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Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2023 10:07 PM

In Topic: An Open Letter to All Players in Rδ

29 May 2022 - 06:37 AM

We are not impressed. Your airline has a valuation of only $25 trillion, whereas The Empire has exceed one quadrillion. You are 2% of The Empire. In Our Empire, we judge you as being perhaps worthy of the deputy consular's office of Cappadocia. From Our (temporary?) retirement, and having vanquished your airlines previously, We scorn your imperial pretensions.


We can identify several easily-explainable aspects of your game-play that reflect a failure to understand how to be truly Imperial. Your route structure and aircraft selection reflect that your analysis of the game is not on par with The Emperor's (August, Terrible, etc.). 


We decline to explain these these aspects to you. Can anyone else guess them, having entered the world in the brief window remaining and looked at this barbarian's airlines? If you can, you will have proved yourself potentially worthy to your Emperor.

In Topic: Spam vs. Spam

29 May 2022 - 06:33 AM

Hahaha well, that's just a surname in Chinese translated to English lol


But oh well, these spammers really need to get punished. There are millions of routes out there, why you need to open exact same route as mine?

You get low profit, you also eat into my profit, I just don't get it -.-


Ah We see. We have no problem with Chinese names, as the Chinese have founded many great Empires. We were under the impression your name was a mangled name from the isles of Britannia or Hibernia, whence have come zero great empires (only one weak empire that couldn't fight on land but could only bribe/blockade its opponents or fight backwards tribes). 

In Topic: Spam vs. Spam

17 May 2022 - 06:18 AM

Can't believe this Emperor guy spends his life in quest for virtual trophies.



Oh hey! Somebody got their first (bronze) trophy!

In Topic: Spam vs. Spam

17 May 2022 - 06:13 AM

Is this spam even worth it? I just can't get it...




I don't get the extra "t" in your name. Like I could see being named "Anthony", Morgan", and/or "Joe" in various combinations of surname and first name, but whence the "t"?

In Topic: [COMPLETED] Boeing 777x

11 April 2022 - 07:06 PM

The game that is not remotely close to real world fuel burn, whose fuel algorithm is based on an aeronautics 101 mistake, is too picky to put in the 777X before performance data that will be mangled by the algorithm anyway.