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There have been 11 items by EvilDude93 (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#250685 Seat Config Calculator

Posted by EvilDude93 on 09 November 2017 - 05:26 AM in General AE Discussion

I'm confused. Why would you want less than 100% of the maximum seats?

#252816 Is S4B restarting soon? Goes to 2020, it's 2021

Posted by EvilDude93 on 19 November 2017 - 10:32 PM in General AE Discussion

Just been waiting for it to restart. The game says it's to 2020 and it's now 2021 so I haven't been playing it..... Is there an ETA?

#252817 Guide on how to find routes that have fewer seats than the demand

Posted by EvilDude93 on 19 November 2017 - 10:52 PM in General AE Discussion

  1. What you'll want to do is to go to the general airport details screen for a given airport. I will use BWI since that's my home. http://ae31.airline-...fo.php?city=BWI
  2. Now copy the entire table from the "City" label to the last "Research" link. Open up an excel document (or use mine as a template). I would recommend pasting without formatting which is CTRL + SHIFT + V in Google Sheets or right click and select with Excel. 

  3. Open up the Find/Replace tool (usually CTRL + F and click replace). Type in " Y", yes that's Y with a space and submit. I usually use the economy seats for this data, but you can use other ones too so find and replace " F" and " C".

  4. Ok now go to the blank column to the right of "Research." This is the M column. You can delete the research column, but I usually don't because then when you replace the table with new data, it overwrites your formulas. 

  5. Select the entire column and go to Format->Percent and select "Percentage."

  6. Now go to the 4th row which is the first row with data. Type =<SeatsColumnRow>/<DemandColumnRow> where the <> is replaced by the column and the relevant row. For economy, the formula should be E4/H4

  7. Copy and paste that all the way down the column. Don't do the whole column because that can cause performance issues if you have it all the way to like 200000, for example, but do it manually to row 500.

  8. Okay! Now for the fun part. Select the table starting at row 4. Go to sort and sort by column M ascending.

  9. That's it! It will display the percentage that a route is saturated. You can also sort by price (column K)


Hope this helps! I'm sure someone on here is better than me at Excel so any tips would be appreciated as well. On the last tab you can see I've been trying to make a listing of the total passengers of a plane over time. This helps to calculate what plane would be more worth it given their turnaround time. Any suggestions for improvements to that? Or maybe someone on here has made something like this already?

City" label to the last "Research" link. Open up an excel document (or use mine as a template). I would recommend pasting without formatting which is CTRL + SHIFT + V in Google Sheets or right click and select with Excel. 

#252819 10 minute worlds and 5 year 5 minute worlds

Posted by EvilDude93 on 19 November 2017 - 10:56 PM in New World Requests

PLEASE!? 10 min worlds would be for players (like myself) who want a longer world but find 15 minutes too slow.


And also 5-10 year 5 minute worlds for rapid-fire games. This way a player who comes in late isn't at a serious disadvantage. Yes they can still build a profitable airline, but they won't be the best.

#252821 New player here, what's a spamline?

Posted by EvilDude93 on 19 November 2017 - 10:59 PM in New Players and Questions

A spamliner is where you use all your utilization, prices are at a dollar, and you just spam your routes.

Even with scam IFS, how are $1 routes profitable?

#253146 Guide on how to find routes that have fewer seats than the demand

Posted by EvilDude93 on 21 November 2017 - 07:26 PM in General AE Discussion

11/21/17 edit: Formulas now ignore the "Y" so you don't have to run a string replace anymore :) I can make versions for C and F if there's interest. Say so in the comments or on the forum

#253299 How many Y seats are equivalent to 1 F or C seat?

Posted by EvilDude93 on 22 November 2017 - 04:03 PM in General AE Discussion

I'm going to a calculator that will tell you how many seats to put in the F, C, and Y tiers based recommended percentage breakdowns and by plane. What I need to know is what the ratio of seats is. I know that if you have a capacity of 200Y seats, you can't have 10F, 30C, and 160Y because the F and C seats cost more in space. But what is that ratio?

#253404 Tutorial: How to automatically re-enter settings and save yourself time

Posted by EvilDude93 on 23 November 2017 - 02:54 AM in General AE Discussion

One of my biggest annoyances with this game is how we can't globally save settings that sync between games.


For this tutorial, I'm using this plugin on chrome.



What you want to do is go and enter the data but don't click to submit.


Here's an example in the IFE menu.




Click on the plugin and press "Save form."



You should then have a saved form that has a random number like this. Click to rename.



So that should be it! When you're in that page in the future, click restore.


Here are the pages it works fully on:

-Settings (top right)

-Airline Options->Marketing

-Airline Options->Human Resources


-IFS (you'll need to create 2, 1 for each page, and label them)


Here are the pages it doesn't work on:

-Cabin layout :/ because it's multiple pages that are submitted




Some notes:

-If the saved form isn't showing up, check the URL. If there's a "?" at the end, delete it.



So I hope this helped! If you have any suggestions or comments, leave them below.

#253440 Trying to make a table of all aircraft with turn time and min runway length

Posted by EvilDude93 on 23 November 2017 - 07:01 AM in General AE Discussion

I think it would be really useful for everyone to have a table of all the aircraft that includes the turnaround time and the minimum runway length. Not sure why these columns aren't in the "Browse Aircraft" table but they really should be.


So 2 things:


1. Has anyone already made a table like this?


2. If not, let's use this spreadsheet. https://docs.google....#gid=1688224141

Just go in and add a few of the missing aircraft when you have some time. Hopefully we can crowdsource this spreadsheet because there's a lot of data to enter.

#254070 Trying to make a table of all aircraft with turn time and min runway length

Posted by EvilDude93 on 27 November 2017 - 03:54 AM in General AE Discussion

Can you attach the file in Excel? I'll try to arrange all of those according to their manufacturer. :)

So if you go down to File->Download As->.xlsx on the google sheets, you can DL it. Would really appreciate it!

#255237 Trying to make a table of all aircraft with turn time and min runway length

Posted by EvilDude93 on 02 December 2017 - 09:58 PM in General AE Discussion

Can you attach the file in Excel? I'll try to arrange all of those according to their manufacturer. :)

Bump. Any luck?