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There have been 4 items by ianturner (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#49113 Day/month change times?

Posted by ianturner on 19 July 2007 - 03:59 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

well most of the people in the game are from the us....but i totally understand that weve been gifted with having the date change at a good time here. i wish it could work out for everyone...how many hours is it between aussie time and pacific time? just curious because we could have a time gap there that may work. having the date change before i get up though REALLY sucks but i understand that its my turn to suffer....i just hope it changes to at least 9am before the end of the game because it always changes...

look at you trying to be all politically correct ;)

I hope the time changes as well

#51510 Latest from the sim.airlineempires.net IDIOT

Posted by ianturner on 06 October 2007 - 01:51 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

bobcat is Cleveland browns air....you shouldn't hide behind your screen name, you should be a man

#51509 Ian Air leaving ACE Alliance

Posted by ianturner on 06 October 2007 - 01:49 AM in Airline Press Releases

doh, posted from my first forum account

#48862 I'm Back

Posted by ianturner on 04 July 2007 - 05:54 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Well i got back into the US last night after 19 hours on a plane.....wow....long trip...chased the sun the whole way and had 25 hours straight of daylight. So...what did i miss while i was gone? Looks like i made it back for the next round too! yay!