Airline name : Air Floth
Airline Description : A great Algerian airline, modern and safe and luxury.
Airline Slogan : Never Forget The Modernity !
Type of Aircraft : Airbus A320, Airbus A340, Lockhead L-1011-1/200/250, Boieng 747, Bombardier CRJ700 (Sorry it is a bit a lot)
Bases/hubs : Bejaia - Soummam - Abane Ramdane / Oran - Ahmed Ben Bella / Alger - Houari Boumédiéne
Home Country : Algeria
Notes : for logo i want a based one of a white 'F' Inside a cyan (or light blue) circle and inside a black circle too, for livery follow the colours of the logo if possible
(also add a algerian flag in the livery just like other liveries)
Thank you so much i will never forget credit you ! also use med templates bc it is better ! I really like this ! and can you post the logo image (not in the livery) because i will need it ! thanks !
if you want a example of the light blue color or cyan here is a example : 0bd4ec