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There have been 36 items by Don Baker (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#288700 Should number of airlines player has in a game be limited?

Posted by Don Baker on 03 October 2021 - 04:16 AM in General AE Discussion

The game experience for others is,unfortunately, limited.

#288699 Best 4 & 5 star IFS

Posted by Don Baker on 03 October 2021 - 04:12 AM in General AE Discussion

This is so uninteresting as to give me reason to uninstall this app. 3 stars, my ass.

#288698 Spam vs. Spam

Posted by Don Baker on 03 October 2021 - 04:08 AM in General AE Discussion

This is incredibly uninteresting, 

#287640 Where does the cash go?

Posted by Don Baker on 15 June 2021 - 05:05 PM in O2-6 Archive

Ah, the company store. 

#287637 Where does the cash go?

Posted by Don Baker on 15 June 2021 - 02:53 PM in O2-6 Archive

Every time before my leases are due my cash goes to something to bring me to a negative balance. I haven't been able to account for these other fees. I sign out with 3,000,000 and sign back in a few game days later and have 300,000 and two default warnings.

#286925 Why isn`t the dumping practice banned?

Posted by Don Baker on 05 April 2021 - 07:24 PM in General AE Discussion

That's another question I had. 177 seats on 1000+ seat market may be a fair share. Is it necessary to take the whole demand?

#286924 Why isn`t the dumping practice banned?

Posted by Don Baker on 05 April 2021 - 07:21 PM in General AE Discussion

Oh, maybe I had the players wrong. Yes, that was a question I had. If a player can just park a few seats and keep the price down.

#286921 Why isn`t the dumping practice banned?

Posted by Don Baker on 05 April 2021 - 04:39 PM in General AE Discussion

I'm not seeing the issue.  If 177 seats at 419 a seat doesn't generate enough revenue to cover the cost, you might be flying too expensive seats.  

#286920 Why isn`t the dumping practice banned?

Posted by Don Baker on 05 April 2021 - 04:34 PM in General AE Discussion

I think you did all that can be done to ban it. Surely, lowering prices is is an aspect of competition that can't be regulated. Venting your frustration in the use of such strategy may make the use of it unfashionable but I doubt it.   

#286868 Question about Pax per route

Posted by Don Baker on 01 April 2021 - 05:25 PM in New Players and Questions

I often come across routes that are priced at twice the default and have to believe that increases profit.

#286844 Game Play Question

Posted by Don Baker on 31 March 2021 - 04:46 PM in New Players and Questions

Thanks. I think that helps explain a bit. I guess that's how the "crushing the opponent" mantra I've read about is put into practice. So even if I find the most efficient aircraft to service a route at absolute minimum I could be chasing seats not available to me but still creating revenue on the route. 

#286840 Game Play Question

Posted by Don Baker on 31 March 2021 - 11:53 AM in New Players and Questions

That would be the most logical indication of valuation, I think. So when an AI player enters a market, you should leave the market for greater profits? I'm just trying to understand the gameplay. I believe when the competition adds 4471 seats to a daily demand of 1000 he's not going strictly for the most profitable play. Should I simply assume that market is filled four times  over and withdraw if I want the most profits?

#286829 When players are just annoying...

Posted by Don Baker on 30 March 2021 - 08:47 PM in General AE Discussion

Oh, yeah. That's the process, I guess. I understand the AI is programmed to prevent players from making the rankings.

#286827 Game Play Question

Posted by Don Baker on 30 March 2021 - 06:35 PM in New Players and Questions

I've been playing for awhile and, having worked for an airline, etc. I much like the simulation of airline management.

Does anyone know if the role of the AI players is to keep you from reaching the top ranking or are they also building an airline to show in the rankings? They seem to make some moves simply meant to reduce the price on routes.

Does the price on routes have anything to do with ranking? I assume ranking is related to money earned somehow.  

#286825 When players are just annoying...

Posted by Don Baker on 30 March 2021 - 03:23 PM in General AE Discussion

Did it go bust because you kept lowering price on non-existent seats? You wil make no extra revenue just lowering prices but not having seats.

#286811 When players are just annoying...

Posted by Don Baker on 28 March 2021 - 05:06 PM in General AE Discussion

It's a little annoying when a competing airline lowers his price even when he has 100% load factor for some reason. He can't carry more so why lower the price?  Does that keep some pax from using my price and my seat? Does offering a lower price for a non-existent seat affect the overall?

#286789 Selling Aircraft?

Posted by Don Baker on 25 March 2021 - 06:49 PM in General AE Discussion

On the aircraft details page there is a sell button. There is a buyer under that button. 

#286785 Shares and loans

Posted by Don Baker on 24 March 2021 - 05:02 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Issuing a bond is getting money from investors. I guess, though,  a pool of investors with no say in your operation.

This seems a good idea for a financial simulation but an added dimension to airline simulation I don't think adds to playability. 

#286784 Shares and loans

Posted by Don Baker on 24 March 2021 - 05:02 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Issuing a bond is getting money from investors. I guess, though,  a pool of investors with no say in your operation.

This seems a good idea for a financial simulation but an added dimension to airline simulation I don't think adds to playability. 

#286783 Aircraft Hours Pooling / Fleet Management

Posted by Don Baker on 24 March 2021 - 04:48 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Have lived,IRL, delays from not having a replacement aircraft out base to expecting a replacement aircraft. Good for me it wasn't a business trip :)

I have lived in real life pulling a plane from the hangar so we could get that extra 15 PAX when North Central  couldn't land at the airport. It was kind of fun calming the upset pax who just had to get to Chicago that morning.

#286773 Question about Pax per route

Posted by Don Baker on 23 March 2021 - 04:37 PM in New Players and Questions

It is a supply and demand calculation. If more demand than supply, the higher price works. Of course, since a flight cost is set, filling a flight is the most profit. spending less flights on a higher price would be the most profitable. I think keeping the supply an amount less than demand, eliminating the cost to supply, gives a higher profit margin but idle aircraft are an expense, too.

#286683 Tips for New Players

Posted by Don Baker on 15 March 2021 - 04:31 PM in New Players and Questions

Hello everyone,


I just started to play, It's not my first (airline game) but I still have limited experience.


I was wondering if the best starting plan was to borrow as much as possible and spam the world with all the planes you can buy ?


It seems that it's what everybody is doing, so it must be the best strategy isn't it ?


Thanks for your advice

I'm not sure borrowing as much as possible is a good idea. My airline seems to lose all it's cash plus a little right before the bonds are due for payment. My cash is quickly rebuilt after the default notice but whatever it is it all and more disappears right before the payment.

#286682 Tips for New Players

Posted by Don Baker on 15 March 2021 - 04:27 PM in New Players and Questions

My tip(s) is(are)..

When opening a route, only fill half the demand and double your ticket prices. I'm not sure when you have to lower the price when you add more flights but you should get double revenue on the route for a time. Of course, a route making double a normal route may attract competition.

 Use the airport detail page to see routes under-served or overpriced. 

#286673 Aircraft Hours Pooling / Fleet Management

Posted by Don Baker on 13 March 2021 - 02:28 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I think the only reason to base aircraft would be for maintenance. It's inefficient to have a maintenance base at every destination and each plane has to spend time in the hangar. There is also hangaring. Planes parked overnight on the tarmac are subject to weather damage and hangar space for some of your larger vehicles is . Perhaps, with a terminal, a maintenance hangar is built.

Perhaps maintenance could even be farmed out to reputable firms.


One thing I'd like not to see is the ability to schedule 223x weekly flights on a two hour route. Departing every half hour on a two hour flight seems to lead to conjestion on one end or the other.  

#286671 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 07:19 PM in New Players and Questions

As an example I'm not really understanding, I am in a market with Demand of 1064. There is one competitor. I have 143 seats filled at the average price. Market share shows competitor has 1327 of his 4207 seats filled. Since his load is already more then the demand I probably can't take advantage of my 100% load and add a flight but I'm not sure if I'd be trying for a share of the 1064 or not.