aren't they, Analog gauges, flown by hand, like they should be.

I can imagine my 707's and 737's, I would probally keep them forever, use them forever, Even when everyone buys their fleet of Scarebus A319's and their Retarded Whale with an oversize Tumor (Airbus A380) . LONG LIVE THE CLASSICS!!!! yew

#27987 Updated Route Display Page

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 06:32 AM in Announcements

this is great! i like it.. provides alot more organization of routes etc.. keep it up mate

#27873 TSA surprised at popularity of CDG-YYZ

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 12:06 PM in Airline Press Releases

if only your airlines were real :P

#29220 Transferring gates

Posted by Fly_Germany on 02 February 2006 - 05:32 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

yeah in my opinion its rediculus to have to risk losing that 5+mil gate.. i hope this will be also in the priority list along with the Prices thingy the Alliances thingy etc... ;)

#28906 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:50 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

okay thats your opinion, im definately not quitting AE! :) .. IM NOT haveing prices dumps at all!! just to let ppl know, im just speaking from the last to games, the last 2 games have been like that one every good route in Europe.. Thats my opnion now lets hear otheres because your not the only one with that opinion. im sorry if its mentioned alot i was just hoping that their could be a way to fix it, c'mon you guys are asking for AE to be as realistc as possible and they have done an excellent job but really is there any $2 prices in the REAL airlines? no , how do you expect to gain money of course the plane will be packed but that wont gain you as much as a normal fee would be.

#28910 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 01:01 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

OMG THEY HAVE A FREE FLIGHT FROM BREST!!!!!! just becasue its a new route.. but you have to pay some things ,Fares are exclusive of taxes fees & charges which do not exceed £15.10 you probally have to pay insurance for baggage etc.. but man if only that was in Aust!

#28907 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:54 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

cool im flyin ryanair if i go there travelhouse.. man the cheapest airline in Australia is Virgin Blu (in my opnion) they have 1hr flights to sydney (from my home airport) for around $60-85 dollars and Qantaslink has the same price but fly slower with Q200's and Q100's that airline sounds good!

#28897 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:10 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

ok.. just a thought, where are the new ppl to go? so they hate Beechs and kick them away.. u definately cannot gain good profits from secondary airports only ,with the starter A/C! And making low prices do effect larger airlines too, some airlines only have for example 1x Q400 and usually one good route that brings in the main DOP.. sorry to sound a bit angry but in real life have you seen the $5 dollar ticket? if you did please tell me what airline so i can fly it next time :)

#28909 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:56 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

in Australia $1 dollar is worth less than 1 pound ... so the prices would be higher (hhehe i hope i got around that one) well im a bit far off now.. okay, Does anyone know an airline with 50Cents ticket? .. even though AE only work with dollars (i think) .. oh no i cant find an excuse :)

#28983 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 01 February 2006 - 01:41 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Didn't JetsGo have the prices at $20.04 on New Years Day 2004 and $20.05 on New Years Day 2005? Read that in a magazine.

they always have certain deals on Australia day only.. christmas holidays the prices go unbelievably high.. THe prices on discount go to around 35-40 AUS dollars.. but nothing to special, the flights are usually packed :) , but i only fly on the cristmas holidays because its the longest holiday we have.

#28876 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:40 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I think that there should be a price limit for ticket prices..

you can charge as high as you want but NO $1-$2 prices, the people who do this only wish to kick any airline off of this route which could include a small airline which would be wiped out if it lost its only good route, i think its unfair when people do this to new people only becasue they can spare the loss or 3-4 million dollars a real day.. I rekon there should be a system like selling A/C - NO PRICE GOUGING.. just an opinion :)

#30141 This just made my day

Posted by Fly_Germany on 15 February 2006 - 11:24 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

:| man! i've never seen Vortex in Europe! ... hopefuly all my routes dont get dumped now :P

#36688 The Top 10!! (to keep track!!)

Posted by Fly_Germany on 08 August 2006 - 01:44 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

;) do they win anything? lol :D

#29034 Thanks to Everytone

Posted by Fly_Germany on 01 February 2006 - 06:24 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Thanks for listening to us when we bitch about meanigless things everyday and trying to help... and listening to some very crazy suggestions and teling how it wont work ;) .. thanks!!!!!! Posted Image

#28878 Thanks to Everytone

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 03:07 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I would like to dedicate this post to everyone who has a role on AE all the designers, moderators etc.. i cannot name them all .. This is a very big thanks for the effort that Miller , Torque wrench (im really sorry if i've missed anyone, im not good with names) has done to create AE, keep it updated and working and the efforts to fix bugs!


i suggest that we all should right a small sentence of thanks to everyone at AE and say THANKS for what they have accomplished. Thanks :)

#24764 Templates needed

Posted by Fly_Germany on 07 December 2005 - 02:43 AM in Announcements

I saw this site, www.aerosite.net ... it has heaps of aircraft Specs.. etc, and blank templates

#27874 Sunway Restart

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 12:13 PM in Airline Press Releases

Good for you, hope all goes well in the future :P

#28982 Suggestion for new version of AE

Posted by Fly_Germany on 01 February 2006 - 01:23 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

that would take ages to create in my opinion.. i think there already really busy with the Current AE.. but something that goes through the ages is intresting hmmm.. but i like the current AE

#38792 Steve Irwin killed...

Posted by Fly_Germany on 06 September 2006 - 10:48 AM in Off Topic

Yes, It is huge news.. he was a genuine guy too, his doco's weren't an act, with "CRIKEY" and that.. my dads mate lived next to him before his world fame too..

Sad to hear, especially with his poor family.. Also a debate if the Video, of steve's last moments (they where shooting a doc.) should be seen.. now, they better not let that out.. where curious and all.. but think if the kid(s) see it on TV or the Internet.. terrible..

Also known for giving all his money (most of it, he needs to earn a living too!) into the Wildlife and Environment.. also teaching many people about animals and wildlife.. you don't see him with all his money in a Red Ferrari. Real good Bloke.. will be missed dearly.. still a shock, i can't believe it still.

:) Rest In Peace Steve. You won't be forgotten, in Australia at least.. Bloody legend