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What on Earth just happened?

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    Execujet CEO

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This is sort came a couple of days ago, but still, its very important...

Why has my airline reseted?!? I logged in as normal the other day and instead of normally going to my control center page as normal, its goes to the new user registration page! I've basically had to start my airline from scratch again, plus, coincidentally, my brothers airline's in the same situation as me. Ours was probably one of the best airlines we did...

Anyway, I just wanna know what or how it happened, who could've done this and is there any way of retaking any part of our old airlines back?




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which sim are you talking about?
:airplaneGT Revolution connecting you worldwide from EWR:airplane



    AE Winner

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This is sort came a couple of days ago, but still, its very important...

Why has my airline reseted?!? I logged in as normal the other day and instead of normally going to my control center page as normal, its goes to the new user registration page! I've basically had to start my airline from scratch again, plus, coincidentally, my brothers airline's in the same situation as me. Ours was probably one of the best airlines we did...

Anyway, I just wanna know what or how it happened, who could've done this and is there any way of retaking any part of our old airlines back?


With so many players in the database, do you assume we are mind readers or do we just:

Pin the Tail on the Donkey?

Name/rank/file number will help


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    toowit towoo

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This is sort came a couple of days ago, but still, its very important...

Why has my airline reseted?!? I logged in as normal the other day and instead of normally going to my control center page as normal, its goes to the new user registration page! I've basically had to start my airline from scratch again, plus, coincidentally, my brothers airline's in the same situation as me. Ours was probably one of the best airlines we did...

Anyway, I just wanna know what or how it happened, who could've done this and is there any way of retaking any part of our old airlines back?


If one of your airlines was called Phillips then maybe you know why. If not then as Travelhouse suggested you need to supply more information.
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    Execujet CEO

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No its not either of them

plus a little development... my airline reseted again this morning, but this time only my gates were all gone...my planes and cash were still there, but the gates are gone.

Affected Airlines

Execujet (23247)
Alexandair (23257)



    AE Winner

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No its not either of them

plus a little development... my airline reseted again this morning, but this time only my gates were all gone...my planes and cash were still there, but the gates are gone.

Affected Airlines

Execujet (23247)
Alexandair (23257)

Funny, how did you slip throught the Banned User Net?

Your IP gives you away

Past Banned User forum ID



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What is up on Sim2. Log in and money is there, routes there, new planes in but all my gates are gone but can buy new ones. Just logged back in and now most of my planes are gone, DOP is down from over 8mil to just over 1 mil. Looking at the rankings, seems everyone is affected.

Golden Eagle Air....sim2



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If one of your airlines was called Phillips then maybe you know why. If not then as Travelhouse suggested you need to supply more information.

Phillip's is my airline, and I don't know why. There was a bug during the stock market fiasco where billions of dollars were being unceremoniously deposited into my account. I reported it, and nothing was done. I even refrained from using the ill-gotten resources until a few days after there was talk about an upcoming reset. Then my account was closed.

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