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There have been 240 items by watchdog (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#45942 World Airlines Alliance News

Posted by watchdog on 09 February 2007 - 05:50 PM in Alliances

hy ... i'm the owner of Trans Europe Skyes . I was wondering how can I enter in your alliance . (sorry for the spell misstakes ... i'm from Romania)

be ready for a long wait for acceptance :P

#50794 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by watchdog on 08 September 2007 - 09:54 AM in Announcements

Ask him for your money back.

what for

not playing this stuipd game riddled with bugs

just here to annoy some in the forums

#50785 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by watchdog on 07 September 2007 - 10:21 PM in Announcements

Okay, I've got sufficient content on paper to announce some of the important changes to the way Airline Empires will be played.

I'd also like to apologise to my lack of appearence on the website of late, i have no internet connection at home currently due to my moving house this weekend.


well guess old posts belonning to the TW should be ignored in the forum

why is this old post surfacing again?

and where is the wrench?

#51837 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by watchdog on 21 October 2007 - 09:15 AM in Announcements

Can moderators lock these threads? There is no point in useless replies bringing up old threads.

Just be concerned with your own sim game and stop pestering others in this game.

It is players like you that make concern to the mass exit of many a good player in AE

#51867 Airline Empires Version 3...

Posted by watchdog on 22 October 2007 - 03:59 AM in Announcements

Afterall, this is the biggest largest free multiplayer game of this genre on the net, but .

was once the biggest

lucky to be a dozen players left with the balance just cheaters and hackers

#45632 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 24 January 2007 - 11:40 AM in Announcements

I have many routes that I am getting way too much money for too. There is a lot of work that needs to be done!

I am getting bored with v2 now but I do have 3 major hubs, if they would be useful to anyone to test anything please let me know and I will do what I need to so that this can happen....

script will allow ticket prices beyond any real airline can charge miller must look at it asap take a look

ircraft: Airbus A380
Initial Ticket Price: 80,000.00
Ticket Price Adjusted for Monopoly: 56,000.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 48,160.00 | Frequencies: 7
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %4.9
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 50,516.60
Adjusted Price for Age: 50,516.60
O & D Load Factor: 0%
Hub Passengers: 650,867
Spoke Passengers: 1,016
Connecting Passengers: 67,501
Connecting Stretch: 1,220
Connecting Equi: 67,656
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 100.0%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 100.0%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 7,266
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 3,747
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 82%
O&D Revenues: 0
Connecting Revenues: 16,650,292
Total Revenues: 16,650,292

$80,000 a ticket can anyone match it?

#45861 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 05 February 2007 - 05:50 AM in Announcements

Ok, this is what im getting, its probably been said but, as i Increase ticket prices on a certain route, the load factor remains at 100% but the profits go down, on my JFK-IND route i had a price of 700 with 100% load and a profit of 38K, later i increased prices to 900 and the load remained at 100%, but profit decreased to 6k

the 100 percentage thing is all riddled through the game and i found that the loss in return if you place price to high also happened i also spend hours going up in small prices to get the best return in the end i gave up as it takes hours to keep adjusting

#45863 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 05 February 2007 - 05:54 AM in Announcements

I never got my planes this month. I don't know if you have to wait now or if it's a bug, so I'm posting it anyway.

did ya get them? or not?

#45620 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 11:17 PM in Announcements

been applying routes but now the ticket price is gets silly look at this $60,000 for a ticket

Aircraft: Airbus A340-500
Initial Ticket Price : 60,000.00
Adjusted Price for Frequency: 54,000.00 | Frequencies: 6
% Increase in Adjusted Price Capacity: %2.6
Adjusted Price for Capacity: 55,411.74
Adjusted Price for Age: 55,411.74
O & D Load Factor: 0%
Hub Passengers: 612,312
Spoke Passengers: 1,096
Connecting Passengers: 68,453
Connecting Stretch: 1,413
Connecting Equi: 68,612
Unrestricted Connecting Load Factor: 100.0%
Adjusted Connecting Load Factor: 100.0%
Overall Load Factor: 100.0%
Maximum Distance of Routes out of Hub : 9,662
Average Distance of Routes out of Hub: 3,656
Connecting % of Ticket Price: 72%
O&D Revenues: 0
Connecting Revenues: 6,255,441
Total Revenues: 6,255,441

if this was real life for $60,000 a ticket i would want 12 months membership to the mile high club and free travel for all that time

#45862 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 05 February 2007 - 05:53 AM in Announcements

I use the "Change Aircraft " link quite a bit when changing from small a/c to larger ones. I found a bug today, if you take 20 routes, click the chnage a/c button(basically opening 20 brower windows) Select the same a/c in all 20 and you are able to put all those routes on one a/c.

ok the game server is slow or you would not be able to do this another reason the game computer server should be revamped and cleaned up just like any other office or home user would do it is called maintenance defrag and backup the junk

#45844 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 04 February 2007 - 01:17 PM in Announcements

miller should close off this beta v2 as too many jerks hitting just high return places

#45589 Full Beta For New V2 Game

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 11:48 AM in Announcements

been playing in v2 with an office players account for testing the game script it is quite interesting when you apply a good hub market share how the ticket price jumps sharply in value there are a lot of destinations we tried that will not generate any revenue yet the hub has 60 plus percent share

one hub is market shared with another player and in the game if i apply matching value ticket price my lf stays at 100 percent and no loss in operational profit

this script is good miller just needs a few alterations for the lower pax locations so any airline can service it and not make it a ghost town location

good work miller impressed

#47307 Double Standards of Gate Hogging

Posted by watchdog on 14 April 2007 - 08:46 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Oh come on watchdog. Do you seriously think that these guys can't quickly recover from buying a new terminal?

u are missing the main factor

90 percent of the players are school children

maths for them is a hard subject

children never plan ahead they spend now and do not look ahead

my reply was in j/k form

not all players have a university degree to work out that 1 + 1 = 2 as most will have to take ya socks off to make sure 1 + 1 is not 11 :D

#47337 Double Standards of Gate Hogging

Posted by watchdog on 15 April 2007 - 06:37 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

how can you tell that i have built a terminal?

not me who looked at u balance sheet

he did :D

Posted Image

#47335 Double Standards of Gate Hogging

Posted by watchdog on 15 April 2007 - 06:19 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I personally don't like this as it still encourages gate hogging. If you know your skills, you'll scare off the competition before they get up there (or really beef up your hubs so you'll still have the higher LF).

take the top 10 players as of March 11, Year 3

song = no terminals
australis = no terminals
palm tree express = no terminals
american airlines = no terminals
kaaielem = no terminals
nibbles = no terminals
ian air = 1 terminal
minerva airline = no terminals
banana airways = no terminals
city link = no terminals

so only 1 of the top tem rankings has built

this must say that the game is played different to what you would like to see

the developers need to consider these facts in any new developements

#47299 Double Standards of Gate Hogging

Posted by watchdog on 13 April 2007 - 06:52 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

they're the only ones who really profit because the LF bug they activate.

very factual

I'm gonna try to ask this again, I was able to afford a terminal rather quickly (within 2 days of waiting). You guys can probebly just wait a whole day and spend the 200 mil for a 30 gate terminal or whatever you guys want.

that will not happen

no funds to buy other gates

no funds to place massive orders

no funds to gate hog for other alliance members

no funds to counter-attack any poor airline ranked 80th if they take one route they need to be able to have the gates at ya disposal to squash any threat

want more no funds reply

#45571 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 02:38 AM in Alliances

LOL wow good job detective! hope you dont make a career in investigating! lol have you ever thought that maybe Eti555 came to my house and logged in...Therefore he had my IP adress....doesnt ring a belll....if not...ur sad:thumbdown:We hope to take a picture soon, whenever AA comes back from work. In the mean time keep up the good job guys! Your EXTspotter hahaha blah blah blah....you guys dont know how stupid you look.

Full of verbal crap man, get out of AE NOWWWWWWWWWWWW

#45555 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 22 January 2007 - 11:12 AM in Alliances

posted it with the wrong username...

So you are also EXTspotter

#45554 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 22 January 2007 - 11:11 AM in Alliances

It's not a charade my friend just thought the name would be cool and original compared to some other alliances. It has nothing to do with insulting ACE alliance at all. Also, Australis I know ur pissed cuz I'm flying some of ur routes but don't get mad at me saying that I don't know what a hub is. I know exactly what it is and it comes to a point when you need to start a second hub and obviously this as to start from somewhere....

This p-layer sounds like the one who was removed (EXTspotter) or a name like that

#45587 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 11:38 AM in Alliances

Hey instead of doing nothing and accusing people with no proof, why don't you find a way for me to prove you that I'm not Delta???

one of our london uk office staff showed an image of you logged in using two names if you want can post it to miller sure he would like it

if you post again on the forum it will be sent to tourquewrench & miller

so bye bye Black Bird

#45317 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 17 January 2007 - 08:56 PM in Alliances

Im sorry, but i enjoy this game and want it to prosper. Those who cheat, deserve no place in the future of this game, especially using a bug and trying to hide their cover.

Yes Sir, go get em Maestro 99% of players will support you in this quotation :P

#45616 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 10:58 PM in Alliances

Cause what else would two guys do in a basement by themselves for hours on end...........

the mind is in think mode is there any chemists nearby :P

#45598 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 04:34 PM in Alliances

aa air can can air so on so on so on who cares they cheat they go simple miller from read his post is a reasonable guy if they announce here in forum they cheat thats man enough to let them play do it again and GTFO

#45609 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 10:30 PM in Alliances

Wait, a ISP internet connection with the same IP? Only chances I know of two people getting the same IP is if they are on a dynamic IP like AOL's.

same IP same person 100% proof

#45591 Royal Flush Alliance official thread

Posted by watchdog on 23 January 2007 - 12:31 PM in Alliances

Still not convinced. The only way to prove it is if a admin or mod goes through every post and checks the IP on all of them. They are the only ones who can see what IP it was posted on.

two accounts both ip same so there i have it passed to me & if that aa posts again it will go to miller & torquewrench where do it come from a player who is pissed off with crap in ae and decided best left the game for now