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There have been 136 items by Fly_Germany (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#28899 $1 Fares have returned

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:19 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

the new ppl should have a good look at prices, PLEASE READ IF YOUR NEW TO IT... Start from 5 dolars above the highest price of all airlines, go down 5bucks until youve reached the max profit (u will now if your at the max profit because the profit income decreases when your under the max profit) i hope that made sense because thats confused me kinda,

IN reply to transnorthwest look at the suggestions page i have made a post to see ppls opinion in a min ticket price.. of course some of the huge ass airlines dont really care if they can beat up a few smaller airlines :) .. they can do it but in my opinion it is really slack for anyone to do it.. you rek the game for heaps of people and u will never know.. :) oh well im done whinging

#28897 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 12:10 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

ok.. just a thought, where are the new ppl to go? so they hate Beechs and kick them away.. u definately cannot gain good profits from secondary airports only ,with the starter A/C! And making low prices do effect larger airlines too, some airlines only have for example 1x Q400 and usually one good route that brings in the main DOP.. sorry to sound a bit angry but in real life have you seen the $5 dollar ticket? if you did please tell me what airline so i can fly it next time :)

#28880 Did airlines ever serve fish on flights?

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 03:51 AM in Real World Aviation

Had Fish on Royal Brunei, Philippine Airlines, Cathay Pacific and Qantas .. mostly Asian Airlines.. But the Fish Cathay Pacific served me looked pretty suss.. oh well all fish tastes the same :)

#28878 Thanks to Everytone

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 03:07 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

I would like to dedicate this post to everyone who has a role on AE all the designers, moderators etc.. i cannot name them all .. This is a very big thanks for the effort that Miller , Torque wrench (im really sorry if i've missed anyone, im not good with names) has done to create AE, keep it updated and working and the efforts to fix bugs!


i suggest that we all should right a small sentence of thanks to everyone at AE and say THANKS for what they have accomplished. Thanks :)

#28876 Ticket Prices

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:40 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I think that there should be a price limit for ticket prices..

you can charge as high as you want but NO $1-$2 prices, the people who do this only wish to kick any airline off of this route which could include a small airline which would be wiped out if it lost its only good route, i think its unfair when people do this to new people only becasue they can spare the loss or 3-4 million dollars a real day.. I rekon there should be a system like selling A/C - NO PRICE GOUGING.. just an opinion :)

#28875 Another AC lost in public sale

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:33 AM in Bugs

I was in Australia last round and you earn barely enough to fill your aircrafts with fuel! :) ... Australias only good Intl in my opinion.. I doubt any of u guys will get ur money back sadly.. I havent lost anything other than gates and i hope this bug wont get my 1 beech on the market! or then im most definately BROKE .. i would have to sell everything and wait for the next reset..

#28874 Choose KD Air's New Logo

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:24 AM in Airline Press Releases

i rekon u should edit the intersky alliance logo on the top right and make the edges round (like a semi-circle) because the sharp edges dont mix with the circular background rings. #4 is my favourite

#28872 Colorado Airways International (COAI)

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:13 AM in Airline Press Releases

wow that sounds good.. keep it up mate :)

#28871 Please make credit useful for something!!!!!

Posted by Fly_Germany on 31 January 2006 - 02:10 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

hmm im just hoping the aircraft leasing feature is available next reset+..

it would really help out people in need :)

#28836 NO a/c , gates nothing?

Posted by Fly_Germany on 30 January 2006 - 10:22 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

It happened to me also, scared the hell out of me too :) well this is my 3rd go at AE and my only profitable go too! i hope everything goes good!

#27996 Extra Hours available.. but cannot create routes????

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 07:46 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

im sure that it will be fixed in the next fixup or something.... But it would be really good if we can get that extra 25k before the whole game is ful of airlines again making things really cheap and unprofitable.. i

#27995 Ae's FS2006 Wish List

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 07:39 AM in Off Topic

Flight Sim Passenegers 2006!! definately need more realistic ATC in real life they can handle 10 flights with usually around 20+TC ppl (Major Airport) mayby FSX can get this into its new ATC.. im not sure since its not out though.. you will not need Windows Vista Becasue they are trying to make it available for everyone!

i wonder if i can suck up some birds in my left jet? :P .. why not? lets see if a can land the floatplane on a dolphin.. nah its okay i hate animal cruelty but FS doesnt have any limits...hehehe

#27987 Updated Route Display Page

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 06:32 AM in Announcements

this is great! i like it.. provides alot more organization of routes etc.. keep it up mate

#27982 Extra Hours available.. but cannot create routes????

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 06:19 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

i can fly a 1hr flight with a b1900d... its happened to me befor once, i had 4 hours left and couldnt fill a 1 hour flight! it worked the next day though? its random for me

#27980 Cancelling Orders

Posted by Fly_Germany on 23 January 2006 - 05:36 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

okay okay.. your making feel depressed lol... My mistake.. i will next time sell it private to some willing payers, Man the thing is i have 1 route making the big bucks (for a B1900D of course) im waiting for someone to jump in with a A321 or something them i might be gone, well half my DOP ... theres 2 ppl on the route from the start with me.. now there all using Q400's and im still on a beech!! dammit i shouldve kept anyway then i could have made double the DOP with more seats and faster service with a jet... well i might have to go for my fourth attempt next time.. i wont give up AE its too good and i like the challeng, i think its better have some pressure to get a bigger DOP because if you be the best with an excellent fleet crushing other airlines whats the point of playing, Your done all you can do is buy new aircraft and maybe a terminal or two? but i want to be one of those :P hehehe...

CHEATERS SUCK :) ;) they destroy the game for themselves and others.. but theres been none that i know of so far :D

#27877 Cancelling Orders

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 12:34 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

yep.. mayby like when purchasing an aircraft.. it has another screen to make sure.. well i guess its my stupidity.. i just hope i can create something this round... this is officially my 3rd attempt at AE .. and i stuffed it up! :P lol

#27874 Sunway Restart

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 12:13 PM in Airline Press Releases

Good for you, hope all goes well in the future :P

#27873 TSA surprised at popularity of CDG-YYZ

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 12:06 PM in Airline Press Releases

if only your airlines were real :P

#27870 Problem with new routes...

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 11:54 AM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

go to aircraft menu then select aircraft INFO (next to the aircraft with the hours).. then select the link on the menu (around bottom of the page) that says Place aircraft on new route.. well it happened to me to a few times.. this worked if it doesnt 4 you.. i can't do much from there.

#27868 Airline Empires VA

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 11:48 AM in Off Topic

is this for FS2002+ ??

#27867 Cancelling Orders

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 11:36 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I recently cancceled an order for a 1X CRJ-200ER , not knowing that there was no refund.. the information only clearly stated that all deposits would be withdrawn.. i got no refund and lost 2 weeks on saving a stash for this aircraft.. Im just suggesting that important things like cancelling aircraft should have direct information getting to the point ,eg. *cancelling the order will withraw all money spent on the aircraft and you will not receive any refund .

Im unhappy that i lost 2 weeks of changin routes and frequencies becasue off ppl constantly changing prices lowere each day, (i know your working on i, thanks :P )

It would be really bad for anyone to go through losing a well worked for A/C .. well people now know , READ CARFULLY

(and hopefully add that small text in with cancelling orders)

well i guess i better try to gain money becasue AE will soon be overpopulated again! THANKS TO THE CREATORS AND HELPERS OF AE!!

P.S i like what you've done to the place its great!

#27866 Cargo

Posted by Fly_Germany on 22 January 2006 - 11:27 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

i hope they fix up the ticket price thingy up! cargo can wait till later.. Cargo is a good idea also, i would like to see it sometime in the future!

#26832 Please make credit useful for something!!!!!

Posted by Fly_Germany on 12 January 2006 - 07:07 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

weres the credit page on ur player page?? .. i cant find it!

#26831 Scheduled Resets

Posted by Fly_Germany on 12 January 2006 - 07:04 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

YES , we really need sheduled resets, i started AE around a month ago , after being crushed under the changing prices and DOP's .. after 3 trys i gave up for a few weeks.. i made finally got profitable then some lad came over with 2 a320s totally wipin out my DOP.. i dont care, its happend enough so im used to it, if we have the sheduled reset it sthouldnt be every month i think.. mayby 2 months and mayby if u become a large airline in that game, or now, u can get a rank ... in the sheduled reset u keep the rank (junior CEO , Senior CEO etc...) and if u have more experience with ur rank (totl hours played on AE) , ur DOP will get a slightly higher outcome since your airline will have a good reputation and will be liked becasue of the airlines overall age in operation.. more of a passengers liking to ur airline becasue of its experience basically.. just another suggestion i will add..

IM 110% positive that a sheduled reset would help everyone out!! but with the airlines that have a lot of experience (if youve been online for a month overall etc..) if the reset plan goes ahead, should get some sort of bonus... so that they dont always have to restart.. cause some might not bother working up again

#24779 Allience

Posted by Fly_Germany on 07 December 2005 - 12:31 PM in Alliances

Thanks for the info.. but my DOP has risen SLIGHTLY, making a profit SLIGHTLY. I will hang on until im gone.... My DOP is changing directions every day.. But once im out of that habit (more routes and aircraft) i will be fine... ITS ALL A RISK ON THE FIRST FEW WEEKS... , I have 1 extra aircraft and i am relying on basically a few routes.. thanks