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Real-World Passenger Demand Coming to AE

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This seens like the issue i reported earlier with the route between Brasilia and Sao Paulo... It was a massive dip overnight, wasnt it?

Same thing with HAN-SGN and HAN-DAD in Vietnam. A roughly 70-80% drop in DOPs thanks to pax demand falling off a cliff. I had to declare bankruptcy there because of it.

E.B Aviation

E.B Aviation

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This seens like the issue i reported earlier with the route between Brasilia and Sao Paulo... It was a massive dip overnight, wasnt it?

yep exactly. same thing with HNL-LAX which from 2800 demand it dipped down to 400 now the thing is. Is this seasonal or is this some glitch?



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Fantastic. Thanks.



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I take some worlds are not being reset until these reported problems are sorted out (either dismissed or fixed)? In any case this is a wonderful work, i was able to enjoy it very much until the dip

Ongots Khaan

Ongots Khaan

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bruh this is a big enough update to call it AE3.2 tbh


+100 kudos 2 papi yuxi and wiero



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Great!!! I'd love to see real demand from BOG,  there are 30+ flights a day to Medellin and Cali for instance, mostly on A320s



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Great!!! I'd love to see real demand from BOG,  there are 30+ flights a day to Medellin and Cali for instance, mostly on A320s


Demand to Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla and other domestic routes are also extremely busy.

On average, daily passengers to Cartagena would be ~8000 pax, to Cali would be ~7500 pax and to Barranquilla would be ~4800 pax.


I didn't realized how big the domestic market is in Colombia. Same goes for other Latin American countries.



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reset when

Mr. Aviation Nerd :)




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Demand to Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla and other domestic routes are also extremely busy.
On average, daily passengers to Cartagena would be ~8000 pax, to Cali would be ~7500 pax and to Barranquilla would be ~4800 pax.

I didn't realized how big the domestic market is in Colombia. Same goes for other Latin American countries.

You're so right, Latin America has certainly been an underrated region on AE.



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Is demand now affected by seat availability? i.e. If a route is too saturaded, demand will fall.

Also, this is a no political restriction server... I just realized



A get that real worl demand is much more dynamic, but i still find it hard to believe one of the densest (if not THE densest) route in Brazil would have a dip in demand from 1333 to 447 just overnight, while all other routes remained the same. This route links Brasilia and SAO PAULO, Brazil's largest city. It was the only route that had this happening. Heck even smaller cities further inland showed similar or greater demand than this one after the "bug"

This only happened with this particular route, all the others remained steady.



Noticeably there are some routes that have fallen in passenger demand and have made a huge dip in demand. 

Some routes like NRT-HNL have only 300 demand while ANA literally operates an A380 along with other airlines departing multiple times a day with widebody aircraft...



Same thing with HAN-SGN and HAN-DAD in Vietnam. A roughly 70-80% drop in DOPs thanks to pax demand falling off a cliff. I had to declare bankruptcy there because of it.



yep exactly. same thing with HNL-LAX which from 2800 demand it dipped down to 400 now the thing is. Is this seasonal or is this some glitch?


There was a bug that caused some routes to revert to auto-generated demand in certain scenarios. This is now fixed along with the data in S4C for routes that dropped in demand overnight :)



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Thank you for the fixes! :party:

Can we please please please have the E2 though? :(



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Yuxi and Viero thanks for your effort. Continue doing a good work!


Carlos "SUJETO" Vargas Sánchez.

E.B Aviation

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 Also can we request demand fixes for certain routes? There is some domestic routes that should be fixed. Like PPG-APW, and other samoan domestic routes.



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 Also can we request demand fixes for certain routes? There is some domestic routes that should be fixed. Like PPG-APW, and other samoan domestic routes.


We're working on a process for people to request fixes but need to flesh out some guidelines first. Stay tuned :)



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As many of you know, Airline Empires calculates passenger demand for routes based on the number of passengers traveling through the origin and destination airports, among other factors. While this formula can serve as a proxy in the absence of real-world data, its limitations quickly become apparent when you set up routes in regions you’re familiar with in real life.


Today, we are pleased to announce the imminent availability of real-world demand data in the game. Our initial dataset covers approximately 29,000 routes, including the most popular ones you’ll likely come across. If you’ve always wanted to run an island-hopper service and the demand simply wasn’t there in the game, you may now be in luck.


The real-world demand data is current as of the beginning of 2020 (before the collapse from the pandemic). In the game, you may not see exactly the same figures because demand grows over time. For example, a given route in a world in the year 1990 would have lower demand than in the year 2020.


Special thanks go to Viero for his extensive data collection efforts that made this feature possible.


Rollout Plan


Games already in progress will not be affected by this demand data change. The real-world dataset will be introduced to each game world at its next scheduled reset.


Explore the Data in New Sandbox World S4C


For now, you can explore the new demand data in the sandbox world S4C, which will only be available until S4B and S4E are reset, at which point those sandbox worlds will have the new demand data available and S4C will no longer be needed.


Well, about time the game got an update :P


But looks like a good change from the former way it calculate the demand value and hopefully it makes the game slightly more realistic.





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How long will S4C last?

Sith Lord Ssempa

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I now I'm late but wow this is actually brilliant!!!!!!! For so long I've been doing airlines in africa and its always been rather tough to get a long-range network going but now the realist is so much better!!

E.B Aviation

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We're working on a process for people to request fixes but need to flesh out some guidelines first. Stay tuned :)

Any update with this?

Mr Tree

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Congrats on implementing the updates folks. Are there any other projects in the pipeline or is this it for the foreseeable future?


Not to denigrate the work that was done here, realistic demands adds a lot to the quality of gameplay.

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