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There have been 38 items by Alpha Waffle (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#292640 Good 757-200/200M Replacement?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 15 June 2023 - 03:34 AM in New Players and Questions

The only advantages of the 757-200M over the 757-200 is that it can use shorter runways, and you can get one every two weeks instead of every three weeks. By every other metric it's an inferior product.


Whether or not something is a "replacement" for the 752 depends on your needs. In terms of raw profitability, the 757-300 with PW2037s is unmatched. Its primary disadvantage is runway length; when compared to the similarly profitable (but lower capacity) 737-400, 737 MAX 8, C919, and A320 series, it needs much longer runways. This can limit its usefulness somewhat, but that's why mixed fleets exist.


There is another thing to consider, and that is maintenance costs. Maintenance fees increase quadratically, not linearly, with the base cost being 0.3% of the retail price. That means expensive planes age "worse" than less expensive ones. a 20-year-old 757-300 is less profitable than a 20-year-old 717, because its maintenance costs stack up much more harshly.


Now... let's not delude ourselves into thinking that these extra maintenance fees will break the bank. A sufficiently profitable IFE will pay the entirety of an aircraft's maintenance bills well into its 30s, but for airlines with razor-thin margins it is something worth considering; higher sticker price means higher maintenance fees down the line. Much higher. 

#293251 Maintenance Cost

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 06 January 2024 - 04:40 PM in New Players and Questions

The base maintenance cost is 5% of the average aircraft price in that family that you own. So within that family (727, A320, etc) if you have 20 planes priced at $100,000,000 and 20 priced at $120,000,000, your base MX cost would be 5% of $110,000,000 or $5,500,000.


Ongoing maintenance costs are a little more opaque, but per month they are approximately 0.3% of the purchase price of the aircraft times 0.0048 ·A2 + 0.002 ·A + 1, where A is the age of the aircraft in years to one decimal place. This means that aircraft maintenance costs increase quadratically with age, so while maintenance costs between a 2 and 3 year old aircraft won't be extreme, a 25 vs 26 year old aircraft can have a big gap in ongoing costs.

#292671 I Tried Spamlining but it didn't work as the forum suggests

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 21 June 2023 - 02:24 PM in General AE Discussion

The formula is simple:


Connecting pax per day between hubs = 0.002 * Total pax per day in+out of hubs


So if you have 50,000,000 passengers flying into an airport but it's not a hub, you get precisely 0 connecting passengers from that.


However, connecting passengers at one airport magically teleport to other airports. So 50,000,000 passengers per day out of a hub means you can get 100,000 connections out of ANY OTHER HUB, regardless of whether or not the two hubs are connected with a flight.

#292982 Leasing can be cheaper than buying!

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 28 September 2023 - 10:19 PM in General AE Discussion

If you buy a plane for $100,000,000, you trade $100,000,000 in cash for an asset worth $100,000,000. That asset depreciates, so you must make back enough cash each year to compensate for the depreciation of the aircraft to "break even" in terms of overall valuation.


By leasing instead of buying, you only have to earn back the lease cost per month to "break even". If the cost of the lease is less than the amount by which the aircraft depreciates, you end up making more money overall. 

#292747 Leasing can be cheaper than buying!

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 08 July 2023 - 04:57 AM in General AE Discussion

Looking at the first graph, do I understand correctly that if the depreciation rate of an aircraft is equal or less than 4.5%, it will be cheaper to buy it than to lease it even without a discount? For example, I buy an aircraft in a used market, or I order just one new from the factory.


That is correct. Below 4.5%(ish) the discount is negative, so you pay more than retail price by leasing. 

#292984 Leasing can be cheaper than buying!

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 29 September 2023 - 12:56 AM in General AE Discussion

In the grand scheme of things, the difference between leasing and buying isn't significant. It's not difficult to make an aircraft profitable.


However, a fleet of 1000 planes making 10% margins vs 30% margins...

#292707 Gate Leasing

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 24 June 2023 - 05:32 PM in New Players and Questions

Gate leasing fees, in dollars, are 1% of the annual passengers through that airport. When you build terminals, the fee structure is much more complicated; you get a discount the more gates you build.

#293272 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 24 January 2024 - 03:00 AM in General AE Discussion

The fly-in breakfast at the local airport this year will be a real treat in my new Bonanza. Lmao.




Okay I'm done screwing around now. Time to forget the forbidden knowledge.

#293271 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 24 January 2024 - 12:25 AM in General AE Discussion

Oh wow, and a bunch if Il-14s of various flavours with PT-6s too. That's so funny. Scrapped!

#293270 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 24 January 2024 - 12:23 AM in General AE Discussion

Ha! Sure enough, in R0, there are also a bunch of VC.1 Vikings for sale with PT-6As.


I was scrolling earlier, saw the PT-6 model and thought "What? PT-6? On a plane that old? Huh." and then went about my day.


Turns out it was indeed the same person who modded the 707s. What a coincidence. I'll buy them all and scrap them.



#293286 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 02 February 2024 - 09:18 PM in General AE Discussion

It seems this person did more than I thought. I'm going through my planes and finding many of them have very wrong engines. Tu-114s with PT-6s for example. Not cool. Cheaters suck.

#293288 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 04 February 2024 - 09:55 PM in General AE Discussion

Oh, the irony.

I really can't overstate just how little your opinion means to me.

#293418 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 01 May 2024 - 03:01 AM in General AE Discussion

It has not been patched.

#293294 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 05 February 2024 - 04:31 PM in General AE Discussion

(S4C) Sandbox World - No Political Restrictions (5 min / day)


2 ZA it.png ae3s4c_40.jpg ae3s4c_2.jpg
390 1,238 6 3,974 1,226,746 9,766,344



That's really interesting. The game has safeguards to prevent ordering aircraft that aren't yet available... at least, it doesn't seem to be possible in the same way that adding different engines is possible.


How strange.


I wonder if Yuxi will read this thread before banning me when he sees all the illegal nonsense I've been up to. It's purely academic, I promise.

#293291 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 05 February 2024 - 01:09 PM in General AE Discussion

Also note that in a world that is in 2008 they already have the A320neo... :/  :/  :/

Now that is odd. Which world/airline is this?

#293268 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 23 January 2024 - 10:21 PM in General AE Discussion

I have figured out how this exploit works and will be reporting it to the developers. Please do not ask me for details, and please do not cheat.

I think -- and I could be entirely wrong -- but I think I know how the original owner pulled this off.

I also suspect if I tried to verify my suspicions then I would be banned, as I imagine the original owner was.

I suggest you just scrap them.

I tested my theory and I was indeed entirely wrong. I'll try a few other things to see if I can replicate this.

Okay, maybe I wasn't totally off base. I think I've figured it out, but I need to test it out.

In the event I find the exploit, who would the best person to contact be? Yuxi?

#293267 Somehow bought re-engined 707's?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 23 January 2024 - 10:15 PM in General AE Discussion

...How? What??

#292759 Increasing Profit Margin

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 13 July 2023 - 06:19 AM in New Players and Questions

The trick is to abuse game mechanics, but that's a pretty cheese way of playing the game. I do it because I like the optimization challenge and deep-diving into the numbers of the game.


If you want to run a regular airline (like most people) then a 10-15% margin is perfectly reasonable.

#292660 Are these the same exact airport?

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 19 June 2023 - 09:45 PM in New Players and Questions

It appears the correct IATA code is CFK. QAS does not appear to exist; indeed, it is even unclear whether it has ever existed.

#292675 User started secondary airline to feed aircraft to primary airline

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 21 June 2023 - 08:34 PM in General AE Discussion

In R0, the user who owns China Eastern also owns Swiss International Air Lines. 


I noticed that China Eastern consistently had more planes than other airlines, even though they had only started delivery a year or so prior.


A little bit of digging reveals a pattern of Swiss International purchasing and then immediately selling aircraft, which are purchased by China Eastern. I am unable to find a single Swiss International aircraft that was purchased by anyone else, so this is clearly deliberate and the user is keeping track of when Swiss International sells their planes so they can be purchased on the exact day they come on the used market.


Pretty scummy, if you ask me. Only one airline should be allowed per user, per world.

Attached Thumbnails

  • CE_2.png
  • CE_1.png
  • CE_3.png
  • CE_4.png
  • CE_5.png

#292688 User started secondary airline to feed aircraft to primary airline

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 22 June 2023 - 05:23 PM in General AE Discussion

Money printer go brrrrrr

#292678 User started secondary airline to feed aircraft to primary airline

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 21 June 2023 - 09:20 PM in General AE Discussion

While I would tend to agree, this is far more than luck. Aircraft are consistently sold within only a few months of delivery, and always purchased by China Eastern. This is deliberate.

#292923 Quick question: 737-200ADV and 727-200ADV winglets

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 27 August 2023 - 07:47 PM in General AE Discussion

Nah. I would if I could do it in bulk, but one at a time? Not worth it.

#293409 Ordering New Planes Not On The Market

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 22 April 2024 - 01:52 AM in General AE Discussion

Might be the same idiot who messed with engines in R0.

#292709 200 Gate terminals

Posted by Alpha Waffle on 25 June 2023 - 04:33 AM in General AE Discussion


Attached Thumbnails

  • ae1.png