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There have been 8 items by Saro7z (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#274417 Goodbye AE

Posted by Saro7z on 16 December 2018 - 09:45 AM in General AE Discussion





#274410 Goodbye AE

Posted by Saro7z on 15 December 2018 - 05:05 PM in General AE Discussion

Well there is one difference.


GenAir isn't abusing bugs, we just supply demand.


But all those ZZZZZZZZZZZ Airlines are just flying from one super small Airport to a other super small airport.


one of those ZZZZZZZZZ airlines:




GenAir airlines:


#274395 Goodbye AE

Posted by Saro7z on 14 December 2018 - 04:50 PM in General AE Discussion

Well I'm the "leader" of GenAir and all of our Airlines are pretty big, for us the 300 limit is way more fun then the small worlds.

But thats just our opinion ^^.

yeah exactly its bull****.


and the thing is it is so easy to fix stuff like that, work of 1h-2h...

#274393 Goodbye AE

Posted by Saro7z on 14 December 2018 - 04:14 PM in General AE Discussion

Well I'll say it like it is. 

I guess Yuxi doesn't want a community which is having fun...


GenAir says goodbye.



#273669 Spam airlines.....

Posted by Saro7z on 04 November 2018 - 02:32 PM in General AE Discussion

I actually sort of agree since it is so annoying. Taking up the top 5 places or so in a world is absolutely annoying as it prevents people from getting into the top 5 and getting the awards. It also hinders people who actually want to build and develop their airline properly.
What the developers should do is to get rid of their airline, as banning their account is a bit too excessive.
Another thing we should take into consideration is how busy the developers are. Remember when the game worlds didn’t reset?

Yeah exactly what I wanted to say with that (my english isnt really good) ^^
I can totally understand but it isnt really much work to code that such airlines get for example deleted.(its just checking the fleet size and the ariports) <--- super basic :/

#273657 Spam airlines.....

Posted by Saro7z on 04 November 2018 - 08:47 AM in General AE Discussion

Why dont they get banned?

Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot_1.png
  • Screenshot_2.png
  • Screenshot_3.png

#272597 How can this be possible? It ruins every fun in this game...

Posted by Saro7z on 29 September 2018 - 05:47 PM in General AE Discussion

Well im currently active in (Ra) with 5 Friends and together we build the Alliance GenAir.

So at the start of the world we even were 9 or 10 Airlines but some just didnt want anymore even tho they had big Airlines.

Currently I have 786 Airplanes after 5 years so its a mixture of strategy (getting all kind of planes for every type of route) and luck (used aircraft market).

I gotta be honest such things are really annoying but its all about having the best strategy and about having fun. ^^


Sorry for my bad english if there are any mistakes, I'm from Austria. :')

#271284 Longer small world 1980-2025 @ ~15 min/day

Posted by Saro7z on 11 August 2018 - 07:36 PM in New World Requests

I mean I'm new to the game but I'd pay for such a world ^^


would love to see this world (1950-2030)