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There have been 307 items by travelhouse (Search limited from 13-June 23)

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#58852 Sim 1 now for sale airbus a300b4

Posted by travelhouse on 30 November 2008 - 11:00 PM in Game Discussion (SIM1)

With a reset due there isnt much point trading your aircraft...

#58873 Too easy to make money?

Posted by travelhouse on 01 December 2008 - 10:25 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Many players made a point that sim2 needs to be fast, this is why there are two running sims, sure some players have massive aircraft, however those who do have A333's in their fleet must be in a massive negitive and will have a day or two in revenue to make credit again.

Remember, some aircraft will not be able to be placed on some routes, the used aircraft market is working from what I see so as sim2 is beta and a testing ground for developers we must wait and see if its needed to turn it down a notch.....

Time will tell....:whchair:

#59016 [Resolved] Adjust B752 & B738

Posted by travelhouse on 06 December 2008 - 03:39 AM in Bugs

Just moved this to the bugs section where it will be viewed and looked into.

#59060 [Resolved] No aircraft actually delivered month end Sept Year 1

Posted by travelhouse on 07 December 2008 - 12:52 PM in Bugs

Tobias isnt on line right now - Sunday and a day of rest, but I have asked Tobias to look into this, when he does have time - sit back and relax all :GroupH::party:

#59066 [Resolved] No aircraft actually delivered month end Sept Year 1

Posted by travelhouse on 07 December 2008 - 02:06 PM in Bugs

Mine also was not delivered one whould expect that ALL players AC was not delivered, Tobias will look into this when he is back on line and will more than most, re-run the delivery script.

#59192 [Outdated] a/c delivery every hour, time has stopped

Posted by travelhouse on 09 December 2008 - 05:43 PM in Bugs

Debit - ;):P

Want a loan I got lot's of credit (Going rate is 40%) :Jester

#59213 [Outdated] a/c delivery every hour, time has stopped

Posted by travelhouse on 09 December 2008 - 09:25 PM in Bugs

Reset done - I hope in the future this will never happen again, I set up an additional test server on the weekend, just have to provide accounts to some users. On this server we will test any new features/changes/bugfixes in the future before we deploy it to the game server for few days, this should prevent situations like today.

Very sound and valid way to Beta before adding ;)

#59234 What is the capital of Iceland?

Posted by travelhouse on 10 December 2008 - 03:57 PM in Off Topic

I think the point of the joke had been missed there!

Posted Image

Oh my - bite into this

Record unemployment levels have been announced today as the Credit Crunch tightens it’s grip.
Worst hit sectors are the construction trade and Icelandic bank robbers.


Life is getting tough even for the Royals

Posted Image

#59239 What is the capital of Iceland?

Posted by travelhouse on 10 December 2008 - 04:45 PM in Off Topic

Oh dear, that's treason Janice!

nahhh just a joke, who knows the way the £ is dropping it will not be long till we all cant even buy McDonalds:p

#59282 [Resolved] return gates produces error / negative gates as a result

Posted by travelhouse on 11 December 2008 - 04:53 PM in Bugs

SQL/DB Error -- [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]

SQL/DB Error -- [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND time >=' at line 2]

Are two statements I receive within my opening page

#59285 [Resolved] return gates produces error / negative gates as a result

Posted by travelhouse on 11 December 2008 - 05:25 PM in Bugs

Reset - Could be a simple solution - but as the clock just started to tick and there is no gates, then the Anti-Cheat Staff need to look ino IP's and remove all those who have duplicate / 3 / 4 /10 and more airlines setup

AE is ONE Player = ONE airline - some and you only need to look at names / reg numbers have several setup against AE rules.

So, my way would be to solve this:

1. Double the amount of Gates as did happen within sim1 not long ago

2. Have the Cheat Police go into the IP's and remove airlines that fail to honor the AE Laws and Rules.

There are only 300 set up now wouldnt take long to check IP's

(Those removed will have to start again and their IP's will be on a log that will be recorded by the Cheat Police)

Just a suggestion......

#59299 [Resolved] return gates produces error / negative gates as a result

Posted by travelhouse on 11 December 2008 - 07:02 PM in Bugs

As far as removing "duplicate" airlines with the same IP address, we have to remember that some people are playing legitimately from one IP (i.e. I know at least three people including myself who play AE at my school and we all share one IP address to the outside).

Agree, there is no easy format to attack but names / IP / Consecective or close reg numbers plus looking at airlines that open today and just hold gates, we must look into their activity, it may be action taken over a week, but those who are abusing the game play should be removed.

My son and I have an account with AE and YES we both share the same IP as many other offices and schools do the same.

I am sure some have suggestions as to how to stop cheating, we need to look at all avenues.

#59332 [Resolved] Route auto pricing problem

Posted by travelhouse on 12 December 2008 - 07:44 PM in Bugs

Airline ScotsAir
very lucrative routes, like FRA-CDG are listed as giving 100% load with a price of $3.450. You edit and recalculate price with auto price, sets the price to $245 and give you 75/80% load.

No - its not a bug and if you was to take time to read the post below your post you will have your answer.

I will close off this post as its not a bug.

Please take time to read forums before announcing issue thanks

#59369 Money problem , again!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 15 December 2008 - 10:01 AM in Bugs

read forum Post

Next time search before you alarm the forum with new posts.

#59372 Money problem , again!!!

Posted by travelhouse on 15 December 2008 - 10:30 AM in Bugs

no mr
you read better , before you offend someone again
1. My problem is not the like the one mentioned in yr link. Read again.
2. the link you mention , says resolved. Well obviously i wouldn't alarma the forum for a resolved matter.
I think we have an attitude problem in this forum.

Today, 09:24 AM
AE Developer

Posted Image Re: [Resolved] Funds not being deducted for aircraft?
Now fixed finally - I have charged for all delivered aircrafts

Iam like you I had 6m in credit but in the past I have purchased NEW aircraft and according to the Tobias and his post in that link I have at 09:24am he made ALL funds subtract from accounts, so that has also left me in a negitive.

Now who is right?

#59375 [Resolved] Funds not being deducted for aircraft?

Posted by travelhouse on 15 December 2008 - 11:05 AM in Bugs

Ah great... hit at a great time... time to sell those aircraft -.-

Yes, had a credit and thought I will buy 2 gates and bingo, while on line went from $6m credit to Minus $34m

Sold my AC too guess thats one good thing about this used market, we get funds now and dont have to wait for a sale.

#59382 [Resolved] Negative funds after changeover despite no purchases

Posted by travelhouse on 15 December 2008 - 02:51 PM in Bugs

As for Travelhouse , he rushed on answering (in a rude way) on a topic without actualy understanding, as a result he offered no help , as my problem was different than the link he posted.

Wrong again

read my sign:Censor:

#59383 [Resolved] Negative funds after changeover despite no purchases

Posted by travelhouse on 15 December 2008 - 02:54 PM in Bugs

I can't relate all the figures exactly, but when I woke up this morning, I had -$360,000 on the 3rd of the month. My gate leasing costs were about $2,600,000. When I went to bed, I had over $5,500,000, and my DOP is about $393,000. So if I last logged in ten hours ago, shouldn't I now have somewhere around:

$5,500,000 + (cash on hand when I went to bed)
$786,000 + (revenue this month)
$3,930,000 - (April revenue while I was sleeping)
$2,600,000 = (gate costs last month, taken at changeover)

$7,616,000 ???

I can't figure out where my money went, I didn't buy (couldn't afford) any new planes last month. Looks like I can't this month, either...

ETA: I read the other thread, and I didn't buy any planes last month for which I was charged 50%, either, so I don't think it's that.

As you did word your issue in full, and I can only go by what Tobias told me, and the developers said:

You have ordered NEW aircraft in the past and the system didnt take fund, today I have made it that all back monies have been taken

#59409 LF Script adjustments?

Posted by travelhouse on 19 December 2008 - 07:38 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Couldn't stick this in the other thread since it's locked. I first want to point out that I'm a fan of the new LF script. It brings back the challenge of running an airline against others. ;) However I've noticed that on a few occasions the LF script cut some route profits too much. I tried creating routes like PHX-AUS and PHX-DAL 1x on a Q400 but they give negative profits. US and WN can both make profit on these routes. I believe some of the "old" new cities haven't been calculated yet but the above airports have.

I'm just pointing out that some of the readjusted airports are a little below what they should be. Still, thanks to the developers for working on the game. :)

Keeping on topic, I have found that many locations within Europe also fall well below past returns (Original Airports / not lastest additions), also tried Q400 and even lesser ATR42-500 still negitive returns. In past rounds these would take no less than 7 or 8 routes with a Q-400.

Not sure how many (Latest Data) locations were adjusted, perhaps Tobias would like to pass comment?

#59425 LF Script adjustments?

Posted by travelhouse on 22 December 2008 - 03:04 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

There are issue with the data of many locations, having just invested over $29m in gates all over the sim2 world, I have managed to locate 1 in 6 that do produce some return, there are many of this % that are only able to be serviced with a B1900 for if you place the ART42 on it the return falls below profitable margins.

Development staff do need to look at why those locations in sim2 are not performing.

Those locations are easy to note, just look at the gate numbers for and against 120/120 - 75/75 or 50/50 means nil purchased, with these non-performing locations it makes it hard to build an empire, for which this game is all about.:thumbdown:

#59428 Taking requests for airports to add to Sim2

Posted by travelhouse on 22 December 2008 - 11:38 PM in Game Discussion (SIM2)

Someday, I hope the load factors are changed to allow smaller airports to be economically viable as it might be fun to run a small regional airline in a place like the Philippines but I can't really complain as the AE team does a heck of a job making this free game a lot of fun.

This comment will be worthy of serious talks within development team, there should be a reward for running a small inter-island airline like you have stated, one day soon one does hope that the less profitable destinations will be improved to grant your request. ;)

#59429 [New] Route auto pricing problem

Posted by travelhouse on 22 December 2008 - 11:51 PM in Bugs

I need to say I do not agree that this is fixed. The thread travelhouse pointed to refers to the LF changes, the problem described is another.

Auto-Price does not find the best revenue for all routes I tried it vs. manual pricing. It is not even close to the optimum price. You can easily set the price higher manually and get higher revenue.

Please try that on any 100%-route, in my experience it works everytime.:eureka:

Sorry, I need to say auto-price does not work currently. ;)

Example of this is clear with some players taking full advantage of it:

example: http://www.airlineem...1=HND&city2=SZX

Adding to this, the manual setting of a route and adding more capacity you can acheive more higher pricing, thus the above example is proof.

#59448 [Resolved] False "Hacker Alert" Message

Posted by travelhouse on 24 December 2008 - 08:03 PM in Bugs

please use search for hacker alert? you will see many topics and the answers within

#59449 [Resolved] Cant declare declare bankruptcy

Posted by travelhouse on 25 December 2008 - 09:30 AM in Bugs

Just a thought:

If you have declared within past two weeks before, then you will have to wait before you can declare again could be why.

#59451 [Resolved] Cant declare declare bankruptcy

Posted by travelhouse on 25 December 2008 - 06:49 PM in Bugs

but at the same time it's not very helpful. :ssleepy:

Yes the original poster needs to reply with more info.