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    Bad m*****f*****

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I need a laugh so I'm curious what you boys think of it.

Personally I try my very best to be a feminist, I still mess up sometimes, but at least I try.

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Honestly I think third wave feminism is going a bit nuts, I mean back in 2010 it was fine and it held quite a positive connotation. Nowadays, just like the far left and right, its become a joke/







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did you just assign me a gender?




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I need a laugh so I'm curious what you boys think of it.









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This has been an interesting insight into how teenage boys react to feminism. You're all going to make great examples in my next article.

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This has been an interesting insight into how teenage boys react to feminism. You're all going to make great examples in my next article.

Glad I could be of assistance.


However in all seriousness, the Feminism I more support is the equal rights for men and women and all that jazz, not the "Women are superior and men are scum" style feminism that is stereotypical of the word. 



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The fact that your immediate reaction wasn't to take it seriously speaks volumes about the status of gender equality.


Thanks, champs. 

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Modern Feminism is impossible to take seriously.

Boing the Ostrich

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However in all seriousness, the Feminism I more support is the equal rights for men and women and all that jazz, not the "Women are superior and men are scum" style feminism that is stereotypical of the word. 






    Bad m*****f*****

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Modern Feminism is impossible to take seriously.




Because women only make up 20% of all legislative seats in the US despite being 51% of the population?


Because despite working the exact same positions women on average make anywhere from 75-85% of what their male counterparts make (according to Department of Labor statistics looking at salaried positions excluding part time work in which the gap is slightly less at 86%)?


Because the US Women's Soccer team, which has won 4 Olympic gold medals, 3 World Cups, and is ranked number one in the world, make $1300 if they win while the Men's team (which has never won a World Cup and is ranked 30th) makes $5000 if they lose? Just as a side note, the Women's team gets nothing if they lose.


Is it because every time a woman puts forth a case that she was sexually assaulted or raped, the first thing we do is tell her that she shouldn't have been drinking or she should've worn something different without telling men they need to control themselves?


Is it because studies done by Stanford and Ivy League university psychology and sociology departments show that when employers are presented identical resumes they almost always pick the male? And even if one resume is slightly better, if it's revealed that resume belongs to a woman, they almost always choose the male?


Is it because studies done by those same psych and soc departments at those same universities show that if girls, when they don't perceive themselves as having to compete with boys, actually perform better in Math, Science and Computer Programming than boys do? 


Is it because male dominated legislatures constantly attack affordable women's healthcare and family planning because abortions happen, despite abortions making up a small percentage of services provided at those places?


Is it because when a female pop star puts forth a case that her manager is manipulating and controlling her, our first reaction is to shoot her down before actually listening to her complaints and addressing them?


Have you ever really talked to a woman? I mean reaaaallly talked to a woman? Have you ever paid attention to how women walk at night? Have you ever noticed how they look down and quicken their pace when a man walks past them? Boys make fun of women all the time for going to the bathroom in groups, but have you ever stopped to think that may be for a reason?


Women have been accommodating for men for centuries in the name of keeping the peace, and men still have been abusing and neglecting women and their issues in that time. And now when women are asking men to accommodate for them, they get called sluts and told they'll never find a man (like that's a bad thing). How the **** is that right in anybody's mind? 


I can't take you seriously because I'm 99% convinced that any Meninist, or any man who says they're against feminism, has never actually sat down and listened and paid careful attention to women and their issues for an extended period of time.


Women don't need protection, protection implies that they don't have the capability of dealing with life on their own. No women need friends and allies who will see these injustices and do their part to make it right. That's why I'm a feminist. 

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Boing the Ostrich

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Because women only make up 20% of all legislative seats in the US despite being 51% of the population?


Because despite working the exact same positions women on average make anywhere from 75-85% of what their male counterparts make (according to Department of Labor statistics looking at salaried positions excluding part time work in which the gap is slightly less at 86%)?


Because the US Women's Soccer team, which has won 4 Olympic gold medals, 3 World Cups, and is ranked number one in the world, make $1300 if they win while the Men's team (which has never won a World Cup and is ranked 30th) makes $5000 if they lose? Just as a side note, the Women's team gets nothing if they lose.


Is it because every time a woman puts forth a case that she was sexually assaulted or raped, the first thing we do is tell her that she shouldn't have been drinking or she should've worn something different without telling men they need to control themselves?


Is it because studies done by Stanford and Ivy League university psychology and sociology departments show that when employers are presented identical resumes they almost always pick the male? And even if one resume is slightly better, if it's revealed that resume belongs to a woman, they almost always choose the male?


Is it because studies done by those same psych and soc departments at those same universities show that if girls, when they don't perceive themselves as having to compete with boys, actually perform better in Math, Science and Computer Programming than boys do? 


Is it because male dominated legislatures constantly attack affordable women's healthcare and family planning because abortions happen, despite abortions making up a small percentage of services provided at those places?


Is it because when a female pop star puts forth a case that her manager is manipulating and controlling her, our first reaction is to shoot her down before actually listening to her complaints and addressing them?


Have you ever really talked to a woman? I mean reaaaallly talked to a woman? Have you ever paid attention to how women walk at night? Have you ever noticed how they look down and quicken their pace when a man walks past them? Boys make fun of women all the time for going to the bathroom in groups, but have you ever stopped to think that may be for a reason?


Women have been accommodating for men for centuries in the name of keeping the peace, and men still have been abusing and neglecting women and their issues in that time. And now when women are asking men to accommodate for them, they get called sluts and told they'll never find a man (like that's a bad thing). How the **** is that right in anybody's mind? 


I can't take you seriously because I'm 99% convinced that any Meninist, or any man who says they're against feminism, has never actually sat down and listened and paid careful attention to women and their issues for an extended period of time.


Women don't need protection, protection implies that they don't have the capability of dealing with life on their own. No women need friends and allies who will see these injustices and do their part to make it right. That's why I'm a feminist. 






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I suggest you really sit down and think about what you've said because it is immensely disrespectful to all of the women working to right these wrongs, as opposed to your solution which is to brush it off like it's nothing.

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Man up and get your goddamn head out of your ignorant ass. 


Maybe instead of brushing feminism off as something laughable, you should grow a ****ing pair and face brass tacks. Sexism, even if the intent is not sexist, not only exists but is rampant. And so long as sexism exists, feminism is necessary. 

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Because women only make up 20% of all legislative seats in the US despite being 51% of the population?


Because despite working the exact same positions women on average make anywhere from 75-85% of what their male counterparts make (according to Department of Labor statistics looking at salaried positions excluding part time work in which the gap is slightly less at 86%)?


Because the US Women's Soccer team, which has won 4 Olympic gold medals, 3 World Cups, and is ranked number one in the world, make $1300 if they win while the Men's team (which has never won a World Cup and is ranked 30th) makes $5000 if they lose? Just as a side note, the Women's team gets nothing if they lose.


Is it because every time a woman puts forth a case that she was sexually assaulted or raped, the first thing we do is tell her that she shouldn't have been drinking or she should've worn something different without telling men they need to control themselves?


Is it because studies done by Stanford and Ivy League university psychology and sociology departments show that when employers are presented identical resumes they almost always pick the male? And even if one resume is slightly better, if it's revealed that resume belongs to a woman, they almost always choose the male?


Is it because studies done by those same psych and soc departments at those same universities show that if girls, when they don't perceive themselves as having to compete with boys, actually perform better in Math, Science and Computer Programming than boys do? 


Is it because male dominated legislatures constantly attack affordable women's healthcare and family planning because abortions happen, despite abortions making up a small percentage of services provided at those places?


Is it because when a female pop star puts forth a case that her manager is manipulating and controlling her, our first reaction is to shoot her down before actually listening to her complaints and addressing them?


Have you ever really talked to a woman? I mean reaaaallly talked to a woman? Have you ever paid attention to how women walk at night? Have you ever noticed how they look down and quicken their pace when a man walks past them? Boys make fun of women all the time for going to the bathroom in groups, but have you ever stopped to think that may be for a reason?


Women have been accommodating for men for centuries in the name of keeping the peace, and men still have been abusing and neglecting women and their issues in that time. And now when women are asking men to accommodate for them, they get called sluts and told they'll never find a man (like that's a bad thing). How the **** is that right in anybody's mind? 


I can't take you seriously because I'm 99% convinced that any Meninist, or any man who says they're against feminism, has never actually sat down and listened and paid careful attention to women and their issues for an extended period of time.


Women don't need protection, protection implies that they don't have the capability of dealing with life on their own. No women need friends and allies who will see these injustices and do their part to make it right. That's why I'm a feminist. 

If women want a woman elected, they should vote for one.


The wage gap has been dis-proven when accounting for all aspects it vanishes. Women are payed LESS, but not because of discrimination. Now also its ALREADY illegal and enforced, how would you fix it? Most incriminating if you can pay women 20% less why don't they higher many more women? So stupid.


This is just because no one watches women's soccer, idiot. Is that the best you can find? I guarantee the mens soccer makes more money for people, so they get more money themselves. Main reason being men are PREDOMINANTLY THE ONES WATCHING. Such a facepalm like what the actual **** where is this s*** coming from. 


This doesn't happen you ****ing *******. Feminists are pieces s*** for believing this. EVERYONE, every guy I know gets so ****ing pissed when someone rapes. I would kill them myself. These are lies from the pit of hell. Rape is so so so so so so frowned upon. No justifying going on. However, it should still be treated like other crimes.


This is a matter of the field. I know for a fact women are favored an applications to many different fields.


This is not the guys fault women DO NOT enter those fields. They don' want to. So just like a guy applying for a female dominated field, there is some anxiety.


This is a matter of governance, I view at as no different then forcing men to pay child support. Force women to accept their responsibility. I know your getting super pissed on the other side of that screen, but the reality is the MAJORITY of women are pro life. take that, it is women's issue isn't it.


OMG OMG. Yes we know many women feel threatened in today's society. FALSE. Feminist women are a small minority and most women these days are sexually open and flamboyant (no problem with that). They aren't scared.


This is just idiotic.


Majority of women aren't feminists either. BECAUSE THE MOVEMENT IS ****ING STUPID


Feminists need protection for sure, THEY ARE THE WEAKEST PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.




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The thing about it though is that things like sexism and racism will never go away, which naturally is quite tragic. Generations old and new have always been influenced by those before them, albeit on different scales. Personally, I see no 'gender', as that defines one's cultural/social difference in the roles for society... but we don't really have roles in society anymore, so one could also argue that 'gender' defined as itself is quite obsolete. :P But there are obviously different sexes with various attributes either the same or different. With stuff like the pay gap, I don't think it would exist if people were just paid on true performance, although I admit that's rather idyllic as prejudice can affect judgment. That somehow justifying different treatment though, to me, is a mystery. (Although, saying that, I am not above satirical humour when it involves this kind of stuff purely as I find it funny, because it's a joke. :P ) I don't think though that we should go out of our way to 'positively discriminate' women, as no discrimination is positive. If you look at all women shortlists for jobs, is that equal treatment or special treatment? I appreciate that women are still encouraged in the workplace, but people should purely be hired on their qualifications and experience. It would be interesting to see if there was a correlation between this and biological sexes though, yet I don't see there being such a thing.


I also think people in general don't know the difference between feminism and misandry, the latter being that women are more superior to men. :P Though it can be said that a minor but vocal portion of feminists misidentify themselves and do fall under the last category.



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This doesn't happen you ****ing *******. Feminists are pieces s*** for believing this. EVERYONE, every guy I know gets so ****ing pissed when someone rapes. I would kill them myself. These are lies from the pit of hell. Rape is so so so so so so frowned upon. No justifying going on. However, it should still be treated like other crimes.


There's a reason why universities across the country (including my own University of Colorado) are under investigation by the Federal government for Title IX violations related precisely to sweeping sexual assaults and rapes under the rug.


It does happen, and I assume you haven't read the famous Stanford victim's letter to her rapist. So I'll link it here:


https://www.sccgov.o...-Turner VIS.pdf


The fact that you don't even acknowledge that it happens and exists is sickening. It demonstrates a clear lack of regard for problems facing women across the globe.


And I can already hear you say "but women will falsely accuse men blah blah blah". Statistics show that of the rapes that are reported (of which an appallingly low figure already are for a whole host of horrible reasons), only 6% are determined to be false accusations. That's the same percentage as other crimes like murder. But we don't immediately cast doubt on murder victims' loved ones. It's ****ed up that it happens, but the overwhelming majority of cases are legitimate. 


I can also hear you say "boys will be boys". That implies that men can't control their more base instincts. If that's the way they want things, fine, we'll treat them like the animals they insist on justifying their behavior on. 


Denying that problems exist is the worst way to solve problems. So unless you can come up with solutions to the very clear problems you insist on denying, get out of here because you're just taking up my bandwidth. 

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