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There have been 17 items by TheLastBaronW (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#289382 What do you like about AE?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 15 November 2021 - 05:13 PM in General AE Discussion

It's a wonderful concept but horribly abused by punks that spam the s*** out of it.  There is no way some clown can operate 15 747s between PHX and JFK with five other airlines competing for seats.  The game should bankrupt his spamming little ass in one day, but somehow, these losers think they've really captured the market.  They call it winning.  The real world calls it cheating.  If not for that, which is a wide spread and pervasive problem, this would be a great game.  But, let the little spammers whine about how it's all part of it -- when their break is over, it's back to mopping french fry grease off the floor.  If the developers wanted to do one thing that would make this the supreme sim game online today, they'd make sure anyone cheating the system is gone in a day's worth of business.  Make the consequences for spamliners so cost prohibitive they can't stay in the game.  Play right square or be gone. 


ABSOLUTELY and 100% ON POINT.  Maybe we should start naming names? Although I doubt these punks would care and just laugh and call us 'boomers.'  :disgusted:

#289381 What do you like about AE?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 15 November 2021 - 05:09 PM in General AE Discussion

I used to love this game. Lately, not so much... I came here by way of Airline Online, Frank Zimmermann's magnum opus, which was the best of them all and I was sorry to see it fly away.


Playing here used to be a good substitute for it. I've met some fine players here who, like me, have been around for a while, but lately it seems the game is attracting only players whose sole motivation is 'to win' at all costs, by any means possible - whether that's cheating by oversaturating every market they can, whether it's forming pacts (not alliances) behind the scenes with one or two other players to then 'gang up' on others like cheap thugs (yes, there are a lot of them!), whatever - the point is that those players should be supervised more closely and possibly be confined to games especially designed for them - where 'winning is all that matters' might actually be the sole object of the game. Could something like that ('Free for all, no rules') be arranged to get them all out of the regular games?


As for me (and I know I speak for a number of other longtime players here), it's the game that counts - from playing it fairly, trying to get to know co-players, all the way through the enjoyment of seeing your 'baby' grow or having to bail out and start over. If you happen to play well enough to win or be in the top 10 in a game, well, that's just the icing on the cake, not the be all, end all reason for being here.


(Steps off soapbox, exits stage right)

#289383 What do you like about AE?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 15 November 2021 - 05:15 PM in General AE Discussion

i am wondering here "bad"..... i am wondering if this "the post above" is the maddest you can get ? or is their

anything else some of us "tired players" can do to really get you to have an even bigger sissy melt down..


can you just have your stoke and get it over with already???? a brain freeze ? or even a hemorrhage.


something, anything.... just stop repeating yourself.... we all heard you the first 8 times....


We shouldn't have to 'stoke it' and 'get over it' and be made to feel bad for 'sissy meltdowns.' You belong right in with the punks if you feel that way.

#289407 Lease payments

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 19 November 2021 - 05:15 AM in O2-6 Archive

post in the New Players and Questions forum.

Gee thanks, prick

#289408 Lease payments

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 19 November 2021 - 05:16 AM in O2-6 Archive

post in the New Players and Questions forum.

Gee thanks, prick


the way to solve this is by making your workers lose their home and riot against the company for paying a non-living wage

Already doing that. Thanks for the hot tip, sanctimonious dickhead.

#289288 Lease payments

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 08 November 2021 - 12:28 PM in O2-6 Archive

Newbie here so be gentle please


I have plenty of cash in my airline but constantly get warnings that my lease payments have not occurred. How do I fix this so the payments happen automatically and my aircraft are not reposessed?


Thank you.

#289225 Regal, R1, seeking new owner!

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 01 November 2021 - 07:29 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

No time for my airline, now ranked no. 1 in R1 at $8,704,631,529,660 

Need to concentrate more on smaller new babies in other games. If you'd be interested in cleaning up the current airline (tons of new a/c need to be scheduled, old ones replaced, etc. please send a PM. Great opportunity for a newbie to take over an airline with large cash reserves and see if he/she can keep up the success and keep it flying.



#289927 Add sort by Age to Aircraft Screen

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 25 January 2022 - 02:03 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

It would be useful when trying to update large fleets. 

#289892 My Route Map, My Alliance Map Not Working

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 20 January 2022 - 05:45 PM in General AE Discussion

Hello all, after Chrome's latest update and some Win 10 recent new update I find the features above no longer working. The two maps - alliance and route - just bring up blank pages without even the basic world map. Has anyone else encountered these bugs/glitches?

#287710 Is there any way - Lease Payments

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 24 June 2021 - 05:50 AM in New Players and Questions

Every month my lease payments are late (gotta earn the cash first?) and I get warning notices that the lease payment(s) have failed. I've bought out on of my aircraft but is there a way to change the lease due date to later in the month so this doesn't happen anymore and none of my aircraft is at risk?

All advice appreciated. Many thanks in advance,

Your pal,


Captain Zippy

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#287712 Is there any way - Lease Payments

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 24 June 2021 - 09:37 AM in New Players and Questions


#287718 Il 14 looks like a

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 24 June 2021 - 04:24 PM in O2-6 Archive

Um, who cares?  XD  XD  XD

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#287742 No used aircraft for sale? Why not?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 26 June 2021 - 11:57 PM in O2-6 Archive

Is there some reason? Enquiring minds would love to know...

#287963 No used aircraft for sale? Why not?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 31 July 2021 - 12:37 PM in O2-6 Archive

Because nobody's put them up for sale yet? What kind of question is this?

A question from someone who is not that familiar yet. Rude.

#287896 Bond default warning

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 21 July 2021 - 01:11 PM in New Players and Questions

Thanks. Chalked up to learning experience. 

#287884 Bond default warning

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 20 July 2021 - 12:05 AM in New Players and Questions

Hello all, I have plenty of cash, but keep getting these. I can't see any repayment option so what do I do? Help much appreciated.

#287717 Where does the cash go?

Posted by TheLastBaronW on 24 June 2021 - 04:21 PM in O2-6 Archive

You have expenses other then aircraft leasing. Also, this isn't the right forum section at all.

Would have been nice to tell him which forum section *is* the right on, wouldn't it have been?  :rofl2:

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