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Donation system

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    Private Pilot

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I have never seen anyone talk about a way to donate money to help AE develop faster.

Many suggestions talk about adding grate features like timetables and more realism from games like Airlinesim and other paid airline simulator games, but adding these features in a relatively short amount of time can cost a lot of money and AE is free. So how can we get these awesome features while still making AE free, by doing what Wikipedia and countless other sites with premium but free features does by having a donation system.


So i propose adding a way to donate to Airline Empires by adding a donation system to the home page or stating a donation camping. The donated money can go to help speed up development of AE4 and many more updates to come.


 An indiegogo campaign and start raising money for AE. http://www.indiegogo.com/







    Football Wingback

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Money really doesn't speed up AE4 (from what I know) as they are volunteers but it help to cover for things such as server costs




    Too Old For All This Jazz

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Would it make much difference? Money can't buy the developers another hour in their day, or less work. Either way, very little would be raised. Most users of this site are teenagers who obviously don't have credit cards.



    Private Pilot

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Would it make much difference? Money can't buy the developers another hour in their day, or less work. Either way, very little would be raised. Most users of this site are teenagers who obviously don't have credit cards.

Donations don't always have to come from members of this site.We can use indiegogo http://www.indiegogo.com/  or other fundraiser sites for an Airline Empires fundraiser. If an indiegogo campaign was stated right now, and Airlines Empires is advertized, a good amount of money can still be raised to help with server expenses or even hire extra developers to work on AE4. Teenagers don't have credit cards, but they may have YouTube account, Facebook or twitter, so members who are willing to advertise for the Airline Empires indiegogo campaign can..


It worked for Tobuscus, why can't it work for Airline empires?






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Donations don't always have to come from members of this site.We can use indiegogo http://www.indiegogo.com/  or other fundraiser sites for an Airline Empires fundraiser. If an indiegogo campaign was stated right now, and Airlines Empires is advertized, a good amount of money can still be raised to help with server expenses or even hire extra developers to work on AE4. Teenagers don't have credit cards, but they may have YouTube account, Facebook or twitter, so members who are willing to advertise for the Airline Empires indiegogo campaign can..


It worked for Tobuscus, why can't it work for Airline empires?

Because we really don't need any more developers. Yuxi does a fine job at developing and would probably not enjoy having other people attempting to run his site. Be thankful for what you have and that Yuxi is willing to spend his time developing AE.


To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.

Steve Prefontaine



    AE Luver

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I may be wrong but from what I understand, AE is not an open project in terms of accounting and intellectual properties. So it may not accept external fund and manpower contribution.




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I may be wrong but from what I understand, AE is not an open project in terms of accounting and intellectual properties. So it may not accept external fund and manpower contribution.

It is possible to fund AE, using the advert block ($20 iirc)



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