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There have been 36 items by Don Baker (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#286670 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 06:10 PM in New Players and Questions

By demand displayed you mean the blue demand bar? On an uncontested route, Matching seats to demand should be full planes with the default ticket pricing. I could supply half the demand and try to get the price up for those who just have to go but have no seat but I haven't found doubling the price  to work as consistently as other airlines I've noted.

Do you also know the mechanics of making doubled pricing work? I've noticed an airline with double pricing on every route I checked. Entering those markets I only get LF of 25% or so and don't get the advantage of gouging the fare.

I only ask for fairness sake. 


I understand picing ashould not  increase demand although I might take a trip ?I wouldn't have it the price is $5. That would leave enough for a cocktail at the destination bar.

#286668 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 05:25 PM in New Players and Questions

I think what I'm asking is if another airline decides to over supply the route do they bring their own passenger revenue, too or are they just expecting to depart with these seats empty until the market decides they are the better airline and pax shift from the first to the second?  Or does the first airline just have a chance at a bigger pie brought by the second?

#286667 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 05:16 PM in New Players and Questions

Thanks. I don't understand I guess. That sounds like the demand I see listed means that many pax would fly my airline if I had seats available but for another airline some may not feel the same so his demand would be different. I was thinking, I guess, demand is the total number of pax that want to go from point A to Point B. Uncontested, I should be able to match seats with demand and build a reputation for getting them point A to point B. I should be able to set fares to profitable for me and satisfactory to the pax. I assume some pax only make their travel if the price is right while some have no choice but to pay the full fare. I should see the market share chart totally the demand, no?

#286665 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 03:05 PM in New Players and Questions

I'm wondering, too, if someone can explain what it takes to be able to fill a plane with pricing double the default on uncontested routes. This seems an advantage. Certainly if revenue is where it all comes from having twice the revenue as the competition has to be. I've tried doubling the suggested price but usually only fill 1/4 capacity. with a positive DOP still but too empty.

#286664 Passenger Dynamics

Posted by Don Baker on 12 March 2021 - 02:27 PM in New Players and Questions

I would like to encourage competition on routes since, IRL, at most airports you will see takeoffs by a variety of companies.

I'm not sure how the passenger demand is accounted for. It seems in market share there are many more flyers than the demand would indicate. For example demand might be 2828 but airline A is enplaning 2114 and airline B is enplaning 2039. Traffic is 4153 enplaned on a demand of 2828. Is this extra demand created by Airline B and his alliance?

I ask because it seems to me 2828 daily demand is enough to support at least 2 airlines but it's not clear which demand I should try to split. if I have 1414 seats as a reputable airline I should be covering my share of the demand. Is the actual demand the sum total of pax carried or are all the pax above demand connecting pax and always there for the airline in an alliance?


#286646 Route Reputation???

Posted by Don Baker on 08 March 2021 - 06:51 PM in General AE Discussion

I don't understand how an airline with a poorer route reputation gets a higher percentage of pax for the same price simply by adding flights to a serviced route. I'm not sure if aircraft types are considered by the pax, as I know certain ones are preferred by some but most have no preference until rhey hear of major problems. 

#286645 How are turnaround times set?

Posted by Don Baker on 08 March 2021 - 06:39 PM in General AE Discussion

I think there are statistics for average time it takes to unload 220 people and reload another 220 people. We had turn times of about 1 minute on our Beech 99's if I could squeeze everyone out the door.  Often times the FO would just shut down the port engine and the turnaround was a few seconds.

#286644 1 dollar routes?

Posted by Don Baker on 08 March 2021 - 06:21 PM in New Players and Questions

I notice to if you add flights without 3 classes the prices for the unused classes will be set to $1. Makes a little sense since there are no seats but I'm not sure if the program looks at $1 vs $1,249 for a 1st class seat as a good deal when dividing the available traffic betwwen the airlines.

When I try to match his $1 price it seems the program reacts as if it's odd to charge $1 for for class yet 100's of dollar for coach and the equation lower price= more pax isn't necesssarily true.

#286643 Calling on New Players

Posted by Don Baker on 08 March 2021 - 04:47 PM in New Players and Questions

Okay, Hi I'm Don. I have been looking for an airline simulation for a long time since I gave up making my own. I think this is very close to what I had envisioned. I grew up working for a small commuter and, I guess, I enjoy the numbers that can be generated. I very much enjoye my time with the little airline but this was back at deregulation time and my employer was absorbed into the industry that didn't seem as much fun as the little airline, do everything, situation I was in. Everything from checking in irate Pax to pulling planes (Beech B99's) from the hangar. 

As I understand it, This game is meant to be played to achieve the number one ranking by competing against the programming but not necessarily competing as airline against airline in a particular market.

Perhaps you can explain how certain things can happen.

I noticed one player who doubled the default pricing on his uncontested routes and simply enjoyed twice the revenue. When I try setting the price slightly over default I see a dropoff in pax. Is this a trick or just maybe route specific where one can make this adjustment?

Also. I seem afffected by another player joining a route but without F class flights so his price is set at $1. He has no seats to steal my pax but I'd hate to fly 2000 miles knowing I paid $300 when I ould have paid $1. No IFS seems to make it better.

#286630 IFE configuration screen

Posted by Don Baker on 04 March 2021 - 01:18 PM in New Players and Questions

Yeah, that one. I guess I was looking to turn on wifi and audio independent of the number of TV screens per seat.

#286605 IFE configuration screen

Posted by Don Baker on 27 February 2021 - 12:17 AM in New Players and Questions

I'm wondering if I should be able to select the inividual features of the IFE as the dialog box does not seem to display check boxes.