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How do i start a Low-Cost Airline in AE?

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    Fly With All Your Heart <3

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Hi everyone i wanted to know is there a way to create a Low-Cost Airline or LCC in Airline Empires that runs on a All-Economy Configuration? I'm planning to use only one Aircraft-Type that's a Airbus A320 



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1. Start an airline - ensure you're in the appropriate time period for the A320 (game world starts 1990 onwards).

2. Order the A320 - just select default all-economy seating configuration

3. Keep costs low - start by changing the default wage of all employee categories to $7 each (minimum permitted).



    Air Galicia's CEO and future pilot

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You don't really have to do anything mentioned above. I assume you want an EasyJet style airline.


Start and airline.

Start with the A320

Order more

Add flights to airports with competition (maybe at most three airlines) and undermine them.

Do that for all of your flights.

You now have a low cost airline.


Tip: To make sure your airline will make a profit, when you have 5 aircraft, your airline needs to be making more than $350k a day. Then you can keep your wages at normal value, which increases reputation and valuation.


Mr. Wonderful

Mr. Wonderful

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Create an airline in a good city with a good amount of PAX, and preferably in the EU or in another big market like China or the USA.

Cut employee's wages by like 50% if possible

Buy/lease some used A320s until you have like $50M in your account. At $50M then you can consider buying new if you want.

Configure the aircraft to the max density (default configuration).

Set up some routes between your home city and some other big markets.

Undermine the competition by $10-30 per ticket.

This system should be good at making some good profit.




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Good Points also try to go to airports with good numbers of passenger and not as much competition it is kinda easier that way,


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