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Tips for New Players

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    AE Addict To-Be

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I do not have IFE installed on my jets yet...should i keep it that way or introduce it in the near future?




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Depends. If you want to have a better rep, do it. If you don't care about it, don't install. Realistically, you would first introduce IFE in the longhaul jets, and later maybe in the shorthaul jets.



    AE Developer

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I do not have IFE installed on my jets yet...should i keep it that way or introduce it in the near future?

I suggest waiting until your growth and finances are stable before considering IFE.



    Football Wingback

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I recommend Boeing because the 737 family runs for almost the entire game length and has lots of aircraft to choose from. The 767 or 747 family are good long range family's that once they start you can use them for the rest of the game.

Go airbus remember there are 3 types of 737's and only one type of A320 family




    Above average airline exec.

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I find advice that recomends leasing or buying used aircraft when you start out very funny.
Difficult to do when there are none......at least in the first year.....lol.

After that it does'nt matter.
Successful airlines after a year or two can afford to buy brand new aircraft anyways.



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I am not saying this will make you the biggest airline in the world but it works for me:
0-25 Aircraft:
  • Lease aircraft as many as you can as quickly as you can.
  • Make sure these aircraft are of a maximum of 2 types.
  • Go for fuel efficient aircraft.
  • Try to keep to short haul.
  • Keep your destinations low as gates cost money.
  • Be a max $10mil in debt.
  • Get in an Alliance.
25-80 Aircraft:
  • Add in Medium haul.
  • Try to keep to a maximum of 4 types (2 for short haul and 2 for medium haul).
  • Try to keep your airline structured as it makes it much easier to phase in and out aircraft when you are big, it also makes your airline more efficient.
  • You may want to start some long haul but only use 1 aircraft type.
  • Use Marketing.
80-150 Aircraft:
  • Try to keep to a maximum of 6-7 Aircraft types, With a minimum of 10 of each type.
  • On some routes, go into debt to remove competition. Not too many though and make sure you make the competition go into debt too on these routes.
  • Add in IFE and IFS.
  • Build Terminals and hub.
  • Try and keep a steady flow of aircraft so you can time your logins to when the aircraft arrive.
  • If you want start buying Aircraft.
  • Maintain routes.
  • Plan your airline for the future (workout what aircraft you are going to replace and when and with what aircraft).



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1) Keep a low profile.
2) Leave other people's routes alone.
3) Manage your airline, don't try to grow excessively.
4) Manage your airline, don't try to grow excessively.
5) Leave other people's routes alone.



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Run the airline you want to run would be my 1st piece of advice for anyone playing this game.

I've run multi-billion airlines, I've tried racing to the top in the rankings and I have to say to I've never had as much 'fun' as I am currently trying to make a single price point airline viable in the world I'm playing in.

I'll never get into the top 50 or even 100 probably, I may even go bust shortly but the enjoyment in this game, at least from my perspective, is just trying something and seeing if you can get it to work.

As for the buy many types of aircraft, no buy single families etc I've always thought that's a bit of a red herring really. I, and I'm sure many others, have seen very successful mixed type airlines and single type airlines - like everything in this game it's about timing IMHO. Neither is absolutely right, neither is absolutely wrong.

My 2nd piece of advice is don't, at least initially, pick a fight with another airline on a route without doing your research first. A quick redirect to the other operators overview page will give you a good indication of whether you are capable of sustaining a price and capacity war with them - but ultimately, don't take it personally if you lose or are forced out - this is after all partly a business simulation...



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What would you guys say are good aircraft for routes with low pax. Right now I've got larger aircrafts doing single flights to places with only 10 pax a day but realistically it shouldn't be financial suicide to run smaller aircraft more frequently than just once a week. So far I've tried at least two different 10-15 seaters and had my routes become unprofitable, which was surprising given that most real life regional airlines often work with smaller aircraft because of the low demand.



    Resident Australian Arnimal

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Basically, in ae, don't touch anything under 19 seats :P



    Football Wingback

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Basically, in ae, don't touch anything under 19 seats :P

Unless you are doing airports with very minsule cost and a terminal there and scam ifs.





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Unless you are doing airports with very minsule cost and a terminal there and scam IFS.

Even then it's a problem, as the fuel flow of those small aircraft is really high compared to the pax count. Smallest aircraft I've made a profit on was the gulfstream 1-C, with then doing 3 weekly instead of daily :P .
I guess part of the problem is that irl prices on such small routes are pretty high. If the choice is between 3-4 h ship/car trip or .5 h flight, the airline could demand a very high price.



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Backwater routes work with Dash 8s, Do-328s or anything else with 20-50 seats.
It just becomes problematic when someone else has the same idea...

But generally, any domestic traffic fed into one of your hub counts as traffic for your airline, no matter the number of pax.



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Basically, in ae, don't touch anything under 19 seats :P

I very much agree on this. I have a smaller airline operating in a country where the local airports have low demand and realized that going under 30 seat planes isn't a good deal.

And as other people said, don't try to compete with bigger airlines. If you come to an already stablished world, choose smaller airports and you can be highly successful from it without bumping into interesting routes with the big airlines.



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I am very new to this game...still getting the hang of things and have restarted a couple times after I quickly went into the red...

however one thing I consistently found that I benefited from, and is often recommended against in this thread, is implementing IFS.

My latest attempt is barely a month old in game time, and with 5 routes. So far ten days into the month my IFS has profited me close to 300,000...and it only cost me 6,900 in IFS expenses. That would be about 294,000 of added income that I would be missing out on if I had skipped IFS.

Just my two cents... I still have a lot to learn on how to expand quicker and more efficiently...but I'll get to that point after much trial and error I am sure.



    AE Know It All

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For Me=


When your airline still small and unstable,Quality and Rank is not the first. Survive,Quantity and Profit is the First.

When Paused in 1st January=
-Start on the Biggest city in that country(as example,in Japan,for first time i will use HND)
-Take the biggest aircraft available in Starting Aircraft list
-Take 2 5.000.000 bond to lease new aircraft(because used market didn't open yet).
-Create IFE that only use 1 projectors but set the cost to use to the max($30) and advertisement every 1min. More better than didn't have any IFE's. It will increase your inflight reputation even not too high. Give it name "IFE Ads"
-Create IFS that use all meal and snack options but set quality to 1(worst) and set the price to the highest. Also use pillow,newspapers,blanket,and headset and set it's price to the max. Give it name "IFS Scam". More better than didn't use any IFS's. It will increase your Inflight reputation even not too high. Set all distances IFS to IFS Scam.
-Set aircraft config. My seat configuration for >100 seats and less than 230 seats is 3F,10C,and set the Y to the max capacity. All class using IFE Ads.
-Lease at least 2 new planes with that seat configuration. Make sure you still have at least 7.000.000 after ordering 2nd and 3rd aircraft. Set the length contract to 10 years(to reduce the down payment)
-Create your first route with your first aircraft. Beware another airline in same route. When you're serve a route without competitor,set the price to the max that could be accepted(with green load factor)
-Join the largest alliance that available.

After the world started=
-When your balance good enough for lease a new aircraft,then go to market and lease them.
-Keep opening new route with maxed-out price. If your competitor come to your route and use normal price,then reset the price and start adding more frequency for that route
-Don't change IFE/IFS until your balance reach
-When your airline is stable enough,is time to invade other airlines route.

NEW AIRLINE IN OLD WORLD(as example starting a new airline in R0 at 2000)
-Start a airline on 2nd/3rd/4rd biggest city in your country.

-Take the biggest aircraft available in Starting Aircraft list(in R0,i take DC-7)
-Take 2 5.000.000 bond to lease aircrafts
-Create IFE that only use 1 projectors but set the cost to use to the max($30) and advertisement every 1min. More better than didn't have any IFE's. It will increase your inflight reputation even not too high. Give it name "IFE Ads"
-Create IFS that use all meal and snack options but set quality to 1(worst) and set the price to the highest. Also use pillow,newspapers,blanket,and headset and set it's price to the max. Give it name "IFS Scam". More better than didn't use any IFS's. It will increase your Inflight reputation even not too high. Set all distances IFS to IFS Scam.
-Set aircraft config. My seat configuration for >100 seats and less than 230 seats is 3F,10C,and set the Y to the max capacity. All class using IFE Ads.
-Lease oldest used aircraft available. Set the length contract to 10 years(to reduce the down payment). Same aircraft type is not a mandatory(DC-7 is rare on 2000 and higher). Remember. Quantity is the first. Lease it as many as you can(with 14.000.000 balance i could lease oldest 7 737-200adv and 13 oldest 737-300)

-Create your route with your aircrafts. Competitior is not a big problem. Make sure your competitor ticket price is not too far with default ticket price.
-Join the largest alliance that available.

-When your balance good enough for lease a new aircraft,then go to market and lease them.
-Keep opening new route. Max-out your route profit.
-Don't change IFE/IFS until your balance reach
-Keep invading your competitor
-When 2 or more competitor in same country attacks you,use "Divide and Conquer" strategy.
-Keep open a new route in other city. Probably it will makes your competitor more harder to attack your airline.

"Managing a real world airline is not as easy as you play Airline Empires. Real world airline are more and much more complicated"

QK Flight Industries

QK Flight Industries

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I am very new to this game...still getting the hang of things and have restarted a couple times after I quickly went into the red...

however one thing I consistently found that I benefited from, and is often recommended against in this thread, is implementing IFS.

My latest attempt is barely a month old in game time, and with 5 routes. So far ten days into the month my IFS has profited me close to 300,000...and it only cost me 6,900 in IFS expenses. That would be about 294,000 of added income that I would be missing out on if I had skipped IFS.

Just my two cents... I still have a lot to learn on how to expand quicker and more efficiently...but I'll get to that point after much trial and error I am sure.

It sounds like you are providing crappy service for inordinate prices... but if you don't mind that, you can use Scam IFS (what you described above) in your airline. Just don't expect your decision to be popular.




It's really me, now. #backtoAE



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I started my first ever airline from scratch, its now making about $75m a day profit. As with most games of this type, its pretty boring, and very easy so have decided against expanding it more. As the people I carry are not real, i just went for the worst IFS at the highest prices; it makes zero difference, except that i now make about $100m a month profit on IFS.

Also, just compete with other people's routes; its just a business management simulation, and competition is what its all about! If you cannot handle competition, go and play with Barbie Dolls!




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Thx guys :)

I played AE a couple months ago, but i keep bankrupting.

I was bored, so i decided playin AE back.

Then i saw this topic and followed the advice that all you guys shared.

Now i have a airline that the DOP is $4 mil in just a couple of days

Million thanks... btw, my airline is SingSky at Singapore :D



Much turns

very dissy

many cunfusion




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Make sure of the user running a competing airline because you might just run into a select few who might just SUD you ;)

I'm fighting with amadeus airlines on many routes, winning most of them!! only have a fleet of 46 aircraft!

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