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There have been 92 items by mastacheifa118 (Search limited from 19-June 23)

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#259503 Tips for New Players

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 04:13 AM in New Players and Questions

I recommend on using the Internet and looking up airports that are located in major cities but have runways short enough to where larger airlines cannot 747 spam your routes or smaller airports that are located in major cities but have a different name than the city, such as Burbank-Hollywood Airport, which is located in Los Angeles.


Oh yeah, leasing aircraft until around 500M is never a bad idea. Also let the game run every now and then, and let your money build up over time. It is never a bad idea to have a large "cushion" just in case.

#261939 Tips for New Players

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 26 January 2018 - 02:58 AM in New Players and Questions

Okay - so this might sound like it contradicts nearly EVERYTHING on this post, but you can try it, and it worked for me (at least for now)


1. Get 757s if available. You can use them on nearly every type of route. Use 1 first class seat to every 7 business class seats, and 3-4 first class seats for a 757 should do. Fill up first class and business class, and when checking economy class, do 10 less seats than max capacity. This gives you good reputation.


2. Join the largest alliance possible. If there are two alliances that are very close, take a look at the two and choose the one with the most airlines on top 20.


3. Small airports. Google maps. Wikipedia.


4. SPAM your 757s on transcontinental routes from small airports in large cities.


5. Add "feeder" flights that are about 1-2 hours from your "main" airports (i.e. if you do Burbank-Hollywood > Charlotte, do flights from Burbank to El Paso and Charlotte to Durham or Savannah.)




7. Set up 3 "hubs" (but don't make them hubs) on the East coast (small airports near large cities). Set up 3 "hubs" on the West Coast (small airports). Connect them with transcontinental flights. 


8. Once you start hitting 50M DOP or so, you can start being more aggressive. Don't forget that larger airlines are making 500M+ DOP, so you cannot be too aggressive.


9. Little tip regarding A330-300 and A340-300: A330-300 is more expensive, burns more fuel, has less range, but the same seating and speed as the A340-300. A340-300 has a longer turnaround time (75 v.s. 90 minutes).

#261941 Tips for New Players

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 26 January 2018 - 03:25 AM in New Players and Questions

10. When you are around 5-7 days from the end of a month, STOP YOUR SPENDING AND JUST SAVE UP UNTIL THE MONTH END. Fuel costs, maintenance, and aircraft/gate leasing all come within a very short span of time, and having a cushion is always better than going into the negatives.

#259287 Ideal aircraft seating configuration guideline

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 09 January 2018 - 09:37 PM in New Players and Questions

I recommend not doing British Airways and doing 1:10:15... they operate like 75% premium cabins and 25% economy... it does NOT work out well in AE.

#268482 [GAME] Ban the person above you

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:42 PM in Off Topic

Banned for the worst KSP joke that I have ever heard, so bad that I am willing to kill myself by meeting "The Emperor" in person and complimenting him on the way that he breaks plays this game.


You're welcome person below me. I gave you enough material to work with.

#259236 How to Start an Airline (Kitty's Advanced Tutorial)

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 09 January 2018 - 02:10 AM in New Players and Questions

Not even 2 years dude...


The Wiki was wiped.

Shoot.... I was only looking at the first page..... :P

#259102 How to Start an Airline (Kitty's Advanced Tutorial)

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 08 January 2018 - 03:44 AM in New Players and Questions

The wiki does not seem to load for me. And yes I know this was posted 6 years after the most recent post.

#259582 Most Profitable Planes On The Game??

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 13 January 2018 - 01:04 AM in New Players and Questions

Hence its versatility is one reason why I considered it as one of my favorite planes to fly in AE

My game world is nearing the year 2000... gotta start spamming 757 orders now XD

#259580 Most Profitable Planes On The Game??

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 13 January 2018 - 12:31 AM in New Players and Questions

I use 757s on nearly all of my transatlantic routes. Fantastic plane.

#268487 [GAME] Describe the person above you in 6 words.

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 21 May 2018 - 05:31 AM in Off Topic

ha ha you ran out of

#268483 [GAME] Describe the person above you in 6 words.

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:46 PM in Off Topic

Oh no I'm running out of 

#262139 What do you think is the hardest country to operate out of?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 28 January 2018 - 02:15 AM in General AE Discussion

If they were to build an airport in the Vatican, it might as well be a RC port. Even still, that might be too big.

#261942 [GAME] If the person above you were an aircraft, which aircraft would he/she be?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 26 January 2018 - 03:59 AM in Off Topic

747 BBJ because according to your personal info, "i am a failure", I thought, "why the hell not stick her in a 747 business jet?"


And so it happened.

#259483 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 01:13 AM in New Players and Questions



-Incorrect information

#259481 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 01:05 AM in New Players and Questions

Placing an order so large that the aircraft producer would be making aircraft even after the world will reset, although the game itself is still over 10 years from the world reset. Please don't over-saturate an aircraft producer to the point where no other airlines can purchase new aircraft from them.

#259493 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 02:05 AM in New Players and Questions

I'm not saying that it should be banned, but this isn't even HALFWAY through the game yet. I understand spamming planes at the END of the game in a way of celebration, but the game still did not even reach the halfway point yet.


As for American and Southwest spamming orders, Boeing can build extra factories IRL.

#267070 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 10 April 2018 - 10:53 PM in New Players and Questions

Last one out, get the lights.

#261281 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 January 2018 - 04:55 AM in New Players and Questions

Your Emperor has been blessed by the gods with high education and the diction and form of expression that accompany non-barbarian forms of life. We generally express ourselves in keeping with our station and pedigree.


Nonetheless, there are instances of stupidity which throw us into such paroxysms of anger and frustration over the sheer animal stupidity of certain unruly barbarians that we must eschew the finer forms of rhetoric and simply shout:



Deliveries are apportioned to each airline, according to a set schedule, regardless of the total amount of deliveries in the world. There is no impact from other airlines' orders upon any other airline's orders. 

May I also ask why a person of such a high rank, regardless of self-appointed or not, is lurking in the "forums for new players" and not offering any help at all? I would have thought with that much experience you would be very helpful to new players. Instead, you are the greatest burden I have ever met in my life, and this includes the idiots who I have met in real life.

#259507 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 05:04 AM in New Players and Questions

But anyway, all of you here seem to agree that it is a great idea for aircraft manufactures to maintain the same production speed, although the actual amount of spending power of airlines increase exponentially over time. I think that we should stop calling each other "*******" (it is not hard to guess what you are trying to censor here, just say it.) and accept that a cold-blooded oligarchy will rule in every single game. Stevphfeniey, I bet you understand what I mean, as the amount of hate I've seen on this thread alone outweighs every other insult that I have received in a 6 hour period. You should be proud for that.



P.S. If you are not, then you should move out of Downtown Detroit. 

#259505 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 04:56 AM in New Players and Questions

Has this turned into a place where you just dump your anger from the day? You could have just told me.




Look, he's the wrong guy to pick a fight with, so I'd stop right now.


It's hard to not act defensive when the same guy is not posting anything related to the subject except the fact that Boeing can actually keep up with demand IRL.


By the way, nice Buzzfeed clickbait headline *******


As for this, I notice that you have a crazy hunger for insulting everyone you can insult on the forums. Well done. What should I give you? A pat on the back?

#259501 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 04:03 AM in New Players and Questions

By the way, nice Buzzfeed clickbait headline *******

What should I do next, "This is the end of Airline Empires?" or "10 ways you can improve profits and reduce competition"

#259495 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 02:19 AM in New Players and Questions

Ordering 500 A380s... lol let my brain think about that for a sec...



That is like my total worth.... raised to the power of my total worth.............

#261280 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 January 2018 - 04:52 AM in New Players and Questions

Your Emperor has been blessed by the gods with high education and the diction and form of expression that accompany non-barbarian forms of life. We generally express ourselves in keeping with our station and pedigree.


Nonetheless, there are instances of stupidity which throw us into such paroxysms of anger and frustration over the sheer animal stupidity of certain unruly barbarians that we must eschew the finer forms of rhetoric and simply shout:



Deliveries are apportioned to each airline, according to a set schedule, regardless of the total amount of deliveries in the world. There is no impact from other airlines' orders upon any other airline's orders. 


Your "highness", I have to say that I am not an animal, however, by the way that you just lashed out at me over a topic that was clearly dead, I have to say that you are worse than the worst of beasts that nature has to offer. I recommend that you realize that you are indeed a mere mortal in comparison to the Gods of the Airline Industry and back down before Joe Stutter descends from the heavens above and smite your mortal soul.

#261278 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 January 2018 - 04:49 AM in New Players and Questions

Said Emperor's wisdom knows no bounds?


Explain the following:


1 polarized lens blocks 50% of all light


2 polarized lenses at 90 degree angles block 100% of all light.


3 polarized lenses, with the first at 0 degrees, the second at 45 degrees, and the third at 90 degrees, blocks 22.5% of all light.

#259502 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 12 January 2018 - 04:09 AM in New Players and Questions

By the way, nice Buzzfeed clickbait headline *******

Also, I cannot help but notice that you failed to read my first post, so I recommend that you read the first post and realize how long ten years actually is. Let that sink in for a minute. Ten years. Longer than your lifespan.