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There have been 28 items by Isa Al (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#224043 Why can't I fly from South America to China or Asia?

Posted by Isa Al on 25 September 2016 - 06:42 PM in General AE Discussion

From Chile? No. You'd have to fly a 772LR with about 3/4 capacity to get there. 


IRL LATAM from Santiago to Beijing goes with a 787-9 from Santiago to Frankfurt with a stop in Madrid, then a 747-400 from Frankfurt to Beijing on Air China. So unless you have codeshares, you're not going to Asia.


If stops were modeled in-game, I'd expect you to go Santiago-Beijing with either a stop in Honolulu or Guam with a 777 or 747.


Oh so I have to wait for the 772LR then. do you think if I increase the C and F classes would help me fly with full capacity? because in that way the Y class will be much smaller but at the same time more revenue from the F and C

#224040 Why can't I fly from South America to China or Asia?

Posted by Isa Al on 25 September 2016 - 05:31 PM in General AE Discussion



I have an airline based in South America but I am not able to fly to China or Asia. I mean the range is 11k miles minimum so no airplane can fly. why can't the airplane fly the opposite way to Asia or China that would be shorter? 


Or there is no option for the Latin airlines to fly to asia?

#223708 Financial Need

Posted by Isa Al on 17 September 2016 - 08:12 AM in New Players and Questions

You may need to fix some stuff in your airline like IFS and check competition on routes and salaries and such stuff.  


if you want I can try to help you manage your airline a bit and try to let you have profit again if you share control for a while

#223598 Resync Slots and Negative Available Slots

Posted by Isa Al on 13 September 2016 - 10:02 AM in New Players and Questions

I don't believe this thread at all. two players with five years and seven winners cups between them. and they'll try to have you believe that they never known what the resync button does....... I am at a loss for words. that is such crap !

Well, I really don't know it. Many other features I may not know as well. If you know what is resync button I hope you can share with us 

#223581 Resync Slots and Negative Available Slots

Posted by Isa Al on 12 September 2016 - 10:20 PM in New Players and Questions

Just wondering same question. what does Resync Slots mean??? I looked in the forums but couldn't really find any definition 

#223538 What airports helped you run your airline with the least competition?

Posted by Isa Al on 11 September 2016 - 10:07 PM in General AE Discussion

MSQ, AMM, DAM. I took 1st place by reputation of these airports (Sorry my english :) )

Reputation isn't that hard to archive but the hard one is valuation :/


And no your English is great :) I am not so good in English too though 

#223526 What airports helped you run your airline with the least competition?

Posted by Isa Al on 11 September 2016 - 04:14 PM in General AE Discussion

CTA was fun to run routes out of. 

I tried to do a quick research on it. I found out that many airlines operate in that airport :/ Usually big Euro airports are always busy especially with the free sky treaty

#223513 Question.

Posted by Isa Al on 11 September 2016 - 01:39 PM in New Players and Questions

I think it's the opposite. it improves your rank because that means more transit passengers 

#223504 What airports helped you run your airline with the least competition?

Posted by Isa Al on 11 September 2016 - 09:40 AM in General AE Discussion



OK here is a thing I am just thinking of that what airports don't really have a competition with other airlines but at the same time they have good traffic to make you run your airline and bring it to the top of the chart??


I know some airports that don't have a lot of competition like ECN and mainly Cyprus and they have average competition so you don't have to struggle everyday fighting for your airline and changing prices


so what is the best airport according to your experience?? 

#223476 How Do You Feel About a World Where You Can Buy Other Airlines (Whole, % Stak...

Posted by Isa Al on 10 September 2016 - 08:15 PM in General AE Discussion

Seems cool but seems like a AE 4.0 thing

When is AE 4 coming btw?? or any idea about the new features??

#223440 How do I become a Launch Customer?

Posted by Isa Al on 10 September 2016 - 08:44 AM in New Players and Questions

Just be the first customer to order.


and one tip, go to browse aircraft or to this link http://ae31.airline-....com/acdata.phpand see the production start date for the airplanes so you can know which airplanes are coming up soon and you can order it the first :D

#206275 Question about World S1

Posted by Isa Al on 18 December 2015 - 10:49 AM in New Players and Questions

You can only build one airport terminal. So in America you could fly from any airport you wanted until you had to build a terminal then you cant expand further at that airport. Other worlds don't incorporate this feature. For some airlines in the real world this is how it is done. e.g. Emirates uses Dubai and Dubai only. In some countries such as USA,/UK there is obviously more bigger airports where a player could fly from before the 1 terminal/hub issue really starts to become an issue.

But they can lease unlimited gates in any airport in USA for example right? if so, then it's almost the same except in late stages in game when the gates are all used up and a terminal is a must :/

#206265 Question about a specific IFE for reputation

Posted by Isa Al on 17 December 2015 - 08:55 PM in New Players and Questions



Sorry for asking many questions today but just have a question about a specific IFE to increase my reputation.


I made a new IFE and I got 5 stars raiting but I am wondering how come I chose the worst option in each but make it free then get 5 stars and when I chose the best option in each and make it free too I get 5 stars again?  I mean which one is better for reputation like is getting 5 stars enough or if I choose the best options I will have higher reputation?


Here is a screenshot of my IFE so which one is better for higher Reputation?




#206264 Question about World S1

Posted by Isa Al on 17 December 2015 - 08:22 PM in New Players and Questions



I have a question about world S1. What is the real meaning of 1 hub/terminal limit? I mean if an airline in USA will it be only able to fly from one airport that the players chooses at the beginning of the game or how does this 1 hub/terminal limit different from other worlds? or it only prevents the player from building terminals but can launch flights from any airport?




#206256 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 16 December 2015 - 01:07 PM in General AE Discussion

You should be thankful that he is wasting his time running a second airline. If he spent the time expanding his first airline instead, he would have overtaken you much sooner. Under the current game mechanics, a Lebanese airline cannot beat an American airline in terms of valuation unless the latter is making silly mistakes like what your opponent is making.






I know it's hard for one single airport to beat multi airports but I tried other countries before and the competition was really so much and time wasting like daily you need minimum 30 mins to check routes for competition and reduce prices so it's really stressful and time consuming that's why I chose Lebanon due to almost lack of competition and I was able to get it to first place but as you said if the others really play well and dedicate time they will beat me easily  but at least beat me fairly and not by making fake airline in my airport to lower my profit.

#206250 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 16 December 2015 - 01:05 AM in General AE Discussion

That's not against the rules. Maybe limiting some worlds to one airline per player would reduce this behavior. But as far as revising the rules, I don't want to get into the business of judging motives and deciding on a case-by-case basis who's "playing normally" and who's not.

I understand your point and I sent you a private message to clear my point. I am not asking to take actions against him but just wanted to clear my point to you and give you the evidence 


Thanks :)

#206248 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 16 December 2015 - 12:52 AM in General AE Discussion

What you described is not against the rules. It sounds like you want legal protections to keep competition away. However, this is mostly a free-market game, and you're not entitled to a monopoly at "your" airport simply because you're ranked first in valuation.


No I don't mean I don't want competition. I mentioned before too that competition makes the game more fun and without it the game is dead. But what I am saying is that there is a player who has an airline and made another airline recently based in my airport only to lower my profit. His purpose wasn't playing and running an airline but causing my airline to lose money by putting one plane on the route with much lower tickets price so I will lose money unless I lower my prices to almost the half which is lowering my profit too.


I am not talking about normal competitions but I am talking about making airlines in the airport of your rival just to lower his profit and the purpose of the airline isn't playing normally at all.


I will message you with the details so my point will be clear because here I can't mention everything

#206245 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 15 December 2015 - 09:22 PM in General AE Discussion

We had the same thing with Heart Air, I started it at the beginning and another airline started and tried to kill us by pricing routes at $10, but from help from a special someone ;) you know who you are, Heart was saved from bankruptcy so not all is lost.


Its likely someone who clearly thinks its funny to put someone out of business and very pathetic in my opinion.


Coco x

Heart case is different a bit. There were real players in the same airport and that makes the game really cool and competitive but my issue is that a player that his airline is in USA for example made another airline in Lebanon, my airline hub, just to get my airline's profit down and he doesn't really care about playing but just to get my airline down so he can get higher in rank because we are competing for first rank and he's in top 3 players.



And about heart it will still get better I just came back today and started managing the airlines :)

#206243 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 15 December 2015 - 07:41 PM in General AE Discussion

The purpose of this game is to run an airline the way you favour it, but there's no real win or lose condition.

Awards, are there to encourage players to challenge themselves, but again, not actually a real achievement.


Hang in there buddy, you're probably facing a spoiled and miseducated 12years old who's taking this too seriously.

I know it's really annoying. as you said the game is for fun but they are misusing it and I can do the same if I want and get my rivals down easily by having airlines in their airport to lower their profit and that actually doesn't take an effort but I won't do such silly things to rank first.


I hope in the future to implement any new rules to prevent such cheating ways of getting to the top while other players are working for hours to play fairly :/

#206240 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 15 December 2015 - 06:00 PM in General AE Discussion

It's pretty frowned upon, but like Skyswimmer mentioned I don't think there's any actual rule against it.


It's not a manly move, but yes, it's allowed.



The player made an airline in my airport and putting planes with much lower prices only the routes I flight so I think it's pretty obvious it's to lower my profit and it really affected me by around 30M a day ( 15 mins )



unfortunately it seems nothing to do :/

#206237 Is it allowed for a player to get down competing airlines by making new airli...

Posted by Isa Al on 15 December 2015 - 03:54 PM in General AE Discussion



Now I am ranked first in a world and there is a player who is competing for first rank made an airline in my airport (  the country I am using doesn't have real competition). The airline only aim is to lower my profit so is that allowed?

#205608 Do I get an award of an airline I am managing on behalf of someone?

Posted by Isa Al on 12 November 2015 - 09:34 PM in New Players and Questions

Maybe an airline and it's manager should get an award or at least the managers a small award like top manager or something. I mean sometimes the helper does all the work and the owner gets the award and sometimes the owner does all the work and the helper does  a bit so I think to be fair both should get an awards.


I know not always it's the same case but I mean just something to motivate the helper to treat the airline as if it's his/her airline 

#205572 Do I get an award of an airline I am managing on behalf of someone?

Posted by Isa Al on 11 November 2015 - 08:13 PM in New Players and Questions



I am just wondering do I get an award of an airline I am managing on behalf of someone? like if I gave my code to someone and I am managing their airline and it reaches top airlines so who will get the award? both of us or the owner or the person who's managing it?



#205543 Heart Needs Help!!!

Posted by Isa Al on 10 November 2015 - 03:52 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests



I am now ranked 2 in R5 and going to be ranked first within few days and last World I ranked 3rd. I have more than 2 years of experience and already managed some airlines and it was all good :)


Here is my number 33361 I will be more than happy to help you get your airline up :)


My Airline now is MEA in R5 you can check my rank and strategy and how I lifted it up to almost first rank 




#204993 Question about fleet age

Posted by Isa Al on 21 October 2015 - 05:00 PM in New Players and Questions

oh I thought the production year affect the reputation


thanks a lot guys!