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Real-World Passenger Demand Coming to AE

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E.B Aviation

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Maybe, but wasnt this supposed to be somewhat gradual? Instead of an overnight plunge?

Consider that GRU is Brazil's largest airport, and BSB is Brazil's largest hub for both of its 2 largest airlines (i suppose the data takes this into account). Even if BSB wasnt a hub, its still one of the largest airports in the country, its the federal capital after all, so i'm inclined to think this sudden dip in demand is some kind of bug

EDIT: Extra info




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Despite the date, I'm happy to say this is very much real. I've been working diligently on collecting and upgrading the data for the game over the past year, and we're just about ready to roll it out. I'll be happy to share more information on my work very soon.

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Is demand now affected by seat availability? i.e. If a route is too saturaded, demand will fall.

Also, this is a no political restriction server... I just realized



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I think we should keep S4C. I love it. We need a new sandbox world and I like the time (2005-2025) and everything. Sandbox worlds are consistently very popular and having another one would help spread people out more for a better experience. S4C is good, we should keep it.



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Maybe, but wasnt this supposed to be somewhat gradual? Instead of an overnight plunge?

Consider that GRU is Brazil's largest airport, and BSB is Brazil's largest hub for both of its 2 largest airlines (i suppose the data takes this into account). Even if BSB wasnt a hub, its still one of the largest airports in the country, its the federal capital after all, so i'm inclined to think this sudden dip in demand is some kind of bug

EDIT: Extra info


Real life demand is not gradual. The day after the summer holiday ends or the day after the new year holiday ends. Demand in real life drop in a single day rather than gradual drop.

This could easily seen when the ticket prices for flights after the big holiday rush became extremely cheaper compared to the days during holiday season.


Remember, real life demand has a way bigger dynamic than the one in game. You could have a single day where the demand is huge and there's tons of double bookings, and then the next day the airlines unable to even fill 20% of the plane seat.



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I love that we get modern world. 2005-2025 is amazing. More chance to use more modern aircraft like B787, A350, and the NEO + MAX.

E.B Aviation

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Despite the date, I'm happy to say this is very much real. I've been working diligently on collecting and upgrading the data for the game over the past year, and we're just about ready to roll it out. I'll be happy to share more information on my work very soon.

Insert :pog: emote. Wow I would very much also like to help with getting demand info and inputing it for you all.



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A get that real worl demand is much more dynamic, but i still find it hard to believe one of the densest (if not THE densest) route in Brazil would have a dip in demand from 1333 to 447 just overnight, while all other routes remained the same. This route links Brasilia and SAO PAULO, Brazil's largest city. It was the only route that had this happening. Heck even smaller cities further inland showed similar or greater demand than this one after the "bug"

This only happened with this particular route, all the others remained steady.



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I came across something. According to some websites, Flights from Beijing to local airport in China (such as Shanghai-Hongqiao, Guangzhou or Chengdu rank in the top 30 most busiest routes in the world).


But looing at the demand in S4C. I found some inconsistent with the demand between some major Chinese routes.


For comparison, the demand for Beijing - Shanghai-Hongqiao (7th busiest routes in the world) is 1431 pax per day.


But demand for Hong Kong - Taipei (8th busiest routes in the world) is 7830 pax per day.

and demand for Tokyo Haneda - Naha (9th busiest routes in the world) is 7458 pax per day.


Same thing happen to other routes from Shanghai-Hongqiao airport. So this is not exclusive to Beijing airport.



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I came across something. According to some websites, Flights from Beijing to local airport in China (such as Shanghai-Hongqiao, Guangzhou or Chengdu rank in the top 30 most busiest routes in the world).


But looing at the demand in S4C. I found some inconsistent with the demand between some major Chinese routes.


For comparison, the demand for Beijing - Shanghai-Hongqiao (7th busiest routes in the world) is 1431 pax per day.


But demand for Hong Kong - Taipei (8th busiest routes in the world) is 7830 pax per day.

and demand for Tokyo Haneda - Naha (9th busiest routes in the world) is 7458 pax per day.


Same thing happen to other routes from Shanghai-Hongqiao airport. So this is not exclusive to Beijing airport.

China is one of the last locales we're working on, like I mentioned. Most of the world has the proper data for it at this point, but Chinese domestic routes are still in progress.

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I came across something. According to some websites, Flights from Beijing to local airport in China (such as Shanghai-Hongqiao, Guangzhou or Chengdu rank in the top 30 most busiest routes in the world).


But looing at the demand in S4C. I found some inconsistent with the demand between some major Chinese routes.


For comparison, the demand for Beijing - Shanghai-Hongqiao (7th busiest routes in the world) is 1431 pax per day.


But demand for Hong Kong - Taipei (8th busiest routes in the world) is 7830 pax per day.

and demand for Tokyo Haneda - Naha (9th busiest routes in the world) is 7458 pax per day.


Same thing happen to other routes from Shanghai-Hongqiao airport. So this is not exclusive to Beijing airport.

China is one of the last locales we're working on, like I mentioned. Most of the world has the proper data for it at this point, but Chinese domestic routes are still in progress.


A get that real worl demand is much more dynamic, but i still find it hard to believe one of the densest (if not THE densest) route in Brazil would have a dip in demand from 1333 to 447 just overnight, while all other routes remained the same. This route links Brasilia and SAO PAULO, Brazil's largest city. It was the only route that had this happening. Heck even smaller cities further inland showed similar or greater demand than this one after the "bug"

This only happened with this particular route, all the others remained steady.

If I were to guess, that's because most demand is filled at Congonhas Airport (CGH) instead of Guarulhos (GRU). That might be what you're looking at.


In any case though, we made it a goal not to reduce demand on any routes - just increasing any that need it. If the route really did have a dip, especially one that big, we'll sort it out.

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China is one of the last locales we're working on, like I mentioned. Most of the world has the proper data for it at this point, but Chinese domestic routes are still in progress.


Ah I see. You know, if the team have hard time finding information regarding the demand for Q1 of 2020. It's okay to use data from 2018 or 2019, just a suggestion. 


There's some info here, hope this helps a little:
https://www.chinatra...hou and Chengdu.




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If I were to guess, that's because most demand is filled at Congonhas Airport (CGH) instead of Guarulhos (GRU). That might be what you're looking at.


In any case though, we made it a goal not to reduce demand on any routes - just increasing any that need it. If the route really did have a dip, especially one that big, we'll sort it out.

Both airports should have similar demand, because Guarulhos is indeed the busiest airport in the country, because it handles almost as much domestic traffic as Congonhas as well as 100% of São Paulo's international traffic. Congonhas, on the other hand, is for domestic traffic only. If Guarulhos was 1333 before the dip, Congonhas should be around 1200 to 1400 too



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Ah I see. You know, if the team have hard time finding information regarding the demand for Q1 of 2020. It's okay to use data from 2018 or 2019, just a suggestion. 


There's some info here, hope this helps a little:
https://www.chinatra...hou and Chengdu.


That might be helpful but for the most part I have all the data I need. Now it's mostly a matter of formatting and uploading it in the game.



Both airports should have similar demand, because Guarulhos is indeed the busiest airport in the country, because it handles almost as much domestic traffic as Congonhas as well as 100% of São Paulo's international traffic. Congonhas, on the other hand, is for domestic traffic only. If Guarulhos was 1333 before the dip, Congonhas should be around 1200 to 1400 too

I'm using real-world values and in cases of multiple airports for a city it just depends on what gets more use. Some airlines that use CGH as a hub do not use GRU as a hub and vice-versa. Since CGH is exclusively a domestic airport some routes that CGH serves are not served by GRU, reflecting real world conditions.

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This is a really amazing feat. 


Is the data based on O&D traffic or segment traffic? 



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This is a really amazing feat. 


Is the data based on O&D traffic or segment traffic? 

Segment traffic, mostly. I'll be happy to share more of my process once I finish updating the last of the main traffic data - within the month or so.

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Really exciting development! Thanks for all your hard work on this. I've noticed some interesting routes in the sandbox world that seem to have really low demand contrary to what I'd expect. I assume these routes are still being adjusted but will there be a forum similar to the new aircraft requests where we can provide data/report potential inconsistencies? 



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Yuxi gave up on Boba's to deliver this update.

E.B Aviation

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Noticeably there are some routes that have fallen in passenger demand and have made a huge dip in demand. 

Some routes like NRT-HNL have only 300 demand while ANA literally operates an A380 along with other airlines departing multiple times a day with widebody aircraft...



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Noticeably there are some routes that have fallen in passenger demand and have made a huge dip in demand. 

Some routes like NRT-HNL have only 300 demand while ANA literally operates an A380 along with other airlines departing multiple times a day with widebody aircraft...

This seens like the issue i reported earlier with the route between Brasilia and Sao Paulo... It was a massive dip overnight, wasnt it?

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