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There have been 13 items by Bflight787 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#287726 Losing 14 billion at the start of every month.

Posted by Bflight787 on 25 June 2021 - 09:16 AM in General AE Discussion

I was wondering if this is normal if you own a large amount of aircrafts, like nearly 9k aircrafts lol, and are there others ways I could cut this massive loss?, besides reducing my aircraft, as my competitors are losing like 6 billion or less.

#287125 [S3C] Shared Control - WestJet

Posted by Bflight787 on 23 April 2021 - 07:07 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

I can if you want, let me know if you want me to look after it for you.


forum id: 287780

#286625 Steam Login

Posted by Bflight787 on 03 March 2021 - 04:31 PM in General AE Discussion

Does it even work?, because when I click sign in with steam, it just says incorrect username or password.

#285974 Lesson 2 for new players

Posted by Bflight787 on 29 December 2020 - 06:15 PM in New Players and Questions

Welcome back to lesson 2 for the new players.

If you haven't seen lesson 1, click on the link to view it as it explains the basics




aircraft selection for starting out.png


First of all select your aircraft and airport, try to go for an airport that can serve any type of aircraft and go for one that has a very low fee. For the aircraft pick the one that has a very low monthly cost and or can go a further distance.






Click configure in flight services (ifs) and if you are a new player you should start with a scam ifs, which is basically charging outrageous prices for crappy stuff.




scam ifs.png


Click create a new config and start you first ever scam ifs to save money.




scam ifs meals.png


It should look something like this.




Scam ifs accessories.png


Finally do the same for the accessories and if you want to save money just go for these 2 as shown in the picture.



ifs rating.png


Once you have completed it, click on view costs and rating and you should get your rating. Obviously your rating will be low since its a scam, but you can change it later when you are financially healthier.





One more thing before we move on, make sure you set the employee wage to the lowest possible as you will save money by doing so. Change it when you feel you are financially better.



                                                                            Creating the route


aircraft you chose.png


Click on aircrafts to view the number of hours you have and to see how much money you are making on the aircraft you have. Obviously when you are starting out there will be nothing there, but all you need to do to make a profit is to make a route.




new tab.png


Open these two sections on a new tab.


route map for making the route.png


This will let you look at your route map and when you start adding routes it will have orange lines, but to get those we need to open the route management.


making the route.png


This is where you can create your routes, so go back to the route map find a location and put them into the route maker and click research route


.your first route.png

Once you click Research route it should bring you here, if you are new you would want to avoid competition like shown below


no competition.png


But if you are struggling to find routes with 0 to no competition then you must compete. Then lease a gate and click add flights to start creating the route.



creating the route part 3.png

Select your aircraft and then click on show aircraft.



adding flights to your new route.png

Then you must select the weekly number and you must try and get it close to the number to make a profit, in my case it was 80 so I got it close to that and didn't go over 80, if you don't have competition you will make a profit, but if you do you will have a negative figure so you must change that.



change the price.png

Since there is competition I must change the price, but first I will see what my competitor has his price at.


price .png

As you can see by clicking on competition you will be able to see what your competitor has his price at. Then you must lower it to try and attract more customers and to lower the price just click on market reseach, find ticket price and change it and press save or enter on your keyboard.



As you can see my profit is not very good but I tried to change it and this is the best I could get, If I am making a really bad loss I might cancel the flights altogether and close the route.




If there is no competition it should look like this and you don't need to mess around with the price, but if you want to try and see if you can increase your profits go ahead then.


your first route completed.png

and when you complete your first route you should see an orange line. Continue creating routes until you have used up your plane.


To know when you used up your plane you must click on Aircrafts and then you will see your hours, when you first start or get a new plane it will be at 140 hours. And you should aim to get it down to 0-1 hours.

 details of the plane.png


1 hour.png

This is when you finished creating all the routes. When this happens all you need to do is either go the the used market to find the plane you started with, so it can be delivered instantly, if that is not possible then you must go to the buy new aircraft section and either get aircrafts that you started with or get a new family because they are no longer selling and you can't find them on the used aircraft market. Once you find the plane you want follow the instructions and you should have your planes delivered in 2 , 3, 4, or 5 weeks depending on what plane it is. At this point you must wait for the planes to arrive before you can start creating routes. You must take out a bond if you are unable to afford the planes, but by taking a bond your credit rating will decrease, which mean you can lease less planes and have to wait a while for it to go up. Take out 1 bond of 5 million and 2 at the very least but no more than that, as you will fall down the ranks while your competitors go up.






#284347 Guide for new players.

Posted by Bflight787 on 26 September 2020 - 02:16 PM in New Players and Questions

This is a guide for new players and will help them get set up. You may have noticed things are not in order, and that will be fixed eventually. For now I will get all of the stuff on this page needed for new players, and then will work on getting order established. I also have plans to add pictures to make it easier to understand.



Lesson 1: explaining the basics and who to watch.          


If you are new, I highly suggest you click Here and here.

You should watch their airline empire videos, to see how they play. I watched these videos and they helped me tremendously.


Explaining the basics.


sign in.PNG


First of all you must sign in, which is obvious and if you don't have an account, I suggest you create one before moving on in this tutorial

my airlines.PNG


Now this is where you can view your airlines, click on this to see all the airlines you own.




If this is your first time starting this is all you see, but if you already have a world, you should be redirected to my airlines.


r world.PNG


Now I will create my airline, I personally like the realistic worlds, but if you are brand new I highly suggest you try out sandbox, as they are quick and you can see where you went wrong. Name your airline and click start new airline. I also suggest you start when the world has been refreshed, and is brand new( green bar is not even 1/4 of the way). You can join mid worlds, but don't expect to climb the ranks very quickly or reach top 10 or top 5, unless you are very experienced.




After you click start new airline, you will be redirected to this page. Now there is where you choose your aircraft, you should go for the one with the longest range, and has more seats, but I will go for the Boeing as it is better when switching in the long term.

Choose your airport location, a good decision would be to choose an airport that has a really low gate cost, and can serve any plane type. You will also see cash, that is how much you will start with. After you have made your decision, the next step is to confirm the starting airport and airplane.




This is where you are redirected after you click confirm starting airport and airplane. As you can see there is quite a bit of tabs at the bottom so I will try my best to explain them.


1- Game news, this is stuff related to the game and you can check on this to see if any plane will be coming out, and then you can place your order.




2- Airline news, this is stuff related to you and other airlines. Like any new players who set up an airline, any airline who leased planes etc.


aircraft production.PNG


3- Aircraft production, this is where you can see when planes will be starting deliveries, and when their end of life is coming.




4- Expiring leases, this is where you can look at any planes you leased and see if they are expiring, you can also go here to renew them in bulk I think. Keep a close eye here, as once a plane goes past the expiry date, it will be gone and your routes will be lost. 


top left.PNG


Here in the top left, you can see the date.


2- messages you receive from the lessor because you leased a plane or you bought it.


3- how much cash you have.


4- you can see which position you are in and who is above you and beneath you.


left middle bar.PNG


This might be intimidating if you are brand new, but don't worry I will also explain this.


airline details.PNG


So first of all we have the airline details, this is where you can see your airline slogan, description, logo+livery, routes, all aircrafts owned/leased, seating configuration., airports you go to, and recent news.




Here you can see your reputation, employee morale, financial health, route reputation, your network size, age of your airline, the average age of your fleet.




Here you can write your two letter code, slogan, description, upload you logo+livery pictures if you have some, and change your name( but this will bring down your reputation for a while, so think about it before doing it).




This is where you can make your airline even more known, and this will bring in more customers and revenue. I highly suggest you don't do this if you are new and just starting out. If you have enough cash to throw away, by all means go for it.




This is for setting your employee salary, and all you have to do is change the salary. Adding employees is done by itself, so you don't need to worry about that. Employees are added as soon as you lease/ buy a plane. If you are new I suggest you keep the salary to the lowest( 7 dollars) to save cash, and by all means change this when you make enough.



This is where you can share you airline with another person, if you need to go somewhere and it's not possible for you to look after it. When sharing use the forum id, and nothing else( like passwords, gmail accounts). But be careful, make sure you trust this player enough, that you are even willing to let them know your biggest secret, as they can declare bankruptcy and that's it.


shut down the airline.PNG


Finally we come to the last one in this list, bankruptcy, as the name suggest this is where you shut down your airline because you don't have enough money or are no longer willing to play that airline.


income statement.PNG


Now we move on to airline finances, this is where you can see how much cash is coming in and out. Make sure you are spending less than what you earn or there can be problems. Of course it is normal to have a larger spending that an income for the first few months when you first start, but if you play right it should turn around.


gate payments.PNG


Here you can see the gate leasing payments, and this should increase in number and price once you lease more gates. Since i only started out I only have one gate shown and a price of 250,000 thousand. Also on the 16th a payment is made. so you might not get any cash.


aircraft leasing.PNG


This shows you how much you owe for leasing an aircraft. When you lease an aircraft, you pay for the first six months, and when the six months are done, you have to pay every month. All aircraft families are shown here.




This shows you how much maintenance costs every month, and if you have a different family you must also pay the family you started with and the other family you leased. That is why it is ideal, to stick to one family at the start if you are new, and when you have enough cash( 500m) go for more families. If you are used to the game, then you should have no problems leasing more than one family.




Bonds this is where you can get extra money if you need more planes, but if you see the circle around the credit rating, this bb will go down, and you will only be allowed to lease a few planes. They are not like Loans , so don't expect to pay them back immediately, you will pay them monthly, with interest. As you pay them back, over time you will notice your credit rating go up, which is a good thing.


As we go down, we can see our airline history. Since I don't have any, I will add a pic later in the future. This will come once you start adding routes and play the game.




The next thing we have is alliance options, and make your own alliance. I suggest you join an alliance as this will allow you to get more passengers and make you more cash. You should also open a hub. more info found here


aircraft overview.PNG


The next thing we have is aircraft overview, this lets us see the number of planes we own, how many hours are left( i will explain that later in this tutorial), age, when lease expires, how much profit it makes and you can click on the details button to see more info about the plane.


new aircrafts.PNG

Here we can order/ lease new aircrafts, if we want new ones or we can't find any in the used market. If you buy an aircraft, delivery takes time, so buy them in bulk as you never know you might need it. If you don't buy them in bulk, well.... you must wait a bit.


used aircraft.PNG


This is where we can order used aircrafts, there are very little aircrafts in early game, but as soon as the years go on, planes start popping in. I suggest you use this is you join mid world, and the planes do arrive when your order/lease them. Sometimes you can get planes very cheap, so keep an eye out in the used aircraft section.


aircraft seating.PNG


Here you can configure the cabin layout, you can add first, business and economy class. If you make a new cabin layout and want to change the planes cabin layout immediately, you can do so by pushing the replace all and choose your aircraft. There is a small fee though.


ifs and ife.PNG


Here we can manage our IFS( Food related stuff) and IFE( tv, music newspapers etc). If you are new I suggest just sticking to IFS and running a scam economy, to see what it is like.


aircraft deliveries.PNG


Here you can see if you have any aircraft being delivered to you and when. You can also delay deliveries and cancel them. If you cancel orders, you don't get your money back.


delivery queue.PNG


Here you can see all the planes ordered by different airlines, and where you are and when your plane is coming. It gets very messy later in the game.


browse aircrafts.PNG

Here you can browse aircrafts, to learn more about them. This area is very useful if you want to know runway length required for the type of plane you want.


routes overview.PNG


This allows you to see your daily operating profits, your routes, number of destinations, how much each class is making etc.


make new routes.PNG

This allows you to open routes, to fly to other countries and start expanding your business. When you open a route, it goes to your destination, and flies back to your chosen airport.


route map.PNG


Once you add routes, this map will have orange lines showing where you fly to. Start filling them in, if you want to see them.




This shows how much gates you own, how much profit you make and how much the monthly gate fee is for each gate. If you lease more than one gate at any airport then the price doubles.


browse airports.PNG


This lets you browse airports, to help you find routes you can fly to.  First of all place a number in the first box like 1 and another number like 200, then write your chosen airport, and a list should appear. 




If you find that you leased an extra gate, or you simply realise you don't use a gate, then you can simply return it by pushing return. However once you return a gate, you don't get your money back, so be careful when leasing gates.


open hubs.PNG


Here you can open hubs, more info on hubs can be found here


terminals build them or open some.PNG


And finally the last one, this is where you can build terminals. By default Airline Empires lets you lease a certain number of gates at any airport, once you reach that limit you can no longer lease any gates. A solution to that is to build a terminal, but this doubles the cost, so it is best if you go to airports with cheap monthly lease payments. You can also sell terminals if you no longer need it. More info on terminals here


Now we finished the basics, it is time to move onto game play.






 to be deleted or changed very soon, have a read if you want

If you are a new player and you notice a deficit/ minus figure in your balance, and are wondering if this is normal? the answer is yes. It is normal to have a deficit for the first few months, and if you played it correctly then it should go away.


If you are brand new to this game, you should get used to trial and error. Once you are used to this you will find a way of playing that suits you. Also watch tutorials to see how other people play. 


Another thing is when you first started out which aircraft did you choose, if it was a Boeing 737 and you leased an airbus A319, then you screwed up. A rule of thumb is to lease aircraft from the same aircraft family( Boeing - Boeing/ airbus - airbus. Not Boeing - Airbus/ Airbus - Boeing). if you lease from different aircraft families this will just add to your maintenance costs. To know which family your aircraft belongs to just go to where how much profit each plane is making, and click on the plane for greater detail, it will also include the aircraft family. Also if you own Boeing planes like a 737, just stick to that. Don't lease a 757, 767, 787 or 747 etc.


If you are leasing gates, which airport are you leasing these gates from?. If it's from London Heathrow then the cost will go up, by a lot!. Instead you should look for airports with cheap monthly lease payments and an airport that has a really long runway that can serve any plane type. Another thing would be is to first fly to small airports (as the competition is low), then when you have visited every airport you could think of, start going to international airports. Beware there will be increased number of people there, so make sure to check if your profits have been affected as competitors will do crazy stuff to try and bring you out of business.


If you need money desperately, then my advice would be to run an ifs scam, basically this is where you charge crazy amount of money, for very poor products you offer. Another thing to note is avoid setting up an IFE( in flight entertainment), as this will cost more. Avoid adding first class if you are new, as this is expensive. Stick with just economy and when you have a bit more cash go for business. First class should only happen when you have enough money and you know you won't lose it easily.


I also recommend joining an alliance, as this can help you fill your plane with connecting passengers, if you are struggling to fill it up normally. How to tell if your plane has connecting passengers, the will be a blue bar next to the green bar. more info can be found here


As I mentioned earlier about leasing gates, make sure to set up terminals as this will continue to let you lease more gates. The price will vary and as I stated before go for airports with cheap monthly leasing payments and a runway that is long enough to serve any aircraft type, if you are planning to become an international airline.


Always lease planes in early game rather than buying them straight up. Once you have a stable income start buying them one by one, and make sure to replace them, when they get old. To replace them buy a used or new plane, go to the plane you want to replace, and there should be an option to place a new plane. Then you can either sell the old plane or scrap it, the choice is yours.


You may be wondering what a bond is? if you are a new player this is like a loan, but can't be payed back immediately, and instead you have to pay month by month with interest. Bonds are good in one sense as they let us lease new planes, but they will reduce our credit rating, which means we can't lease more planes. A poor credit rating will slow down your business, so avoid getting lots of bonds.


I probably left out a few more stuff but will update it once I realise what it is. 

#284021 Hubs in different countries?

Posted by Bflight787 on 11 August 2020 - 07:01 PM in New Players and Questions

Is it even possible to have hubs in different countries, as I seen a player have hubs in different countries.

#284011 38 billion dollar airline

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 07:23 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

any one want it?

#284004 Little game, mostly for anyone.

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 03:04 PM in New Players and Questions

MIne was like 11,000 or something like that from Shannon to new Zealand, forget the city name. It was on a 777, but I made very a little profit like 5k or something so I just cancelled the whole route.

#284003 International or Domestic?

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 03:01 PM in New Players and Questions

both for more money.

#284002 How to Improve Credit Rating

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 03:00 PM in New Players and Questions

Don't take out too much bonds as this will bring your credit rating down, and thus you can't lease more planes. Make sure you are making enough to keep up with the monthly payments and make a profit.

#284000 Hi, I'm new

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 02:57 PM in New Players and Questions

what do you need help with? I can help you with the basics.

#283999 Profiting

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 02:52 PM in New Players and Questions

If you took out a bond then that's fine, It happened to me I was like in the -3 or 5 million for a few month until I started getting out of it. The secret to having a profit is to make sure your daily operating profits are over 300k for each plane, if it is less than that, then you are going to suffer. Also start at airports that aren't international ones, as when you decide to build a terminal the cost will be less and will save you money. Also avoid leasing Large aircraft families,( like the 777 or 757, wait until you have at least 500 million then take the risk) or different aircraft families ( If you started with a 737, stick to that and don't get an a320). This will put a whole in your account/ balance. If you need any more help ask me.

#283998 Whats the pros of having hubs and terminals?

Posted by Bflight787 on 10 August 2020 - 02:46 PM in New Players and Questions

If i am correct Terminals are like your safe guard for having more gates. As you know Airline empire lets you have an x amount of gates and that's it, but with terminals you can have an infinite amount of gates, (by infinite I mean way more gates). For hubs I'm not too sure, but it could be for connecting passengers if you are in an alliance. There is a page dedicated to that somewhere on the website.http://www.airline-e...as&section=faqshere is the link